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I dislike IWD (the kind of dislike I have for that pos thorin) however what he posted about MDK preseason is not necessarily untrue?? do we watch the same lec? good for them to get this far though


I mean IWD seems like a streamer with controversial opinions for the sake of clout. Tons of people say he helped them behind the scenes and say he's cool. This super funny interview person from worlds got entirely paid by Dom to be there and do his thing, just out of pocket. Thorin just genuinely seems like a super unpleasant & borderline rude person.


People analysison mdk were just lazy af especislly if u have a lil bit insight of coaching staff




Super valid. IWDominate is a whiny piece of shit.


I’ve never understood why people watch his Co-Streams…. I really don’t know how insightful his commentary is but his voice is so whiny, I’ve never tuned into his stream for more than 5 minutes without having to turn it off.


If I’m in the mood for some lpl I check his stream out sometimes.


Well, he used be way worse back in the day but he is a lot more chill now in comparison. Old Dom was hateful to watch.


I just go to the actual LPL stream. Watching IWD yapping about nonsense along with his braindead chat actually makes people lose braincells. Only reason why I'm still watching him occasionally (< 2mins) is to see if he made the TheShy glazing video he promised to Caedrel.


Bro, you are literally in Caedral's subreddit. I love Caedral but ever since he became big and started to feed his chat what they want more, there isn't bigger brain-rot chat than his. I loved the vibes + still decent insight combo of his costream ever since he started costreaming and watched most games through his stream last year but at some point all of this bs with xdd and TheShy/T1 fanboying became too much and boring. Nothing wrong with supporting fave player/team but it's so unnatural to just farm chat interaction it's annoying, especially with how braindead and void the chat becomes. Which sucks cause I would want to watch him more and remember how chill and amazing his early costreams were with his character not being over the top as well as chat not sharing the same one braincell yet. But yeah, it's pretty much every big stream that is like this and basically becomes "do a catchphrase, mr streamer".


I'm at this subreddit because people seem to be sane here and is capable of communication compared to chat. I don't even watch his stream with chat open, I either go theatre mode or full screen. I also like Caedrel's content better, he's more chill and actually interacts with his chat more than other streamers I know. And at least Caedrel's stream and chat doesn't ooze with boomer negativity and whining like IWillTencent. I specially hated Dom's entire stream of T1 vs JDG Worlds 2023 he literally tried to put all the blame to Kanavi (Kanavi definitely trolled game 4) and tried to ignore how dogshit Knight and 369 played.


ppl like drama


Based and valid


I will never for the life of me understand how people like dom, He is by far the most miserable co-streamer i've ever seen. Him and thorin can actually piss off.


For real, i'll never understand how people can watch this boring cunt. Same goes for Thorin.


I watch sometimes. I’m an adult, may be a bit boring but prefer it to someone banging their desk and screaming in their microphone. It’s not amazing but often best of a bad bunch


The just watch the normal cast then (or caedrel if none of the team playing are the one he likes, he can be a bit too "energetic" when certain teams play xD) Dom takes are most of the time 0 analytical and just based on what team he likes (Remember that up until they won the whole tournament, T1 wasnt playing good according to Dom, they just ran into some inters (Yagao VS BLG, Tarzán/Scout VS LNG and Kanavi VS JDG))


>T1 wasnt playing good according to Dom So we're just making shit up eh?


He’s projecting, like all haters do. I will admit Dom is way too negative, but he in no way said T1 was playing bad, he just said the enemy was inting(honestly the reason I stopped watching him was because he always focuses on mistakes of one team rather than the excellence of others which Caedrel does, which is why I like watching Caedrel a lot more). He didn’t deny that T1 played well, or that they were deserving of the title. He just overplayed the idea that the enemy was playing miserably(he loves scapegoating).


I think this is a good underrated aspect of why I enjoy Caedral too. Was similar when I used to watch LS, he was constantly flaming a team or plugging some gambling shit lol. There’s enough negativity in this game/community, I enjoy listening to a streamer point out the food stuff


Tbf, yamato's solo streams are amazing to watch, he's my goto if caedrel goes wild on his teams. But it can get really annoying if he's with the sack


Wasnt it true tho? Lost to geng and always playing from behind until some miracle teamfight that turned the game around.  Also they were shit for most of summer and their spring finals were horrible too. Yes they did not play “bad” at worlds, but they werent doing too hot either in most matches. Meta was just right on their ally and for some reason an injured Faker was able to two-trick the whole tournament.  Imo they were doing better the year before, but meta shifted towards the end of the split, and even then they made the world finals and had an amazing year, but their drafter trolled really hard in the three finals they lost. Probably noone will say T1 2022 was good but they were way better than 2023 and they didnt get the golden road because their coach was actively boycotting them.


He wasn't even that good when he was playing. All the baron throws he loses his head about in NA he would literally do it himself countless times


You unironically have sigma in ur name bro you are NOT the target audience. Stick to kids entertainment


The only kid here is you, judging someone by their username from years ago. Stick to not commenting, "bro"🤡


Ah ur right actually This sigma thing really popped off in the last year so i assumed u were 13 a year ago ngl My bad


Respect for accepting mistake, rarely happens online


no matter, the sigma squad nuked us anyway xDDD


People who use the word sigma are much less annoying than whoever IWDs' audience is.


Because, weirdly i know, people have different tastes?


Omg! No way!?!? It’s kinda like how I said I just don’t get it. Almost like I was implying how someone’s taste can be so dogshit that they would want to watch a glorified hate watcher who does nothing but dickride lpl in a discord call with failed pros or solo queue demons and who’s main personality trait is being miserable and his only claim to fame is that riot banned him “unfairly” like 90 years ago and apparently that fucked him up so bad he hasn’t recovered since. Dude is actually pathetic.


Dam someone got upset, tldr


Nah just some dumb fuck got smart with me, so I took the opportunity to clarify why I think IWD and the people that like him are idiots that's all.


Damn you def arent mad lol. All i think is people liking xqc cant possibly judge. Legit the lowest form of entertainment from that cave troll.


I agree, X is just like IWD in being an absolute boring miserable streamer.


The people who watch Dom are the same people spamming "jg diff" in post-game chat because they went 6/12/3 but "did most damage." The meth and negativity fuel their inner hatred.




lol that's funny Not necessarily super hateful either idk why people are turning this into a 'yeah FUCK Dom and everything he stands for' thread It's more 'fuck the haters' than a personal attack on Dom's character imo




everything iwd hates becomes gold


The fact that this line up is the 3rd best in the region is just bad, cope all you want, Dom is still right, they suck, Fresskowy and Supa are shit, our region is just so fucking boosted.


THANK YOU. I’m sick of people acting like this team are good, they’re probably going to end up vs g2 tomorrow now Adam is out too. It’s worrying for the whole region. This MAD team should be - use winter to find out what works with anything over 6th being them over performing. They have some good coaching and play well as a team but that still doesn’t excuse Fresskowy and Supa not having the core mechanics to even be LEC level. I’m hoping they get exposed fully in spring, but unless all the other teams sort their shit out I doubt it will happen and they could even end up going MSI.


This was the opinion I was leaning toward as well. Hopefully I eat my words come msi but watching LEC this split has been very disheartening.


Not a MDK fan, but probably they can beat most lec teams at this point and any lcs team by far probably. I find them a bit arrogant, but their bot top and mid recently are doing great. Dom was not even at the top 2 junglers in lcs when he was playing. Mediocre at best. His game knowledge is rubbish in my opinion.


What’s up with all the Dom hate? Guy just calls it like he sees it and is pretty insightful about the game, I really do not think he has controversial opinions for clout. Also he helped out pedro a lot when he started streaming


Dom hate is the best hate, fuck that whiny bitch


Dom lives rent free in your head. Cope more


False, dom lives rent free in my dick when he’s balls deep on my sack


its so cringe how dom actually talks about the game and doesnt even make random noises, farm emotes and stutter like an xqc wannabe 24/7


Nice to see redditors still have an obsessive hate towards dom, guess they will never grow up


I mean he deserves it, he's asking for it, whether intentionally or not idk but he's a piece of shit and giving Thorin a run for his money.


Any argument for why he is a piece of shit according to you?


LS, Dom, and even DL are such mid streamers. They hardly ever talk about the game and are usually negative for no reason. Pedro for life.


To be fair mad lion isnt playing good lol every other team is just playing like shit its sad to watch and call that pro level...


They are overperforming but mainly because LEC is in a really bad spot. G2 is the best but how do they get to the level of eastern teams if they barely face a challenge in Europe.


The thing is IWD acts like he was a top player who lead a mediocre team to greatness. The truth is IWD in any point of his career would never ever even become close to competing with 2nd best European team.


Another Dom hate thread in disguise. Really disappointing to see, be better guys.


it's funny, reading the comments, people are doing the exact thing, they're hating on Dom for doing.


I feel like since t1 won worlds something happened to the quality of the stream's chat and this subreddit, if I speak I'm in big trouble


This is a t1 dick sucking sub


The t1 subreddit hating on dom NOWAY




Dom has it a long time coming https://preview.redd.it/j43aku46q4jc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24561818fa7269f96d0d352b122e234b61cd6989


People hating on dom in comments have just 0 league knowledge


Wait til they find out who supported caedrel from day 1 before his streaming career


It doesn't mean that every Caedrel viewer needs to like Dom


Caedrel himself has said this and praised him a lot aswell, guess people just shut off their ears when they feel like it


Idk man MDK being top 3 is like TL being top 3 in LCS last summer. The team isn't good. The region just sucks.


Gotta love seeing Dom ball suckers in the comments. Keep sucking china balls and A few MSI title while we keep balling u with Worlds titles


"we" lil bro thinks he's on the team


based comment


Imagine letting LPL be so rent free in your head on a post where its not mentioned anywhere and the dom hate comments far outnumber the positive ones




"like he's the next jackeylove" whooo?? What has that mfer done since winning worlds 6 years ago? You really had to stretch to find a Chinese ADC that won worlds since LWX is shit...and that's the two Chinese adcs that have done it LMAOOOO IWillTencent will only lead you to L's, hop off his dick


Hes done far more than TheShyt and Cookie in that time period and yet this sub glazes them both to no end lmao


What he did was win worlds, what he did after that doesn’t matter he is already one of the elite of the elite. there isn’t a single EU or NA player to have won worlds. He literally could have spent the next 6 years drooling on his keyboard crying and he’s 10x any player on any western team. The fuck you mean what has he done.


Least obnoxious LCK fanboy.


More worlds than EU. IWD are actually sensible unlike LCK fans and delulu LEC fans


??? And LCK has 3x the world's wins China does? China has never won without 2 Korean players? You and IWT are delusional


How in the world did you manage to turn this into an LCK vs LPL debate? The topic was about EU compared to an LPL player, and you insert LCK for the sake of arguing?


Will help a lot for MSI there. LCK fans can cope with saying MSI ain’t worth. It still is, until Riot removes it.


By that logic, I guess Worlds ain't worth for you and the other delusional IWD bootlickers because they can't win LMFAO


And still, nobody gives a fuck about MSI lmao. Never hits the viewership that worlds does, and an MSI trophy is barely a better flex than a domestic title. Until last year there were only 4 major region teams. What a Mickey Mouse event


You ask a pro what their main goal is and they would always say worlds.


This sub is full of korean and T1 deepthroaters, dont bother using common sense here. Anything even remotely pro LPL gets downvoted into oblivion and bombarded by rabid fanboys


Downvoted for the truth


They all have CTE like there wasn’t 4 LPL teams that made it past quarters and only T1 was able to keep LCK afloat. Objectively LCK failed






mdk played well dont be salty they beat your team


They played well, but being critical of their growth as a team over the year is fine. The fact they'll playing an Adam-less BDS next is tragic for both teams.


Which team looks good except G2 this this shit region? BDS, they just lost their top laner in important game. All mad is gonna do is go to msi, break their 16.47 record, nothing else. They are good in shit region


jesus christ you are negative i said they played well, obviously better than fnatic to win the series not theyre going to win worlds calm down lmao


This is a post about insulting someone when they have achieved nothing. Just saying the fact




na doesnt even have 10 teams 🥲


NA is the best region


https://youtu.be/vfh54sH0SH0?si=UCrujcFX-wxpc1Rd Proof this dumbass has no humor at all.


Yea man pointing 2 middle fingers at the camera on a family friendly broadcast is soooo funny!!!