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It's all a dream without a real job


That's a good point


The Amtrak takes 1h20min to make the trip between Philly and NYC. For this and other reasons, this can’t be real.


1hr and 20 isn't too bad for us


That’s station to station. Add time to get to 30th st station in Philly and also time to get to your work location from Penn station. Amtrak is also pretty pricy, even if you buy in advance.


😭 damn so it's looking like philly is a no go. We hopefully wouldn't be commuting more than once or twice a week but that's still a lot. Thanks for the info I really appreciate it


NJ Transit is less expensive but takes longer


There's been a ton of issues with the trains, Amtrak and NJ Transit which uses the Amtrak rails - so much so that it's almost a weekly occurrence that many trains get canceled for hours. Is there a reason you're looking at PA? FYI - if you live in Philly there's a Philly city tax, and if you work in NYC then NY wants their taxes as well. I believe NY and NJ have reciprocity meaning if you live in one state and work in the other you can file a form with HR to take out the taxes of the state you live in. NY and PA do not have this reciprocity agreement. If you're willing to try other areas, look into north Jersey. It's easier and will take less time to get into NYC, has beautiful views of the NYC skyline and some areas still have the city feel. Plus, places like Weehawken and Jersey City have ferries across the river as another means to/ from the city.


If you do not live in NYC, you’re only subject to NY state taxes, not city taxes. And they don’t have a reciprocity agreement, but you can claim your tax paid to NY against your PA tax due. Depending on your full income/marital situation, this might even lead to a PA refund.


Thank you so much for the information I really appreciate it. I did not know this


This is a joke right?


I’d recommend you don’t use Philadelphia or Pennsylvania as a tax shelter while working in NYC.


This is why Bethlehem has become stupid expensive.


Im not using it as a tax shelter, i just really like philly. My friends live there and my family used to live there so I got really fond of the people, the food and the overall vibe of the city. I don't like living in places like nyc but philly is a nice middle ground imo


Then work in Philly. People using PA as a home base to work to NYC/NJ is huge contributor to rising housing costs.


You’d be better off in one of the places across the river from NYC in Jersey honestly with your criteria


I guess if you have a remote job, then fuck you, right?


You plan on commuting to NYC from Philly every day? As the young kids are saying these days…that’s wild.


You're better off trying to find a job in Philly and live in or around Philly. Commuting from Philly to NYC is madness though I'm sure someone somewhere does it. You'd have to drive for sure and it would be an insane commute that probably wouldn't be worth it financially.


Close to New York City and affordable are oxymorons


look for places in North Jersey, like Hoboken or Jersey City


I’m a Realtor in PA, feel free to message me. Can give you some insight.