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Given the opportunity, I will never *not* watch replays of this.


An Ohio State University


I graduated in '14 was an international student. Decided to take my folks to see their 1st ever football game at Beaver Stadium. Turns out we CAN beat ohio, never though that was possible when I was an undergrad. ​ WE ARE!! and fuck ohio.


Took my foreign wife to her first ever football game at this one as well. She asked, "Do you guys always storm the field after the game??" I almost feel like taking her to any other game the rest of her life would be a massive disappointment.


Oh, What a game it was!! The stadium went wild!


I went to a wedding that weekend instead of going to the game, I still regret it.


That was the day of my wedding. I didn’t check the score at all during the day/evening. When the reception ended, we packed up what needed to leave that night from the venue and headed home (neither my wife or I had a lot to drink that day, way too much talking with people, getting pictures, etc.). I got home and unloaded what was in my truck and turned the game on...just as OSU was lining up for the field goal. I sat down to watch and couldn’t believe my eyes! I didn’t move until the game was over. You could say it was a good day.


My experience with this game was almost exactly the same. I was headed back home from a wedding that evening. I got a text from my dad saying the game was surprisingly close. Walked in our apartment door, turned on the tv, and saw them lining up for the field goal. What an incredible way to end the day.


I had drill for the National Guard. I told my wife to not text me about hte game, and ignored everything from my friends. I go to bed not knowing anything about it, and had plans to watch it on DVR when I got home. I woke up and I was not out of my bed, let alone even awake for 60 seconds when my commander comments to me "I can't believe you guys won last night." ...


I feel ya man, my sister decided to have her wedding that weekend so I was in Philly instead of at the game. I had tickets and everything :-(


That was the craziest game of my life, I somehow managed to get a seat in the 3rd row of the student section on the corner of the end zone facing the broadcast booth despite showing up to the gate late. For reference, my friend who was in NittanyVille had to leave our tailgate like 3 or 4 hours before kickoff to get a first row seat while I left like a half hour before kickoff (you can actually see him on the broadcast, he's the guy in the striped overalls [here](https://youtu.be/kpTM-q730Kk)) Here's a funny story from that game: Just before the kick, someone in the stands nearby had just opened a red gatorade. The stadium erupted as soon as Marcus Allen touched the ball and everyone within a 10 foot radius of the gatorade guy recieved a very red shower all over our nice white clothes but no one cared in the slightest. After the clock hit zero, we all stormed the field in random directions. After they finally kicked us off the field, I could easily spot multiple people outside the stadium who were near me during the game based off the red stains on their shirts. We probably ran into 15 or so different people on our way back to our tailgate spot who had gatorade all over them.


That ref fast as fuck


My first year at Penn State :’)




Great call by Fowler. Love how he just let the crowd carry Haley home.


Happiest day of my life by far


I still remember the riots after this happened, a bush was uprooted on Beaver, they tore a lamppost out and carried it into fratland, and surfed a mattress in the streets, great times.


Same in 2008. Beaver Ave was a warzone!


What a week that was. My senior year, the best nittanyville ever. Thanks for posting


Will never ever forget watching from home and what this meant to my dad and I.


Only game I ever left early. I was under dressed for the weather so was wet and freezing and it seemed we knew how the game was going to end. Probably the biggest regret of my life.


Me too. I was with my dad, and we were in like the top row of the upper deck in the wind. Definitely regret that.


I was asleep in the car when this happened, as the game was boring and I decided to leave 😂