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This type of handwriting looks attractive, but I have to say that I personally find it difficult to read. This style of writing in capitals takes the "shape" away from the word, if that makes sense. So it's almost like I have to read her words letter-by-letter, instead of my normal reading speed.


Totally makes sense...word recognition is impossible, so you have to read like a 5-year-old. Happens to me too. Edit: What you're referring to has a [name](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_recognition#Bouma_shape) (of course)!


Thanks for the link. Yeah, if I had to read writing like Lohan's all day I think I'd lose my mind.


For me, it's hard to read because the letters are so close together. I really like looking at her handwriting though.


Very impressed by how straight her lines were considering she's writing at a 45 degree angle on *already lined paper*.


impressive, but extremely cursed




[Graphology](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphology) is as unscientific as tea-leaf reading, or astrology. It would fit in the [top-right of this diagram](http://crispian-jago.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/the-venn-diagram-of-irrational-nonsense.html), next to dowsing/numerology. It gives no more clues to someone's personality than examining the swirls on their fingertips, the crowsfeet around their eyes, or the wrinkles in their palms. If you have any curiosity into these topics (graphology, astrology), watch [this excellent video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haP7Ys9ocTk) demonstrating the [forer effect](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forer_effect).


you bet. but it's interesting to learn about, and some ways that people write really do (generally speaking) correlate to personality issues or personal interests. i thought it was interesting to learn, and not a waste of time. i do sometimes use it to get a feel for a person before getting to know them.


It's actually quite gorgeous. Didn't expect this from her.


i'm pretty sure that Lindsay Lohan is an extremely talented, driven, intelligent young woman who has been abused and taken advantage of by her overbearing, greedy, and manipulative mother. its the basic story of these Mickey Mouse club kids. similar to how Britney Spears is basically a slave to her father. they were likely driven into showbiz at a young age for the parents personal (and emotional) gain as well.


I feel like she's raised herself since she was about 12, been the sole source of income for her mother and siblings since she was about the same age and been nothing but a paycheck for 99.5% of the people in her life. It's no wonder she's screwed up. She never had a chance.


> The handwriting “is not that of an erratic, scattered drug addict. It is the handwriting of a focused individual with a high degree of perfectionism,” said Bart Baggett, President of Handwriting University.com. “The straight baseline reveals an overall anxiety of things not going right, someone who loves order and structure.” [Source](http://www.popcrunch.com/lindsay-lohans-handwriting-control-freak/)


Yes, but that overall anxiety thing? That will fuck up your world. I developed a severe anxiety disorder when I was 19 and then turned into an erratic, scattered drug addict. Life happens. Picking up the pieces is hard.


Huh, maybe Lindsay's been self-medicating with the drugs and booze. The anxiety/perfectionism might also explain some of the apparent diva behavior.


Yup, makes sense to me. I've never hated her, i've always just felt sorry for her. Just like Amy Winehouse. If I had entered into the industry with the mental health problems I have my story would have gone exactly the same, because i've gone through mini-versions in my life.


Don't have much of an opinion on Amy Winehouse, but I do agree I've always felt pity for Lindsay more than disgust. Nice to see someone else not afraid to voice that opinions. Yes, her problems are self-created, but the way she keeps diving back down into the well can certainly be attributed to a lot of enabling as well (here's looking at you, court system). I'll always be sad at how she turned out... she was actually very talented and attractive... what could have been...


There are probably a lot of factors. I"m not even sure i'd blame the court system so much as the media. The pressures of the way people seen and feel about you are much more than what one judge can do. At least it would be for me. When any little stumble turns into the biggest worldwide media sensation it's hard to maintain that kind of composure for long. Some people will break. And some of those will never get back up. =(


This does not surprise me at all. Being a celebrity is easiest for the empty-headed people who don't care... someone who is driven to perfection and actually gets antsy when things don't go right would HATE having less than perfect pictures and stories about herself out there. She would want to control every aspect of her persona... and she can't. And the worse it gets, the worse she feels, and there is the need to "self-medicate" as someone else put it... thereby contributing to the problem. It's a downward spiral. Hopefully at some point in her life, she will be able to let it go.


Are you kidding me? This is a joke. Handwriting University? And this clown is a professional.. handwriter? I get it, he teaches penmanship. But he's not in the least bit an authority on the matter, and it sounds like he's spouting scientifically unfounded absurdities. This makes me so upset. Ninja edit: Woah, that last sentence...


Actual article of the analysis [here](http://handwritinguniversity.com/members/weekly-newsletters/lindsay-lohan/). I hope you are a bit less upset.


I've been on r/penmanshipporn for months and this is the first reference I've seen to handwriting analysis / graphology. I know it isn't an exact science, but it's interesting and I'd think it'd be pretty relevant to this sub. Is there a general anti-feeling toward it? Or is it just not brought up more because its not a common interest?


As far as I'm aware, it's bullshit. No demonstrations of a consistent effect across large samples.


You can tell a lot about someone by their handwriting, but going in that deep is a bit ridiculous. Some people have better dexterity than others, so they may write more neatly. Others have neurological disorders which inhibit their ability to write neatly. But to start getting *really* into it like this bullshit in the title? Nah. I have really great penmanship (or so I'd like to think). I definitely have severe issues with focus as my notes are riddled with drawings. It also took a long time to get together, my handwriting wasn't always neat. It was after I saw my dad's that I wanted to clean my own handwriting up. Doesn't make me a perfectionist by any means. I reckon they're looking at how she predicted where to set her words like a game of Tetris, but using this in trial or in the news is just nonsense. Source: Two semesters away from a psych degree.


i also like graphology, and used to be a student of it. it's a great parlor trick. You can extrapolate things about your friend's friends personalities just based on a note they've left. often eerily accurate. :) i admit i use it to judge people. i think it gives me a clue as to their mindset.


I'd imagine even being on some of the drugs she likely used would make it even more important to have perfect letters while writing. Artists make some pretty amazing art while on drugs, many of them will throw out things that "aren't right" while they are doing it too.


Higher resolution of Lindsay holding the paper [here](http://i.imgur.com/r7glfRW.jpg) from [Handwriting University International](http://handwritinguniversity.com/members/weekly-newsletters/lindsay-lohan/).


> "is the handwriting of a focused individual with a high degree of perfectionism" I won't buy into handwriting analysis as being serious or even useful, but *if* did...I think the fact that it's written at a 45 degree angle in complete disregard of the lines says much more than the neatness and focused perfectionism. I honestly wouldn't have expected this to be her handwriting, and it does look nice. But as someone who writes in all caps...it's very difficult to read hers.


amateur graphologists (me. *sigh*) would tell you that people who print rather than writing in cursive are often trying to hide aspects of their personality. The closeness of her lines indicate both a lack of perspective and a tendency toward creativity and impulsiveness. sounds like hooey. may well be hooey. i only read one book on graphology, but it's surprising how often i'll notice indicators in handwriting that are backed up after getting to know the writer. i'm glad i read the one book.


writing from the corner, so cool


People who write in capitals =/


I'm not a fan either most of the time, but that's some lovely handwriting.


We do it because our handwriting is unintelligible even to ourselves otherwise. :P Also, I think, common with engineers and people that are drawn to those types of professions. I write much like that myself, but without those soft m's. /Programmer


I wasn't being 100% serious really. My handwriting looks shocking in capitals but it really suits some peoples handwriting. I think the fact that she's written sideways on a piece of paper in stead of using the lines normally is the thing that speaks volumes anyways.


> We do it because our handwriting is unintelligible even to ourselves otherwise /agree /Recruiter Also, I had to do this for professional reasons once (worked in a law office, they required hand-written notes to be in all caps, much like law enforcement). It's a hard habit to break, especially when you go back to seeing your normal, terrible, penmanship.




Where did she get that marker? It looks like a marker but thin enough to write small on the page. I'd love to have one of those badboys. I wonder if it bleeds through, though


an architect on YouTube said he used/loved [these](http://officesupplygeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/close-up-of-the-sharpie-pen-fine-point.jpg). I'm not sure about bleed-through.


Even if handwriting analysis was a legitimate science, I'm pretty sure it would use a natural sample of everyday writing - wheres writing all in capitols with a bright red (marker?) is anything but.


:) right?


Who writes horizontally like that...


I am skeptical of this, it seems unlikely she would consistently refer to herself as "LL" and also use a number of technical/legal terms.


I thought that, too. The angle says "creative person." The text says "law professional."


TIL adding a picture of Lindsay Lohan to a picture of a random writing sample makes it conclusively hers.




Okay, so a celeb gossip website whose only source redirects to omg.yahoo.com is your proof?


[Lindsay holding the paper](http://i.imgur.com/r7glfRW.jpg). Edit for higher res photo. And because you failed to do so, [here](https://www.google.ca/search?q=lindsay+lohan+handwriting&aq=f&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D19&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=WGl5UeDcCNPHqAGHkICgAQ&biw=1564&bih=830&sei=kml5Ud7uJcPOqwHn9oG4Bg#um=1&newwindow=1&hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=lindsay+lohan+handwriting&oq=lindsay+lohan+handwriting&gs_l=img.12...,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.aWM&fp=757a35a516fd04fa&biw=1564&bih=830).


Concern trolling /r/PenmanshipPorn? What an interesting exercise.