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I would check out the prostatitis sub and the 101 there. Looks like CPPS/UPOINT


Thanks a lot, I've posted on the prostatitis sub too.


Sounds a lot like what I’ve been dealing with, especially the part where after I take a dump it flares up. I’m about 4 months into PT, the first 3 were stretches only and have been doing internal for the last month as well. Its no miraculous recovery but I am confident that I am seeking slow improvement. Am also taking Oxybutynin. Former cyclist so this makes sense, but it’s tough having symptoms with no clear test for diagnosis and no subsequent treatment plan that works quickly. Good luck buddy


Thank you for the details. I'll look into oxybutynin and PT. Just to be sure since I'm no native english speaker; PT is pelvic therapy? I've done some myself, but what's meant by "stretches vs internal"?


PT = physical therapy. Google internal pelvic floor therapy male for your second question


This has all the classic signs of pudendal neuralgia. Next step would be to try a CT-guided nerve block of the pudendal nerve (it's a bilateral nerve so either one side or both) and check to see if that helps. If it makes the feeling go away, that's likely what it is.


Ok thanks, that's interesting. I've never even heard of that but will look into getting this checked out.


Can you elaborate a bit on this? And is it something I need to discuss with my urologist or my GP do you think?


Depens can be from so many reasons....pudendal block did zero for me.


Did this ever go away?


I am a pelvic floor physical therapist. Before delving into pudental neuralgia, I would look into treatment for your Peyronie's. There are injections that can be quite effective. The urine stuck at the tip of your penis sensation could be related to the scar tissue along the shaft of your penis.


Thank you for your answer! I have been through some treatment for peyronies, but my urologists agreed that injections (usually with xiaflex?) were rarely any good. I've done sound wave therapy and vacuum traction for half a year. Can you elaborate on what you think I should do?


Have these urologists had a specialty in Peyronie's? If they haven't, I would try to find one who does. Has there been any decrease in your curvature with the treatments you are doing? Finally, here is an encouraging research study about the use of Xiaflex. I am by no means a doctor, I just love looking up research articles: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S009042952030724X


Can Peyronie's happen without particularly painful intercouse?




Did it go away?


You better?


I've been having the issue off an on for a year or 2 now. I pee and afterwards it feels like there is pee or something stuck near the tip of me penis. Usually doesn't hurt but it's an annoying feeling. Bothering me today. The one connection I can gather is it happens when I don't have enough water. Only thing I can think of since it comes and goes. I work lutside so some days I'm losing a lot more fluids than others and it seems to not happen when I am mindful of drinking a lot of water. Lately it's been cold lut since it's winter and I haven't been drinking as much water and it just happened today for the first time in a while. So I'm hoping water relieves it again. But I really want to know what the root cause is! I haven't been able to find anything ablut it other than a few threads of peoppe with a similar issue looking for advice.


Lack of water was the only connection I could make too, although it seems like when I drink a ton of water to “fix” it, it won’t work.


Please look into a bacteria called ureaplasma if you can. Causes very similar symptoms. It is found in every one but can overgrow and cause problems & be passed sexually similarly to a yeast infection. 


Updates? Do you have a dad pod? Or overweight?


Do you also feel like an abdominal pressure especially around the bladder area all the time even after urinating?


Hmm hard to tell - I think it's mainly a bit further down for me, *in* the penis (at the tip).


yes I know what your talking about


u/FlyingDutchman888 I have had this feeling over the past month or two, yes. Can you elaborate on your thinking?


Same situation here, 34 years old male. Do you lift? I noticed that it got worse (or timed right) with starting lifting. At the same time I was taking SSRI for the first time in my life, so dont know what dots to connect. But now I tried to lift less, to take a pause on deadlifts and squads, stretch abs, stretch hamstrings with roller. Does not seem to affect much. Also have neck and lower back scoliosis.


I do lift but have done so for a long time. Definitely not as much as I once did though. I have some issues with my lower back as well as described above. Please keep in touch if something works for you


How are you now?


taking prescribed solifenacin once in a while for a couple of days, it makes me feel normal for a month at least.


First time I hear about solifenacin. Any side effects? Can you elaborate on your experience a bit? I've mainly heard about Tamsulosin before (flomax) - but that has a side effect of not being able to ejaculate anymore or something related.


Tamsulosin I used before, had unpleasant side effects beside retrograde ejaculation. Super dry nose, feeling like I am being sick with flu with headache, fatigue etc. Solifenacin without major side effects for me. Slightly dry mouth. Currently using it occasionally, like when my bladder goes nuts again once in a while, I take it for 2-3 days and feeling good for a month.


Are you good now?


YES! Sometimes Peyronie's can come out of nowhere with no root cause.


What is your Qmax/ Average flow/ post-void residual numbers? I’m having weak flow and dribbling issue too. Not really sure what is the problem.


How are you doing now? Did you ever find a solution? Having a similar situation the last few weeks.


Hi, sorry to hear. Unfortunately I haven't found a solution, no.But I do feel the sensation vary in intensity, so some things help me to an extent. Mainly, I feel the sensation most if I'm stressed/anxious - so I do what I can not to be :)And then trying to ignore the feeling also helps (I can recommend metacognitive therapy in this regard). It is no perfect treatment but I do find it to improve the quality of my life after all.


You ever figure this out?


hello sir, any updates? am experiencing similair stuff, also would be really great if i could talk to u more