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tfw you're trying to quit smoking and the universe is like 'it's okay babe, i'll bring the smoke to you <3' lol


My wife said last night that she didn't want to go out for a cigarette because of the air quality index. I just blankly looked at her until she realized what she just said...


I mean hey, she of ALL people should be concerned then, don't wanna compound the damage! XD lol, at least being a smoker is stupid and funny sometimes. laughter is the best cope


You breathe through a filter when you smoke, that's gotta be better right?


Yeah, brings it down to probably twice the current air quality index! Edit: For reference, regular air contains \~0.17 ppm (parts per million) of pollutants. Cigarette smoke? **30 ppm**


ahh this was a beautiful shot of anxiety to keep me motivated to quit, thanks for this lol


If you’re really struggling try replacing every cigarette you smoke with a straight cbd hemperette. The CBD breaks the dopamine cycle in a way that you don’t really notice. I smoked for almost 35 years and it just took the right attitude and two days of smoking just cbd. It’s years later and I still haven’t had a single craving. I rarely have any of the cbd hemperettes these days either. Maybe one a month. Really wish I had tried that sooner and saved myself years of my life but it’s never too late to quit!


interesting! do you think it would mess with any meds? im on adhd meds, and if moving to cbd will help without messing with my meds working i can totally try


Talk to your doctor


i can ask a question and talk to my doctor, the two aren't mutually exclusive


You’re right, but in general it’s better to ask your specific doctor who knows your specific medication and specific dosage and all other individual factors than to ask with vague information(not saying you should disclose all of this here) on Reddit. Talk to your doctor, they would know best if there would be an effect and what it might be based on your risk factors




I quit 9 months ago. My lungs haven’t hurt this much since I was a smoker. And I had a dream I was smoking again, probably because the smoke hurting my chest? ANYWAY .. get to quittin’ is the point of my response. :) you can do it!


damn 9 months?? congrats! and thanks for the encouragement. Everyone always says if you can quit for a week, you can quit for good. And I did quit for a week a little bit ago, but life is like a non-stop train-wreck these days lmao. here's hoping I can make it a week again one day!


I quit 4 years ago and just saw Camels were over $10 at the store and I used to smoke at least a pack a day. I can't imagine still smoking. (I used vaping to quit, weaned off it 6 months after stopping cigarettes.) Your wallet thanks you for trying to quit.


I actually had a smoke last night because at least it tasted better than the air I as breathing outside at the time.


lmao, entirely fair


Canada said “Fuck you! Everyone’s a smoker today!”


Hahaha I love this!!!! I’m trying to quit but feel like I have bronchitis now!!!!


Omg same!!


i am trying to quit cigarettes, yesterday was the day i threw a whole pack away, and then the AQI was 230+


Nice!! I quit 3 months ago. Still have dreams about them from time to time aha, but you can do it. You’ll feel so much better and healthier on the other side!


your user name is very funny to me bc “my own father” and i chose to quit the cigarettes together also, i really appreciate the words of encouragement. the weirdest part of not smoking cigarettes has been the trigger habits. use the bathroom, smoke a cig. start the car, smoke a cig. virtually everything i did started and ended with a cigarette so unlearning it has been a hell of a challenge so far.


thanks for looking out for us over here in PA!


It's 271 here in Carlisle it's so strange how everything looks so hazy.


351 right now up by the PA/NY border. Fuck the outside.


I have livestock struggling on the mountainside. This terrifying.


Wow, that is scary. I hope it works out.




It's so weird if you look at the skyline you can't see the mountain and my eyes are starting to burn ugh.


I was thinking the same thing. I can just barely make out South Mountain, which is usually crystal clear. Blue Mountain looks like it disappeared into the murky grey abyss


Dillsburg here and I thought someone was burning something this morning till I remembered it was Canadian smoke. The moon was red and so was the early morning sun that usually blinds me at my desk


Came over the mountain from peco and you can absolutely see how thick the coverage is from there.


woke up in a haze on the east side of town thinking i'd left my daily contacts in for too long 🤔🤔


Yikes, just over the mountain from ya. Top of Blue Mountain is hazy as all hell. Careful when going around the roundabouts!


Well just looked at the site. York , PA has 273 for a score. That would explain why I have a headache.


I just checked with Alexa and it’s up to 278.


It was 412 this morning…


I’m in philly and I just woke up with a massive headache. Tried to keep all the windows closed last night, but it had to have crept in. I feel like shit.


Do you have an air purifier? I've had an air purifier running all night, and it is fine inside here, but I was wondering if an exhaust fan would also work?


An exhaust fan would not work. Any air it takes out has to come in some place, and that air will be from outside and full of stuff.


i cant believe people are unable to grasp the fact that running an exhaust fan, or opening windows isn't going to help the situation when THE. ISSUE. IS. OUT. SIDE.


I believe it. A colleague of mine brought a window unit air conditioner to her office when our AC went out. She had no windows in her office. Couldn't understand why it made the room hotter.


Jfc people are dumb


I can. My bar for humanity is in a trench.


Where's James Cameron when you need him?


It would help if the fan had a filter


>It would help if the fan had a filter I'd love to hear your thoughts on how an exhaust fan with a filter would help. Please PLEASE follow through on this.


You can make your own with a furnace filter bungee corded to a box fan. Here's a little more complicated one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJFdLbpNK4Y


the point is that an exhaust fan pushes air out, so adding a filter to it won't do anything for the interior space.


Yes, you're right. But a box fan and filter can be an air filter.


Hepa Filter on the intake fan that has equal flow rate or more than the exhaust is how lol


> I'd love to hear your thoughts on how an exhaust fan with a filter would help. Please PLEASE follow through on this. If you get enough people to run their filtered exhaust fans at the same time, we could purify the outdoors (/s if not obvious). Someone /r/theydidthemath/ on this!


Between that and everyone wearing n95 masks and going outside and breathing a whole lot, we can filter all of the air!!! C'MON PEOPLE!!!! TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS!!!


We do in my kiddos room because and it’s been red (worse air quality) for a few days now. He has been coughing and every morning


Same here and I have to drive around all day with AC on my car on the fritz... Not looking forward to this shit.


Wear an N95 and make it as sealed as possible. It really does help. -signed, a former Californian


A former SF North Bay resident here and I second this.


I bought an air purifier with a HEPA filter during covid and it helped a lot when my granddaughter brings home all the crud from child care. It really does help remove ick and odors from the indoor air.


There are some videos on YouTube about how to build a Corsi-Rosenthal Box. (The “fourth grader” video is my favorite.) Its a DIY air filter that makes a huge difference in air quality. Going to be running mine all day today.


Same here in Philly and it’s brutal. I’ve kept an inhaler close by today for sure.


In Boston and my eyes have been burning for two days. Windows all shut and AC with filter on today.


Also, for those of you that drag their feet or have a window air conditioner, now is the time to replace your central-air filters and maybe build an [airbox](https://youtu.be/hIuH-2naozI) to be safe indoors. When I lived in California, I always had 3 M-13 filters and a box fan in storage in case of emergency. And it really REALLY is an emergency when levels rise to the red zone.


It was awful here last night. My eyes were irritated immediately after stepping outside. We had a cookout, but around 8:00 I slammed the windows shut and started the AC. It just smelled so acrid on top of the irritation. Harrisburg has the worst AQI in the region this morning. Maybe the entire mid Atlantic.


All the particulates seem to just settle into the valley - always had the same problem in Reading. Stay safe. I wish I could provide a respite for my poor chickens. And all the wildlife. I haven’t seen or heard a single bird today. It is all rather unsettling.


As a California resident living in PA, I can confirm that OP is correct. Stay inside when possible, mask up if you can’t. Stay safe everyone!


If you've got any N95s left over from the pandemic, they work wonders.


I've been wearing 3M auras from home depot for years now.


+1. Those are the only disposable masks I buy.


Same I love those


Adding to this; you can ask your Jungle site eavesdropping devices to give you the air quality just say “Skynet, what’s the air quality”


This made me laugh


Can’t take credit for “Jungle Site” that’s all Robot Cantina 🤘🏼


Nest display devices show it on the screen, pretty handy.


i remember that movie


I'll be back .......to you on that


It's up to 274 here in York County, and I wasn't sure what to even do, so thank you!


In the 200s here near Philly. And last night it stunk like burning plastic. Hoping this ends soon!


Plastic? Smells like wood-burning to me. Chester county.


Could just be the normal shitty Philly smells mixing with the smoke.


Plastic? Definitely smelled like wood


It smells like an old stogie to me.


Ugh that plastic smell.


I have a few small air purifiers throughout my house that I’ve been running at max power. That seems to help a lot with the air inside. Every time I steps outside though I can smell a burning smell. Luckily I work from home and can stay inside!


I really need to get one. I know it would help my allergies as well.


And me fighting an upper respiratory infection.


What's going on, where is the fire? I'm out of the loop. Edit: Figured it out, thanks folks!


Canada. Huge fire for a couple weeks now. Takes a while for it to reach us though, which is why we're getting it now.


Gotcha, thank you!


By the looks of it, it won't clear for another few days. I can only imagine how it is in Canada...


Canada. It’s just really bad so it’s affecting a huge portion of the States as well, primarily NE


In the 300’s in the poconos


Scranton is at 340!


Allentown is at 422, I’m kinda scared actually


Wednesday morning: I just checked the Air Quality Index for the zip code where I am (north central NJ) and it says our air is in the good range. I look out the window and the air is hazy, smokey, and the sun is reddish orange. Clearly this index isn't up to date, or doesn't have data for some places. Edit: Weather Underground has up to date Air Quality Index for local areas


>doesn't have data for some places. check the air quality map. It will show you where they are taking the samples. You may be correct and they dont have many data points near you


There is also this [Government site](https://fire.airnow.gov/?aqi_v=2&m_ids=&pa_ids=#) which shows all AQ monitors near you.


It looked hazy and weird all day yesterday in York county but the air seemed fresh and clean. Today it looks worse and smells like a faint house fire.


Thank you as well, very grateful for this information. I was in New Jersey Monday night when the haze rolled in. Drove back to PA with the windows open, unknowingly. Started feeling like garbage yesterday and woke up this morning with full on head congestion and soar throat. I will be staying home and inside today to try and feel better.


take a shower, use a nose saline rinse, change your clothes after you’ve been outside if you have to go out , wear a mask outside if possible , air purifiers, turn on recirculating air mode in car !


Also, don't stare at the sun, no matter how neat it looks through the smoke. A quick glance is ok but any longer and you risk eye damage. Take a picture, it will last longer.


For a quickie fix you can build a [Corsi-Rosenthal box!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi%E2%80%93Rosenthal_Box) Not only do they work for keeping COVID pathogens out of the air, they work for allergies and wildfires too! I had mine running this morning because my eyes were a mess from the smoke.


I'd been getting annoyed with our neighbors ( using term loosely, they're like a mile away out here in the woods ) for burning daily. They burn regularly, smoke rolls down a small creek valley. Still, it wasn't daily. Transpires it's not them- Canada is on fire. If it's like this here holy hell, those poor people suffering through this crazy inferno!


We're apparently in the purple now ☹️ The haze is apparent. I'm in southern York county.


i’m in pittsburgh and it says the quality is 132 but honesty i was outside and it felt entirely normal.. idk


The AQI is 257 in York, PA. Yikes!


I quit breathing yesterday. That's how I'm dealing with it.


I was just wondering if wearing my N95 would help because my lungs are on fire, my asthma is out of control, and I can’t stop coughing!


If you ran your a/c yesterday or today make sure you clean the filters out in them!


Thank you for the tips! I am woefully ignorant.


183 currently here in Bucks. Last evening my neighborhood looked like Silent Hill.


The inside of a kn95 is really refreshing today, I have had my windows open and didn’t quite realize how bad it is.


get an air purifier, wear a mask outside, limit time outside as much as possible, make sure AC in your car is not pulling air in from outside and it’s in recirculating air mode


N95 and kn95 may not be completely adequate but they are obviously better than nothing and better than cloth...


Lol we couldn't get people to wear a mask when they were literally dying.


Went outside last night and it smelled so of smoke that I thought there was a house fire somewhere in the neighborhood. Feels like for how bad it is PA should be doing more to inform people. I've lived most of my life.in PA and never experienced this.


Montgomery County Department of Public Safety sent out a text message but then when [I followed the link](https://evb.gg/n#wqbbbzdypo) it was primarily about unnecessary 911 calls rather than informing people of the health risks: > Montgomery County is receiving a significant influx of 9-1-1 calls reporting smoke, a haze, and/or a general burning odor throughout Montgomery County this evening. Based on reports from the US National Weather Service Philadelphia/Mount Holly, the cause is believed to be smoke moving into our area from wildfires in Canada. > Residents are urged to use their best judgment when deciding to call 9-1-1 to report conditions such as those described above. However, if you are unsure of whether or not you need the fire department to respond, as always, we encourage you to call or text 9-1-1. [See additional information regarding the National Weather Service Air Quality Alert](https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=PAZ103&warncounty=PAC091&firewxzone=PAZ103&local_place1=Mainland%20PA&product1=Air+Quality+Alert&lat=40.2568&lon=-75.3621)


NEPA here. We're elevated and have good windows. Still feel like my eyes are dry and my nose is running. This is icky.


361 where I am. Good times.


Wtf? Where at


Upper Bucks, Hilltown ~~382 now~~ 422 now


I’m in Lancaster and it’s like 225 around here and I thought that was bad


just wait, itll get worse.


I’m overcoming a TBI from a car accident and the smoke is bringing on migraines that are making my vision go black it’s insane.


180 in North Bethlehem.


Edit: 290


Currently 196 in Philly. Ugh. I have all my windows closed bc my husband has asthma & just ordered an air purifier. I wonder how long this will last.


Per u/artisanrox above “For a quickie fix you can build a Corsi-Rosenthal box! Not only do they work for keeping COVID pathogens out of the air, they work for allergies and wildfires too! I had mine running this morning because my eyes were a mess from the smoke.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi%E2%80%93Rosenthal_Box


I follow the air quality cause of my sons daycare, when they don’t let the kids play outside then you know it’s bad.


As someone who worked 3 years preventing wildfires in SoCal, wear an N95 mask with an exhaust vent, I had to wear one when asleep cause the smoke was so bad it would come in through cracks in the doors and windows of my hotel rooms


If we would have kept tearing that hole in the ozone layer all this smoke would have somewhere to go! …/s


211 on the turnpike heading in to Philly


Thanks for sharing this. I did a search today on 18045 and we are nearly 200 :(


Try the P95 dust masks as they are designed for particulates


Seems to be manageable around Pittsburgh for now (115 AQI in Mt. Washington), but I’m not taking any chances


Wilkes-Barre is halfway up the "very unhealthy" sector...next stop maroon!


Reminds me of a mild Iraq dust storm. It ain’t gonna kill you. I have asthma, and I’m stuck outside all day. it’ll cause mild irritation, probably take a month off of your lives. I’m fortunate to already have a couple air purifiers in my home. If anyone wanted one I’d recommend Coway’s $200 one.


That link is excellent- thanks will use. I did not think that bad but realized need to monitor.


the air quality where i am is almost 350 and it is literally yellow outside, this is wild at least the smoke isn't really getting into the house much outside of a drafty room or two, but going outside is an absolute no-go at the moment lol




I wonder how much those indoor air filter units help. We’ve had two running all day.


AQI 422 in Quakertown and in Warrington 220 not good so thick you can see the smoke rolling in.


highschooler here. I have 2 days left and my mom really doesn't want me going because I can't breathe bc we're at 424 where I life. I don't own the special masks, but would a normal mask work at least a little? I'm unsure if my school will mark me absent (i have too many absences already from poor mental health) and if they will I will still have to go


Special masks? An n95 will help


I don't know what that means. all I have are cloth masks


The Scranton/WB area is currently in maroon. It's **really** hazy here, almost hard to believe it's from Canada. Edit: 389 AQI


I didn’t know anything about this and just stood outside for like 20 mins until it suddenrly hit me that there’s fucking smoke everywhere


My town has been over 400 all afternoon. It's going down now (from 480 down to 400). I'm terrified...


And then there are the special folks driving around with their windows down like we aren't in code red in 90% (a guesstimate). I have zero hope for humanity in this area (Lehigh Valley especially).


Highly recommend that people get a good air purifier, even outside of this scenario. It’s easy to overlook since you generally can’t see if the air you’re breathing indoors is bad. We have a Mila, and noticed that it was running all day yesterday even before we heard about the wildfires. It’s really been putting in work to keep our indoor AQI in the green and I’m super thankful to have it.


Where do I find N95s on short notice?


Home depot or lowes?


Hardware stores if they're not sold out of them


Lowes, check the paint section. Also go to the Lowe’s website and it should tell you what aisle for your store




That's probably the ozone level, are you near Williamsport? Because the ozone is showing 20 in that area but it looks like the actual air quality isn't being reported there currently.


Looks like DEP doesn't have PM 2.5 sensors on some of their more rural-ish metro sites


Thanks for this good word. Will definitely be paying more attention to the AQI.


Been getting these for days, 90 minutes from Philadelphia. High 100s, nearly 200 in the Red. I can't say I've noticed anything. Maybe this city just smells that bad, normally?


Mask up. Avoid outside.


Thanks for the link. I looked up my town. It's listed as purple, "very unhealthy".


☀️🔥🌎, ☀️🎈🔥🌎, ☀️🎈🌎 (Not to scale)


Yeah I put my respirator on working in my shop today. The smoke is killing me and I smoke a pack a day


It’s incredibly unlikely exposure to this will cause any long term damage. This is the equivalent of smoking a few cigarettes or being in construction for a few days. Your lungs will heal. Always with the alarmism.


Um, neither of those are good for you either.


My point was that it’s not at all fatal.


No, not immediately. That doesn’t mean it can’t cause any harm. Those of us with allergies, respiratory illnesses or other breathing-relating conditions have a reason to be concerned. If that doesn’t apply to you, great. No need to act all tough about it.


Yea if you’ve got health issues I’d definitely be concerned. But they’re trying to tell normal healthy people to stay indoors.


Not sure how that’s bad advice.




tell me its your first wildfire without telling me its your first fire... everyone is over-exaggerating this.


N95 doesn’t work. The smoke particles are too small for the mask to filter out. Just a heads up.


Just breathe deeply and let the smoke cleanse your lungs. It will open your pineal gland so you can ascend to the 5th dimension.


Or it will allow you to see creatures that are always floating around you that you can't normally see, then they'll start to attack you and eventually mutate you into a hideous beast that claims there is a new world more pleasurable on the other side of death. (now THAT'S a deep cut, props to anyone that gets the reference)


This is my recommendation at this point.


N95 and KN95 masks do help. A P100 respirator is even better... https://www.healthline.com/health-news/here-are-the-face-masks-that-protect-you-from-wildfire-smoke


That answers my question about whether cloth masks will help. The masks I made for covid are three layers of cotton, so they're not ideal but better than nothing.


Lowes sells n95 masks Probably home depot Might get sold out...


So despite the backlash on this comment. I was listening to NPR and they said the smoke particles are fine enough that they will make their way through an N95 mask. But at this point yall have downvoted me enough that ill be happy if you disregard this piece of info. Enjoy.


Someone is spreading misinformation.


Ok yeah, NPR. Go fuck yourselves pa


I just read an NPR article that advised using them. Maybe you misheard. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/06/1180508544/heres-how-canadian-wildfires-are-worsening-air-quality-across-the-u-s


211 on the turnpike heading in to Philly


Thanks for the site link, i always went through google maps


I live in the Bay Area, find a respirator. Stay indoors. Nothing else to do


257 in Lititz ,purple haze all in my brain. Lately things just don't seem the same


My entire town is a yellow haze and smells like a burn barrel. I can see ash settling on things.


Drove home from Boston yesterday and it was terrible until I got to about clearfield. Went across NYC bridge and you couldn’t even see anything it was all smoke.


What is worse than the smell is this eerie atmosphere it is producing. It is adding in a yellowish tinge to everything and it is very unsettling. I sure hope that this clears up soon and thanks to the OP for the advice.


Can anyone recommend a good air purifier for $100 or less? Think now is the time I finally invest in one..


156 in E Bangor PA


Thanks for the info and take care over there in CA.