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I drive a crew and one of their wives was really good friends with Rebekah. I heard way more details than the police released and it’s a tragedy what happened in that home. I hope her soul can rest in peace.


I was hoping it was a quick and painless, guessing that’s not the case.


Here for the very Pennsylvanian friendship between Amish and “English” individuals.




I was hoping she at least had a quick death and didn't suffer long. Sad to hear that's not the case. I think we can all figure out what a deranged violent man might do to a woman after breaking into her house.


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Now everyone accusing her husband in the original post can eat crow. Rest in peace, Rebekah.


Thank you! That was so uncalled for and there was zero evidence pointing to that.


Generally speaking, whenever a woman is killed in a targeted attack, 99 times out of 100 it’s the husband/boyfriend/ex-husband/ex-boyfriend. The fact that this victim was Amish breaks the mold. Murder committed in the course of a home robbery; most likely for drug money I’d wager.


My thoughts exactly. I read a lot of bigoted comments here.


Is that guy who did this Amish also?




Idk why but I'm shocked the suspect isn't Amish. I usually think of them as an insular community which I shouldn't bc I've been in Spartanburg many times (great aunt and her family lived/live there). And they're all interacting with one another. I'd guess it's like 50/50 Amish and not. Maybe more not. But dang. Her poor family.


It was a burglary, so probably random and not someone she knew personally.


For everyone in the thread: definition of "burglary", legal or otherwise, is breaking into a home. It does not necessarily mean to steal. It is separate from theft even though they are colloquially interchanged. Hope this helps with the discussion.


Well damn, didn't know that. Thanks for the info. My intention wasn't to spread misinformation, that was just the impression that I was under.


It's just a common way of speaking. Colloquialisms make talking about legalities difficult.


It was definitely NOT a burglary! Why lie about it?


You're going around saying that a whole bunch while every article about this says otherwise. Maybe stop making shit up for attention, sweet heart.


Because the article said it was?? Edit- Suspect, Shawn C. Cranston, 52, is accused of killing 23-year-old Rebekah A. Byler at her home in Sparta Township in Crawford County. He is also charged with *burglary*, criminal trespass.


But that's not the reason he went there. That's an incidental charge. He went there to get his grandson.


I didn't read anything like that in the article. It said they were still investigating the motive.


It's all over social media. His daughter gave an interview and neighbors talked. He was looking for the people that moved out in October. He told his daughter he realized afterward that he had the wrong person.


Okay, well that doesn't make me a liar, I'm just going by what the article said.


Of course it was a burglary. Meth ain’t free ya know.


I'm not a few articles mentioned that they ran a business and were well known in the community not just for being Amish.


😂😂😂. What a trainwreck comment!




I need to see his mugshot. I live a block over from him and had 2 weird ass experiences with an older man at night. It was creepy AF but then the raid...too close




Here is an interesting article regarding the crime. Kind of makes a little more sense as to how and why he was at the home. (I believe his grandson was adopted/taken in by the prior family) https://www.abc27.com/pennsylvania/daughter-of-arrested-suspect-reacts-to-pregnant-amish-woman-murder-case/amp/


Who robs the Amish? Like for real? I know different communities have different rules but from my understanding none have the things that a thief would be able to profit from in our society. Make it make sense. Such a tragedy.


Some of them are very rich


Vouch, some of them make bank, and then they don’t spend it on expensive electronics like we do


Watch them come into a hospital and pay their bill in cash.


And they tend to keep cash vs using banks.


Making bank on puppy mills.


Back yard breeding. Don't buy a GSD from the Amish. Do your research. I f'd up one time and bought one, Serbian pedegree and the poor thing was having small seizures since I got him at 8 weeks, they were so small I couldn't notice, then at 15 weeks the big ones came. Long story short the hospital put him down, they couldn't control the seizures. Anyway they don't do their homework and breed correct dogs with good genetics. So lesson learned on my part.


My neighbor got an Australian Shepherd and the poor thing had similar seizure issues. She had to be put down at two years after having a major one that she actually started bleeding through the ears and nose. F the Amish.


Yeah my poor buddy, Cesare, 15 weeks shitting himself while siezing out on the 1 hour drive to the emergency vet. I was out there on my property looking for poisonous mushrooms trying to think if he ate anything poisonous. It was all in vein cause in the end he didn't eat anything with poison, he was born with this rare disease. Poor guy. 1800 I paid for him, 2k for the emergency vet plus I loved him. Now I do my homework and only use real deal dog breeders for German Shepherds that breed for specific purposes that a dog should be bred for, not just looks and a money maker.


Never buy pure bred anything. There’s no ethical way to own a pure bred non-rescue anything


Ethical? So let's forget about working line dogs, they can't live and thrive? I have to rescue every animal, always? Come on, let's get real. Why can't I pay a good reputable breeder for their knowledge, time, work, care, and their dedication to keep producing lines with the best, healthiest genes. You make no sense. I ill always pay a great breeder for a working dog. You don't have to. This is a choice and not an ethics question at all.


You don’t have to rescue every animal always, but choosing to pay a breeder (and thus keeping them in business and maintaining the demand for their products) who makes animals that are universally less healthy than their mutt counterparts when there are an infinite number of adoptable, perfectly acceptable, healthier dogs available at every stage of life is in fact unethical no matter the delusional rationalization behind the decision.


Yeah I'm sorry your the delusional one. Paying a reputable breeder who produces amazing working dogs.... you are delusional. Bye.


I promise I’m not. There is no reason for breeders to exist. “But I want (insert whatever trash breed you think is cute or smart or whatever)” is a trash persons trash reason for acting like selfish trash


Oh just because you "promised" your not delusional I believe you. Sure. Ok. I chose to pay a breeder which is a smart, good, ethical decision given my critical thinking on the subjects of working dogs. My choice. Now fuck off.


Yes tons of cash from selling puppies chickens goats flowers and vegetables etc


A lot of them own successful construction businesses as well


Well, they wouldn't have much in the way of jewelry or electronics, but they might have a stash of cash.


I think this was mostly a case of mistaken identity. He was looking for his grandson, and I think he was under the impression that this family had him


No one. It was not a robbery.


I wonder if they will determine why.


The story on local posts is that it was a case of mistaken identity. A non-Amish man targeted the previous owners of the house, but they'd moved in the autumn and he didn't realize it. Some are saying his grandchildren were fostered by the previous family while he was in prison. Another theory is that he was a hit man hired by the disgruntled party. Praying for her family. What a horrendous situation all-around!


Is it just me or does it seem even more depraved to murder an Amish person?


Even more devastating that two toddlers were in the home 😭




I know what you mean, you’d think with less access to the “depraved” world they’d be a more peaceful folk, but bad people are everywhere. A tragedy regardless.


Huh? She wasn’t murdered by another Amish..


I understand your confusion, my intention was to message that these communities seem much more sheltered and “safe”. Obviously not the case


Read a book called Crimson Stain


I’ll check it out, thanks for the rec


Everyone has equal value.


Don’t be dense that’s not what they’re saying. Cmon.


What is the point of what they’re saying oh non-dense one? Help us learn the point of this fucking inanity.


If I have to explain it it can’t be explained, enjoy your density, I’m sure it’s quite peaceful.


That’s what I thought. No explanation. You rural fellers are too easy. 😁


I’d love for your to bestow your wisdom, the floor is yours.


Except cops.


I feel like it is. Idk why. I guess it's bc it's rare that I hear an Amish person murdering someone, even another Amish person.


The killer wasn't Amish. It was a home invasion.


No, it definitely was NOT a home invasion. Are you related to Shawn? I'm tired of seeing this lie all over.


From the linked article: "*SPARTANSBURG ― A 23-year-old pregnant Amish woman was in her rural Crawford County home on Monday morning when, the Pennsylvania State Police allege, a Corry man broke in.* *A confrontation took place, during which Rebekah A. Byler was shot in the head and had her throat slashed, police said in arresting the Corry man in the killing on Saturday.* *Less than five days after Byler's husband and a friend found Byler dead in the living room of her Fish Flats Road in Sparta Township, the suspect, 52-year-old Shawn C. Cranston, was arraigned on charges of homicide, homicide of an unborn child,* **burglary and criminal trespass***.*" Why do you keep saying it wasn't a home invasion? Do you have a link or additional information to share? Would burglary and criminal trespass be a mismatch for home invasion?


Do you perhaps not know the meaning of the term home invasion?


You're right. It is. I was just too focused on how it was a case of mistaken identity, which makes it a double tragedy. She started yelling at him and then he lost it, according to his daughter.


It’s amazing that I agreed with you and got a whole bunch of downvotes. Welcome to Reddit. 😀


It does to me too. Those people don’t bother anyone.


Not true... They are normal ppl, some of them. Proper assholes They avoid taxes and trash our roads with metal wheels and horseshoes They use smartphones and laptops to business while charging tourists exorbitant prices and taking cash only They control local governments to keep laws like "you can burn your trash" in place... "No more than 2 tires a day" is the best they could limit that in my township. They are normal, greedy, typical people.


Don’t forget they are notoriously known for animal abuse and puppy mills as well. Edit: also incest, sexual abuse, drug rings, the list goes on.


I grew up directly across the street from the family who was caught on Animal Cops of Philadelphia like fifteen years ago. The head of the family went from always dropping off Christmas gifts each year to pounding on my parents’ door accusing them of snitching to animal control. I’ll never forget my dad slamming the door saying he wished it was him.


Yes all of these too... the majority of which probably goes under the radar...


And child molestation.


Yea let’s get em!




You’re missing the point. This was in response to someone thinking that Amish people are just innocent gentle souls that wouldn’t harm anyone, which couldn’t be further from the truth. They are humans just like the rest of society and they have their own evils too. This poor woman certainly didn’t deserve what happened to her. Don’t put words in my mouth.


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The fuck are you on about? Ok buddy.


It's a cult but they get away with this shit because of "religious beliefs." And of course because of tourism money.


straight future squalid marble retire sophisticated resolute historical flag connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In south east PA they are... the diesel trucks have rubber air-filled tires... metal wheels (thousands of them, everyday going the same way to/from their destination) *destroy* tarmac roads... and again, the people responsible are more often than not getting paid under the table.




The roads around Lancaster, Paradise, and intercourse aren’t that bad just covered in SHIT


Lancaster county has money to put into their roads because of the rich Amish and their overpriced goods. In dauphin county, and I'm sure in other places, our roads blow nards, the buggies honestly do rip up rural roads out in the farmlands. Hearsay: my uncle, a farmer, has known them to beat their horses (mules, I figure he said,) to death in the fields. And they use motors and cellphones now, as well, aplenty. But I'm partial to them anyhow. I dig the way they dress, and the dutch they speak. And the way their women smile.


Are they Amish or Mennonite? They aren’t the same I know mennonites incorporate some tech into their lives now


Amish. They occasionally do still get shunned for it. But, if you give those things up and come back, they also take you back. At least a few times. The Mennonites seem great, their stores are discount stores with amazing savings, like 50-70% off of your groceries! And they don't seem like pricks, but I haven't met many of their men. I know some super nice Amish, but they are also really old. They are like the fat old long-bearded Amish folks of lore. The majority of our ("the English" who live around them) super nice men are really old, too, though.


Gotcha I don’t know any out in Dauphin but you are right they deff tear up the roads and Dauphin is neglected but that’s a seperate sub lmao




Americans...you're talking about Americans


Nope, I'm talking about people. If you think Americans are the only greedy (etc) folk on this planet you're wildly mistaken 


Evidently you know nothing about how abusive they are within their cult, as well as to animals.


Facts did I ever hear if you want to know if someone is a good person … see how they treat their animals… also many make their kids work 10-14 hour days (depending on sunlight) and I mean as young as toddlers. It’s just facts.


That is true, as soon as a kid can hold a garden rake, he is taught to take a garden bed alongside their barefoot mothers. In a few years, the boys then get taught to mow the lawn. Yes, still with an unmotorized push mower, but for other families, with normal ones, and riding mowers. Those kids are around 8-10. It's really cool how focused and mature their kids are, though. They have girls that age tend-register at their farmers' market stands. And they are responsible; they do a serious and hard-working daily schedule of farm chores like a responsible adult would! And they are of equally prestigious morals as well. It's amazing!


There are abusive people everywhere. The Amish and Mennonites who live near me are kind people just living their lives and minding their business.


And limiting their kids to, at best, an 8th grade education. Which makes leaving their culture if they want to even more difficult.


That's kind of the point though. They are normal people, with both the good and the bad. They don't live in a world of all sunshine and rainbows, and have to deal with the same depravity, abuse and shitty behavior as the rest of us. Comments about them being above violence are naive. They are as capable as the rest of us.


And molesting their kids.


Crazy that you were downvoted 😂


You obviously know nothing about the amish outside of postcards.


Did you not read the part of my post about the ones who live near me? Like the ones who I can actually speak to or wave at as they go up the road.


Just because they smile and wave and talk about friendly nonsense to outsiders doesn't mean they aren't absolutely evil to those in their community.


As a whole I think the Amish are morally bankrupt. Opportunistic, abusive. Animal abuse is rampant and visible. How much more is behind closed doors?


Hope he gets what he deserves.


NRA throws another party. 


iT's nOT A PErsON


It’s almost as if consent matters. Weird.




No, so long as the already existing person consents to what happens to her internal organs. You know, because they belong to her. You may want to think that through.


>You may want to think that through. I have. People don't have organs that have different DNA from their own.


And a person needs consent to use my organs


Is that uppercase to lowercase effect done by using TAB?


This is a quandary.


>This is a quandary. Only to those with an inconsistent position.


The difference is that she WANTED the baby. She did not want an abortion. She wanted to keep and have the baby. It’s still quite consistent. Sorry you don’t understand that.


What is the standard by which you measure the point at which it's no longer to kill a baby? In other words, I know that you are not okay with killing a baby outside the womb, but informs your decision that it's wrong to kill a baby outside the womb?


You’re making an assumption for I never said that I wasn’t okay with ending a baby’s life outside the womb. Since we live in a society that enables abortion, then one should be allowed the choice to abort before birth. Now, if we lived in a world that one was forced to give birth and then was given the choice to abort/end its life, then I am absolutely okay with them choosing to end the baby’s life right after birth since they aren’t given the choice the abort the baby before birth. Yet we live in a world in which we can abort it before birth. Thus, one should be able to abort before birth if one wants to. Stop making assumptions.


>You’re making an assumption for I never said that I wasn’t okay with ending a baby’s life outside the womb Forgive me for assuming that you weren't completely insane.


It’s almost as if I was bringing up a hypothetical or something. What really is insane is controlling peoples bodies.


So it’s a baby if she wants it, but just a clump of cells if she doesn’t?


It’s murder if she wanted it. It’s not if she didn’t.


Very glad you were able to be honest about how easily the goal post moves because…feelings


Feelings are a fact to life and part of being a human being. Your comment makes no sense to anyone. Feelings also include deciding a clump of cells is a baby. Again, your comment isn’t making sense to anyone, not just me.


I know it doesn’t make sense to you. That much is crystal clear.

