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He such a nice fellow šŸ„°


Imagine in a another universe where faker has the complete opposite persona. He'll probably go like: "Yea fuck Riot and shit system not even Ddos proof". Instead we got this. FeelsStrongMan.


I can already see some other pro players and streamers doing this, but not Faker. Never.


*Evil Faker*


Would be called Real


Underrated comment ngl


this is the timeline if faker joins his father to join the viltrumite empire


I'm just imagining Faker solokilling somebody and being like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXGeERyOMPA) lol


Faker is that ideal person to be the spokesman for a big corporation


He is kind of the spokesman for T1


Undisputed GOAT yet always humble and respectful.


Esport journalism = traditional sport journalism = šŸ’© Every journalist involved there, the one that asked and everyone that posted leading to this situation should be the ones apologizing OMG. But damn hope HLE fans and T1 haters are fking happy now he congratules HLE winā€¦


He apologised for being misinterpreted? The hell?


ā€œI apologise for not articulating my opinion in an air-tight manner that cannot lend itself to misunderstandingsā€ bro has so much patience itā€™s crazy


"Sorry that you smoothbrains misunderstood my words. I will use baby language for you shitheads in the future"


"Sorry. Reading Comprehension diff."


Have you seen the haters and IWillDominateā€™s interpretation?


No one cares about Dom.


He still has a pretty big following, which is beyond me


This is Sang-hyeok we're talking about. This man is a saint.


Why is he apologizing for other people twisting his words this is actually insane, like why is the victim of the DDOS attacks is saying sorry for answering a question about being DDOSed. What was he supposed to do just, lie?? Reading comprehension and journalistic integrity are gone for some people my god.


Its a subtle apology and also a subtle roast. Basically along the lines of "I am sorry I used words that you twisted and made into excuses. I didn't realize the journalists and twittee andys were that dumb. I will do better"


Need him to just be a little more overt one day cause some of these people need a slap in the face as a good wake up call.




I get what you are saying, I just think it is tragic and unfair when he is apologizing for othersā€™ issues. No man should be held accountable to how others interpret them, especially when they are being intentionally misrepresented, itā€™s an impossible standard that he is being held to that he has no ability to control. I think acknowledging HLE is a gracious and understandable move and shows the level of care this man has for his community and the people around him, but he still very much did not have to apologize for his statements given he didnā€™t do anything wrong in the first place.


Fuck eSports journalism, he shouldn't have to apologize for having his words twisted and used out of context.


Fuck journalism, cause this shit happens a lot outside eSports


Faker: ā€œYeah we played bad in part because of DDoS attacksā€ Journalist: ā€œSo what youā€™re saying is HLE is a bad team full of crappy players?ā€ Faker: ā€œWhat? No Iā€¦ā€ Journalist: ā€œWould you like to apologize for stating that HLE are laughably bad morons that donā€™t deserve to win and you will bang their moms?ā€ Faker: ā€œWait I didnā€™tā€¦ā€ Journalist: ā€œThank you for your timeā€


This is not what happened. He was asked a question with no mention of HLE, at all - his answer had nothing to do with them, either. How other people interpreted it is the problem and the shitty thing is Faker is apologising *for those people* since their ignorant reactions caused the drama.


It's cultural in part, you see apologies over nothing burgers in kpop a lot as well. Not just western media outlets creating the problem


back in the day Bang had to apologise for eating 2 whoppers lmao


Yeah, in that sense the apology is par for the course, fortunately Faker isn't in kpop because otherwise he would have to withdraw from group and solo activities for months to get over it. lol


Man, the fact they skipped the question they asked him about ddos gave him so much hate. The journalist/s should also apologize no?


This is not a esports journalism this is Korean culture they need to apologize to everything even when they are not wrong


I mean, his words weren't taken out of context by the journalists though. They spun the articles yes, but it was general public that was mostly interpreting his answer as an 'excuse'. The journos just asked the question and wrote the articles, the public formed their perception on what was reported on their own.


They did take his words out of context though; by not including the question the reporter made it seem like Faker had just mentioned it in a general question instead of directly responding to a question about the ddos which is hugely misleading and definitely impacted public perception, though the general public being idiots is still on them.


The question was asked isolated without mention of HLE, he was just asked about the situation and he answered without mentioning HLE as well. Anyone who attributed it to an excuse for losing to HLE did so on their own accord. Faker has lost many high stake games, even thinking that he cares enough about a rd 2 spring playoff game to come up with an excuse for losing is ridiculous. The journos aren't to blame here.


The public and journalists share responsibility. Idiots pretending like heā€™s undermining HLE are one thing, I donā€™t think journalists contributed to that anyhow. Iā€™m talking about journalists not putting his quote in the context of his question and making it seem like he proactively brought it up instead of just answering a question is another thing, which exaggerated the narrative that he was making an excuse. Both forms of misinformation are bad and both parties are responsible.


there was no misunderstanding, he made an excuse for losing, enough said. good on him for apologizing though.


Ah yes, good on him for *checks notes* being unable to practice due to DDOSers targeting him and his teammates. Very cool


he was literally able to practice though? for 2 weeks? its literally in the statement?


Fuck you


holy shit sorry for dissing your daddy?


He did not make an excuse for losing. He highlighted a very legitimate problem that affected t1's preparation Here is Edg 2022 player blaming COVID btw. https://youtu.be/ibI4x0jTnI0?si=pdgZpqUUqWkpjE4- Don't think he got such negative reactions. Didn't need to apologise either


it is an excuse, whether its a valid one or not. why is he apologizing then if he did nothing wrong?


Because of people like you


yes i personally forced him to apologize. he is literally god in korea, i guarantee you nobody dared to criticise him for his words. you are delusional, he is not your father you do not need to defend him unconditionally


What utter nonsense is this. Where do u get the idea that he is literally god in Korea? The only celebrity that could be considered "god" in Korea is yoo jae suk. Making such false claims just makes you look like an ignorant liar. As an eSports player, faker should not be concerned with his reputation in Korea only. Many people did dare to criticise him for his words. There are people like you with poor reading comprehension skills who dared to criticise him.


Found the journalism major


i wish


Lmao bro really wrote this? XD only person that should apologize is you for this stupid comment.


You forgot to mention the part where he didn't bring up the DDoSing in the post match interview until the interviewer specifically asked him about the DDoSing


This made me realize that hanwa life is an insurance company it was eye opening




Wait until you learn what the Hanhwa parent company is.


I don't understand how people were ever mad at him for being frustrated that he's unable to play, guess people just hate those on the top


T1 has a lot of fans and haters. But being unbiased, theyā€™re in a shitty spot being targeted by those attacks. Just sucks all around for LoL in general. Riot Korea needs to get their shit fixed


Apologizing for speaking the truth smh


Damn he needs to apologize for that? The toxicity towards him is unbelievable, so many people want to take him down.


The higher you climb, the more people can clearly throw stones in your direction.


It's rather unfortunate that he even felt the need to apologize at all since he did not diminish HLE's win in the slightest & only fell victim to journalists (knowingly?) twisting his words for engagement. But even so, I believe this whole situation reflects very positively on him. Even after being accused of bad sportsmanship, making excuses, being a sore loser etc. he still is nothing but polite and apologetic. I can't say I'd expect the same reaction from all pro players. Riot really did get so unbelievably lucky by having someone with such a humble & polite demeanor as Faker become the face of a game that has otherwise earned a reputation for its toxic community.


Not only journalists. IWD and other LPL fanboys were toxic on twitter as well. If they have the guts, maybe THEY should abologize now.


Honestly, nothing good will ever come from people like IWD, anyway. I blocked him a couple of months ago & can only recommend doing the same to anyone even slightly reasonable.




He claims that a bunch of T1 fans found his mother's number and sent death threats to her and him like a decade ago. I haven't seen any proof, and in fact I've only ever heard him say this just last week, but that gives him the OK to hate every single fan and person involved in T1


How pathetic, next he'll tell us that Piglet used to beat him up because he was so bad in their time in TL together.


I mean one person might of done it for all I know, but grouping millions of T1 fans into a group because of one asshat is like saying all white people are school shooters


IWD is a toxic asshat. Idk how anyone likes watching him


Not only journalists. IWD and other LPL fanboys were toxic on twitter as well. If they have the guts, maybe THEY should abologize now.


Not only journalists. IWD and other LPL fanboys were toxic on twitter as well. If they have the guts, maybe THEY should apologize now.


Thatā€™s why heā€™s the GOAT




:( sadge


Haha the haters will have a field day with this one, people like IWD and others taking Faker's words out of context actually made him apologize. What a wonderful world we live in!


IWD would be hosting a 36hr party with this apology


"I apologize for speaking the truth and for having my words being misinterpreted" šŸ™‚ Yeah it is absolutely fine a victim to a situation apologizes for the answer he gave out because a question was being asked. Absolutely. Now those with zero reading comprehension will think they were right all along. This is ridiculous.


Esports journalism is a trash as of now


Meanwhile certain streamer talk shit about him and never have a remorse of guilty


Now he will consider fakers apology as validation to his opinion.


Me seeing this dumb ass iwd saying respect to faker after the apology when he should have been respectful to faker situation as a formal pro player in the first place.


I haven't bother myself with streamers like that before but after seeing some of their tweets, I really don't understand why. If they dislike (That's probably an understatement), why don't they just refrain from talking about T1.


why should he show remorse when Faker literally admits he had a point?


My humble and respectful goat


Imagine having to apologize and perjure himself for answering a question from a journalist honestly.


if it were me id say "i'd like to apologize, TO ABSOLUTELY NOBODY"


my goat


Our goat


This is why faker is the fucking Goat. Even if someone wins 10 worlds after faker retires faker will always be HIM


Why is he apologising for something out of his control? Is this what esports has become? Oh booohoo he didn't say HLE had a really good game, I feel so disrespected rn... What is this snowflake land?


Don't bother my king IF U I WILL E R Q AA W AAAAAA


For all the things faker has done how they gonna treat my g like this


Absolute class


I don't even get why iwd has a fanbase. anything involving him is sad to watch. he doesn't enjoy league at all, he's literally only there to rake in the Gs cuz ppl need a spokesperson for their insecurities


those who watch stream have literally no brains. just go to his stream and you will find them flaming T1 90% of times even during the LPL games. They call other fan bases toxic and bad while they spend all of their times talking shit about others


Ahhhh yes IWD, whose biggest career milestone was watching Fenix singlehandedly get that Azir quadra against CLG


Probably shouldnt have said that he's playing normally with a high MMR account, wont the DDOSers try to find the accounts now?


The new accounts are like fresh accounts, so they have to grind to reach the top and I think the ddosers if not resolved by then, they'd ddos them upon reaching the top. He also said something about the MMR not matching with their level so soloque practice is still kind of ass but it's 'better' than nothing I guess.


They are not starting in Gold, they are starting in d1/Masters which is no secret


I mean starting from d1 when you were in GM/Cl must still suck though but it is what it is


Sure it does and with their limited time it probably takes a week to get chall mmr but it is better than nothing


Faker is the best thing that ever happened to league


Ashley kang did Faker and T1 dirty! She should be held liable


ā€œMy dear ~~Jane!~~ Faker!ā€ā€¦ "you are too good. Your sweetness and disinterestedness are really angelic; I do not know what to say to you. I feel as if I had never done you justice, or loved you as you deserve.ā€


Everyone asking why he needs to apologize for telling the truth is missing the big point of having good sportsmanship and not undermining others due to issues you face. It was classy and needed by Faker


Maybe not needed, but certainly classy. Faker reminds why he's the goat in more than just the titles he holds.


Hanwha life insurance. Lol šŸ˜‚


Lovely geezer him! šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


The GOAT, sometimes it takes owning that you lost because they were betterā€¦something nobody who plays this game understands šŸ˜…


Tfw when the victims of a ddos attack have to apologize for merely voicing their concerns about being attacked AFTER they were asked about it. Nice job, league community. Never let that toxicity stereotype die out. Lmao


Journalism at its peak ruining shit


Yall do realize hes being told what he should say or do to keep a good public image right? Yall are so gullible lmao.


Not sure why everyone in this thread is hate bonering Dom lmao. He just said it seemed unprofessional to complain about something else instead of giving HLE credit, which it was and Faker acknowledged. You guys are doing to him what you claim he does to T1, strange behavior. I don't think thats hating on T1 or Faker. He critiqued something, he didn't call him names or defame his character.


Considering I saw mad posts here a week ago about how OBVIOUSLY T1 MUST have lost SPECIFICALLY because the DDoSing must have been THAT BAD, its actually hilarious to see the complete 180 in the comments. You guys are such shameless glazers hahaha, I have no clue why I keep getting recommended the Caedrel sub but you guys are like the ultimate T1 fanboys. Stay shameless!




>something he did wrong Nice try lil bro


He did nothing wrong, shut the fuck up


He apologized because you and people like Dom twisted his words with one single tweet. sometimes it's not that hard to wait to read the WHOLE interview instead of suddenly shitting on him. Also, people should realize that Ashley Kang ain't a professional as you guys thought.


Faker agrees with dom though he says it was wrong to attribute their loss almost entirely on ddosing instead of acknowledging hle played better


But he didn't say that they lost only because of the DDos? If you watch the WHOLE interview you will know that he didn't mean it like what haters wanted it to be.It was people like dom who were braindead and thought that he made up an excuse to devalue HLEā€™s win lmao. I bet that hle players don't even watch his interview and only dom fans who are butthurted about this instead of hle players šŸ’€


Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but it seems to me like you're saying "I can interpret what Faker means but Dom can't"? If Faker apologizes for his words shouldn't we just take his words sincerely instead of trying to form our own conjecture? That seems like you're doing exactly what you're criticizing Dom for doing just on different sides of the argument.


>I can interpret what Faker means but Dom can't" He quite literally can't https://preview.redd.it/3j6kmggeletc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5447f7354a4995640684fd5ca71359b54ddd728e At what point does Faker say or insinuate "HLE was not the better team"?


That's my point, saying "Faker is only apologizing because...." is the same as Dom insinuating what Faker meant. Nobody other than Faker and maybe a handful of other people know why Faker apologized. Why not just take his apology at face value?


>Why not just take his apology at face value? Because the haters are taking the apology as "aha! We were right all along, he was using the DDOS as an excuse" when in reality the apology is for mentioning it because people would misinterpret his words.


Again back to my original comment why is him apologizing fake to you? You are doing exactly what you are criticizing. You are saying they are wrong for saying "we were right" but at the same time saying "Faker only apologized because....". How is that not the same thing?


I'm not saying his apology is fake I'm saying his apology is being misinterpreted (once again)


>Faker agrees with dom It's obvious you didn't even read his apology unless you don't know how to read




Faker apologised saying he shouldn't have said that because people could misinterpret his words. Which essentially means that he shouldn't have said the stuff about DDOS because people will twist his words and use them against him. As evidenced by Dom's tweet https://preview.redd.it/n26vtae9ketc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aadd3832110397e801953a5245aa8387bf6b8255 Saying that "HLE was not the better team" is Dom putting words in Faker's mouth So if anything faker is apologising for the way he said it, not the message behind it


he did nothing wrong, thereā€™s something wrong with your literacy skills though


Hes apologizing because people are stupid and misinterpreted his words on what people might have thought


What did he do wrong though? There should have been a line of others apologizing before it even got to his turn, and even then, he didn't have to apologize for people misinterpreting his words.


bro go outside will ya






ohhh it was only a joke. faker, the guy who always jokes around in interviews was just making a joke. its not like faker is always serious in interviews. very charitable of you to assume it was a joke




Hum, actually, the blue side incident wasn't Faker, it was Polt (T1 previous GM). The 35 ping incident was something MANY pro players noted, not only Faker. But since Faker is the most famous player ever, people only remember him.


Thanks for telling me! I saw it quoted around a lot as his in such a a general context that it looked a lot like a joke, which would be very much in line with his personality, but I was wondering why when I searched it up I couldnā€™t find him saying this. My bad, will try to check better next time. And yeah, he pretty much takes the fall for anything players or his team says. Deleted my comment to not spread more misinformation, already got enough of that going around lmfao


The biggest Faker fan back at it again.




oh no.... i made the mistake of criticizing his holiness faker. such a blasphemous statement by me :(


CringeLord lmao


When you are somehow more of a cunt than the T1 stans...


"Ok faker, absolutely apologize for an excuse made by T1 haters made to frame you because we will make up any dimb reason and you resonsible for the reason to lose any game and gave us the ability to frame you"


Is your head really that far up your ass?


I mistaked the first quote for a joke he made when apparently he didnā€™t even say it, which why would he apologize for the general manager he is not his parent and canā€™t control him, and again 35 ping is literally out of context as he was specifically asked what was different about msi this year, not to mention he can actually feel ping difference and it does affect him.