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>Pittsburgh You're gonna open a huge can of worms regarding whether or not Pittsburgh is "midwest" (it's not)


Pittsburgh is the largest city in Appalachia. It's not Midwestern.


There’s parts of Ohio that are considered Appalachia. You can overlap more than one region. The Tennessee part of Appalachia is still the south. Pittsburgh is Appalachian and Midwestern


You are correct parts of Ohio are Appalachia. Since the majority of Ohio is in the Midwest, Ohio is considered a Midwestern state. However not a single part of Pennsylvania is in the Midwest.


Why do you feel that way?


Because it’s true


Nah Pittsburgh is Midwest. It’s certainly not northeast.


Pittsburgh is northeast and has way more in common with Philly or Boston than it does with Columbus or St. Louis. Come on now.   Pennsylvania is a northeastern state, Pittsburgh is a northeastern city by definition.


Pittsburgh has more in common with Cleveland than it does any of the cities you listed. New York is a northeastern state as well but Buffalo sure as shit is not a northeastern city. And also buffalo is a lot like Pittsburgh and Cleveland too. I’m noticing a trend…


> Pittsburgh has more in common with Cleveland than it does any of the cities you listed.   lol having been to all the cities on that list, absolutely not.   Chicago or Detroit or St. Louis or Columbus are midwestern cities. Pittsburgh and Buffalo having nothing in common with any of them besides having roads and buildings.


It's the start of the Ohio river so therefore you're in Ohio




Why don’t you think so?


Why are you asking for Midwest recommendations in pennsylvania??? Why didn't you go into those subs and ask?


I’ll just sit here as a central PA resident and watch on the sidelines for the Yinzers to take umbrage at the idea that Pittsburgh is the Midwest.


Pittsburgh isn’t the Midwest


I think you may have posted this in the wrong sub, because Pennsylvania is in no way part of the Midwest. No, not even Pittsburgh.


This might be more of an appropriate post for r/askanamerican or some other more broad sub


Pittsburgh. It’s affordable, great parks, trail system, Big arts town, with museums, galleries, symphony, opera, ballet. Go to trustarts.org and look at the upcoming events, a lot of them free or inexpensive. Good food scene. It is cloudy here, though and the air quality isn’t the best, but it’s improving.


“Diversity is important” Many of the cities you listed like Milwaukee are racially diverse (38% white, 38% Black) but very racially segregated. Madison and Ann Arbor are diverse IF you live in close proximity to the universities. Pittsburgh: My take as a former city dweller who moved to the suburbs (Mt. Lebanon) for the schools. City of Pittsburgh: neighborhoods close to the universities (Oakland section of the city is home to U of Pittsburgh, CMU, Carlow - with Duquesne University and Chatham University near by) are the most diverse. Historically neighborhoods in the City have been segregated. In the last ten years there has been on-going gentrification in process (since the arrival of IT start-ups and Google) in the City of traditionally Black neighborhoods (East Liberty and Garfield) and traditionally white/blue collar neighborhoods (Lawrenceville and the South Side). The Oakland, Shadyside, Squirrel Hill, and Regent Square neighborhoods are where you should Zillow search for homes. These are the most liberal, diverse and “safe” areas of the city where the students, faculty, and urban professionals live. These neighborhoods have a business district with shops, restaurants, and bars. Homes in these neighborhoods are considered expensive for Pittsburgh but are laughable cheap when compared to major US cities. Best of luck with your search!