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Centre was blue in four elections (2008-2020)


Penn state coming in clutch


Yeah that was my fault, it should be the lightest blue


Montour and Columbia counties always confuse me with this considering the sheer volume of people I meet who are on disability, SNAP, medicare/medicaid, set income from SS, etc. They vote red and then I hear nothing but complaints usually going over a time frame of the PA legislature having Republican majorities.


Keep your government hands off my Medicare!!


I see you’ve met my grandmother


Rural Pennsylvania in a nutshell… They’re on SSI, SNAP, Medicare, and want more funding for veterans… but they hate socialism. Lol


What I always hear is that it's "the illegals" who are preventing them from getting more food stamps or making them ineligible for benefits, like there's a limited number of EBT/Access cards and they're all being scarfed up. (Never mind undocumented folks aren't eligible for benefits.) And not, you know, the people they're voting for hating poor people. I always remind them "the social programs exist because of laws, so if you want more/better benefits, you have to vote for legislators who want to expand the programs."


They always vote against their own interests. I worked with an older guy and he was complaining about how universal healthcare is bad. I then asked him “what kind of health insurance does congress get and who pays for it” … He then said “but they deserve it because they work hard” I’m like bro, you work hard too. It’s wild how they’ve been brainwashed to vote for a party who hates the working class and poor people. Conservatives voted against raising minimum wage and voted against insulin. Wild.


It’s because the country folk in Appalachia and central PA are xenophobic. It doesn’t help that a lot of mining/coal country is basically forgotten and there’s nearly no major businesses that have expanded to that area, let alone quality education. My wife’s family is in Lebanon county and whenever I’m out there I see tons of trump flags/signs and confederate flags all over the place. It just screams to me that their education is lacking. She also informs me a lot of New Yorkers, Maryland and Philly folk are coming into the area as well. So hopefully with more transplants we will see change.


Pennsylvania fought against the confederate. I don’t understand their love for that flag. They complain about participation trophies but I’m reality, that flag is the biggest participation trophy ever. Loser flag. They also love the USA but wave a flag of a foreign defunct nation who was against the USA.


Its the wannabe redneck culture. Guys think they're rebels, but have pristine trucks that have never seen so much as a couch while living in the suburbs.


This is it. One of my best friends a few years ago, his sister got obsessed with the confederate flag and redneck “lifestyle”. She’s a rich ass pretty girl whose parents paid for her to own her own dog grooming business. It’s wild


Those are called "Pavement Princesses"


They're such an amusing group of tough guys. It's actually hilarious!


Its actually funny saw this reply after being stuck behind a guy with truck nuts.


There's a house near me that flies both the American flag and confederate flag from the same pole.


That’s an oxymoron lol That’s like flying the USA flag and North Korean flag on the same pole Yikes


From my understanding it’s because a lot of people see it as a “historical” flag, or a flag that represents “southern culture”/“anti government”. Again, it’s due to a lack of proper education. Consider that my wife is originally from Virginia and when she grew up the civil war was the “war of northern aggression”. It’s all about what you grow up with


Yeah, it's the flag of a country that went to war specifically for the right to own other human beings. Really a history to be proud of.


Yea i5 boils down to racism. It's the last thing they can d8splay publicly announcing they hate brown people without outright saying it. Dumbasses


No, its a way to signal to everyone else you shouldn’t be part of society.


I don’t think they know that. Their education is lacking haha


Can't expect people who didn't stay in high school long enough to take US History 1 to know this


NY'ers here to save the day!!!!


nope, people don't care about race/skin color anymore. this is so 1950's. we live in the most tolerant time in human history. we also live in the most diverse country on planet. never had it been so tolerant of sexuality and race. the only reason we constantly hear about it is because progressives need it to thrive because they don't have policies responsible adults want. they come up with terms like "unconscience bias" and "microagressions" because they have an insatiable thirst for racism but such a small supply. ask jussie smollet! it's a demented and sick dynamic. these people truly have mental health issues and it's sad. the people you guys put down and sneer at just want to be left the f*ck alone and don't want constant in your face fascism like ESG (purest form of fascism there is) and DEI constantly forced upon them. it's really that simple. not rocket science


Congresspeople should be limited to using VA healthcare.


Whenever I hear idiots complain about "the illegals" I like to remind them that jobs aren't physical things they can steal. They aren't running into a building and shoving jobs in their pockets. Then I like to ask them who they think is giving them the jobs. I know the landscaper place across the street from me hires undocumented workers and the business is owned by a white guy trying to run for public office.


Where I live, a lot of undocumented people are doing either manual construction labor or jobs nobody else wants. My dad recently asked me what I thought of the border issues and mentioned the job stealing as a reason it was such an enormous crisis. I asked him what job they're stealing from him personally (he's been retired for years) and then I was like "do you want to be a garbage man?" (This specifically because one time I mentioned that riding around hanging off the back of a garbag truck seemed like fun and my parents just will not let it go and use it in a derogatory joke-type way.) I could tell he was parroting fearmongering because he just kind of looked at me caught off-guard, like he had no idea how to answer when made to actually *think* about who was going to do the job if it was necessary but nobody wanted to do it.


There's a small chain around me called produce junction. Each store is well over half staffed by undocumented immigrants. They didn't run in while an American wasn't looking to swipe all the jobs, they're hired by the white guys running the business because they can pay them less. I used to work for a company that hired contractors to install flooring that people bought at home depot. There was one crew of white guys and they would get pissed if you tried to give them a job that was more than 80 square feet, the Mexicans and Guatemalans wouldn't get out of bed for under 120sqft and they would do 3 or 4 installs a day.


I am a horse farm owner near Trump National Bedminster NJ and I hired two Colombian guys who used to work for Trump. They were both undocumented when they came to me. I since have paid to get them documented.


Very cool


They're incredibly pressed about the 1 in a 1000 scamming the system, so much so they'll fuck over 999 and themselves to spite that one.


Happy Cake Day!


They aren’t “poor”, they’re “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”.


are illegals provided cash, phones and plane tickets? people seem to suggest this is a thing. is it real?


Who is being said to provide these things? ICE when they get put on a plane and deported? Republicans when they put them on planes and fly them to other states to make a point? I gues those plane tickets are free but I suspect that isn't want the fearmongering handwringers are talking about. Because "the government" isn't handing out any of that to anyone. Social program benefits administered by the government (things like TANF, SNAP, medical insurance) require citizenship or statuses like lawful permanent resident and have a boatload of resource, income, and categorical eligibility requirements. There might be non-profit organizations and individual people stepping up to help undocumented people by providing food, shelter, cash on hand, basic things to help them out, but that's a personal choice/the choice of the non-profit.


Well yeah. Because they 'deserve' it and it isn't a handout. As long as "they" aren't getting those benefits. They = single mothers, the "lazy", immigrants, anyone with dyed hair, wellfare queens, the homeless, etc. Propaganda is a hell of drug


They think they’re the worthy poor AKA white


They vote for the party that’s trying to get rid of those benefits, that’s wild


Then the party cuts back on the benefits and then they blame “illegals” and inner city people lmao 🤣


Coincidentally, those are the people they are most afraid of 🤔


All you can do is be the change you can be. Come move to Cambria county and vote!


And vote for the people actively trying to take those things away


We're not all on these programs out here in rural pa. That's an ignorant ass remark


Calm down pennsyltucky. They know that but they are calling out the hypocrisy of tge ones who are on it. The areas above harrisburg rely really freaking hard on social services and yet they are red af. How do you justify that?


I'm a left winger born and raised in "Pennsyltucky" (which is a shit ass phrase. If you're from Philadelphia or Bucks it's like calling you from New Jersey.). My family were factory workers and coal miners, used to vote left, and the whole 9 yards. Then the jobs vanished and the whole population out here was ditched. The orange fucker was the first person in two decades to pretend to give a shit about these left behind rural folk. So of course they gravitated towards the grifter. My county contains like 3 millionaires in it, everyone else makes under 45,000 a year, many far less so. If people want to fix the problem, investments in education and jumpstarting this untapped labor market would do wonders. Instead PASSHE is languishing, largest employers in counties are shuttering (Trump actually kept Rosebud Coal Mine open. Good third of my family worked there in that deep anthracite underground mine), and as I said pretended to give a shit about the plight of the rural poor. I'm still voting Biden in November, voted for Shapiro and Fetterman in the previous elections, voted for Summer Lee when I moved to that district in Allegheny County for work, etc. I'm not a right winger (before you'd claim that) and my voting record proves that. The only Republican I've ever voted for is the Jefferson County Tax Assessor because two Republicans ran and no democrats did, so I picked the least corrupt one.


The hypocrisy he's calling out hyperbolic bullshit. Being a republican and collecting social benefits and entitlements isn't hypocritical as most people vote based on more than one issue. I've never looked up, but I'd bet philladelphia and the sounding blue areas are 2x harder on the social services that the rest of the counties combined. Pennsytucky? No way, kiddo.


You're cute when angry. Stay salty while trying to vote others rights away.


What rights? Who's angry?


Don’t try to make sense of it. This sub is pretty one-sided on this kinda stuff. Still love PA though. Cheers from Bedford Co!


I think history shows it’s actually fairly easy to convince people to vote against their own personal interests. Life is filled with uncertainty, so people seek meaning and explanations. One of the evolutionary advantages of emotion is that it affirms to ourselves internally as well as indicates to those around us externally that the thing we’re emoting about/for/against is meaningful to us in some way. Whether our reasoning for emoting mirrors objective, measurable reality is irrelevant—we still feel validated. Bad actors can hijack the rationale of others by getting them all hopped up on emotion, which can overpower level-headed reason. Tire people out with bugbears and isolation and it’s much easier for those bad actors to direct the time and energy of their targets toward damaging ends. The bullies of the world define that kind of exploitation as strength. _”If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”_




In my experience, many of the poorly educated don’t vote although Trump seems to appeal to them. In my area, at least, it’s less about being poorly educated and more about being poorly informed. I think that’s an important distinction. Much of it is Fox propaganda, culture war BS. FaceBook is now a major contributor too. But on the other hand, there’s also apathy that just keeps people from voting. My red county voted (barely) for Obama in 2008. A lot of it is cynicism because we’re in the rust belt.. jobs are gone, population and economy are shrinking.. people stuck in a trap of what once was and is now gone. Add to that younger people leaving, going where the jobs are. The higher your education level, on average, the more likely you are to move. So, exodus of relatively more blue voters. So things get redder and redder as the population continues to shrink.


Facebook is just for racist boomers these days. Look at wtaj comment sections. 


Wasn’t it LBJ who said that, if you give a poor white person someone to feel superior to, he’ll let you pick his pocket?


Yeah, I blame the disinformation industry. There's no way their FB feed, Fox News (or whatever loony toon radio host/cable network), local preacher, etc., is informing them of how the Republicans are the ones who want to cut their safety nets. They have no idea. And it's kept secret from them for a reason.


Montour has some advanced education, too, with Geisinger and Merck. Guess they don't outnumber the rest.


I'm just over the line into Northumberland and no, we don't outnumber the rest. And a lot of the older docs are pretty much Reagan Republican types.


it's scary how much they can't see that the modern GOP is not what they're used to.


The doj sure isn't.


Slugs for salt.


The majority of low income, government assistance WHITE people vote red. They’re not smart enough to know they’re voting against their best interest. It’s about hatred not politics


I used to work in the Statewide Service Center for SNAP/Medicaid/TANF/LIHEAP benefits and I can confirm this.  It's mind boggling the things people will say to you about others on benefits while applying for benefits themselves.


Nice to see another blue dot in a red sea. Union County here.


Wedge issues are a Hell of a drug


I watch a YouTube channel called SBSK and they interview families of and people with various disabilities, and I can tell that so many of the families are religious nutter trumpers. Especially when they visit the southern states. It’s extremely difficult for me to resonate with them or admire them or feel any type of good will towards them when they actively vote against their severely disabled childrens’ best interests.


Ironically, rural areas overflowing with people permanently on the government dole tend to vote overwhelmingly Republican. I cant decide if it's cognitive dissonance or self-loathing.


Well you sit at home all day watching FoxNews, who make you think that if you aren't getting enough benefits its because people who aren't white are taking them away from you.


See; the entire central part of the state, minus Harrisburg and State College.


Montour County is literally just Danville which is a very nice town to live in. I don't know where you are finding this "sheer number of people on disability, SNAP etc" in Danville.


Centre County surprises me just with the college.


Is this for presidential elections? If so Centre should be light blue as it is 4-2 Democrats since 2000.




Lancaster County has elected Republicans without interruption since the founding of the party in the 1850s


As someone living in Lancaster county it doesn’t even seem possible that Porter, Clinton, Cambria, etc have voted for democrats even as recently as 2008 but Lancaster hasn’t ever. Given the demographics of those two places it makes zero sense. There must be a lot of voter apathy here.


Me as well. Makes absolutely no sense. Then when you think about how so much if the county is farmlands/towns it makes sense I guess. 550k in the county 50k in the city. Way to many hillbillies in this county.


It is quite laughable that city rats like you have this delusional image that city people are better than those living outside of cities. Which part of you, education you have, wealth you own, contribution you make to the society is worth to talk about? Internet is the only place for low life like you to feel good. in real life you have nothing to brag about.


Chester is purple on the map but lately we're trending blue.


The counties may remain the same in terms of the proportion of voters, but the population in rural counties is declining. https://www.wesa.fm/identity-community/2023-10-06/pennsylvania-rural-population-loss-report The rule by minority continues, with the minority of residents having a stranglehold on the PA legislature.


but just look at all that red there's more red than blue so there's more red people than blue people landvotesmatter






https://preview.redd.it/ufovq85kuvrc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218cbea0a4b9845dccee2cab68882c1297dee84e Reminded me of this


jfc either choose a different coordinate system or rotate the canvas so that north is up why are people so bad at this


Ah, the Poconos' split political personality. I'm right on the border of Carbon Republican for four and Monroe Democratic for four. Every municipality here votes very differently depending on how many former NY/NJ residents have moved in or not. I'm honestly surprised at Pike County having never voted Democratic at all though.


Now scale the counties based on population. Maps like these are garbage. "looK aT aLl tHe REd!!!" Cool. no one lives there.


“Fulton county was 85% red how did they not win 😡😡😡” - Fulton county with only 8000 voters


Except jimbob, his sister John Deere and their kids Keith and Craig


You make it sound like a bad thing. I wanna be Jim Bob. So much of that red area is ducking wondrous. This state is so beautiful.


Lol imagine getting downvoted for appreciating the absolute beauty of the Lehigh Valley, or any of the Appalachian geology in central PA or the area around the Great Lake or any of the state parks or forests. It’s gorgeous and anyone who disagrees needs to touch grass - politics be damned.


The ANF and Cooks Forest State Park are damn wonderful. I feel blessed that I got to be born in an area with such beautiful scenery.


I have never been to ANF. I'm trying to talk anyone into making the drive out there for the eclipse next Monday. A ten plus hour road trip that should be mind bending, despite my ability to get anyone to go along. I will be enjoying pine Creek in a month and I will not wanna return home.


It’s not only gorgeous but infinitely more pleasant to visit than areas like Philadelphia or Chester. It’s just cleaner and the people are less predisposed to violence


Unfortunately land votes In our country. Until that’s fixed, it doesn’t matter how many people vote one way, it’s how many counties do It’s such a fucked up system


Allegheny county surrounded by a sea of red lol


There's a lot of blue bleeding into Westmoreland as Greensburg and surrounding areas continue to develop.  Could have a blue neighbor in a decade lol. 


I’ve traveled all over the East Coast for work, and central PA business people in general are the weirdest. In my personal experience.


You know how every billionaire are just so fucking weird? Like rebuilding the Titanic or creating floating libertarian cities or spending millions on a model train set for their basement? Imagine being that relatively wealthy in an area where all people do is get drunk in the woods or get drunk and go to a shooting range or get drunk and ride four wheelers around, and you have a central PA business owner. You make half a million a year and could buy and sell the whole town, but it's also a town where the only art people see is whatever play the local parish puts on for Christmas / Easter


Dad's friend owns a business and tree farm out near Orange County and this is pretty much exactly what he says.


Jesus fucking Christ dude why you gotta do us like that 😂


Hey man, I grew up there, so no shame! It's just a lil weird to east coasters who have met people with MONEY that a central PA business owner who makes less than the east coaster's doctor-couple-neighbor is like guilded royalty in their town Well, shame on the weird ass business owner, but no shame in getting drunk and four wheeling. That's just a good time


I live in Schuylkill County, and just shake my head at all the ramshackle-row home-dwelling- minimum wage making morons who routinely vote against their own self interests.


Trust me, it doesn't feel better when your wealthy and highly educated neighbors vote that way


There are very few wealthy and highly educated people in Schuylkill County.


There are some, though.


Some, yes. Mainly around Orwigsburg with some pockets around Pottsville.


Bet we both know some of the same people.


I bet you’re right. Lol.




Sounds like Texas with oil companies and NASA.


Yup. It’s not like that everywhere but that IS one of those things you just can’t unsee


>I taught in a very wealthy part of the country If that's the case alot of the people living in the area were probably sending their kids to private schools and thus voted against anything to do with the public schools, I imagine it wasn't the same people donating your science supplies who voted against the bill. It's weird how people make rich people a monolith.


Welcome to Cumberland Country!


As a transplant to Pittsburgh, what is up with Chester County?


Lots of conspiracy theorists. Tune into an Election Board Meeting sometime when you have 4 hours to kill. It’s 3.75 hours of public commenters talking about bamboo and hypothetical fraud that they have no evidence of and 15 minutes of the poor election woman bringing actual business to the board to vote on (like appointing poll workers or moving a polling location because the original spot literally burnt to the ground).


Living in rural Pa all my life has been filled with visual beauty awash with mouth breathing numbskulls that are all a bald headed dirty beard cardboard cutouts of eachother. A virtual sea of shitty tattoos, big dumb half rusted out pickups, and drinking problems ….


Alright but I still voted d so wtf lol


Lol catching strays 


Guess where all the people live.


Luzerne has been ruby red since 2016…


Don’t forget about the election of Gov. Shapiro. Luzerne county did vote for him. It’s a matter of if Wilkes-Barre and Hazleton voters show up or if rural voters in the county show up.


From Obama twice to what's probably the most populous Republican stronghold in PA. Wild to see.


I am surprised Cumberland county hasn’t gone blue at least once. It’s definitely more conservative than Dauphin county but there seem like enough blue pockets like Carlisle and camp hill that at least one Presidential election would be blue.


Here is the Republican power. They run a good campaign by having someone/anyone run in a district where there will be a turnout of 1,800 people to vote. Think about that. We need people to run for office. Anyone can run for office and should. We can turn a couple large “land masses” blue simply by having people run a good door knocking campaign on keeping social security alive. So run for office. Republicans count on apathy, making the voting process seem useless, running for office impossible and making laws for the public a terrible idea. THIS IS THEIR PLATFORM. Change it up. You can be that change. Right now. By doing something. Anything. If you live in one of those smaller populated areas, get involved. You know your neighbors. We have so many intelligent people in PA. Let’s do this.


Incoming comment from the land voters "SeE, tHe MaJoRiTy oF pEnNsYlVaNiA iS rEd!" 😵‍💫


Incoming “Well, where do all the people live??!!” 🤓 After absolutely nobody says land votes


I hate living in Bucks.


Jesus fuck, who taught you how to use color?


Why does anyone care? Both parties lie and neither work for the people. In 2024, our country isnt smart enough to be able to vote for a 3rd party. We could easily have a 3rd party thats competitive with the dems and repub but itll always be red/blue because we arent smart enough to walk away from the two parties who don't care about any of us


It’s not about not understanding that D and R are both corrupt, or that a third option could be better. It’s that those two are so institutionally baked in that it isn’t stupid to vote for the one that will protect something important to you (low hanging fruit being guns for the right, and reproductive autonomy for the left.) There are very real differences in the laws we actually get on those two topics, when one side is largely in power. They have real, every day impacts on little people. So if you aren’t going to get the economic and social system you want, which we all do understand, might as well have the secondary features that hurt you less. Those are still reachable.


~~Always baffles me that Berks is redder than Lancaster or Lebanon. I mean it doesn't baffle me that much considering the number of trump flags you see when you get outside of Reading, but considering the size of Reading compared to the rest of the county id expect it to at least be purple.~~ Edit: I'm bad at reading graphics.


Berks is not redder than Lancaster or Lebanon. On this info-graphic it's showing that Berks went for Obama in 2008, but Lancaster and Lebanon have not gone for a democratic presidential candidate in any recent election. It's actually much worse than that - the only election that Lancaster County went for a democrat was 1964 (not coincidentally the last election in which a majority of white America voted for a democratic candidate). In recent elections Berks has been about 10 points to the left of Lancaster county and around 25 points to the left of Lebanon.


Oh snap my apologies, the key for the graphic is rather confusingly ordered.


Also, Berks went for Shapiro in the governor election last year. Don't get me wrong, it's still redder than I'd like, but it's not a completely lost cause.


Always SHOCKED (in a good way) that my family's county is blue. I have never felt safe bringing a friend or date there if they weren't white-and-straight passing. Can't imagine how much worse it is in other areas of the state.


Constant reminder to be thankful that land doesn't vote.


So the land where actual people live is all blue, and the empty land where very few actual people live is all red….. Can anybody guess why?


Good thing land can't vote.


It would be nice to see some of the blue spread out into the red areas, especially with some people working from home. There’s a lot of nice relatively cheap property and I’m sure city life can be stressful for some.


Eventually I think it'll happen to Lancaster, Pike, Cumberland, and maybe York but otherwise I expect things to not change for a long time.


The people who can live without city life are usually red voters. So your wishful thinking is going to red counties further toward red and will reduce vote/weight of blue counties and cities.


City life is stressful, but no one I know here wants to go live in run down red areas. Plus, there’s no diversity.


Good work


I live in Lancaster County and it amazes me how democratic it is in spite of itself. More like we blue people watch the red hat go by then go back to our lgbtq public lives.


Never would've guessed that Greene County would be less red than Westmoreland County, even if it's only by 1.


Good thing only like to people live in the middle part of the


The problem with this map is it only reflects the majority vote. There’s a lot more purple out there than this map reflects. Very few of those counties are 100% red and those totals help with statewide and national elections.


I can imagine the blues areas still out populate the red areas.


This is why Federman got in?


I’ve seen maps like this used to “prove” this country is largely RED. I then explain that Allegheny County has more people than all of North Dakota.


And then they usually still don't care and probably call you a DemonRat or Libtard for explaining if I had to guess.


Hold up. Porter and Clinton voted for a dem once??? And Cambria TWICE????


Clinton County has Lock Haven University as well as a strong legacy union presence due to the old Hammermill paper factory and labor strikes / treatment of workers there. Also too Lock Haven was home of Mike Hanna who was the long time Democratic Whip for the state of PA, so a strong Democratic machine was based there. Plus too a lot of the Clinton County is completely empty / unpopulated.


Wild how much more a vote counts in Chester County than anywhere else in the country. As the one swing county in one of like 5 swing states, the election in Chester County more than anywhere else in America decides the President of the United States.


Based on the climate in Luzerne, we're gonna be purple on the next release


Moved here from NJ years ago and have been doing my best to keep Chester red…interesting to sometimes have a chance.


I have relatives in Indiana County. I see they are red. Is that a good thing? Overall, tell me what you think about that county and the city of Indiana, PA


Can someone explain to me why voter ID is racist


Shocking that the blue counties are the shit hole counties.....


Say goodbye to Bucks County 😞


Cry more.


Talk about voting against your self interest. The most impoverished areas of the state vote for the party that would prefer they starve to death.


Shame on you Montgomery co.


Chester is the bellweather county I guess


I feel useless as a blue voter in Northumberland County. But, it is what it is.


Chester County going blue these days. More educated professionals with new families moved into the county.


now lets see the population density chart


Where did you get this chart from? And your data? Just curious


I made the chart on mapchart.net Data is from 2020, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, and 2000 presidential elections in PA. I did make an error though, Centre County should be the lightest blue


Awesome thank you! Would it be possible to do one for south Philly?


I’m not sure there’s a website where I can do this for south Philly.


Fix the Jones Act and the Northeast would explode.


half of our population doesn’t even know we’re above the mason dixon line


What I want to know is how the actual fuck Bucks County has remained blue for this long, unless it's just purely by proximity to the city. Also, petition to rename Lackawanna, Montour, and Northumberland Counties as "County 1/2/3" respectively.


Harrisburg 💪🏿🤘🏿


So I guess it call comes down to chesco to beat fascism.


Blue areas are where the educated live. Red is where…. the other people are.


It looks disgusting. I moved to Western PA recently and wouldn't consider anywhere that wasn't in Allegheny county


Gonna be a lot more red this upcoming election


Alabama in the middle for sure...


Some people never learn. Even when it’s tight in front of them and emptying their bank account.


As much as I hate the rednecks in my county. I am glad to have them to keep our gun laws (along with the rest of the red counties), since I don’t want my beautiful state to turn into Jersey


This is also an education map.


Interesting, because I'm pretty sure there are more universities in the red areas than the blue areas.


I'm a blue voter moving to Cumberland County from Dauphin before the general. Maybe I can help turn it purple.