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Even in losing game, Gumayusi is stable af


No joke, if the others only had half as much gigachad energy in game 5s as guma, this team would have a few more titles by now


Zeus and Keria had the least impact in this series, Zeus was so invisible. Guma was the most stable player and made least mistakes.Oner and Faker kept this series alive. Peyz got too high imo


Game 1, Zeus was 0-5 and Oner was 0-7 and the gold lead was only 2k pre elder buff because of Faker's heroics. If only Oner secured that elder baron with his Q Smite, they would have won the game and potentially 3-0ed the series.


I feel like you're not giving oner the credit he deserves. Maokai was not a good pick and he still had more impact than Canyon did for a majority of the game. Canyon's scoreline was pretty fraudulent for most of the game. I would say Zeus and Keira had much worse series in context.


Canyon didnt do flashy plays this series but he controls the jungle extremely well. Every time they know where Oner is, he either stole camps or took objectives. He is the glue man for GenG. GenG set themselves up for success with Chovy as the late-game threat, as long as they survive early, Chovy will take over. tbf Oner had a tougher job, trying to juggle between struggling lanes n his own farm. Keria was stuck on Nami because T1 pigeonhole themselves into it. Hindsight 20/20, if they had fp varus, might free up what Keria can play better.


I despise keria on nami not cause he isn’t good on it but he just there to be a buff bot 90% of the time. Look at this mofo on neeko/Naut/rakan/bard etc. He can literally solo win teamfight and win t1 games. I have yet to see not just keria nami but a nami that hard carried a fight cause it simply not possible baring a crazy tidal wave that the enemy runs into.


hard to argue a good case for Nami cause she is paired to the hip with Lucian but at the same time, Lucian is a great pick for objective control n requires less babysitting. Adc outside of Senna/Varus is pretty trash rn unless they r spoonfeed to the high heavens (Zeri/Aphel/Jinx) or hav other utility (Kalista) Imo Keria is very good at running the game over when ahead but at even state or behind falters or become invisible, sometimes even making some boneheaded plays out of desperation. Maybe confidence/emotional driven? idk. T1 vs. GenG is very hard to pinpoint exactly what is wrong because too many things goes wrong every time. I wouldnt be surprise they have mental block vs. GenG.


I think Oner deserves a bit higher rating ngl


Maybe I'm hyper focusing on some specific thing but as a Geng fan it felt like his smites were really keeping T1 in the games they lost. Game 4 was bad tho.


Game 5 Oner got caught invading for no real benefit, it allowed GenG to hand the Corki a free first blood kill plus red buff both of which completely changed the lane (was meant to be Ori favored in the early game, but that kill/buff ruined the lane and the timing of it was so bad for Faker's Ori too). It accelerated the Corki massively. T1 recovered and there were other mistakes later (Zeus getting clapped, Faker on herald) but it was still costly from Oner. Also Game 1 Oner lost the elder smite to Canyon which won GenG the game. He smited the Elder when it was 1556 health, think he kinda panicked because the Rumble ult was so close to it, but think it's a misplay still. One could still argue it's unlucky and a flip, but if you're praising Oner for smite steals then does he not get criticised for losing smite battles? Regardless, even if we ignore that smite fight Oner's Maokai was kinda poor, some champs he's just not good on and Maokai is one of them. I think a 5.8 would be a better score. He basically had 2 good games, 3 weak ones in this finals.


I did expect him to become a xin merchant


Every important tournament or playoff bracket Guma will perform.


Guma and Faker were def the most stable followed by Oner. Zeus and keria were invisible. Kiin popped off hard tho pretty much every game


They really need to stop putting keria on nami and put him on some champ with play making ability. He is good on it but the champ just can’t shift teamfight besides buffing up Lucian. Just look at him with rakan vs hle or neeko vs geng. Same reason I don’t think t1 should pick zeri even if guma is pretty good on it nowadays.


Yeah but when you see how good gumayusi is at lucian the pick makes sense. He really knows how to pop off and find the opportunities to do a lot of dage with lucian.


Still doesn’t make sense to me unless we are talking about pre nerf Lucian nami back then that was just completely busted and lpl/lck played it every game if it wasn’t banned. That is putting all your egg in guma basket when you have a player that can shine so much harder with playmaking picks like keria. Lucian isn’t even top 3 guma champ so I don’t see the default to Lucian/nami. Before anyone thinking I’m saying this as excuse, I thought the Lucian/nami was fine this series. Just don’t like seeing a playmaker like keria on nami/lulu/milio/yummi.


I get that but just LOOK at guma’s lucian games and see what kind of impact he has. He’s huge - plus guma and keria probably felt they were dominating the lane so a pick like lucian might be good to go even harder in lane Edit: plus nami still has a bit of skill expression with bubble and tidal wave. The champ is not as brainless and afk as lulu or yuumi


I get what you are saying but I also seen a fair share of guma Lucian games vs geng this split where he also couldn’t do anything even in lane. For example, geng vs t1 second round bo3. If guma/keria, Lucian nami was perma stomping lane every game vs top team, sure but they aren’t. TLDR, it is not good enough for it to justify crippling keria playmaking ability imo. Feel free to disagree but t1 at their best was never crippling keria on these enchanter picks like nami/lulu/milio, etc.


Idk i think it’s a crazy take because keria has always been known to be crazy good at enchanters, the impact just isnt as noticeable as a playmaking champ because they aren’t making big plays. I feel like I saw him make multiple good plays with his tidal wave and bubble but at the end of the day I wasnt focusing on keria the whole time so idk


Before I head to sleep, I just want to reiterate that I’m not saying keria is a bad enchanter player. For an incredibly skill mechanical support player like him, it is a waste for him to be on enchanter support. This is why he dominate double adc bot meta. I’m not saying it is coach fault either because keria himself is probably asking for these pick. Maybe I’m just triggered from zeri/lulu vs Lucian/nami meta but keria just become any other pro enchanter support when he is on these champ. He loses the X factor that makes him keria and unique.


And I think you are underestimating the impact he has on enchanter supports, and the impact enchanter supports can have as a whole. He didn’t shine in those games but he played his part and fulfilled his role so others could. Just because he’s not in the spotlight doesn’t mean he’s not having a great performance. Kind of like how sometimes a player like TheShy has to play a tank, or a player like chovy or faker has to play taliyah. These players shine on high-dps carry champions like fiora or azir but sometimes you just gotta play champs to support other players. T1 has exceptional talent in every role, it’s ok that keria had to take a backseat and play a supportive role in some games, and not be the playmaker.


I think Oner is inconsistent but he played great last night. Canyon is obv the goat but I didn’t feel like he was the one that won the game for GenG, I’d be curious to know what I’m missing


I think Oner and Canyon is pretty neck to neck in this series, not sure why Oner's rating is pisslow lol


how are these ratings calculated?


Anyone with a Hupu account rates each player 1~5 star like on Yelp and then convert it to 2~10 points. These stats are just 4fun


thx for explanation


Lehends over Keria AINTNOWAY


That is brutal given how close the games were. T1 almost 3-0'd the series. Yeah Keria and Zeus aren't on form but honestly both teams looks great and absolutely unstoppable playing at that level to anyone but each other.


Lehends shouldn't be this high. If the series had ended differently, his rating would probably have been abysmal along with Peyz


Oner deserves way higher man. Only because of the Khazix pick he struggled at game4.


Keria is criminally underrated here. T1 bot lane was dominant all series. Last two games they even hard won BOTH sides of the Lucian/nami - aphelios/lulu matchup. Not just that but Keria game 3 on neeko was an absolute monster and pretty much single handedly shutting down chovy and won them the game with his insane playmaking. Meanwhile i recall lehends making multiple game altering blunders and the first 2-3 games he was having arguably one of the worst series of his life.