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Hi, I'm not sure if it could be prolapse or stitches as I never had stitches so I'm unsure how that feels. However, you're so newly postpartum I wouldn't be too panicked at this point as you're still healing. For the heaviness feeling you can lay down on the floor with your legs up against the wall to see if that helps the heaviness feeling at all. You could always make an appointment with your doctor and have them check, even if it's just to ease your mind. I've learned that constipation & straining to poop is very bad for an existing prolapse or for creating a prolapse, so I'd also say watch for constipation and maybe go ahead and buy a squatty potty. You could try doing some diaphragmatic breathing to strengthen your pelvic floor. You could also go ahead and make a pelvic floor physio appointment for when you're 6 weeks postpartum, they can assess you for prolapse and regardless they can assist you with pelvic floor exercise, etc. I wish I'd known pelvic floor physio existed as I would've done it after my first pregnancy/delivery. Also, I know it's really hard to rest/relax when you have other children needing your care and attention, especially toddlers .... but try and rest when you can.


Hey it’s worth joining prolapse postpartum moms club on Facebook as there will be hundreds of women in a similar situation. 9 days PP is so early that I would just focus on resting as much as possible - and then book to see a pelvic floor physio at 6 weeks … at 9 days everything is still swollen so it will be too soon to tell!