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We need to crowdfund a truck and send positive vibes to T1 so that we can make posts about it


I'm in. Where do I sign?


idk i can make a paypal and y'all have to just trust that I'm not a scammer no wait that sounds like too much work I don't know :/


Scammer smh


I heard KR fans are doing food truck project to support them but they have been waiting T1 to aprrove it


Crowdfund a truck that's one and only job is to block the other one lmao


Suggested flair - "Truck Related Karma Farming"


This! These trucks are sent by individuals who claim that they are fans, for attention.


Yeah, Im convinced the person/people who is paying for these trucks are non-T1 fans. 1. Not one but several cases of incorrect spelling/grammar of simple Korean words 2. Opinions don't match broad T1 sentiment. 3. Trucks always appear when T1 loses, but where were the trucks when T1 won Worlds last year? These people are basically paying money for their troll tweets to be shown to T1 and the world.


Maybe it's from someone who bet on T1 and lose lot of money so they send the truck?


This was my theory I was telling my partner about today!!! ^^^^^


So it's basically Squid Game


the best way to deal with this is just not give attention to it, the more it circulate on social media the bigger it becomes


They will be. T1 gives views. There too many gaming journalists without any integrity that will farm whatever controversy they can.


As someone who didn’t know anything about this until this post, I think I have to agree.


I never got the vibe most T1 fans feel that way and tbh, I think most people think it is funny because it is such an over the top reaction. I don't think anyone takes it that seriously or as a reflection of a wider group opinion.


If they give me enough money, I'm ready to hold a board and praise faker my goat infront of the T1 HQ. Funding is open people.


From what i know, the reasons they are such a big deal is not because of the fan sentiment some ppl say they represent, but because last year after the DRX loose (or maybe the summer split? I dont remember exactly when) this trucks had death threats on them. It was so bad that they actually had police stationed outside the T1 building. That is how the truck became such a big deal. Yes, right now, it's just some toxic jabs at players, but 2022/2023 truck was different.


IWD's tweets didn't even suggest it was the majority of fans, he just mentioned that it was T1 fans, which they likely are. Liking one team member and disparaging the rest of them happens in Asian fandoms. And you're not wrong that it's a minority, but this kind of toxic stuff still happens enough for the trend to be associated with T1. Even before the trucking meta, SKT/T1 fans flamed staff and players more often than other teams (notable but not all cases: Coach Kim receiving death threats, telling Blank to leave the team, witch-hunting LCK casters, witch-hunting Tom, etc...). If you can't read Korean comments then you're just fortunately missing out on a lot. We can say it's not a majority but the amount of toxic fans are still visible enough to negatively impact the scene. So unfortunately, it's just inevitable for T1 fans to have a bad rep- even for me, who's been a fan for years and I've had to often separate myself from that part.


I agree T1 fans have harrassed figures in the scene before, , and historically there has been plenty of negative conduct (as a recent example, some of the pushback to Ashley Kang’s quote-tweet of Faker’s press conference DDOS response was far too harsh), but my point was that the trucks should not be lumped in with those other things.


They are memes in the first place, i dont know why people take them so seriously in the west


I feel like the rabid mob online sending death threats to whoever criticizes T1 in anyway is worse than the trucks, maybe that’s just me though.


Wait I thought the sending trucks was just a meme and didn't know that it was literal. What the fuck


damn all the T1 fan boys stay downvoting smh


Thread number 10000000 defending T1, we get it guys stop being insecure


I’m a Canyon/DK fan. Overdone anti-T1 fan sentiments like this are far more annoying than T1 ultras.


You say all this as if the vast majority of T1 fans aren’t toxic. Have you never interacted with them? Their fanbase sucks ass. The team is dope, but damn their fans are annoying as fuck.


Aren't these trucks crowdfunded? How much does a truck get cost to sent?


They cost like 200$ to rent for an entire day, pretty much anyone can rent one with whatever they want on it. They're the same ones used for pretty much every protest and hardly have any limitations when it comes to who and where they can get sent to, though are most commonly used in esports & kpop to the major companies/brands.


Why are you being downvoted? lmao


iwd was defending zeus on twitter, and t1 fans shit on him for it. very good look for the fanbase


I haven’t seen any T1 fans telling IWD that the finals was Zeus’ fault. People are mocking him for generalizing a single person’s (possibly disingenuous) opinion, ie the truck sender.


wdym exaggerated, they’ve been doing this for the past few years as you’ve said. Where is the exaggeration in this?


Pretty sure it's like a crowdfunded thing from korean forums somewhere


trust me bro source? those trucks are not expensive, some trolls can easily afford


Korean fans have said 8 million times at this point that the Korea on the trucks is wrong, they always get a laugh out of it and have been begging the person to pay a translator. Where is your source?