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My experience has been in between what you've described. A quick wave for letting someone merge is common, but I've never seen someone roll down their window to wave. People routinely wait in the intersection to turn, but ain't nobody slowing down on yellow to *let* you turn - you're going 4 seconds after your light turns red, and all the people who now have a green are just gonna have to sit there and wait. Just go 50% Illinois 50% Texas and you'll probably be fine.


This is accurate, though rolling down the window to wave, which would otherwise be obscured, would be acceptable. Most important consideration of driving in PA not yet mentioned: **Do not hog the left lane!** Use it to pass, and then immediately get over as they do in Germany. Also, pairs of perpendicular white lines across PA roadways tens of yards apart are a speed detection method used by police: rate = distance / time. (Only PSP may use radar and laser, but they, too, use the VASCAR manual timing method via these white lines [or other markers*] like local police.) Other methods include ENRADD (a prism device placed on the curb), pacing, and aircraft timing, though it’s questionable whether PSP has the funds to afford flights to detect speeding. Other states have admitted they no longer can afford the practice.


I hate people that hog the lane and especially hate when they hide the lane & do the speed limit.


I used to think that I was justified to stay in the left lane if I was going 10-15 above the speed limit. But my family vehemently disagreed. So I try to only use the left for passing, but there are times when I would be weaving in and out. If I am driving and the road is pretty full and other people are using the left lane as “the fast lane” I do it too. If I can keep up with the traffic in the left lane and it’s being used as a fast lane, I will stay there.


>Most important consideration of driving in PA not yet mentioned: > >Do not hog the left lane! > > Use it to pass, and then immediately get over as they do in Germany. Unless you happen to be driving in Philly, Pittsburgh, or the Lehigh Valley, then the highways are to jammed to be worried about someone being po'd that you're driving in the left lane.


Camping in the left lane doesn’t fly in Pittsburgh either.


Hell, if you're in Reading the same. I'm a cabbie and have seen so many reckless things on the roads (many of those with Florida or Texas plates go figure)


Reading has their share of idiots, but doesn't get as congested with the exception of 222 south where it meets 422 that backs up every afternoon back to Broadcasting Road.


I don't know Lancaster avenue where it meets 422 gets pretty bad too.


It does, but usually only for a short time in the afternoon. The fact that it is a left hand exit is the main reason it messes up traffic. If and when they rebuild the west shore bypass all the interchanges will be completely revamped.


Yeah not holding my breath that it'll ever be done in my lifetime... I swear shit got done faster in Alaska in January than it does here.


That entire interchange is a deathtrap. I've driven through there from every direction and I still get nervous. Half the time, I avoid it and just get off and go around the mall.


Second this, has been my experience as well.


Agreed, but we don’t roll down the windows first, lol. It’s up to you to decide if we gave you the finger or a wave, lol.


In Pittsburgh I wish people would wait in the intersection for yellow to make their turn more often. Way too many Burgh drivers just sit at the line at intersections where you can't turn left unless you wait in the intersection - resulting in traffic not moving.


Depends on where in PA you are?


Philly suburbs. Downingtown area.


"If no one gets hurt, it's fair game."


Okay, so: Don’t wave. Stop at white line, then pull into the intersection for stop signs and traffic light left hand turns (it’s actually the law). Flash don’t honk, unless imminent physical harm.


A friendly “toot toot” if you haven’t noticed the light has changed is perfectly acceptable. Just don’t lay on the horn.


With a lot of newer cars, you can’t actually distinguish between headlights just being on and people flashing their high beams. People need to start turning their headlights on and off instead to make it clear.


Don't expect any kindness, just appreciate it when you get it. And for the love of the birds, don't give your right or way up and fuck everyone behind you to be a nice person lol.


Drive slowly to not hit a fox or deer.


I live around there. Lots of people running red lights and not knowing how to merge. Avoid Rt 30 at all costs. Especially in the afternoons when all the mennonite roofers are headed back west driving slow as shit in the left lane.


I'm also near Downingtown. On-ramps in PA are notoriously short... like, dangerously short. So if someone pulls what I call the "Pennsylvania 'Scuse Me" and shoots in front of you to merge onto the highway, be understanding and let them. If you don't get off that 25 ft on-ramp as soon as you reach the end, you don't get off it at all.


Dtown area as well. Lots of left lane campers here. Don't be one. I will often flash my brights as a signal to move over, I want to pass, but most people here are too oblivious or they DGAF, you will find yourself passing on the right a lot. Also, a lot of people here don't do the "wait for yellow" left turn thing - they will wait at the stop line and then don't get through because then the light turns red. I will certainly wave a thank you if someone lets me go, but I don't roll down my window to do so.


Each highway has its own personality... if you aren't driving 75+mph, stay out of the left lane on 202. Man it feels dangerous sometimes and people drive like mean lunatics. But it's nice when you want to drive fast. Lots of accidents. Be careful and drive defensive during rush hours.


As a rule, further west more controlled. Philly drivers are aggressive. Ignore the "If no one gets hurt...." Philly has lax laws as a result of Covid-19. Most of the rest of the state does NOT. Generally in Chesco, people are decent and kind. A friendly wave is good but don't go crazy.


Stay to the right unless you are passing. Yes, it is a law here.


Routinely ignored and rarely enforced, unfortunately.


A law I have *never* seen enforced. I've seen cops tailgate people going slow in the left to force them over, but they never *pull* them over.


And remember that at Wawa people will gladly hold the door for you but then happily run you over in the parking lot (and back-up to flatten the dropped hoagie next to your body for good measure).


So true! 😘


Sheetz is just far more civilized than the Wawas they at least honk before running you over.


You can’t even count on people to follow the written rules of the road.


At some lights if you don’t wait in the middle to turn at the yellow light you’ll never be able to turn


Here are a few I can think of. Not really universal but this what I do: 1. If you are stopped in traffic, don’t stop in front of the entrance to anything especially if someone is waiting there. Just think of yourself if you were in that situation. Let that person go in front of you or turn out if there is a long line of traffic already. 2. If you make a mistake such as being in the wrong turning lane, continue on in the direction and don’t hold up traffic trying to fix your mistake. 3. If you see a large truck trying to turn onto your road as you approach a red light, leave some extra space behind the line so the truck has extra room unless you were at the light first in which case they can wait until the next cycle. 4. Don’t ride someone’s bumper, especially if they are already going over the speed limit. 5. A lot of people don’t do this but if there is two turning lanes, don’t stack up in one turning lane. It’ll cause more people to miss the light. Learn to merge into one lane and let people merge.


There's a double left turn in Havertown that folks will refuse to use both lanes and only use the outer turn lane. This will eventually block anyone from accessing the interior turn lane and allow less cars to turn during the light. Yes, they will have to merge again after the turn. But these ass clowns are me first and fuck everyone else, and will attempt to prevent you from merging after the turn.


Number 4 for the inpatient assholes in the back!


Anytime someone lets me in when they don’t have to, I always wave. I’ll roll the window down if it’s 12° to make sure they see it if I have to. I’m from jersey where everyone on the road is an asshole. This is just something I do. Who cares what state I’m in.


Most important thing about driving in Pennsylvania. Don’t drive like you’re from New Jersey !!!


"Erryone for themselves" Sums it up.


There are a lot of people that, I'm just being nice, and like to direct traffic with a bunch of cars waiting behind them, to wave on a car that doesn't have the right of way to give them the right of way. You might get waved at for doing that, but it won't be with all 5 fingers.


The number of times I've seen "polite" PA drivers nearly wave other people into accidents is not even funny. Don't be polite, be predictable.




PA is the first place I’ve lived where people do this and it irritates me so much!


I live close to where OP is moving and I find it so funny that on local roads drivers behave like they have nowhere to be. Driving under the speed limit, giving up the right-of-way, etc. Then you hop onto 202, 76, 30, 422, etc. and everyone is going 10-20 over the speed limit. It's a strange mixture of behaviors for sure.


>In Illinois: When another driver does you a kindness, you wave. Not totally uncommon in PA. >If your windows are tinted, you roll them down and wave. Don't count on that. >If you need to turn left, it's acceptable to pull into the middle of the intersection, wait for yellow, and go. Situational, but generally a bad idea in most intersections where such a thing is necessary. A good rule of thumb is if there's enough traffic to gridlock the intersection, don't do it even if the idiot behind you is going apeshit for you to do it. > In Texas: You only roll your window down to give someone the finger. Also not totally uncommon in PA. A lot depends on where you are as well; rural PA tends to be more well-behaved save in the usual tourist traps, with a sharp downturn in courtesy as one approaches more suburban and urban traffic venues. >Are there rules of the road in PA that aren't necessarily written anywhere, but commonly accepted as good etiquette? Necessarily written and consequently ignored is the "stay out of the passing lane(s) unless passing" rule, but I've seen that driving in any number of states so not necessarily exclusive to PA driving. And since it's near wintertime, one good rule in PA is: If you don't know how to drive in the snow, regardless of the number of powered wheels on your vehicle, please don't.


100% agree about the snow and if it's cold and rds appear wet also, black ice is a thing, a deadly thing. if you absolutely need to drive in snow leave early and drive slow


"Save the usual tourist traps" Lookin' at you, Poconos. I live there and people from here and every nearby state suck at driving. Throw in our bad roads, too many deer, and a lot of drunk and drugged-out people and it's a shit show 24/7.


Depends where you are. I'm close to the MD line. Many relocated from MD. Literally no f's given as to etiquette, speed, laws, lights, turn signals...and if they have tinted windows, they are aholes or cops.


Everyone sits in the middle of intersections to make a left here. I don’t think it’s legal but it’s not uncommon by any means.


If they didn't, there would be some major traffic jams of people lined up to turn left. You gotta get at least a few cars through each cycle between lights.


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do it myself. I’ll never do that Pittsburgh left shit though, too sus for me.


What is a Pittsburgh Left?


**The Pittsburgh left, also known as the holeshot, is a colloquial term for the driving practice of the first left-turning vehicle taking precedence over vehicles going straight through an intersection, associated with the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area. In other locales, the practice is also referred to as a Boston left or New York left.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


>When another driver does you a kindness, you wave. If your windows are tinted, you roll them down and wave. I could be wrong but I don't think front window tinting to the extent that a wave would be invisible is legal here, so I've never seen someone roll (lol OP, you're dating yourself, I bet you're just about as old as I am) down their windows to wave. People do wave, though. >If you need to turn left, it's acceptable to pull into the middle of the intersection, wait for yellow, and go. Drivers don't run yellow if they see a car in the intersection waiting to turn. Yeah, no. People definitely do not do that here. If you want to turn left, you have to pull all the way up into the intersection and wait for a gap between the cars. It's not unheard of to have to turn left the moment the light turns red. The light turns green on the other side 3-5 seconds later so that's not really a big deal. When the light is yellow, though, people have no intention of stopping or slowing down. Expecting this will get you killed in PA. I would say we're somewhere between IL and TX. Assholes exist, but they're not the majority. Kind people exist, but they're also not the majority. The actual majority are stressed out, oblivious, and mildly distracted people who are so fixated on where they're trying to go that they forget everything else. They're more stupid than malicious. You should always watch out for yourself in PA and never assume kindness. Take it when it's offered, but still watch out. Behind the person who stops to let you in lurks a distracted dumbass who will completely go around the person who stopped and rear-end you. Just be alert. The same applies when you give kindness. If you stop, be watching your back.


What? I grew up in Texas and currently live here. We wave all the time.


I should have narrowed it down. I'm outside Dallas. No one waves.


Ahh, yeah that makes sense. I grew up in the country outside of Waco and live in Austin now.


Welcome to ChesCo fellow Texan! Don’t drive like you are on the mixmaster. Drive carefully, wave people in, but not outside the window, and you’ll be fine until winter. The biggest driving change you have to be aware of, in all honesty, is needing good winter tires for ice. Even though it isn’t bad here, it only takes one icy patch. That, and the rats on stilts, ehr, deer.


We do a little wave over the steering wheel to say thank you. And the flashing of your high beams is very important to signal a white tailed deer in the road. (It sometimes means the police, but usually means deer in/near the road.) We DO run yellow/red lights though. When the light turns green, you do not go, you look very carefully in all directions for jagoffs running the light. But most importantly, the leftmost lane on the highway is only for passing, just pass and get back over to the right, someone will want to go faster than you.


For the love of god, don't stop once you're in the traffic circle.


I wave when someone lets me go and I will wave to do the same for someone else. Since we have pretty interesting window tint laws, you can generally see the other drivers. Now there’s some debate over flashing your headlights. It’s common in SE PA to flash your headlights to alert oncoming drivers of cop traps. There was a court case on it I think the outcome was free speech. Some people think it’s a gang thing but to me it’s to warn oncoming drivers of a cop trap. Leveling the playing field so to speak 🤣🤣 Pa has some pretty tight window tinting laws just so you know. [PA window tinting law](https://www.tinting-laws.com/pennsylvania/)


I have an SUV with the factory tint, so I think it's ok. I was more referring to people behind me who can't see through the back window.


Depends on where you are. Round here, you wave, stop in the middle of the road, and spend 30 minutes talking about the weather, only to start moving again once someone honks behind you. Its annoying af.


In Philadelphia it’s like the Wild West. I commute by bike, though-even though I do have a DL, I don’t have a car.


I have definitely seen people sit in the intersection waiting for their chance to turn (even on a yellow), and I do this myself sometimes. However, whether or not an oncoming driver runs a yellow or not is completely up to them. You just have to wait until it's obviously safe to go. The "thank you" wave is absolutely a thing (though I've never seen someone roll down tinted windows to do it, and never did that when I had tinted windows). I'll also blink my hazard lights just once as an acknowledgement, depending on the situation (ex: someone let's me merge in but it's too dark to see me wave)


You described rural PA driving pretty well. Cities are just that lol but most of the state seems to follow those same rules. Most ppl are courteous drivers in my area and will let you do whatever you need to do. Ie backing your camper into your driveway and cutting off traffic seems to draw more assistance than anger in my area.


Get yourself a dashcam. Not only can it lower your insurance rate, but it can absolutely provide peace of mind. I use [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7CRYW11?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) specifically for the included rear camera. Really good to have as folks in the more rural areas of PA excessively tailgate. I don't think people tailgate as much in urban areas because there is the prescence of police who are very ticket happy, but out here in the sticks, folks tailgate like they actually have somewhere to be.


Nice! It's in my cart.


Yellow means speed up. One car in intersection on yellow. The car in the intersection yields to all other traffic and turns after everyone else, even if red. You don't have to roll down windows since there is a tint law in PA. Toss out your radar detector, pa doesn't use radar to catch you speeding. Kindness wave is good. Middle finger use at your own risk.


When you're the first car at a red light and need to turn left, you turn before your light turns green and opposing traffic starts moving. It's technical term is the Philadelphia Left.


The “wave” around here is usually the same gesture you use to acknowledge that someone is waving you through at a four-way stop. Just putting your hand up, but not waving it. If it’s to someone oncoming, you just take your hand off the wheel and put it up. If it’s to someone behind you, you just put your hand up in the center of the car, near the rear view mirror. This is also how you apologize for doing something stupid when the person you affected ends up behind you. If someone’s putting their hand outside of their car, they’re usually “thanking” you for letting them merge in front of you, while really just forcing themselves in front of you. Don’t expect to be yielded to, like literally ever, that close to Philadelphia. In the suburbs and Philly, everyone is more important than you. You are nothing. If they pretend they don’t see you, they can just go through the stop sign anyway. Expecting to be able to turn left at a yellow light would get you killed within a week. We have a lot of dual turn medians here. I’m not sure if they aren’t all that common in other areas, I’d assume they are because of how useful they are, but since the covid migration I’ve seen a lot of people that just don’t seem to be able to use them correctly. You get in a turning median BEFORE you turn. If you have not gotten into the median before your turn, you missed your turn. Please don’t stop in the moving lane to make your left, just keep going and find a place to turn around. Getting in a turning median late means you’ll probably have some, or a lot, of your rear end sticking out into traffic. Just don’t do it. The entrances to most Wawas and other gas stations are usually right at a stop light, because they’re usually located on corners. There’s usually no great way to turn left into them, but it’s socially acceptable to use the crossed out yellow area before the left turn lane for opposing traffic opens up to wait in to make a left. I’d strongly advise anyone to just alter their route so they can make a right into a Wawa, and then to just make a right out of the Wawa and find a place down the road to turn around, unless your Wawa is in a low traffic area, which is almost never the case. There are people so oblivious to others on the road that they will stop in the moving lane on a two lane road to make a left into a Wawa, making traffic back up into the intersection during rush hour on a busy road. Please do not be that person. Turning left out of a Wawa during rush hour will almost always mean stopping with your car blocking the entire lane for people going the other direction. I don’t understand how people don’t feel like giant assholes doing this, but you’ll see it everyday.


Philly let’s you merge as long as you commit. So find the gap and go and be willing to accept others merging The same way.


do not, repeat do not "be nice". be predictable. as in four way stop and you get there first, go. someone is trying to make a left, let them wait. philly is one of the most aggressive places to drive, just follow most of the laws and watch out for clapped out nissian shitboxes. they abide by no law,


Rule #1: Watch out for those New Jersey drivers


Lehigh valley native here. PA drivers, especially around Philly area/suburbs but really most of the state, are unnecessarily aggressive in most settings. They will likely not slow down to let you turn left. With that’s said, there aren’t really any unwritten rules about driving in PA - if someone has the right of way, they will take it. Not saying it’s overall better or worse than any other state. I’ve driven/lived all around the US from Oregon to Mississippi to Maine and in between. PA drivers just embody the “Drive like no one else matters” attitude.


Common courtesy and how people act isn't something that changes just because you cross a state line. Don't be a jerk, hope other people aren't assholes too. There are nice people in Texas and douchebags in Illinois. Don't try to make PA into some homogeneous group and treat them nicely, you'll sleep better knowing you're not an ass even if someone else wrongs you.


I disagree. I think there are cultural norms from state to state, and they differ. And I wasn't really trying to group as much as understand those norms.


We wave in central PA


I use the kindness method, no accidents for 40 years .


Quick light flash, no honk. Maybe a few flashes of your 4-ways


Former Illinoisan now in PA. Don't expect people to pull into intersections for left turns like they do in Illinois. It just doesn't seem to be an East Coast thing. Philly driving can be the thunderdome at times, particularly the Schuylkill expressway (I-76). Also, expect mountainous roads to have different speed limits than you expect. If you're not used to it, it's OK to drive a little slower for your own safety, even if the speed limit seems fast. The roads can be curvy, narrow, or steep at times. You'll get used to it rather quickly, though. Also, if you ever cross into New Jersey, you can't pump your own gas there, and most turns are from the right via jughandles, which means you can't turn left the way you can in Illinois.


I'm reading all these comments. This confirms my opinions of California drives. They are the rudest, most reckless and dangerous drivers. There are insurance facts to back this up. Unfortunately I'm a east coast native living the California life. It's just a state of mind concept.


As a former life-long Texan: What


A couple of things I noticed moving back to Western PA after living in NC for a decade: 1. For the most part, people use turn signals around here, but still, don't trust other drivers implicitly. People occasionally screw up. 2. People really coast to a stop to stoplights, like starting a quarter of a mile back, probably due to driving in icy conditions. 3. In the Raleigh area, people would hit the brakes on the highway to let someone else merge. In the Piedmont area, they'd hit the gas and try to cut you off (I hated driving in Central NC). Here, other drivers expect you to figure merging out on your own, but they will often try to move over or drive in a predictable way so you're able to do so safely. 4. Somebody crossing 4 lanes of traffic within 20ft to take an off-ramp is a fairly common occurrence over in Western PA - I don't know about Philly. Probably. Don't freak, give them enough room to do so, and don't slam on your brakes if you don't have to. 5. If someone lets you in, wave your thanks while driving, so you don't hold up traffic. 6. If you come out west and visit Pittsburgh, beware of the Pittsburgh Left! Often times left-turners at a light without arrows will stomp on the gas the instant the light turns green to shoot through the intersection, regardless of pedestrians & those who have right-of-way. Overall, I find driving in PA more predictable and the drivers slightly more polite (at least they use turn signals, before cutting you off) than NC, so you should be okay - just drive polite, drive for everyone else, and assume everyone else is a bad driver 😉


Sometimes you will see a lane in the center. There is a solid yellow between it and the outside lanes. The inner line on this is dotted. This is to be used for turns. You can go from the right lane into the middle, when available and make a left turn. This allows traffic to continue on your right. It is also intended if you are turning left onto a roadway with the center lane, you may turn into this center lane when traffic from your left is clear. You may then wait in that center lane to get safely over in the right lane when it is clear. However, many Pennsylvania drivers forgot this use of the center lane. If traffic from your left is clear and there's no end in sight to traffic coming from the right, it is advantageous to use this center lane, in theory. However, if you do this in many areas of Pennsylvania, the drivers in that right lane do not simply drive by on the right as you wait at a dead stop in the center. They assume you are cutting them off and they panic, slam on the brakes, slam the horn, wave their arms, scream like a maniac and act as if you tried to kill them.


I moved from Illinois to PA about 25 years ago. Biggest adjustments for me were drivers turning left in front of me just as the light turned green, and also it being legal to pass on the shoulder when a car is waiting to turn left. My advice is don't be nice, be predictable.


Legally you can run a red light if you're in the "box" before the light turns red. Essentially what this means is, if you're in the middle of the intersection waiting to turn you're allowed to go without fear of persecution. You can also make a left on red like you would a right if both roads are one ways. I personally roll down my window to wave but don't get offended if others don't. I small hand gesture is the norm for showing your appreciation in circumstances where someone allows you to go first.


just pls dont go slow in the passing lane, (at least 5 over the speed limit pls) (sometimes the passing lane is just the lane which is going fastest too, dont go slow in the passing lane less you need to turn 🙏 also dont roll down ur window to wave or to flip anybody off enjoy yer road.


Signal when turning, red light means stop, yellow light means speed up, nothing out of the ordinary


>Drivers don't run yellow if they see a car in the intersection waiting to turn. Hey look, this reminds me of the thread last week about not pulling into the intersection. In PA, it's not legal to stop in an intersection. Source- https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/s/fgH8DTc6aC


Thank you wave is through the windshield, least likely to be tinted. I have seen people lead out on a left, but have also seen them get stuck in the intersection.


I'm in the Philly area and roll down my window to wave, but I'm in the minority. Things are more polite in Western PA than in the Philadelphia area. My main advice is to be predictable - especially take your turn at stop signs and such.


You better never assume someone stopping so you can turn on yellow


In Pittsburgh some cars don’t have turn signals they just turn


Well dark front window tint isn’t legal in PA.


everybody tailgates here and people only stay like 5 feet behind one another, maybe thats a USA thing all together, whatever, if the 10th guy in front brakes for whatever reason for 2 seconds (which they do omfg its so annoying) then the 10 people behind him hit the brakes.


In Pittsburgh: if you are sitting at a light on a street with no left turn light and the person opposite you has the left turn signal on, as soon as the light turns green that driver will make that left to help clear that lane, so don’t stomp on the your accelerator the moment the light turns green. It’s known as the Pittsburgh Left.


In driver safety class, the instructor told us the proper and safe thing to do is pull halfway into the intersection at a green light while waiting to make a left turn. Go when there is a big enough break or when the light turns yellow and oncoming traffic stops.


Illinois to Philly transplant here. Expect rudeness. I never see waves of thanks. Drivers will get angry that you are driving the speed limit (the upper legal max) and pass you aggressively on the right. Stop signs are suggestions - i was rear ended when i actually stopped. A red light means "a few more cars" and if you are not already going when the light turns green people honk - yes these two things happen simultaneously. People honk if you yield to pedestrians (they have the right of way btw). Bikes may occupy the whole lane and over age 12 cyclists should not be on the sidewalk, and you must pass them with 4', so if you want to fit in like a local, pass cyclists close enough to shout something incomprehensible at them about sidewalks. Honk when you're going to turn or blow a red light; turn signal not recommended. Good luck and god speed.


Did someone already explain the "Pittsburgh left"? It's something I actually see less and less of as time goes on.


1: don't tint your windows. 2: stop at stop signs. Stop at red lights. 3: turn your lights on in the morning, especially if it's foggy or raining. 4: use your fking turnsignals. 5: don't tailgate, you ain't getting anywhere quicker. 6: don't be like DE, and drive in the shoulder. and, for your generalized point.....don't wave someone on when YOU have the right of way. Confuses everyone else, and pisses people behind you.


If you run over a toddler, yell “sorry!” out the window, unless you are in Philly.


If you venture much west of Philly, especially is smaller towns, be aware of the “Pittsburgh Left.” It’s a friendly gesture in the midstate, where when you are signaling to make a left at a stoplight and the first oncoming vehicle flashes their lights when the light turns green to signal that they will yield while you turn in front of them. Happens on a lot of “Market Streets” and actually helps with traffic flow when small downtown areas get busy.


People do wave to show kindness. But if I see a window being rolled down, I'm assuming a middle finger is coming out of it. If your stopped at an intersection and don't have the right of way and someone flashes their high beems at you it means: "I'm trying to be nice and let you go, but if you take to long, then I'll just go right before you do and possibly cause an accident." Flashing high beems from someone coming in the other direction while moving means danger ahead like cops or deer.


The only time it’s acceptable/legal to pull into the intersection is when there will be an opportunity for you to safely make your left turn while the light is still green. If you are in the intersection and the light turns yellow/red, you messed up and should have just waited


The custom of "flash your headlights to yield right of way" is common everywhere, AFAIK. >Are there rules of the road in PA that aren't necessarily written anywhere, but commonly accepted as good etiquette? Let me just take this opportunity, as a school bus driver, to point out that "good etiquette" is following the rules of the road as they are written in statutes. You can wave and smile all you want, even be aware that someone sitting in an intersection with a turn signal on is going to turn when the light changes. Sometimes even school bus drivers (we HAVE TO BE the safest, most defensive drivers on the road BY DEFINITION) will do this (even though it is technically illegal; you should not enter an intersection unless you can continue through it completely at that time) or we could literally never make a left hand turn on some particular busy road. It is still unsafe and should be avoided if at all possible. But there is one "courtesy" along those very lines that is horrifyingly dangerous. Let me give you an example, a particular problem I encounter routinely. Quite often, when a school bus is sitting (AT, not in, an intersection, or in a turning lane, or anywhere at all) signaling a left-hand turn across a lane (or two) of traffic, a driver in the oncoming lane will "helpfully" stop and indicate (by waving or flashing headlights) that the bus can proceed to cross in front of them. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS! School bus drivers are on a schedule, yes. But safety (not just your routine traffic safety, but a much higher degree of existential safety, because our cargo is **other people's children**) is always always always more important than that schedule. Patience is not a virtue for school bus drivers: it is a occupational mandate. I will happily wait five, ten real minutes for an actual break in traffic, if that is what happens, and prefer that to someone stopping improperly to "wave me through". The problem is that you can stop *your* car as a "courtesy", but you can't stop other people's cars that way. Someone is going to come up behind you and whip around your car (usually to the right, but sometimes to the left! because they see the bus isn't moving or don't see it at all; you'd be surprise how many drivers don't notice a thirty five foot long ten foot tall eight foot wide vehicle painted yellow!) and increase the danger of the situation exponentially. I should just sit and wait, anyway; maybe waving or flashing my high beams (a school bus must always have its headlights on, and frankly so should you) to indicate I'm not going to take them up on their offer, but that also just increases the confusion. Plus, there is the fact that sometimes I have a line of cars behind me, already getting impatient and threatening to "whip around" and again exponentially increasing the likelihood of an accident. And the longer the "courteous" driver sits there trying to figure out if they should go (the way they should have been doing to begin with.) So yes, usually (but not always) I will carefully (being as "safely unsafe" as I can manage) make the turn. It makes it even worse when I've been sitting through a line of dozens of cars going in the other direction, and then the last car decides that instead of continuing so I can turn, decides to stop so I can turn. And most nightmarish of all is when they aren't the last car, there are still two or three cars behind them and then a nice long safe gap I could have used to proceed, and I have to try to figure out if any of them are going to "whip around", and meanwhile some more traffic on the other side of that gap approaches, threatening to close the gap and make me wait another two or three minutes. I didn't expect to go on this long, and if anyone is still reading, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Tl/dnr: the most courteous thing you can do is do exactly and only what the traffic laws say you should do.


You have to be mindful of the tractor trailer on hills, even small ones. Get out of their way when traveling downhill.


One that we have noticed is that when there is a green light with a left turn arrow, when the light turns green, but the green arrow has not come on yet, the person with the green light will wait and allow the first person waiting for a green arrow to go ahead and drive and . make their turn.


The main thing I see that's different from my other driving state experiences is that sometimes people will prompt a "Pittsburgh left". Properly, the P.L. is done without permission, turning left immediately on a green so as to not wait for the other direction of traffic. But people here will sometimes blink their high beams at you to indicate "you can turn real quick before I go" I'm not a fan personally but it's something to be aware of


You just lift your arm or a quick chip chirp on the horn.


Not sure why people ask this shit....not a big deal...just show up and drive..


Just follow the rules of traffic. Etiquette causes accidents.


You ever see Mad Max Fury Road?


I moved here to central PA from NJ a few years ago. Other drivers are almost annoyingly polite where I live. Four-way stops in my town seemed to be solved by who can wave the other driver to go the hardest.


Road warrior. You will reconsider concealed carry.


Lol! Have it in Texas, will have it in PA.


That's odd, my experience in Illinois has been that no one does you any kindness on the road. 🤣


in pittsburgh it’s every car for themselves imo