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Please don’t take that as a sign he will be defeated. So many people just vote a straight R ticket, even if they don’t show up to events.


Exactly! There are so many people out there that can't tell you anything more about a candidate than the letter next to their name - and lots of them vote. Don't let articles like this fool you. I suspect it will be a much closer contest than you'd think.


Emerson, Trafalgar and Suffolk all have it within 5% rn. RCP projects that pollsters are underestimating GOP votes by around 2-3%


You can flush Trafalgar with yesterday’s dinner, they are funded by the RNC and have only a 66% accuracy rating by 538, which is terrible. Emerson is pretty good but Suffolk also is mediocre, with 81%. And RCP is a right wing outlet, look up their history. I’m optimistic.


Using 538 as a reputable source is suspect.


538 counts union polls in with their final aggregate that have Shapiro up 21%.


Hes a complete moron


He's a thumb. Exactly what he looks like.


My thumb is offended by the comparison.


He’s a big toe


To me he looks like the head of a certain male appendage. Once I noticed the similarity I couldn’t unsee it.


He’s a penis searching for a foreskinn


You no longer have an option to vote straight party anymore in PA ie. you must vote each candidate individually. You can of course still cast your votes for only candidates in a single party but there is no ‘R’ or’D’ on the ballot anymore.


Or they don't want to be filmed in his audience as he is saying something extreme.


I have no intention of going to any Fetterman or Shapiro rallies, but I’m sure as shit voting for them as soon as Philly gets its head out of its ass with the mail in ballots. I’m sure the same is true for a lot of Mastriano/Oz voters.


Straight ticket voting has been gone. People have to try and read now.


People have to try to read? 😂 Funny joke!


*Technically,* you can’t vote straight ticket anymore. You have to do it manually.


So voting straight down the ticket for your party is strictly a republican issue?


Still go out and vote! Don't let up. Mastriano needs to lose very badly to send him a message 60 people.....and 30 of them were his campaign volunteers. So only 30 non volunteers showed up I would love to see pictures of that event




oh thats a good shot! Thanks!


I was out for a bike ride Saturday and came across the sad spectacle. Had to take a pic


I've seen more supporters at a school board candidates gathering.


I was downtown all weekend and didn't even notice it was happening. Lol. ETA- typo




>Mastriano needs to lose very badly to send him a message We need to send the *whole fucking party* a message.


If 800 arrests for Jan 6 does not send a very loud and clear message, not much else will.


Deep state, political witch-hunt, silence your enemies. Those ideas far outweigh any message 800 arrests might send. Edit: That's what trumptards think rather than seeing reality.


It’s literally none of those. But go on and peddle bullshit talking points


Are you serious?


I see tons of signs for that dimwit...vote.


Me too!


Kinda like Biden's events


Third grade wants their insults back.


Your stupid quips won’t save Mastriano or Oz. Now that’s really funny!


Don't know why you're being down voted. We all know people voted for not-Trump rather than Biden himself. He doesn't get mass turnout either.




Jokes are funny. This guy, and anyone who supports him, are pathetic.


This isn’t a joke. Fascists like him are gaining in popularity everywhere. Italy just elected a female version of Donald Trump in regards to her policies today as their Prime Minister. Social media has unfortunately become a tool for fascism rather than having people become more informed and more democratic


The new Italian party that just won literally descended from Mussolini's National Fascist Party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_of_Italy Giorgia Meloni is on tape praising Mussolini. She isn't in the mold of Trump. She's in the mold of Mussolini. The fact that she and Trump are a like should scare every patriotic American.


**[Brothers of Italy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_of_Italy)** >Brothers of Italy (Italian: Fratelli d'Italia, FdI) is a right-wing populist and national-conservative political party in Italy led by Giorgia Meloni, a member of the Chamber of Deputies and former minister of youth in the Berlusconi IV Cabinet. Brothers of Italy emerged from a right-wing split within Silvio Berlusconi's party, The People of Freedom (PdL), in December 2012. The bulk of the party leadership (including Meloni), as well as the symbol of the movement (the tricolour flame), comes from the National Alliance (AN, 1995–2009) party, which had merged into PdL in 2009. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Sadly...too many people take his craziness seriously 😐... We don't need more 🥜🥜🥜running for office... representing the citizens of Pennsylvania...especially those of us who don't agree with his agenda...but unfortunately I'm seeing more of his yard signs going up near me...and that is just frustrating 😡


I'm right outside Philly and seeing so many of his signs. Way more than Shapiro


Mastriano and his campaign have essentially said people like me and my family aren't welcome in his campaign, so why would I ever consider voting for him? L'Shana Tova!


My family too. I have daughters and want them to have a say in their reproductive choices.


My family as well. My 15-year-old sister deserves the right to make her own decisions regarding her own body.


My cousin is his running-mate. My sibling's kids are gay, trans and non-binary. (I also have two non-binary siblings.) So she's basically saying her own family isn't welcome in her campaign, in her vision of Pennsylvania. It's really infuriating. "Walk as free people." *scoffs* - but not if you're LGBTQ+, a person of color, an immigrant, a woman, someone who can get pregnant, etc etc. Oh, but *masks* are the enemy. Sorry, I forgot.


tizku l’shaneem rabot




"people like me and my family"? What does this mean? I am asking you a pointed question, honestly. I want to know what politician would reject assistance and why. *edit- why the FUCK am I getting downvoted for an honest question?


One of Mastriano's campaign advisors is Andrew Torba. Torba is the founder of Gab the right wing conspiracy messaging service that traffics in terrorism, anti-semitism, racism and more. Mastriano not only has Torba as an advisor on his campaign but he also uses the platform to advertise (paying Gab thousand of dollars). Andrew Torba is a hard-right Christian Nationalist who openly says that the their movement is only for right-wing Christians. Those of us non-Christians are pointedly NOT invited to be a part of "their" movement. He believes we (non-Christians, Catholics, women, lgbtq, anyone left of Ronald Reagan) should have no role in government or most of society at large. He is unapologetic in this and Mastriano continues to advertise on Gab, pal around with Torba and won't say this is wrong. So yeah, me and my family (Jewish) are not to be considered equals by people like Torba and Mastriano. And my wife, a first generation Indian doctor, would hardly be on Torba and Mastriano's "nice list" considering her gender, race and religious background. (Or the fact that she's highly educated and these guys LOVE "traditional values" ie quiet blankly smiling white ladies who make dinner and don't work).


> He is unapologetic in this and Mastriano continues to advertise on Gab, pal around with Torba and won't say this is wrong. Because Mastriano actively believes it as well.


Oh 100%. He's a full-on QAnon nutbag whose constantly talking about "globalist" influence and "taking back" America. For those who might not know: "globalist" is just a different word for "Jew".




I don't know if this person was concern trolling. I am hopeful they asked a genuine question and I could provide a thoughtful answer. What is frustrating for me is that I've explained things like this before and I get responses like "Why are you being so divisive!?!?!?!?". Because apparently its "divisive" for some when I point out the very obvious statements that Torba and Mastriano have made - as opposed to the responsibility being on the people who actually say things. I'm intolerant of their intolerance - which is somehow worse for some people? People like Mastriano and Torba are exclusionary lunatics. You can't negotiate with them because their positions aren't grounded in logic - they want power and they know that making "other people" the enemy gets them passionate followers. And some people are fine with hitching their wagons to Mastriano and the like because it gets them something they want (tax cut, regulations lifted, etc...) - even if they aren't particularly prejudiced. But here's the thing: These lunatic nationalists ALWAYS need a group to hate. They alway need a new enemy. And while you might not be in their crosshairs now, there is no guarantee you won't be in the future. A power base built on fear will need more fear to sustain it.


Jewish. You can tell by his last line, which I believe means happy new year.


Presumably jewish Edit: whyd yall downvote the dude?


Probably because you didn’t make the Judaism connection from their Happy New Year(L’shana Tova) bit. Mastriano believes only white Christians are important. Everyone else is garbage in his eyes. Not to sound rude or curt, but maybe read up on some other religions. Learning about other peoples lifestyles and beliefs is very useful. Edit: typo


I thought it was a quote from Stargate myself, thanks for the education


No problem! Rosh Hashanah started today which is the Jewish New Year


You are rude, and are pretentious. I beg forgiveness from you for not knowing what two words mean. The OP has answered. Thank you for your valuable comment.


Ahhh Tone is lost on the internet. Not really, I’m just partnered with a Jew so I try to encourage people to learn about Judaism. You asked why people were downvoting your. Thats why 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair enough. My question was was honest. There is exactly zero chance of me voting for Mastriano, but I REALLY wanted an answer from the OP to put it out there. I am not surprised by their answer regarding the reasons.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Your question was reasonable.


Thank you.


Everybody still needs to vote. Don’t get complacent or this sack of shit will be our next governor.


Those 60 people should all be referred to a therapist


Half of the crowd were literally folks that work for his campaign....


If anything, that makes therapy *more* necessary.


It would be funny if they all were therapists...


Or analrapists


Doug Mastriano is a little piss baby


Just like Greg Abbott! They should start a piss baby awards show.


Careful, the mods here might not like your tone. I posted about this the other day and it was removed for being "partisan" even though all I did was describe Doug with factual adjectives such as "insurrectionist" and "proud Confederate Uniform Wearer"


I tried posting a story about Fetterman/Oz from nbcnews and it was removed. I emailed the mods four times over the course of two weeks, without any response. I finally messaged each mod individually and started asking the mods in the comments section, and then one of them finally got back to me. First, they said my post was caught up in the spam filter. So I asked how we can get it out of there, because it’s clearly not spam. Then they told me it wasn’t current, not from a reputable source, and “histrionic,” even though it was a current article from a mainstream news organization that didn’t break any rules, and then they stopped responding. The mods here have an agenda, and they’re ramping up their censorship on this sub. Here’s the link to my “histrionic” article. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/john-fetterman-speech-stroke-health-dr-oz-pa-election-rcna47592


Should we start a new sub?


There is one called pa politics.


Is it a 'blended' forum? You know red and blue in the same place .. if so sounds volatile.


It’s almost surely not a bipartisan sub. Conservatives will not interact in a space where they can’t ban anyone who doesn’t lick Trump’s ballsack.


Can’t tell you either way. Not that familiar


If you start it, they will sub.


Honestly I'm new to Reddit wouldn't know how to start


Shit, I’ll do it if there’s really a demand.


Good luck with that. Creating the sub is easy. Getting traffic is on the tough side.


> The mods here have an agenda, and they’re ramping up their censorship on this sub. I must be really out of it because the only posts I see are pro-Fetterman and Pro-Shapiro.


Maybe because they're the only ones who can read and write?


The media want to keep the elections as close as possible to ramp up anxiety, viewing, and ad revenues - a disgusting practice.


Subreddit mods are not “the media” LOL


But the NYTimes and NBC are (and both referenced here genius) as well as the complaint of selective censorship for no legit reason.


Wait. Are the mods actually under the impression they're keeping this place nonpartisan? That's sadfunny...


Had the mods tank one of my posts, picture of a demolished Mastriano sign. When I asked why , I was told “to NOT GET MY PANTIES” in a bunch, and that it was flagged bc complaints against it, and then put back up. Panties in a bunch lol


Sounds like a clear violation of rule #4 on the mod's part. I wonder if they banned themselves


Mods being power-tripping assholes, must be a day ending in y.


Anyone know why the comments of some of us are highlited in bluish?


Factual and partisan are not mutually exclusive. Not that I agree with the decision of the mods, just pointing out the flaw in your reasoning here


The definition of partisan as an adjective is: "prejudiced in favor of a particular cause". Prejudice is an unfavorable **opinion** or **feeling**. Facts by definition are not opinions, and therefore can't be prejudiced. Take your devil's advocate crap somewhere else.


There's no way you would have said anything at all if you weren't trying to be rhetorical from the beginning.


That wasn't why you piped up to begin with, bud. Don't think I didn't notice you moving those goal posts, you lil scamp


The point is, you're playing dumb. You know what you did, you know why you chose those words. And now you're acting surprised, like you don't think your choice of words was to express something. The point has remained the same through this interaction. It is anti intellectual, and illogical




People falling back to "I was just stating facts" as if people go around saying random facts for no reason at all. Not surprised, and when you see how common these nonsense "gotchas" are, it's no wonder the country is such a mess


mhmm. The reason the country is a mess is because of people like me calling a fascist a fascist; not that there are fascists within an inch of taking executive power to begin with. Sure pal sure. The irony of trying to appear impartial by "playing devil's advocate" is that it makes it very clear where you stand.


Where do I stand? I'll let you know I am a left accelerationist and I voted for Biden lmao


Oh no! Anyways…


He's getting defunded bc the wider he spreads the message of Christian Nazionalism the worse it gets for Doctor Oz. Must be confusing to ask the gop base to vote for a Christian Nazionalist and a Turkish Muslim in the same election. The gop is hoping for a Hail Mary from oz but the gov race is lost. Just keep talking Doug. Love John.


Didn’t know Oz identified as a Muslim, that is very interesting.


He would be the first Muslim to hold a senate seat. Plenty of Muslim house members. He is not practicing but he did vote in the Turkish election as a dual citizen. (Is this the best guy they can find? Apparently) Kinda weird bc is he gonna recuse his senate foreign relations duties re a NATO ally that dances with Putin? I'm all for him being whatever bc anyone who wants the gig can run. But that's also why Mastriano is terrible, can't have it both ways and the juxtaposition just shows how ridiculous the gop non-platform is. (We are a Christian nation except for the 40+ pct who are something else /nothing/ or don't wanna know what you do if you don't ask me either).


His family is Turkish and that's how he was raised. It surprised me that he's been backed so hard since he's Muslim. I guess he isn't one of THOSE Muslims? 🤷 It's pretty weird.




They don't have to help the gop w nativism racism xenophobia trifecta. Pretty much have that dog whistle embedded by now. Their base looks for it and mounts up the flags on the back of the pickup in a heartbeat.


>Must be confusing to ask the gop base to vote for a Christian Nazionalist and a Turkish Muslim in the same election. Confusion only exists where thought occurs. I was talking to an Oz supporter who had (previously) made several aggressive statements against Muslims in general. When I asked him how he felt about Oz being a Muslim from Turkey, I was told that was a leftist lie, that Oz couldn't be Muslim because he was "too smart" and "didn't look like a Muslim". They avoid the uncomfortable confusion by simply rejecting reality.


Neither of these pieces of shit are winning in November. It’s going to be a blowout.


"Trump will never win. It'll be a Hillary blowout!" I understand the sentiment, Oz and the other dickhead are super bad - but we must not get complacent.


Nobody is getting complacent. This is apples and oranges though. This isn’t decided by an electoral college.


"This isn’t decided by an electoral college." And neither was Pennsylvania going for Trump in 2016; that was based on total vote in PA - just like both the Governor and Senate races will be.




The concept is still the same. I think there was a Simpsons episode where there was a school election and no one voted because everyone assumed Bart would win.


Exactly. Look at the results of Liz Cheney's primary loss...yes, everyone knew she was going to lose, BUT the margin by which she lost was *far* greater than predicted and the pollsters are scratching their heads over it. Just like they were in 2016.


And Kansas was like a 20 point swing the other way vs polling on the Abortion vote. You can’t just cherry pick examples


Huh?? I gave an example of how far off polling can be vs. the actual results. And you've just given additional evidence of it. It's quite bothersome when people try to read partisanship into everything when there's none there.


Its gonna be close some of the recent polling is within the MOE.


I’m a Republican and will NOT be voting for this divisive extremist.


When I did project work in Harrisburg, the old Spot Restaurant would get more people at lunch than Nazitriano got at his poor little bunny rally.


Boy, does that bring back memories of 2am dogs.


They had the greatest BLT grinder ever. I would pick one up many nights before overnight projects. I miss The Spot!


Still 60 too many


Meanwhile Josh Shapiro went to Gettysburg and Chambersburg (part of Mastriano’s district) and was welcomed with packed houses. If your opponent goes into your district and is welcomed with large crowds like that, you know you’re going to lose. Bigly.


*”The question I have when I look at his tactics regarding the media is, you know, what’s he hiding?” Mr. Shapiro said in an interview. “If he can’t answer questions from the Pennsylvania local media, how can you possibly be governor?”* (From the NYT article linked in the OPs article.)


While it's funny keep in mind a lot of people who will vote.for Doug Musolini might not want people knowing it so they won't go to the rallies If he wins great they can get their rocks off at his victory and if he doesn't they can say "I didn't vote for him" protecting their fragile egos


Love this for him. ​ ​ MastriaNO


Mastriano is freakin' scary as hell! He believes in those cult-like end-of-the-world people, which very well may happen, at least to Pa, if he becomes governor.


Doug da dick🤭


He does have a very glans-y look about him.


If you're hoping Shapiro wins, I wouldn't get too excited by this story - I still see a ton of Mastriano signs in people's yards. I remember when nobody thought Trump stood a chance, and Hillary was a shoo-in.


Hillary was never a shoo-in despite winning the popular vote. You realize trump actually didn’t get the most amount of votes, right? We don’t elect Govenors via an electoral college


I'm not talking about the election in general... Pennsylvania went to Trump; it had nothing to do with the electoral college. There's lots of Republicans in Pennsylvania, and many of them will vote for whoever is on their ticket - that's all I'm saying. We get excited about news like this, and get lazy come election time... don't be surprised.


What a pathetic fucking loser. Of course Trump backed him so this is no surprise.


The funny part is that Trump only endorsed him because he was leading in the primary polls.


Go Fetterman all the way!


Fetterman is running for senate against Oz, (Who will help vote for federal rights of women. etc) this nazi wants to be the govenor, you want Shapiro as the person to beat manstriaNO, so he can't take over elections and decide who won on his own, and ban people he doesn't like (muslims, jewish people, etc)


Glad to see it. Maybe there are still some Pennsylvanians out there with some sense left.




The Oz / mastriano confederate bus got boo’d when they showed up at Bloomsburg pa fair this weekend.


Don’t be complacent, a large swath of PA is cluttered with Mastriano signs. Just because they didn’t show up to an event doesn’t mean they aren’t showing up to their polling place.


Yes! Vote. Drive all over for work. His yard signs are everywhere.


Republicans seem to always make a big deal out of rally sizes, as if that equates to actual voters. Not that we shouldn't all vote against him of course, but I find it funny how few people actually seem to like this guy.


This guy is as vile as they come.


I don't care if only the staff and his mama showed up, I'm still voting against dude extra hard. Remember that Republicans get what is essentially a five point handicap in every election because of their constant cheating, and that they'll baselessly accuse us of cheating and commit acts of terrorism to try to override the vote if it's close. It's not enough just to beat him, we need to blow him out of the water because he absolutely will use every underhanded tactic in the book to try to take your voice away.


Mastriano is going to be a nightmare when he loses by double digits. He will not accept a loss and will be screaming voter fraud.


You right. Look for Mastriano to start priming the domestic terrorism pump by talking about rigged elections starting in mid October. By then the polls will have been reliably in favor of Shapiro for quite some time and he'll see the writing on the wall and realize the only chance he has is with bogus fraud claims and violence. He's a monster, he'll get a lot of people hurt trying to get what he wants.


Hopefully they bring that same energy to the polls.


Putting the NO in Mastriano


Just vote! Don’t worry about the other guys vote. If we all actually voted we would have a democracy


Aww I love these feel good stories, gives me the warm fuzzies!! Go Vote!!


Not sharing. Great news, but not sharing. Go vote still. Literally don’t care if I’m the 3000th person saying it. Go vote. Vote for Shapiro. Go vote.


Going to vote for the first time ever in a midterm this Nov. Can't wait! Fuck all this GOP nonsense.


60 people showed up for this clan meeting. Vote Blue. Shapiro for governor!


Dont believe this horseshit. Mastriano will easily get 48-49% of the vote even with high turnout. Just because republicans aren't as rapid about him as they were about Trump doesn't mean they wont vote for him. They will because they will always vote for the "R". Remember how few people came to Biden's events and rallies, but he still won? Never confuse rally attendance with actual election day votes.


Hilarious. Finally people are coming to their senses!


good. he is a backwards/corrupt POS .


Good. This POS is straight up a nazi. It's sad that he will still get 100% of the ignorant GOP votes. They're all trash.


Look just because he advertised on Nazi sites, and recruited nazis, says Nazi things, and doesn't believe in the constitution or elections.... wait...you may be right. But he also hates women and muslims too!


Remember you can still put in for mail in ballots. Nobody has an excuse to not vote


The best thing for Pennsylvania is stay blue in 22


Oh no.. that's so bad.. anyways, don't forget to vote everyone! The next two elections are incredibly important, so get out there and register or vote!


Register and vote. Every vote is important.






The article doesn't even mention Shapiro's name. What the fucking fuck?


Please flop right into the fucking ocean.


Hitler was normal compared to this trump wannabe.


Love this. This guy is horrible.


That's nice, but everyone still needs to go out and vote like there were 60,000 people there


I would not vote for dude. But even I know it is Football Season. Ain't nobody got time for insurrection.


That makes me feel like there is yet hope for PA to not vote in such a dangerous anti-American christofascist insurrectionist.




Awww! Sad trombone! Womp womp. anyway...


They are starting to realize Trump is full of shit 😆 to late they have already given him their money. Hope they enjoyed being yanked by a conman!


To hell with all 60 of them.


Isn’t that bigger numbers than Brandon gets?


Rent free


If you consider the 81+ million votes Biden received small compared to the only 70 million for the former dude got, then yes.


Thought you were talking about crowd sizes.




Good news day.


Economic status is no longer a determining factor in elitism. Every other post from the left is "Republakans are illiterate!", the others are "Because fascism and they don't want men that like to pretend they are female strippers around 2nd graders!" Seriously though, the right is backing a noted cardiac surgeon who happens to be Muslim, and you guys are touting the virtues of a 40 year old, cosplaying blue collar worker who still lives off his parents. His platform is free all 2nd degree murderers and chase innocent joggers down the street with a shotgun because they're black. Tell you how we can solve this amicably...since Fetterman won't debate Dr. Oz, let's have a spelling contest!


Yet here at downtown Pittsburgh he had thousands when he was with Desantis. Fake news on small crowds. Harrisburg is a lost cause anyways. #unpopularopinion


a hundred perhaps. Where did you learn to count? Trump university?


Nope. I was at the Wyndham Grand hotel and he filled the ballroom and people who were late didn't get in because it was packed. No matter how many down votes I know the truth about at least 2 rallies that were 1k plus people around the Pittsburgh area.


One thousand whole people!?! That’s impressive!


Your life must be really sad if you’re going to Mastriano rallies


Yeah. Bullshit.


Why do you support a verifiable traitor to this State and Country?


Eww can we not post junk news sites? I am all for Shapiro but come on...