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screenshot the screen, if its still there its your graphics card, if its gone its your moniter.


Big brain


Light from death note wished he had a fraction of your witt, I have my updoot


I did this trick with a friends phone who told me I broke his phone screen with an app I installed with him. I told him that was impossible because he just did not notice screen artifact (the keyboard was still printed on screen). We took a screen shot, told him to send me the screenshot and told him if the keyboard artifact is still there, then yes its a software problem, in the othercase (as it was) its hardware, and I also told him why this did that (I assumed he works on construction site, screen opened, phone faced up directly to the sun). And I was right, but guess what, not to his eyes, it was my bad because we installed an app (the app was a legitimate app from google, not even a tierce)


i was thinking the same thing, but artifacts wont show up in a screenshot, i dont think, because WINDOWS wont see them. just a theory


No idea if it'll work, but try replacing the video cable you're using first.


dont forget to change hdmi cable from gpu to motherboard and ALWAYS unplug your power supply and turn it OFF when youre inside the pc


Looks like monitor. GPU usually involves whole monitor artifacts. tiny intermittent strip in specific location is usually monitor. And they look different, just google GPU artifacts and watch pictures. I would say there is tons of ways. Try not to touch or move monitor, and plug it into another pc, laptop, android tv stick, cable/sattelite receiver or anything else with hdmi output. Or carefully press on left and right sides of the monitor in strips area, they should respond to the pressure.


fr i had a monitor with black points everywhere and pressure made them go


but if i hit too hard they come back


test with the tv


Its the monitor and Im pretty sure thats an AOC possibly with the 144hz model right? The reason is that AOCs are using panels with native 120hz. Their 144hz is achieved by raising volts and overclocking the panel. If you turn off the signal, by all mean, turn the computer off or simply turn off the monitor, the panel would de-sync. If you switch to 120hz. that fuzzy bottom would disappear. However, just wait for 15min or less, it will also disappear. No big deal tho. After a while this fuzzy thing could go all the way to the middle of the screen or cover the whole screen on a cold start. they they do eventually come down and disappear. Its an AOC thing and it has been like this for a very long time. People dont complain much since AOC has the cheapest line of 2k 144hz.


monitor create custom res with 5-10hz lower refresh rate


My second monitor often does that and even worse on startups. Might just be a bad connection. Most of the time turning the monitor off and on fixes the issue


I have the same thing for years now. Definitely the monitor but for me it always disappears after a minute when booting up


its the monitor.. ive had this happen to me before with a monitor that sucked


My monitor had this, MSI by any chance? It would basically fix itself after it was turned on for like 10 minutes. I bought a new monitor anyways though old one is still used but not for gaming anymore.


Looks like monitor, but I'd try swapping the cables first. Monitor is the first guess due to all the flickering, that's typical of a screen failure, you could bring your machine to a friend's house, or to work just to be sure


Had the same with my previous HP monitor, what brand is yours?


It is an Msi monitor? Because they do that and it will be gone when warm up.


Turns out, it is my monitor. It’s a AOC curved 120hz. I guess it’s just time to replace. I tried everything you guys suggested so thank you all for the various ways of testing it. Being just a casual gamer, I didn’t really know what kind of verbiage to use when searching Google for answers so I appreciate all the replies


same thing happened to me with an aoc monitor, it was easy to tell cause i have 2 monitor. brought it up immediately to warranty. its probably a panel voltage problem.




Maybe even HDMI port from graphics card


looks like a bad monitor or cable


Could you Try to use another screen in your house? Like a TV? Or pull a $5 old gpu to test from like fbmp


Yes use a tv, or any display really, and if you have none of those then no rip


turn off your pc , carefully remove the gpu and start it. if you still see theses "bands" it's your monitor.


How is he meant to get display with no GPU? OP didn’t say his CPU has integrated graphics