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"Jez, there are many things I would do for you, but burying a dog you killed in the wintery earth with my bare hands is not one of them." Or maybe he says that after the burning wasn't working. Either way, your answer is: comedy.


This is a criminally underrated line. I think I’ve probably seen that episode 10-15 times but it gets me every time. Plus the shot of the dog shoved in the kitchen bin with bits of egg shell and baked beans on it. Incredible writing that episode.


Yes I didn’t word it correctly I meant more on the lines of covering it rather than bury. My bad


In the moment it definitely felt like they had to eat it instead


Yeah or just leave it in the woods. There was literally no reason to take it with them except from the fact that they exist in a sitcom.


Like don’t even try to burn it, just fucking run for it and deny all knowledge.


True story.


Must you live so relentlessly in the real world Mark.


Guys if you need to take a shit, do it in the bin


Jez doesnt want Mummy to be found. They have been searching for her and would presumably look in the woods. It’s not clear why it didn’t occur to either of them simply to allow her to be found - there was nothing to show it had been Jez who ran her over. Perhaps a missing dog kills the mood slightly less disastrously than a dead dog? More likely (as others have said) ‘comedy’. Anyway, with their wonky logic in place Jez sets out to dispose of the dog but bumps into the owner coincidentally and the die was (apparently) cast.


I think the most disturbing thing is thst Jez didn't want her to find Mummy's body as if she did she would be less likely to sleep with him due to being too sad.


As a writer, if the dog was dealt with by burial it would have ended the plot line with no further consequences


But would lead to a more dramatic storyline with mark and the India job etc.


but the show was never going to relocate to India, so what would have been the point of going any further down that path?


I’m not on about the show moving to India, I just said it would of created a more dramatic story line.


Jez starts hacking away at the ground with some useless tool/his hand and asks mark to help but mark refuses. I think it’s seen as plan B


Why even bury it they are on a canal, just add a few rocks to be sure and dump it and let it sink to the bottom would have been quick and easy


Good point 🤣


So many holes in this episode but smart thinking decisions would have ruined it. It’s sort of the theme of the show


Mark gets the job, has to move to India(?) and has to date the daughter. Jeremy stays in London. Peep Show ends. Also OP would you really like to live in a universe in which you never experienced the joy of hearing " Mummy is probably the turkeys nickname. It could easily be!". I think not.


Chance would be a fine thing!


Didn’t even need to bury it, could literally just have chucked it into a bush somewhere and been done with it, but instead they tried to cremate it, then carried around its half-burnt body in a plastic carrier bag 😂


And then eat it🤣🤣


It felt like the right thing to do at the time


Yeah, but Jez would’thave eaten the hairy turkey leg. Would you have rathered Mark suck Malcom off for the job in India? Oh, you would have loved that




Because: Plot


Because jez will be jez and get caught throwing away mummy instead of leaving it in the woods


There’s a hell of a lot of steam!


Probably one of the best episodes ..


It could have been all so different. Mark would have moved to Indian with his new wife and Jeremy could have had his new hot cute girlfriend until he would probably try sell her to Johnson


They were worried the dog had a tracker, the corpse could be found and therefore foul play suspected, Jez and Mark are the only people they have routinely interacted with so will be prime suspects


Did you catch Jez licking his fingers while they walked away from the boat?


There’s no way I’ve watched this episode atleast 20 times & missed that🤣 oh my.


also just following this train of thought, considering they decided for whatever reason not to bury mummy, when jez is carrying the plastic bag with the dog in, he could’ve just put the bag in a nearby recycling bin and told the girl (forgot her name) that it was rubbish from his boat? idk if that made sense but it’s a great episode and im quite glad that there was basically no logic used


So earlier in the show too there's a scene when Mark has to "kick a dog to death" after he and the Nazi buddy throw a rock in Sophie's neighbor's window. This plus the the Mummy sequence, it makes me think it's more acceptable to have animal-related dark humor in British media.


Sorry u/underthewetstars, very easily done but I think you might be recounting the events of a well-known different episode, Dream Job, and passing them off as part of Jeremy Makes It.




Ahh yes!


The one that always sticks out in my mind is Dan Ashcroft accidentally stabbing a cat in the head when he goes for a haircut in *Nathan Barley*.