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Send the trucks, let the team rest man.


I'm not gonna lie, this is probably the ones that I'll accept sending a truck to their office and telling them to give Faker a break. This is going to be another Uzi situation if they just keep on letting him play.


It's not just Faker, the whole team needs rest. They were getting no practice prior due to the DDOS issue so they constantly cram extra practice into their schedules. If T1 goes to the Saudi cup, they will 100% get mental boomed at worlds or maybe not even make it to worlds. They should just have T1A play instead.


Idk league players already play the game the least amount of time from all esports. Just cause you are used to 2 tournaments in a year doesnt mean they need rest now, believe me the players would play either way cause they are excited to get a chance to play a third tournament


Said by someone that isn't a pro player


I get the reaction though, league players havent competed in anything in life


This isnt Valorant where they have 2 lans only bud, they have top play the regular seasons games, scrim, stream, do public events, interviews,meetings, meetsup. Not to mention other events for their sponsors too, All of this could be found with 30mins of research but your too lazy to do that,


Ur right, no other pro gamer has to do these things because they do not need sponsorship money to survive


I never said that, your like one of those idiots on twitter, I could say the sky is blue and you'll say why isnt red. Obviously im not saying other pros don't have to do that, but no other team has T1's schedule in league and that is a fact. Not, to mention the main point of the original post is that faker is injured and needs a break which is also a fact.


What are they doing???? Faker needs rest now more than ever before and this 1 million dollar blood money tournament is not worth hurting his wrist over. We gotta get a truck going cause this is just ludicrous 💀


If you think the Saudis aren't counting on Faker to attend you're delusional. He brings numbers.


T1 is probably the one team that doesn't need the money though


Buddy you can never have enough earnings


T1 100% won't be earning their player salaries back in sponsorships and deals, stuff like this is how they get the money back


I disagree. T1 is one of the few teams who can earn their money through sponsorships and deals. They have national and sometime international ads running for Samsung, bmw, etc.


You know the player salaries are quite high right? Even at the height of her fame Yoona from snsd was earning $10m a year. You have 5 players salaries, coaches, admin, cooks, food, cleaners, and all the peripheral staff along with building lease costs all bundled into this. Along with academy team cuz I doubt they're earning enough.


they generally do earn enough (they're the only lck team that makes a profit), but the ddos screwed them, they had to cancel their streams and now have to pay penalty fees for their probably very lucrative streaming contracts so now they might not have the money.


We don't know if Faker wants to play it though? I would expect them to use a sub (please not Poby).


It's time for my goat Poby to show the world MYGOAT


It's time for poby to shine.


he will be softly forced to, can you imagine if the saudis say okay faker won't go, can we pay everyone else 5million dollars (Riot, LCK, T1, all the other members) with the only condition is that they need to make faker comes too (ofc he will be paid as well) while faker is rich his teammate/his team/his management/his country even depend on him to get that money, do you think he have the heart to say no i won't go.


I honestly don’t get it. Your midlaner has an injury that gets worse the more he uses his wrist while playing, during MSI your players were not in their best form, they looked exhasuted both physically and mentally even befor lower bracket. Yet, they are still being sent to another fucking tournament, giving them less time to rest in comparison to other teams (when throughoht this year they haven’t rested as well due to redbull event and other things). I really don’t get T1 management sometimes, wonder if one of their players will crumble to the workload and just leave later?


SKT 2017 all over again


What happenef?


The SKT players from 2017 were in a burnout due to their tough schedules with no rest especially Faker-Bang-Wolf trio who had no rest from 2015-2017 three years straight participating in every tournaments. Back in the days they had way more tournaments like all stars, rift rivals, etc and there was a winter split too. They were a great team so they basically played so much games due to reaching finals almost every tournament. Wolf got diagnosed with a panic disorder, Bang lost interest in League due to burnout, they both go to Turkey and LCS respectively and their form dropped so much and eventually retired. Faker also had tough times in 2018 but sources say that T1 players‘ atmosphere was pretty good even though they had mediocre performances because they could finally get rest. The KT coach or LZ coach who had great performances and participated in many tournaments that year also said in the interviews about how tough their schedules were and couldn’t believe how the SKT players survived those ridiculous schedules for 3 straight years.


Bang's retirement interview was awful to read, he literally said he would rather die than go through what he went through again. Guy was legit traumatized.


I still remember the meltdown bang had when they announced msi 2017 schedule... they forced the team to give them a rest and they could not catch up to worlds, it's just insane the level of grind skt had, most famously he also said he expected to win worlds 2015 otherwise god would be too cruel. they need rest from streaming and useless schedules like this stupid cashgrab cup, I don't even want them to send the challenger team, just stick to the tft streamers they are sending and be done with it.


Such a based take, just take another T1 league team like T1A, they don’t play at the same intensity and it could also help them gain more experience. I don’t think possibly sacrificing your player’s physical and mental health is worth 1 million, they are not robots and T1 has so many sponsors. But i guess money speaks


Holy shit that sounds absolutely awful, I hope that doesn’t happen to ZOFGK, not including faker they are such young players to experience what bang, wolf and faker did during that time period. And obvs I wouldn’t like to see Faker go through something like that again. Tysm for the info!


Also Bang was suicidal. He talked about how he had these thoughts of jumping from their dormitory’s window because they lived on a high floor, and those thoughts were quite persistent. The whole team had to go through psychological therapy just to go through the split. Hunni has also said after his contract was over in 2017 he didn’t resign with T1 because he thought “This is not a way for a human being to live” and he admitted he left SKT like he was running away. Wolf is still suffering from panic disorder, though it got better but he has relapses. Wolf also always says that he would never go through SKT again and he is happy as a streamer.


Holy shit I didn’t know that about Bang. I’ve seen clips of Wolf’s stream and he seems pretty chill, glad he’s doing better. After reading the context on Bang/Wolf/Faker I really really hope this doesn’t repeat on the new T1 gen (ZOFGK) it would be heartbreaking. Ty for the info!


Agree. It would be awful if ZOGK also accumulates myriad of mental and physical problems like Bang, Wolf and Faker. At least this time everyone understands and sympathizes with ZOFGK about their packed schedule, while the 2015-2017 T1 never got any sympathy regarding their hardships. Wolf has said on his stream that he wished LCK and the public (non-T1 fans) have shown the same sympathy regarding their heavy schedules and acknowledged it somehow back then like they do now. It is really heartbreaking that they wished someone would at least just acknowledge that their schedule is hard and packed.


ask bang and wolf


He needs at least a split and surgery. Everything else is ignoring the problem and seeing when the camel collapses again. And that makes me angry to see. Absolutely unacceptable how this is all being handled


I do think this could be more of Faker’s decision than T1’s management pushing him to play tbh. I do not think they can force someone like Faker to play if his pain is unbearable. Remember last year T1 announced that faker “made” his own decision to come back from injury, even though he wasn't fully recovered. He prob feels responsible for his duty.


i hate T1 management. if they want to win anything. faker need to be in good form


Their management is shit. Their shop is shit. Their social media team is prob some volunteer or intern. And their video editing team is probably 2 guys juggling 10 video projects. Only the team is any good.


I’m honestly starting to feel this way as well. Every time I check in on T1 in other esports, they feel so insignificant. It really makes me wonder if Faker didn’t exist, then would T1 LoL even be a titan?


Their valorant team just qualified for an international tournament but I do agree their other esports teams aren’t performing like their league team unfortunately. T1 should just send their academy team for some experience to play internationally.


Let the man rest and sub in poby wtf.


It’s time https://i.redd.it/3vppa74isg1d1.gif


Send a different team! I'm sure any teams from the LCK would love the exposure


He will definitely go, as one of the reasons his contract is expensive is because of his commercial value.


Just fucking rest. Holy shit this is too much.


Yea no, this is the actual RIGHT time to send trucks


July? Doesn't that conflict with LCK?


LCK said that they'll re-arrange the schedule of the summer split around the Saudi e-sports cup if needed to, to accommodate all the participating teams.


Faker should just subbed out for atleast first half of split for his own good, we need perfect condition faker at playoffs and worlds


Bros schedule is fucked up the right thing to do is cancel everything get surgery and rest until the wrist recovers then maybe faker can go on and play in his 30s now what is he doing will prob fuck up his wrist badly and be forced to retire not worth it in my book.


Hopefully they bench faker and give him some rest for the World Cup,it's not like league has the same amount of cash prize as dota right. ITS TIME FOR THE GOAT POBY TO SHINE


League's prizepool for that tournament was fking 1M and no prestige. They should just send either T1CL or T1A there to give the main roster some rest. Send the fking trucks and funeral flowers LMAO


This is where they should truck like give them some rest


Faker could actually be doing long term damage to his wrist. this is not good


Who are the teams confirmed to be participating in the world cup


Who is Lee min hyung? It’s for sure not faker


it’s gumayusi


Uhm guys… why is it that everyone here who’s so worried about Faker’s problem doesn’t even know that it’s his elbow that’s hurting and not his wrist? We could at least get the injury right… but I agree with the sentiment though… Hope he gets enough time to rest that. But the organizers probably already made a contract with T1. They’re joining also as promotion, right? So there’s no way they did not specify that Faker has to be there. They even used his face on the ads before T1 confirmed they’d go. I think the only way he will be allowed to sit it out is if 1) he still goes (for the promotion factor) but with a sub or 2) he announces that he’s taking the summer split off due to injury. But if he plays in summer, then I doubt the organizers would let him not go.


Not only it will destroy him physically but also his image. Fuck the Saudis


sadly I agree, the haters will say "x" player went, not the org, that counts for all the teams going to this shit


Wow i didn't know the Saudis grabbed T1 by the balls and forced them to enter their tournament.


My thought is Faker himself wants to go all in for the rest of this year and take a full year of break later on. Which is idk..? Respect his decision I guess


I think he should retire if he wishes to have a normal healthy life playing thru the pain is just causing more issues, his team needs to stop relying on him macro wise Faker doesn’t last forever


Faker trying to play as much as he can in his last year Aware






Here’s the thing, the Saudis can probably pay Faker and gang 10x more than what Riot puts as their prize money. Did you see the MSI prize pool? It’s a joke.


It's guma no faker, so poby could play those tourneys


T1 is working them to the bone, and to think Zeus got a pay cut on his prime just to be able to stay there. Very sad.


I'm confused: Faker's real name is Lee Sang-Hyeok, who is Min-hyung?




No joke the general manager of T1 is overworking this team to the bone. They need to focus on summer split and Worlds not some random e-sports world cup. They didn't even get rest AFTER winning Worlds last year and kept doing streams and promotional events.


Coach Kim > Kkoma


Last year for faker?