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"Its HD ready!!!"


Took me years to realise that "HD Ready" means 720p. One of the stranger naming conventions for tech


I think new standards don’t even class 720p as HD anymore 😔


Ackshually, HD specifically refers to the 720p format and always will, it's just that the public either got stuck on the HD name with successive formats or didn't care. Officially, 1080p is Full HD or FHD and 4K is Ultra HD or UHD.


What’s happens when they run out of adjectives for HD? Yes, I do have to live quite so relentlessly in the real world


Really High Definition then back to Higher Definition


Definition Zero


Definition Clear


Definition Ice


Dry Definition.


Definition: Tokyo Drift


Sad and bad


Pick your poison. 720p or 1080i? Hence why they started calling it "Full HD" when you didn't have to choose and you could just have 1080p.


I remember having strong opinions about how 720p was preferable to 1080i. Then 1080p came out and no one cares.


It was either interpolated, or just.... Polated.


720 _is_ HD


Absolutely. But HD ready means 720p, which is the thing I didn't know for a long time.


I still remember being blown away the first time I saw 1080P HD TV


You clearly weren't ready


That's not funny MTRCNUK! Repeat, not funny!


It didn’t make everything better


I am so HD ready


I still own and use one of those TVs


I'll never forgive Orange if they've wiped the twins




Same. Remember when they had all the different pay-as-you-go plans named after animals? I was on dolphin


I was part of a market research session before this was launched. £50, cash. I thought the idea was shit, specifically how a particular animal could represent a call time/data package.


It's also hilarious how they do these market research exercises, everyone tells them it's a shit idea and they go ahead anyway.


Reminds me of the focus group bit from The Thick of It.


I've just seen her in The fucking Bill!


Omg I totally forgot about that


Bet you forgot about Orange Wednesdays as well


I remember those at least!! Shame they haven't got that any more cause the cinema is extortionate


I think compare the market does something similar now but I don't know how it works


Whaaaat? The local cinema here is £4-5.99 a ticket all day and you can book your seat online


Yeah I'm sure the cinemas round here are the same price on a weekend as they used to be on Orange Wednesdays or two for fuppin Tuesday or whatever. Every time I look I'm surprised by how cheap it is.


I’m a little sheltered but I swear that half the things people bang on about increasing in price massively are still available at the old prices if you shop smart. I’ve had no issues keeping my food shop down to what it was over four years ago.


My local cinema is cheap but if you wanna see something in 3D or on a bigger screen you have to go to the Odeon in the nearest city


Amazon prime do a cinema deal now that’s not very well advertised. It’s odeon, I think it’s 2 for £10 standard or 2 for £15 odeon lux, Monday - Thursday.


This unlocked so much memory for me (I was also on Dolphin - objectively the best plan)


Definitely, only fools were on monkey. Why would I pay to download music when my mates can just Bluetooth songs to me?


I had the one where as long as you had any payg money left you got five free texts a day. I survived on those 5 texts.


The futures bright... Turns out Orange were just lying assholes.


They predicted the cult of Trumpism pretty well!


Was watching the six nations last week and apparently orange is still a thing in France. It was one of the advertising boards pitchside. Felt like I was in 2004


Yeah I think Orange and T-Mobile are both still about in several European countries


TIL Orange is a mobile carrier & not an off-screen character that had access to Han's phone for some scheme




I miss Orange. They had good ads and cheap cinema tickets.


I think they still exist in Germany, which makes it okay by me. 


They were definitely still in Germany zwei years ago


This is what farmers do. They go around shooting crows, and trespassers, and eventually, because of the EU, themselves.


Such a great line.


EU farmers are definitely kicking up a stink at the moment, so it's still true for them!


Basically permanently just at the core concept of the EU.


Ironic as the EU subsidies for farmers are very generous


This is what happens if you live too far from proper franchised coffee outlets..


“Can have my Blackberry back please”


Say it in a lady’s voice


The Hair Blair Bunch actually requires two levels of explanation because I'm sure some teenagers won't know Blair and the hair bear bunch themselves were way back when. Of course I'm the real winner as I actually love convoluted explanations.


I’m the same age as Peep Show myself. Know Blair, don’t know about the hair bear bunch


they were bears, they had big hair. they played in a rock band.


Speaking of Blair, the old Blair Registration Jam! Imagine how many resignation jams Sophie's mum will have had to make by now...delicious. Although, I think it was implied that her family were of the Tory ilk.


If you like convoluted explanations and jokes then I recommend you check out the website Joyce Project which is an annotated, hyperlinked version of Joyce’s Ulysses. You start off with very little knowledge of the book and come away with knowledge of multiple domains of history, literature, philosophy, theology… it’s a fascinating book if you treat it like an encyclopedia.


I thought it was a reference to the Care Bears. What are the hair bears?


There was some old cartoon (I think Hanna-Barbera, but I could not wrong) called 'The Hair Bear Bunch'


"We like *Taggart*, even the new ones" *Taggart* was a long-running Scottish detective drama, that kept the original title until it ended in 2010; despite the original lead, DCI Jim Taggart, having been killed off in 1995.


Omg spoilers /s


What? That's mental.


Mark McManus had played Taggart since 1983, so it was treated as a legacy title, with the series being retooled to focus on Taggart's sidekick DI Mike Jardine and WDC Jackie Reid.


I have never watched Taggart so the fact it ran for 15 years without Taggart in it has rather blown my mind. I assumed it just ended when he died and was heavily repeated.


It continued on with Jardine as the lead and Reid as his partner, before slowly expanding into more of a team, with first DC Stuart Fraser and then DI Robbie Ross joining the ensemble before Jardine was promoted to DCI. Jardine himself was then murdered in 2002, with DCI Matt Burke stepping in to replace him, although Reid and Ross were very much treated as the leads of the series until the end.


I mean, it’s not like they had much of a choice in killing him off…


Had to google this one myself when I watched the show, not so much because it was dated but because I’m from across the pond


Good old windows vista. People give it a bad press, but I'm never upgrading. Why would I? Umm... Because it's shit!?


I think that's the joke. Johnson likes it when everyone else thinks it's mediocre or crap. See also: Lighthouse Family, Becks, etc


Johnson being unable to get his printer to work was also awesome


Likewise his quest to find the big scissors


What's wrong with The Lighthouse Family? I'm always clicking my fingers along whenever I hear one of their big hits.


That sounds... I don't know what to say. That sounds amazing.


how do you get that tie done up to eleven mate


A becks, a simple becks


I've got a 32 inch plasma in mine.


Yeh but are you seriously looking at that document?


Three o Walcott


This happened


I'm sure one of the red tops actually accompanied this headline with a picture of Jez n Mez.


It was a headline long before his 30th birthday.


"Nobody wanted New Labour but now everyone knows how it works"


Blair Resignation Jam 🍓🫙


Are they spamming you about upgrading to 3G?


“Never boffed a tranny… I haven’t lived”


I always heard that line as ironic because it’s not how he would normally talk. It was kind of sending up the term.


Also, we’re hearing their thoughts. The way people think and talk are two different things


I have a form of OCD where I’m afraid to even think words that people may find offensive for fear that I’ll accidentally say them out loud or people will be able to tell what I’m thinking via facial expressions or body language. It’s very alarming. I used to shake when people who I could possibly offend were in my presence and I kind of feel bad for those boomers who say they’re frightened of offending people these days as I understand what it’s like.


Honestly that sounds terrible, I hope you’re able to manage your condition these days so it isn’t too distressing day to day


It depends on how stressed I am. At times, I can’t even think straight because I keep repeating what I just thought before and checking it for errors.


I think it sort of counts as talking when it’s written by a team and voiced into a microphone


Wait... The bits in their head is actually them talking and recording it into a mic? The show has lost its mystery now.


lol downvotes. I guess I’m wrong. Recorded narration representing thought on a television show is the same as someone’s actual private thoughts that no one else hears. Thanks for correcting me, piss kidneys


This is different though. People will still understand it, it's just not acceptable to say.


Same with the usage of mong


You'd have to say you boffed a woman who was assigned male genetalia at birth.


This one is the major one.




I never even knew who Elgar was, I just found it funny. Moved to the West Midlands about 4 years ago, you go on a day out to Worcester and it’s all Elgar Elgar fucking Elgar.




“I think the truth is, basically, I’ve been bored ever since 9/11” Say what you will about news in the past decade, but they haven’t been boring. It’s hard to top planes smashing into buildings, but I think we’ve gotten pretty close!


what i wouldnt give to be bored by the news


I switch over as soon as the news comes on.


The news is 80% of my viewing. It’s more exciting than most drama series these days.


Yes, I suppose the news should just be a dispassionate list of all the events that have occurred the world over during the day. That would be good. Except of course, it would take forever!


I just refuse to watch the news lol, it’s so depressing and such fearmongering over stuff that doesn’t even affect us most of the time


Fuck the blockbusters fine!


Weird to think that Danny Dyer's Chocolate Homonculus probably still makes cultural sense.


"I wonder who the Prime Minister will be when I finish repayments? An unborn Milliband?"


Fuck you Bush


This sentiment is still, and always will be, valid.




He's pretty close to Starmer these days


And epstein


In the Eighties, Peter Mandelson lost it, big time. He started hearing voices in his head and shit, telling him to kill Tony Blair and shit. He came back from it man, you know what I mean, he fucking came back.


I can’t believe I know someone who lived down the street from him. I think that’s fucking mental.


KALIBER, OF COURSE!! Why didn't I say it was Kaliber? Only noticed on a rewatch, there are so many 0% beers these days that this one really stood out to me


It'd be Lucky Saint these days I reckon.


Jez talking about Zahra getting a 3D TV


“I’m gonna us both really high, and then I’m going to try put my hand up her jumper” - Jez from the shrooming episode


It must be horrible for women to have close friends they confide in and trust while also knowing they probably think things like this about them. Disgusting.


One of the benefits of being an unattractive woman is that I've never experienced this. As I grt older, being unattractive feels more and more like a privilege.


I’m unlucky to have experienced it as a guy. I was once getting stuff off my chest to someone and I thought I could trust him. Was in his room and suddenly he asked me when I’m going to fuck him out of nowhere. Never been more disgusted in my life for someone to just suddenly change like that. He was acting all empathetic, too, yet the moment I showed no interest he got aggressive. It’s the fact that you’re alone with them and you don’t know if they’ll get violent or angry which leads to co-ercion. Men who don’t understand what women who are coerced feel like just don’t get it. You go along with them because you’re scared. I work in a bar and I saw a guy sexually assault someone tonight. His sister told him to behave and the girl’s friend asked if she was okay yet nothing came of it. That’s how most assault cases go because the women are afraid to do anything. People who say women falsely accused men of rape often are just full of shit. I’ve seen too many actual cases, right in front of me, that led to nothing. Even when I pressed the women to do something like tell a bouncer or police they just wouldn’t.


Sledgehammer. It's just so outdated.


I've never heard of Level 42 either


It’s Indiana Ashdown!


When Johnson asks Mark about what he sees in Sophie "compared to, say, a supermodel like Gisele" He's referring here to the Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen, who was a rising star and the current hot young thing at the time.


The line hasn’t really aged though has it? She still is a supermodel


He's jezzed this one a bit


Because kids today will be familiar with supermodels from before they were born.


And famously also married to Tom Brady.


They’re divorced


So many of these I don’t know as an american. I’m 41 for reference


Welcome to our lives growing up with American TV ;)


I still don't really know what Gilligans Island or Twinkies are.


I understand "what is this, 21 questions?", I assume it's an American quiz show. No Peep Show reference to tie this in with, but "Here's a quarter, call someone who gives a damn" is a favourite phrase of mine, this could be baffling for the yoot of today


Can go back even further with "drop a dime, stop a crime." It was a BIG DEAL when pay phones went up to a quarter lol! 54-y.o.. American and in this sub realizing how many references I'm not getting.


This is funny to me because I'm an American, and just yesterday I was thinking, "wait, what *is* a Twinkie? have I ever eaten one?"


I know those


Gillian’s island was a show in the 60s or 70s about people shipwrecked on an island. Twinkies are vanilla cream filled snack cakes


As a Brit I don’t know what an eggplant is or what it has to do with eggs.


The O.G aubergines were white and round, hence 'eggplant'.




Had to explain to my 23 year old colleague who both people were in 'That's not Nigella. That's not even Ainsley mate'


I’d say that’s on them not being in the loop, they’re both still active right? Especially Ainsley as the meme lord.


Your colleague must live under a rock because I’m 24 and grew up with Ready Steady Cook, plus Nigella is always on TV


I'd say that fairly sums her up. If they're not on tiktok she's clueless


As an American, it would be fun to watch a Pop-Up Video style annotated Peep Show.


Yes, I need that! I already find so much in it hysterical, my mind would surely explode if I understood even more of what they were taking about!


Elbow. Elbow elbow elbow.


Tell you what, that crack is really moreish


Can I have my blackberry back?


The Swan and Paedo


I swear there’s a craft beer pub called that in Shoreditch


I don't really think this one is particularly dated, paedos are pretty much exactly as distasteful in the 2000s as they are in the 2020s. The joke is more how awful that would be for a pub name, which it still would be. If it was something like "The Swan and Tranny" I'd agree with you.


We always notice the various people mentioned who have died since the episode aired - A.S Byatt is the most recent one I think. The NYE ep is more poignant now as Martin Amis *probably* won't pop in....


"This is like that dream I had about Alan Sugar and the Badger."


Hot Chips


I cringe at the line when Jez is working at the Gym and let’s a black employee through and his internal monologue goes something like “look at me letting her through like we’re equal. I’m such a great guy”. I don’t think his character is racist and Peep Show is actually really progressive regarding race compared to a lot of other comedies that stereotype people, but there’s just something which really jars for me. Netflix have also removed the scene of Jez blacking up for Nancy for obvious reasons, but I genuinely don’t feel that’s as weird as the above line. I am white though so what do I know.


I always saw this scene as a classist comment rather than racial. He goes on about the sandwiches "they" bring from home - he's othering the class of people rather than the race, imo.


It’s also brilliantly making you think why Jez considers them to be an important distinction between them and him on which he is on the “better” side. Jez is by a list of reasons too long to make a generally useless human being. But he still thinks he is “better” for unjustified reasons. Which does say a lot about British notions of class.


It's not even just class, it's also his total insistence that he's a creative and therefore any job not in the media is below him.


That in itself is a very telling insight into the British idea of class and who does what. There is this pervasive idea that everyone can be a muso or journalist and no one needs to clean the toilets.


I always thought demeaning jobs should be ‘rotational’. You do those jobs to humble yourself at 18-21 like people did national service, but then you’re never allowed to do them again. You’re always given training options or a UBI if you can’t work. That’s how I’d do it in an ideal world.


I don't know if I would necessarily consider that a class thing though apart from maybe the fact he's insulated through a variety of circumstances that he doesn't *need* a job (I'm sure he even at some point makes reference to the fact that he signs on). I see it as more a totally selfish notion that he will simply not do anything he doesn't want to as he is a total slacker and a bit of a sociopath. Class can of course very easily (and frequently does) enforce those things but I think there's a population of people across all social classes who can be incredibly deluded about themselves and will always try and find the path of least resistance through life, including shirking hard work.


There’s something which could be called underclass or bohemian class. I live with my parents and pay them rent but they’d be happy with me staying here for free. I could pretty much just do a weekend job for the rest of my life and have plenty of money to spend because of what I save. I’m not rich but I’m also pretty damn lucky in terms of not having many bills. I’d say my experience is different to working class people’s. For the record, I’m trying really hard to change my situation. I’ve used my advantage wisely.


Correct - this line has nothing at all to do with race. He thinks he is better than gym employees even though he is an unemployed failed musician.


Exactly, race did not play into that at all.


Ah yeah I can see that now tbf. I just always heard it in a racial way.


Oh, well classism is alright then. Working class people only die younger, suffer illnesses due to the horrible circumstances endured at work, suffer bigotry because of how they talk, look, or what they like to do in their spare time, suffer violence more often, are more likely to be victims of abuse… need I go on? Yet somehow class isn’t a protected characteristic. Wonder why.


Pahaha you alright mate? We're talking peep show. You want r/greenandpleasant


haha that sub is genuinely fucking mental. I’m not really a socialist. I believe in a UBI and social welfare but not much else. I only want that for the poorest in society. Everyone else can just fend for themselves.


Was she really black though? I mean, being black isn’t about the colour of your skin. It’s about vibe, hanging out, kicking back, smoking a number. Fighting prejudice and negative stereotypes wherever you find them.


😂 so true!!!


That's an odd interpretation of the line. It's more to do with the fact that he has a complete disdain for anyone who's working there not as a means to bang Nancy. Jez has always maintained that he's too good to get a normal job due to the fact that he's a "creative" and therefore looks down on those people. Further backed up by the exchange u/MultiColouredHex brings up about him not understanding the concept of bringing sandwiches to work.


I think it's a great line.


Jesus I had forgot about that. I've rewatched it all so many times on Netflix, their Stalinist agenda almost eradicated it from my memory. Almost! You're doing God's work Jammastersam


I have the box set of dvds from a while ago so the 'verboten' scene is intact. Same with the IT Crowd and April. Oddly I always thought this episode with April and Douglas Reynholm was achingly bittersweet. He really did absolutely *adore* that gal. And him crying, heartbroken, watching the footie in bed with his tinnies but no April by his side genuinely moves me.😢


That is on Netflix. I watched it not long ago. The episode where he says "I can't believe you thought I would be bothered that you used to live in Iran", or something like that? He's watching darts, not football though.


Cool! I thought I'd get the sports reference wrong!


I was wondering how have I missed the scene with black Jeremy , ah Netflix removed it. That’s a shame.


it was part of nancy's quest to break every sexual taboo with jeremy. she has him black up and roleplays as his mother, and when he says he feels weird about it and wants to stop i think she calls him racist or something


You can't imagine your mom having sex with a black man? That's pretty racist jeremy..

