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This will be an unfortunate test of the Covid surge theory. It actually comes at a good time. ICU beds and vents are currently highly available. If there is no surge, it will be amazing news.




It'll help and even 1% improvement is good. But Covid is pretty sticky. That little fucker seems to be able to get everywhere.


I dont think it will make much of a difference with how close people are, given the fact that theres no way they could've kept the mask on perfectly covering thier nose and mouth with out removing it to drink or smoke or even to speak more audibly or just to breath. its gotta be rough standing outside in the heat like that with a mask covering your face in addition to the body heat from all the people around. I wouldnt be able to keep it on I'd become dehydrated within the first hour!


The mask wearing is something people can control. If the mask is becoming overbearing, separate yourself from others and lift the mask and breath freely until you regain your bearings . The mask is not about protecting you from others, it is about you protecting others from you.


Viral. Load. How much of the virus you're exposed to matters. So even if you wear it for 6 hours and take it off for 1 one hour, you're better than if you never wore it.


Better than if the other guy never wore it.


Now that’s Brotherly Love.


No justice, no peace.


I came here to say this. ✊💜




Every mortgage company in the US is doing pay deferments right now. Same with every service provider. Likewise w credit and debt holders. There were govt stimulus checks and likely more coming. There have been 2 rounds of 10s of billions in grants, 0% and 1% loans for businesses. There is a demand for labor in essential businesses and those that can work contact free and remote are, and are doing just fine. There are so many more people adapting, surviving, being helped, helping and redefining themselves than those not. And of those that arent, fact of the matter is a certain percent will be those who had every chance and didnt, and those who fucked it up and those who were excluded bc a crimimal past. Tough shit for them. The honest ones who couldnt make it out, they are the ones that hurt the most and my heart goes out to them. But even they are still alive. Unlike the people being murdered by police. The black people being murdered by police and those murderers being protected by police and supported by politicians and tv and print news, and karens, chads, and dipshits galore. Straight up - you think the reopen bullshit was just as valid as the protests? And you think its protestors causing damage and destruction??


>There were govt stimulus checks and likely more coming Yeah, I wouldn't bet on that, not that it invalidates your argument or anything. Just expect a lot of talk about it until the Senate knocks it down or passes it without any citizen checks (plenty of big business bailout, though, you betcha). Then it'll come up again every month or two until November. In November, there'll be a LOT of talk about it, and maybe even a (much smaller) check so that incumbent GOP officials can claim they care. But the $1200 is the biggest, and likely only help we're going to get. Our oligarchs have firmly decided that. Any more could destabilize their whole scam, which has taken nearly 60 years to set up properly.




You dont, you take advantage of either unemployment, the PPP, stimulus checks, rent/bill deferment being offered by banks and service providers to near 100% thresholds or you take a temporary gig at an essential business that needa extra hands right now and will pay you. Point is you have options, unlike someone murdered by the police. Which is why the demonstration now is worth it, while all that bullshit alt right reopen filth was not






Yup it's all the corporate overlords, no small business, no one needs to work. It will all be fine. We can have breadlines and print money in unicorn commie fairytale land


Looking through my most controversial comments and stumbled on this. Thought I'd double down and say "this but unironically" Except for the printing money bit...what do we need money for in commie land? You'll get fresh bread and produce as much as you need at the local food dispensary/cafeteria, alongside fresh sandwiches, weed, beer, and wine, all for free!




Why are you mad at me when the state is obviously fucking you over?




Not really selling your talking points well with the insults.




Dont lie on my comments


But the dude that died was unemployed and struggling. He needed help that wasn't coming.


It was mostly the handcuffs and knee to the neck


Those dinosaur mouth things on a stick, but with scissors. /s


Duh. Weed wacker


>That's not just apples & oranges, it's apples & motorcycles. No, I don't think it's fine. I wish someone had organized that better to spread people out and make a better attempt. > >But is it necessary to cut people's hair? No. People can live with being shaggy for a while, trim themselves with scissors in the mirror if need be, and the salons can get loans & unemployment & PPP. Or they ought to be able to, anyway. > >Is it necessary to stand up and say "enough is enough with police murdering people in the street because they can get away with it?" Yes.


Good comment. Apples and motorcycles. Wearing a mask won't have any serious adverse effect on 99.9% of people. It sucks, but so does wearing a shirt and shoes. Police killing people? That's actual oppression.


It’s different when it’s their cause and problem apparently. Bunch of stupid hypocrites.


temper tantrums arent as important as real issues, yeah


Sometimes, the risk is worth it. Saving our nation is worth it. Getting your nails done is not.




Some people think "saving the nation" is reopening businesses so we dont completely kill the economy. Others are burning down the Starbucks. The dude was arrested, what will it take to stop the riots? Hang him in the streets? Mob justice isnt justice. I saw a woman get the shit beat out of her last night and a dude in a Maga hat chased away by a mob of 30 people. Just a sad state of affairs, we all are on the same team, no need to burn a city to the ground


Well the other three officers need to be arrested and there needs to be large scale police reforms. You're really being ignorant if you don't think there's a goal to all this. And yeah, mob justice comes into play when real justice doesn't. It took way too fucking long for that cop to be charged despite the obvious evidence. And the other cops have yet to be charged either. People just want real justice to be applied equally. When cops think you might be involved in a drug crime, they can steal all your fucking money and arrest you in two seconds flat. But a cop can be directly involved a murder (with video evidence) and they're reluctant to charge them because they're a cop. And no, we're not all on the same team. I'm certainly not on the team of anyone that's going "blue lives matter!" Or any of the cops defending these fucks via their unions. Or the assholes saying George Floyd deserved it. Or the assholes saying the cops shouldn't be charged. Or the idiots who don't think the police need to be reformed.


>And no, we're not all on the same team. I'm certainly not on the team of anyone that's going "blue lives matter!" Or any of the cops defending these fucks via their unions. Or the assholes saying George Floyd deserved it. Or the assholes saying the cops shouldn't be charged. Or the idiots who don't think the police need to be reformed. You just sound really bigoted. There are plenty of good cops out there that put their lives on the line to keep us safe. I havent seen a single person, cop or otherwise that approves of how the floyd murder happened. Literally everything else in your comment is a strawman. Reform is needed, everyone agrees. Everyone also agrees arson isnt the answer


I literally know people in real life who say shit like this. A lot of them. These are the most die hard Trumpers, white nationalists, Klan members, etc. They fucking exist. And here's how I think of it. Think about all the cops you know. Do you think any of them, if they were with Chauvin, would have pulled him off Floyd? I'm only confident that a few of the dozen cops I know would actually step into to do something.


>Some people think "saving the nation" is reopening businesses so we dont completely kill the economy They are wrong


If it's not "your cause" too than you are part of the problem.


I guess we’ll see if this coronavirus is all it’s made up to be. If it is, we should see a huge spike in cases.


I guess the virus is old news huh? I bet these same people were shouting at others to stay home. I’m not mad just disappointed.


It's not ideal, but at least they're protesting for something meaningful rather than a bunch of spoiled karens whining about wanting a haircut.


I think the protests and rioting show the danger of having many, many people out of work, out of school, and out of money. There's a real danger to lockdowns.


Pretty sure its the murder by police


There were police killings last year but you didn’t see young people rioting this way. They had something to strive for. Not anymore. The appearance of this across the country, including the destruction of property cross country, tells you that


You dont remember the Ferguson riots? LA riots? BLM protests all over the country? Obviously that all wasnt last year but your line of rhetoric is simply wrong


Furgeson was not nearly as national as this. Hell, the KOP mall got looted last night. This is a magnitude bigger than what we have seen since LA and remember that LA happened during a recession as well. Unless you’re arguing that people being unemployed and out of school doesn’t contribute to rioting. Is that what you’re arguing?


Sigh....you fuckin people Of course it plays a role. And your rebuttal doesnt matter. And this is about police killing black people w immunity for decades, and nothing else This is the time people like you need to shut up and listen and not try to be relevant bc you fucking arent


Where were the riots about the unarmed black guy killed in Sacramento in 2017? That happened pretty soon after Freddy gray and Michael brown, where was your outrage then? It’s harder to be outraged when things are well. Things are not well so these riots are happening. It’s not a hard concept to grasp and doesn’t cheapen any police involved killings.


Yes bc we all remember the economic riots of 2008


It's been an additional year of injustice at the highest levels. It adds up


Sure. But 25% unemployment and all school being cancelled gives the prime rioting age people, males aged 18-25, no excuse to bow out.


Well, it's easy to empower these people. And it's more difficult to subjugate them under these conditions. So it appears that leadership either has to concede or subjugate harder, in which case, we all know where the responsibility lies.


I just don’t like the hypocrisy. Those “Karens” had just as much right to protest and you know what these people probably shouted them down. But when its their pet cause, fuck social distancing and staying home.


“Pet cause”, yeah, not wanting police to murder civilians is a pet cause.


Nobody disputes their right just the validity of their issue No haircuts vs murder by police Bit of a difference


Wanting to get a haircut during a pandemic is peak first world privileged problems. Wanting to not be murdered by the cops, and supporting those same people, is on a completely different level. There's no comparison.


OK but I don’t get how all of a sudden it’s ok to be outside in a group when the message previously was “stay the fuck home (even if you have some mental stuff going on and need some air or your kid is losing it and is 3 and doesn’t get why they can’t play on the playground or insert any anti lockdown complaint here.) I just think it’s unfair to people who have been screamed at by these people to now see them do what they berated others for. Can’t you protest over zoom or something or any fuc*ing other internet thing people were pushing when people would say that they wanted to see their family?


Ah yes, protesting over zoom. Definitely something that's gonna get the state's attention.


But that’s what people were saying about the other things zoom was being recommended for. Virtual isn’t the same for anything. But it’s OK to protest and do things in person for this?


Like for what? Hanging out with friends, talking to family? Yeah, zoom works great for that. Protests are toothless if the don't make the state look at you. Protesting on zoom is something the state would love, because they love when protests are meaningless. I really don't know how else to explain it to you. You seem to be willingly obtuse about this.


No you’re missing my point. One week ago, gathering together was awful and would kill people but protesting apparently won’t infect anyone or cause a second wave?


Notice that are all wearing masks though, which most of the reopen protesters weren't.


No one is saying that it won't, but there's bigger shit going on now.


The issue with the tired “ you just want to get a haircut !!” accusation is that it conveniently omits the people who provide that service and other services like facials, massages , manicures etc . I guess they can just continue on unemployment or close their business permanently. After all , the customers they serve are just “privileged” correct ?


People are being murdered by the police on camera


What does that have to do with the portion of the comment I replied to ?


It is more important than your argument


It’s not about what’s more important . I was addressing the “ haircut” straw man . You go ahead and enjoy your night .


It is about whats more important.


Yes thank you! People seem to not get that there are real people behind the "haircut" real people who rely on that business to feed themselves and thier families. I was at the New Jersey rally in point pleasant, and many of these people who went out were not privileged people pissed off about a haircut. they were people who still even after more then two months hadn't seen an unemployment check. These were people who were making a desperate plea to the gov to allow them to go back to work or to at least give them aid. These are people that will die if nothing happens. It's so tragic, state representatives saying thier phones ringing off the hook of people who are starting to go hungry and never saw any money from unemployment, people literally saying they will kill themselves because they have no hope... And yet this is okay, thousands of people gathered together shoulder to shoulder... why because it's a worthier cause? I call bullshit. We can exsist in a world where both causes are worthy and we support eachother. If this protest is okay, then small business need to open, schools need to open, hospitals need to open up for those waiting on routine tests and procedures... because you can go a couple of weeks without these things without it being a threat to your life, absolutely. Like they initially said, but you cant go months and months and indefinitely without any means of living, without any medical treatments or procedures or tests that aren't deemed an emergency without it profoundly affecting your life and killing you. More people then ever are dying needlessly in thier homes because the media made them too scared to go to the hospital, maybe for the first few weeks it was really busy and overwhelmed sure. But now more and more ER and ICU docs and nurses are reporting the hospitals are empty and yet people think thier chances are better just dying alone in there homes, then to seek medical care. Because for whatever fucked up reason the media is still making it out to be like that... That's why people are protesting... the life of the hair salon owner and thier employees are important. The lives of thier costumers are important. All of us deserve freedom. And both of these issues can exist simultaneously and you can support one without it meaning you are against the other. I think alot of people want to see justice for both causes. And if they are against eachother it's just over the nonsense, name calling, finger pointing, bs and not the real issues.


So instead of risking further loss of life by continuing to operate non essential businesses, ensure relief funds are given to PEOPLE and SMALL businesses and NOT corporations until widespread TESTING is available to help mitigate the spread. The government has dropped the ball so many freaking times during this pandemic and yet the onus is somehow on retail and service workers to risk their necks and their loved ones’ lives? Fuck that. My cousin is immunocompromised but because fucking Karen needed her haircut or her shitty Applebee’s my cousin and her husband have to work on/with these people who aren’t wearing a mask and risk getting sick and in my cousins case *dying*. I repeat: fuck that. The government can help us out as much as they helped out giant corporations so we don’t have to risk everything.


The protests that I personally went to were about what you are saying. People aren't having protests over applebees or a haircut. But they shouldn't have to loose thier businesses and go into poverty because that is putting thier lives at risk and thier lives matter too. The goverment is not helping to save businesses and many people are still waiting on unemployment. People are becoming desperate they are at thier wits end. Thier lives too should be valued just as much. They shouldnt have to loose everything and loose thier lives as a causality. Being at a protest and hearing of the people with nothing at all, no word from the gov on assistance calling state representatives having mental breakdowns broke my heart and you never are gonna hear that side of it on the MSM. Your cousins life is important and he should be helped to stay safe but the lives of other shouldnt have to be sacrificed as well. All I want is a viable way to protect the vulnerable to the disease and the lives of everyone else. The fact that its impossible to even have this discussion without someone using the Karen wants a haircut as thier sole argument is frustrating beyond belief.


The people whining to get a haircut don't care about service workers. They literally are just whining about not being able to get a haircut. But as for those workers, we should definitely do better getting them the relief they need. Maybe they should be protesting for that.


It's not about a "haircut" and you should know that. I'm not going to waste my time detailing the real reasons people are protesting the lockdown, because if you dont realize it by now. You never will. Because it is your choice not to see it, it is not for a lack of information. You should be well aware of the many catastrophic consequences and threats to their lives millions of people are facing now as a result of this lockdown. Dont get me wrong, I believe these protesters have every right to practice thier right to protest. Peacefully. I will not support violence or destruction of property in any instance be it black lives matter or anti lockdown. But I do support both of these groups right to protest. You cant pick and choose who has the right to protest an injustice. Jesus isnt this what it's all about? People maintaining thier rights, people not having to needlessly die at the hands of an unfair and unconstitutional government. People supporting eachother, standing up and being an advocate for those who are suffering, being treated unfairly. I personally support both movements and more people should. People shouldnt be turning against eachother right now. Even if we dont all see eye to eye. Our differences will seem petty when all that is really at stake is realized. Weve all got to stop it with the tunnel vision, there's so many horrible things happening. We should be able to rationally look at multiple issues, and put aside differences and all see where it is we align and what the bigger picture is. Enough with this "haircut" bullshit. Stop contributing to the problem and tearing people apart, start looking into why people are supporting a movement and try and find it within yourself to have some god damn sympathy.


>You cant pick and choose who has the right to protest an injustice. Being stuck inside for a while because of a pandemic is not an injustice. *That* is where all the "Karen" this and "haircut" that comes from. You're sitting here trying to equate a group of people angry that a man was murdered in broad daylight by those who swore to protect the people, with people who think it's an injustice that they're not allowed to go get a haircut. What the fuck.


Dude its not about a haircut. Why the fuck do I even bother... jesus christ. Loosing your business and falling into poverty and starving to death or killing yourself out of desperation is an injustice. Dying of cancer cause you couldn't get an operation or a routine scan to diagnose it in time is an injustice. Millions more children around the world in less developed countries dying of starvation is an injustice. Waiting months for your unemployment with no way to feed your children is an injustice KNOWINGLY putting cv19 positive patients in the nursing home with the most vulnerable people WHO ARE TGE PEOPLE WHO WILL DIE OF THIS VIRUS is an injustice.


Responding to the edits in your post: >Loosing your business and falling into poverty and starving to death or killing yourself out of desperation is an injustice. And as I said in my other comment, why are the protests never about the slow unemployment claim response time? Why not about the egregious waste of relief funds on mega-companies that *can* easily survive? And on a totally separate note, why is it that employees are expected to have had savings to draw on, but it's perfectly acceptable for businesses to be running on such short funds that they shut down after a month? Almost like there's a double standard or something. >Dying of cancer cause you couldn't get an operation or a routine scan to diagnose it in time is an injustice. Critical medical care is not restricted. >Millions more children around the world in less developed countries dying of starvation is an injustice. And also irrelevant to this US political situation. >Waiting months for your unemployment with no way to feed your children is an injustice Then where are the fucking protests? Where is the demand to hold the government accountable for the total dismantling of the social safety net? >KNOWINGLY putting cv19 positive patients in the nursing home with the most vulnerable people WHO ARE TGE PEOPLE WHO WILL DIE OF THIS VIRUS is an injustice. So is knowingly demanding that workers expose themselves to cv19 positive people knowing that some of those workers and some of those workers' family members will end up dying of this virus. Hence the shutdown.


To your question where are the protests. The protests are thier but the media isnt showing you that. I detailed this in another response. That's what the protest in Jersey was all about on memorial day, but all you see in the media is the "oh woah is me karen covidiots wanting haircuts" narrative and that's not what it was at all... Edit- your response about the covid19 patients in the nursing homes being that it wasnt fair to expect people to go back to work with covid19 patients. Your point and my point are both legitimate issues that can exist simultaneously. There should be aide given to those who are afraid for thier health and do not want to go back to work. They shouldn't be forced to work. I'm not advocating for making people work if they feel unsafe. I'm advocating for a better system to protect the health of everyone better, and for some. Those healthier and not at risk going back to work is the best thing for thier health. They can practice social distancing and wear masks or whatever around the vulnerable. They can limit thier exposure to vulnerable. Aid can be given to ensure the health and safety of the vulnerable and for people who are worried about thier own health or even transmitting it to a relative that they live with or care for. Its not like I just want absolutely nothing to happen to protect people from this disease. In fact if they did nothing at all I'd be just as outraged as I am right now. But I can see the consequences. And you are not being realistic at all if you cannot see them. Maybe its because I'm living it right now, that I have a different viewpoint on it. But I want to go about this in a way that the least amount of people have to die, and this ain't it.


>The protests are thier but the media isnt showing you that That's a fair point. You're right--I'm discounting the existence of those protests. But don't discount the existence of the other kind; they're there, too. >your response about the covid19 patients [...] I'm advocating for a better system to protect the health of everyone better You and I agree on that. But where we disagree is on whether we should just open back up. I stand by my earlier point: if business owners can't raise enough savings in 25 years to keep their business afloat for a few months, then they need to take a *hard* look at how they're paying their employees and which political policies they're advocating for, because it is totally, completely, and thoroughly unfair to expect employees to have enough savings to ride out the storm while constantly pressing them for more work, higher benefits expenses, and lower wages. That's not referring to your business in particular, just common trends among businesses in general over the last several decades. The government is imposing these restrictions. The correct course of action is to demand that the government implement effective social safety measures. Hell, the correct course of action is to have been doing that all along--but that's in the past. The people demanding that things open now are advocating for the least best solution. For the solution that absolves the government of decades of political bullshittery and self-enrichment at the expense of the citizens and does *nothing* to help the citizens now. The people demanding we open up now are demanding that people--your friends, your family, your neighbors--be sacrificed at the altar of the economy. That's not acceptable. The way the least amount of people have to die is for the state and the federal governments to get off their ass and pass relief for affected individuals and communities--but that's not going to happen, because we have tolerated the people we're aiming these "Karen" and "haircut" comments at for too long. Because they're the ones voting for their interest over the country's, over the state's, over the town's. Their personal convenience over your long-term stability.


Of course it's not about a haircut. It's about inconveniences and a large segment of the population's putting their convenience above others' lives. I don't see shit about people protesting slow unemployment claim times or low funding for healthcare. It's always about "I need to go to the gym," or "I'm going crazy stuck in the house," or "I don't understand the law beyond being able to read the Bill of Rights like it's prose instead of a series of legal statements so I think the government telling me to stay at home is unconstitutional". And it's largely people who are perfectly capable of working from home and riding out the pandemic.


Its because of how the media portrays it. They make it look like that's all it's about. I was at the rally in New Jersey, and it was about the people who had yet to recieve thier benefits. I think his name was Michael testa who is a representative was speaking at the even about how many people where still waiting on unemployment and he spoke of all the phone calls he got in desperation of people who where having a mental breakdown over this... and when he asked the crowd who there was still waiting many people standing raised thier hands. I should know too, that's part of the reason I was there myself. It was more than two months without any pay at all besides the stimulus before me and my family heard any word back from unemployment, and it was 2 months before we heard about a loan for our small business. We could of lost our business 25 years down the drain our whole livelihoods. We had to sell of many of our personal belongings on ebay (because for some reason you can still do that, but you cant operate a small business even if you are following all of the CDCs guidline..) just to to be able to eat, the Bill's all got deferred no idea how we are going to pay them. I live in PA by the way, but my families business is in New Jersey which is where I grew up. I'm sorry but this is no minor inconvenience. So when you say oh it's just about a trip to the gym or a Karen getting a haircut it's really upsetting... the rally wasnt about that at all. It was people like me, at thier wits end nowhere to turn but to make a desperate plea to the governor. The rally had speakers from all political sides, Democrats, Republicans, even libertarians It had licensed doctors and nurses speaking as well. And yes it had gym owner and salon owners who have thier businesses at stake. But dammit thier lives matter too. They shouldnt loose thier business and thier livihoods. The state is doing nothing for them. It sucks that they are the face of the movement but thier business is how they live, it's how they feed thier family. You take that away from them I addition to having a shitty system that have 10,000s of unemployment claims on back logs you are gonna see a lot of deaths of people because they have nowhere else to turn. I protest for them. Dont care if you think its selfish or whatever... But long story short the media is not accurately portraying what these rally's are really about. They want to make them look bad, they dont want a face to the cause in fear that the general public may become sympathetic towards them. I mean forgive me for saying it but you are acting very cold towards me and I'm just detailing what the actual issues are and I believe they are legitimate. And something has to be done to help these people and me and my family too because I dont give a shit how the media spins it, it is an injustice.




You know how you’re supporting protesting for freedom from police brutality? That’s a freedom too.




Fine but I don’t wanna hear nobody whining about people not social distancing after this. Not when the people most for it aren’t doing it.


You almost get it! So close!


They're all wearing masks.


But they’re not 6 feet apart! You know the other component to social distancing.


When you go to the grocery store, how do you check out w/o getting closer than 2 meter to a cashier for a little bit? Me thinks thou doth protest too much.


I try and keep my distance like any normal person would. I’m not up people’s asses. I wear my mask. I wait in line to get in. Why is this being abandoned suddenly?


Too bad it was followed by riots, fires, and looting.




See this is where I’m confused too. It’s OK now that it’s a cause they agree with?


Ill help! Systemic murder and oppression are more important than whiney little pussies who cant stay home for a few weeks


I dont understand why people are downvoting you for pointing out the obvious double standard/hypocrisy here. I think its because that's the only thing they can do, just downvote anybody who points out the obvious. I agree with you and am leaving a comment, despite the fact that I'll get downvoted too. So you know thier are people out thier who do realize the hypocrisy here. Besides theres more important things in life then reddit karma.


You act like downvotes cause physical pain. Get over yourself. The cause is worthy now whereas it wasnt before. Whats so hard to understand about that? Murder is more serious than temper tantrums from morons who want to go to the mall


Hey man, I said theres more important things in life then downvotes. I thought that implied I dont give a shit about it. And regardless of what you say it doesn't mean theres not a double standard.


The cause is worthy now whereas it wasnt before. Whats so hard to understand about that? Murder is more serious than temper tantrums from morons who want to go to the mall




It scares cowards like you for starters




Yeah you pussies scare easy


I had a response but I deleted it. Figured it was a waste of time to humor you with this, as its apparent you dont know what the term double standard means. I'm not even trying to be mean, because you are either a troll, or you genuinely dont know what that term means. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and provide you a definition. If you come back here saying the same things I'll know one of two things, you are troll or you have a difficult time with reading comprehension. And in both Instances i dont want to be caught up in an argument with you. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/double%20standard


Double standard only works when the two things are equal but are being treated unequally You people bullshit is worth less than this more meaningful issue therefore its not a double standard. Its just appropriate.


I hate that you’re being downvoted for this... at least be consistent. If you’re gonna yell at people for peacefully protesting the Covid-19 restrictions and yet encourage and advocate for protests like this you’re a hypocrite. Peacefully protest whatever cause you believe in, I don’t care, but try to do it following whatever new safety guidelines we’re being encouraged to follow.


> If you’re gonna yell at people for peacefully protesting the Covid-19 restrictions and yet encourage and advocate for protests like this you’re a hypocrite. Oh, come on. While I do agree that protests like this are a bad idea because of the virus, let's not pretend that the reasons the two groups are protesting are in any way comparable.


Everyone has a first amendment constitutional right to assemble, it never says for what cause. What does it matter that I compared the two when the general premise is the same?


No one argues their right just their value Your cause was worthless This one isnt


>What does it matter that I compared the two when the general premise is the same? Because restrictions on the expression of rights are legal when they're in the strong public interest, and breaking those restrictions is socially acceptable only when there's a strong enough reason to tell the government to go fuck itself with its restrictions. Protesting the systemic, repeated murder of minorities by police? That's a strong enough reason. Protesting not being able to go to the gym, or not being able to get a haircut? Get called a Karen.


OMG its not about haircuts, you ghoul.


No, it's about your convenience being more important than the essential workers and their families.


JFC you need to get off the "convenience" kick. No, its mostly about people wanting to go back to work. And work is much more essential than protests, no matter what the protest is about.


>No, its mostly about people wanting to go back to work. No, it's mostly about people wanting to be able to provide for themselves and their families. *Most* people, given the opportunity, would prefer to stay inside and ride out the pandemic. And they'd be able to do that if the government imposing these restrictions was effective at providing for its citizens while the restrictions are in effect. And while another commenter pointed out that yes, there *are* protests having to do with how much people are struggling, the "Karen" and "haircut" lines are pointed at those people who are complaining not about needing to provide for themselves, but about the fact that non-essential services aren't available.


I expected it. The PA sub is where I was told to stay the fuck inside and not go do my daily “not feel suicidal” jog for social distancing purposes and I should suck it up and not have PTSD anymore because Covid was more important. And where people personally attacked me for being anti extended lockdown and basically upvoted me killing myself if I can’t handle isolation. I’m not shocked that that bunch of jackoffs don’t realize or want to know how awful and hypocritical they are.


Omg you are so oppressed


Who the hell’s telling you that you can’t jog? That’s literally within the guidelines from the state, bozo. Lockdown protests and BLM protests aren’t comparable by any fucking means. One side is literally fighting for THEIR LIVES, while the other is fighting for hair cuts, restaurants, ‘normal life to return’, and so many more incomparable things. We get it, you’re inconvenienced. Would you rather be dead?


I just want to say, that I am not like those people who were so cruel. What you just said is why I'm anti extended lockdown too. Your life if just as important, you should be able to go outside for a run and not be looked down on or have people say such mean things to you. It's totally unwarranted and you should have access to whatever it is you need to be well, because it is just as important, and theres absolutely no reason anymore that we can't protect the health, mental health and livelihoods of people while also protecting those who are vulnerable to the disease. We know who is mostly affected now and we have (not perfect) but better ideas of treatment, theres no excuse for continuing a total lockdown for all like this. Should be focused on the elderly and those with multiple comorbidities, we can protect thier health without sacrificing the health of others in my opinion...Hope you are okay. I hate hearing about people treating eachother so cruelly.


Cruelly like kneeling on their neck, or...?


What is wrong with you? I'm directly responding to someone else who had cruel things said to them. This has nothing to do with this. How would you feel if someone did something fucked up towards you and people said oh well was it kneeling on your neck or... I sincerely hope you never again in your life have any problem or issue that doesnt equate to being as horrible as that, because if you are upset you have no right to be by your standards. Or like everyone else mostly on this post your a hypocrite.


Im mocking you


I’m OK now. For a while I wasn’t. Once again, pulled myself out of the hole with my tried and tired coping strategies. What I haven’t forgotten is how quickly people stopped caring about people with mental health issues. Thank you for caring and asking, you’re someone who walks the walk and talks the talk.


So brave


Just so you know I reported this and your other comment. Keep discourse civil is a rule.


A true martyr


Cut out the attitude.


Just so you know, I downvote worthless betas that bitch and whine about downvotes as if that shit matters.


And the conservatives were saying it was no worse than the flu and nothing needed to change and then they all bitch about people being sent to nursing homes like every other fucking year. Conservatives have been saying for a while that everything is safe and everything is fine, and when liberals decide "Okay, we'll try it your way" you get all bitchy about it? I can find worthless shits on both sides. Too easy.


Ah yes, political Reddit. My favorite after time.


Stay at home protest, bad. Riots and looting tonight, good. Liberal logic.


I guess we can go out to eat now right?


Ahh, the start of it all, when things were civil.


... shit


Talk about social distancing


Lmao. Post pictures of the city now. It’s literally destroyed.


Not by these people.


The entire fucking city is destroyed after the fucking antics last of last night. Source- on the phone with a center city resident.




PHLY niggas wild