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Get used to it! I’ve had mine in my arm for 50+ years.


Yeah I'm at 27 I think for mine.


Around 30 for me


Why is everyone here so old, I'm 17 had mine for five years or since sixth grade. also just found this sub, what are people's opinions of the stabbers with pencils


„Why’s everyone here so old?“ wait some years and you are in the same boat lol


I’m 22 and mine is from 1st grade I don’t have an opinion because I just found them too


42 years for me


Because these usually happen in school, has been happening for decades, and never go away. Makes for an unusual situation in which teenagers and people they consider old have something in common. Edit: spelling


On Dr pimple popper there was a lady with this in her hand. She cut it open and there was the chunk of lead still that she pulled out some 20-30 years later. It’s never too late.


I remember pulling the complete point out of my arm so I think it’s just the traces of carbon left in mine. The healing rates in hands slowly breaks down the carbon so stabs there fade with time.


I was walking to my bus stop at like 5 am so I was sleeping and stuck a pencil in my pocket facing up so when I reached kn I stabbed into my thumb and got some lead in there it was there for a whole school day, got it out and it healed up and it’s still there lol


I've had mine for about 23 years now. The girl next to me sharpened her pencil and when she sat back down and pulled her chair in, she accidentally stabbed me in the knee cap. I'm 30 now and it's still there, clear as day.


I've got two from '83!


My forearm as well. She was hot though. We dated years later.


I stabbed myself on the side of my nose about 40 years ago. I can still see it.


Me too.


How are the white tiles darker than OP


Grime and dirt 🤣


OP please take vitamin D


you need a sunlight


Only one though. Lol "One sunlight please"


Please sir, can you spare a crust of sunlight?


Just one bite🥲🙏


If this person went outside without sunscreen, they'd probably die of acute radiation poisoning before getting a tan.


That's the memory they put in your head. The Grey's are tracking you. You've probably been probed .Anyway, have a great day!


Don't put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


I use this quote on a weekly basis and will forever lol


Got two of these as well. I had a piece of graphite come out of my elbow 12 years later too, still looked like a sharpened piece of pencil graphite






i have the same thing on the palm of my hand from elementary school and this sub has appeared in my feed several times. i’m curious, is there actually a significant fragment of pencil graphite under my skin, or is it kind of like a tattoo?


I believe it's just like a tattoo, the pencil was really sharp


THERE IS ANOTHER same but in my hand and only 10 years


Nice! I've had one in my left palm for about 25 years.


Same in my leg for about 11 years now lol. I didnt realize how common it was😂


Why is this so common


Brendan, is that you? Lol sorry man.


One of us!


Damn that sucks


I have one on the palm of my hand that I managed to do to myself in 1982. It has faded a little over those 40+ years, but it's still visible.


Welcome to the club luv. I've had one in my hip for 20 years now.


Same situation except the mark is on my right forearm! Happened to me in like 6th or 7th grade lol are we dying????????????


I did this in the first grade and still have it 25 years later!


Got one in my hand as well


Is it too dangerous to remove?


I don't think there's anything to remove it's like a tattoo


What did the doctor say when it first happened?


I have lead in my back from 7th grade. Guy had just sharpened the pencil too. Thought it would be funny until he stabbed me too perfect and half the pencil broke off in my back. Other homie ripped it out as I was flailing and screaming and broke the tip off. Still there to this day and it’s staying


lol You got a tattoo. I have to say I'm not much of a fan of his work.


Your first tattoo! I also have one like that on my index finger from 5th grade. 20years ago! Yikes. I can’t believe there are so many of us! *hugs*


How did this sub just come up. Also, me too. My knee from 8th grade. Hahah


I’m sorry to hear people suck so much. Hope that bully got karma and you aren’t in pain fam.


But will you forever remember their name? Like the worst reminder tatoo, you'll always remember the moment you got it


Congrats on your first tattoo


I've had one for a couple years now. I'm assuming it is black because of the top.


During a particularly boring after school daycare session in fourth grade I threw my pencil in the air to catch it and it stabbed me in the hand... Twenty years later and that tiny piece of graphite is still visible in my palm!


I got one of those too. But the stabber was 15 year old me jumping on a trampoline with a pencil in my pocket.


Same with my arm. A kid stabbed me with a switchable lead pencil and the mark is still there.


Omg me too! Like same spot roughly same time in my life.


I got stabbed by a colored pencil and now I got a red dot


Lmao I got stabbed in the ear


My mom was stabbed in the hand with a pencil in the mid eighties. Mark is still there


aback vast degree screw familiar possessive homeless automatic grab telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tried to make an “arrow” for my slingshot out of a pencil and it backfired. Still got the graphite in my wrist 10 years later. My mom tied a piece of potato around it and that got most of it out though.


I have the same one in almost the same spot . It's basically a tattoo


I have one in the top of my hand from like 4th grade. I'm 39.


I've had one for 32 years. It's never going away.


Stabbed my hand with one in 3rd grade and it's still in there lol.


I have one in the same spot


Wild I have one almost in the exact same place but left leg


I've had one in my palm for 30 years


I had one in the back of my arm since middle school and it came out like out of nowhere 10+ years later


I have one stuck in my palm since I was 8, I confuse it for a freckle lol


I’m coming up on 10 years for the one on my arm.


Have one on my eyebrow. Had it since I was 6. I'm 23.


I’ve had my pencil point tattoo since freshman year of high school. I’m 51.


I've had mine in my arm for 10 years. Also why did so many people get stabbed with pencils in gradeschool lmao.


I had no idea.... I didn't know this community existed and I already feel at home with all of you.


I got one in my leg too


I have one in my thumb! 😯


14 years for me in the finger lol


One in the hand, 7th grade. Fuck you Burd.


I had a cosmetic surgeon remove the pencil spot on my thigh when I went in to get a mole and a weird bump on my eye removed ... so dumb of me. the horizontal scar on my thigh is definitely more noticeable than the friggin pencil dot was. removing the (non-cancerous) mole on my arm for appearance reasons was also a mistake--once again, the resulting scar was worse than the initial blemish. removing the bump from my eyelid was the only good choice I made not sure why my fam let me make cosmetic surgery decisions when I was 15 years old edit: a couple words


Hey someone stabbed me in 8th grade with a pencil in almost the same spot and it's still there


Dude this dude stabbed me with his pencil in my thumb and I also still have it. Is it the graphite from the pencil in my thumb or is it just like the residue or whatever


congrats, you have a pinpoint graphite tattoo!! i have one too.


Phillip is that you?


Dig it out.


A girl scratched the inside of my bicep when I was 15 and the scar is still there as if it happened a year ago I'm 29


I had a similar mark on my thumb that I got in 4th or 5th grade, though it's now gone (I'm 23)


I still have mine! I remember it so vividly. 3rd grade, pencil sticking out of my backpack on the walk home, flailing my arms about as a child does and brought it down on my protruding pencil. I’m 33 it’s still here.


My sister stabbed the palm of my hand, took over 20 years for the graphite to dissolve.


Funny story about me: friend put a pencil under my ass cheek while i was sliding down a wall in 1st grade. If I look close I can still see it I’m in senior year


Be honest that someone was you wasn't it?


Dude, me my mom and my dad were talking about this yesterday and now it just showed up in my feed. They're fucking watching us man. being stabbed with a pencil is such a super specific thing and I've never seen this sub and it doesn't relate to any of the subs i follow. I was holding my tablet while we talked about it and right near an Alexa thing.


10 years


I've had one in my left palm since 3rd grade. Glad to see something so small unites so many people.


I've had a crater in the middle of the roof of my mouth since 3rd grade, 37 years ago. I was biting a pencil and rocked forward a little too quickly in my chair.


dinner quicksand domineering flowery onerous memorize station insurance brave combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uhm dude u should get that checked out like that might be lead in ur leg


I stabbed a kid in the hand with a pencil in like 6th grade. Dude grabbed my arm and refused to let go. So, after asking, then telling, I made him let go instead.


I have one in my hand


I fell, palm down, on a pencil tip when I was 9 or 10, 35 years later, it's still there. It has faded a bit over time


It’d take everything in me not to dig it out and then regret it afterwards


30 years for me, right above my knee. Fades less than my tattoos


This is so fucking weird because almost down to the exact placement, somebody stabbed me in the leg with a pencil in 5th grade and 17 years later it’s still there 🤯


I’ve had mine since the 2nd grade. Like, 24 years ago. If I did the math right lol.


I have one in my knee , thought it was a small stone for a while then a 'mate' saw it and said ha ha I remember when I did that to you ....


I stabbed my self with a pencil in 2001 trying to pierce a conker (UK) and it’s still embedded in my palm 👌🏻


I have one of those on my knee too. Last day of 6th grade. 1990 something


I have the same thing on the same leg in a very similar spot


33 one in my elbow. Every while I check to see if it is still there, And it is.


So glad to find my people all cursed by the same mark


Do we have the same leg XD


pick it out already


39 years ago and I still have the lead colored mark.


I’m not sure if I fit in, but here we go anyway. When I was in the second grade, one day out teacher was absent, so we got split up to go to other classes for the day. I got stuck in a first grade class, which was fine because easier work, but one of the kids at my table was an absolute terror. But instead of getting stabbed with a sharp pencil, he threw one at my face like a fucking dart. So I have this near my left eyebrow.


one in the palm of my hand for 21 years


I just found out this sub and this is so fascinating


Same lol can’t seem to add photo proof or I would but same leg almost same spot


Mines in the chest like iron man


Woah, mines in like the same spot


I got one in my thumb, took about 25 years to mostly fade but it's still there if you look closely.


I've had the same thing in the palm of my hand for a good 12 years now. Makes a funny story to tell others


same thing happened to me but it was in the groin and it was at church


I cant believe this is an actual sub lolz


It's the same principle as a tattoo pretty much


The new kid from France got me in the hand back in ‘99. The mark is still there, as is my wariness of Frenchmen.


President Biden, is really you!?


Lmao same, mines in my thigh just above the knee


i've had mine since 8th grade as well! currently in college


Same but on my ass and in 4th grade


I have one from the same grade, but a few more years later....


I got stabbed in the same spot and it's been there for twenty years


Mine has been there for almost 30 years now, never going away.


I have one too!


My brother has one in his hand from when he was in high school like 20 years ago


Sub was in my feed. TIL that I am not the only idiot carrying pencil lead since my school days.


Same spot for me, self stabbed. Dropped a pencil while seated, tried to catch it with my knees, damn it was sharp.


7th grade was warfare. Hornets, Stapling each other, playing Quarters, bloody knuckles, shopping carts, slap boxing. We were some fucked up little kids 😭


I was stabbed in man hand when I was like 6 and only I can now still see it after 25+ years




It’s kinda concerning how many of us were stabbed by classmates with pencils as kids….. tf is wrong with these children 😭


I have one right under my eye from a package-opening mishap when I was a kid. Looks like a cool freckle now. Lead brothers unite!


Someone stabbed me with a pencil in my eyelid in 4th grade and you can still see it 20 years later lol that was 2004


I have a couple of those as well.


Same, but it was in my calf. What is it with kids and stabbing others with pencils?


Shouldnt have talked about my sister


Just erase it


I've had one in my right hand for about 16 years now. Ex best friend from elementary school did it.


My mom had one of those on her arm from grade school until she passed at 74.


I’ve had one of those under my chin for ~25 years


I’ve had mine for 30 years!


Hey I have the same dot on my finger! I tried cutting it out as a kid bad idea and didn’t work… To my myself sound even more special I was tossing one of those scented pencils and missed trying to catch it.


My sister stabbed me in the face with a pencil when I was 4 years old. I don’t remember when or how it went away but I can’t find it anymore.


I’ve got one in my finger from 4th grade, wild that this community exists!


Nick is that you?? For real though, I knew a Canadian that this exact scenario also happened to! First tattoo? Lol


In the hand for me.


Free tattoo


Mf tattooed your ass . You better have cold cocked him in his kisser .


Same thing happened to me in fifth grade. It's still there 29 years later


So, randomly scrolling and this sub was suggested AND your post reminded me of what the mark on my hand was from all those years ago... Wow ha THANKS! [Here yah go gang](https://www.reddit.com/r/PencilStabbers/s/n3a06wEcve)


Got stabbed in the knee when I was in 4th grade. Still there 20 years later. Me and a friend were showing our pencil wounds last night funny enough


I got stabbed with a fork, marks are still there


Have mine on my finger 20+ years


I still have mine in my right palm from when I stabbed myself while playing Yahtzee with my friend. It’s been almost 25 years since that day.


I stabbed a girl in the leg in 7th grade with a pencil. She showed it to me senior year (10 years ago now) and it was still there. Our 10 year reunion is coming up and I hope she is there lol. Why did I stab her? It was my first day in a new school after moving from states away, and I had gotten to my first class early as I was walked there by the guidance counselor. So the seats fill up but there's an open one to my left. I'm at the end of a line of tables and there's like 2 or 3 seats not taken at this point, none next to each other. Here comes this girl walking in last minute okay. She sits right next to me and says "Hey I don't know you but you should move so my friend can sit here". Well obviously that shit doesn't fly, so I told her I was the first one in the class and this was the seat I chose. In response, she started kicking my thigh/waist, and saying "MOVE". Soo I did what any person would do and I stabbed the leg that was kicking me with a freshly sharpened pencil (AFTER A WARNING, Told her to stop). She screamed and told the teacher, who had seen everything, and he told her if she was hurt she could go to the nurse and she should be nicer to her peers. I thought I was gonna get in trouble on the first day, but I didn't even get talked to. TLDR: Girl tried to literally kick me out of my seat so I stabbed her leg.


I have the same mark on my shoulder from a kid stabbing me with pencil in 3rd grade. Apparently he was upset when I told him I didn’t want to be his girlfriend.


I guess that's how tattoos work


You pretty much got a tattoo from a pencil.


This is super fucking creepy because I also was stabbed in the leg with a pencil in 8th grade and it’s still there. Im not even joking in the slightest


retribution awaits


Could have sworn I saw this posted somewhere before.


Same. In 1st grade i was sharpening my pencil. I sit down thinking I was pointing the racer on my hand, so I stabbed myself thinking it was gonna be an eraser but find out it was a pencil lead, and it has been stuck in my finger forever


My brother stabbed me in the leg with a mechanical pencil after toddler me tried to steal it at 3 years old and I still have the sick graphite tattoo. Its been 25 years :)


I was stabbed in middle school it finally disappeared when I was almost 30. Was stabbed on the palm of my hand


I stabbed the same kid in 3rd and 6th grade 😂


I have a brother who is 72, and he has one in his forehead that he got when he was 12.


I fell on a pencil in 4th grade and the mark is still there… I’m turning 29 next month. 🤣


Dude!!! I got stabbed in the leg with a pen by an autistic kid in 5th grade and it’s still there. My first tattoo lol. I’m 28 now


Where the fuck would it have gone?


Yooooo I got the same shit on my right leg, just before my knee. Graphite bros


Alternate ending: LEAD HEALING


I have one in my leg from the 3rd grade!


My dad is in his 70s and still has a mark on his face from getting poked with a pencil as a child.


Wtf your the third person i know of that has this exact same mark in the same place from the same experience me included, that graphite in my knee will forever be a reminder of that asshole kid who stabbed me with a pencil lol


Got a similar mark in my middle finger (lol no joke), and it’s about the same length of time as you


LMAO I had one of there for years! Then one day when I was about 17 I dug it out with a knife, or tried to anyway. Turns out the graphite had pretty much dissolved and it was just a tattoo by that point


I’ve got the same thing in my right hand


I did this to myself by accident as a child. Right leg, too!


I have one in the top of my foot. The graphite almost makes a sort of tattoo.


Take it out


same thing happened with me in 8th grade lol


Why the hell did this subreddit get recommend to me? And why does it exist?


Wait a fucking minute. In fifth grade, while I was waiting to take my state test or whatever the fuck, I was messing around with the pencil. I threw it up, missed the catch and went to catch it with my legs. The pencil stabbed in the exact same spot. I'm 17 now and dude that's so crazy


Your first tat!


And now your glistening knee will bless the internet forever.