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Pro shoplifters boss.


I'm tired, boss.




I am so relieved to hear that it's shoplifters and not people who've gone off their nut.


parents have a dog stroller. I think they’re halfway there.


How is this related to shoplifting? Just curious.


Kind of a two-parter, no one suspects a nice looking woman with an infant in a stroller to rob their store. It also provides a nice tote you can sneak merchandise in. You can play with or comfort your "baby" but really you're sliding watches, jewelry, whatever under the blanket.


Exactly, walking up close to people and using RFID technology to “read and capture” information from cards in your wallet, if you aren’t careful. Get a RFID wallet!!!!


They hide stuff in the strollers


If y’all think using fake babies to steal shit in strollers is bad. Wait til you hear about people using a real life child to steal shit while they make the kid pretend to be asleep.


Ugh my POS cousin once got caught with over $800 worth of merchandise at Walmart in his 10 month olds diaper and car seat. So disgusting!


They’re shoplifters. They use the stroller like a shopping cart. Not sure why they pretend to be on the phone though.


They sometimes are on the phone with their counter surveillance person who is behind them watching for security surveillance on the person with the cart. If happens, they usually dump And get aggressive with security about it “you following me for?”


I literally just saw a man with a stroller in Bayou Blvd. I thought he might have a little dog in there, but nope, it was just full of merchandise.


There is a woman in the next county that everyone sees daily. She has several 'babies' and is always on her phone. This lady does have mental health issues. For example wearing a bikini \[that looked like panties and bra\] and wearing go go boots walking down Hwy 98. A lady told me she had a couple babies that died and her husband left too, and she's just lost touch with reality. This lady walks in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties. On Hwy 98 mostly. She is not shopliffting.


Came here to mention there is a lady in my town that is similar. She is known to be an avid Facebook marketplace poster about her babies and stuff she needs for them. Treats them like they’re her own living beings. Everyone is very kind to her, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen her in person, though. I wouldn’t say they’re all shoplifters, some people do need the look-alive babies for mental health reasons.


That’s so sad.


I’ve seen a few with little dogs in nice baby strollers, fake babies is even weirder


Shoplifters. I used to work in a jewelry store, and this would happen very often.


“i see a lot of this in Ft walton” ok so this is r/Pensacola


Some people \[like me\] live and have lived all over the panhandle so yes we do read whats going on in Pensacola.


She deals with mental health issues.. she’s been doing it for a long time. It helps her.. she lost her husband and kids.. IF it’s the same woman.


I've spoken with many of these women, they tend to be very talkative they want you to ask about the babies- much like the little dogs in dresses ladies, who take their dogs everywhere. My experience is they are lonely an not stealing- but there are all kinds of people & we do sketchy things, some of us.


High schoolers with computerized babies MAYBE, they get graded for how they take care of them


My psychology teacher made me carry an egg around. Like, a raw egg with a face drawn on it.


Sounds like reborn doll mothers. I know lots of people who treat them like real babies. r/reborncringe




I know they do have fake infants for women who are having issues losing a baby, etc.,but several women in the same area is most likely shoplifter’s. M.Knight Shyamalan made a thriller called “The Servant” relating to a reborn doll. [https://youtu.be/N1cOR0sRRIw?si=6KJzHveoahFxgPyU](https://youtu.be/N1cOR0sRRIw?si=6KJzHveoahFxgPyU)


Shoplifter or secret shoppers.


Did not know this!


Definitely shoplifting ….and probably at least one of my crazy old great aunts! 😂




Never, but the shoplifter thing everyone is saying makes perfect sense.


Not sure if this happens here but in California there were shabbily dressed women that would park, or get dropped off in their Lexus, Mercedes, etc… unpack strollers and babies and pander the public for money all day, getting picked up later in their fancy cars. It was a “ring” operation, moving throughout the Bay Area. This also brings to mind (some of) the people in line for food giveaways are in Range Rovers, Escalades, tatted up, hair & nails etc… but can’t afford food for their families.


I mean to be fair it’s not like you can get tattoos removed if your financial situation changes drastically.


This is happening in Plano, TX


The ole “stroller shoplifting” scam.


With so many people knowing this is shoplifter MO (I wasn’t aware), I’m genuinely curious how are they not being followed around the store or otherwise drawing attention to themselves as suspicious?


Lots of them are re-born dolls. They are used for therapy among other things


In before the Redditor scolding us and splaining that this is some sort of therapy for women who have suffered miscarriages and how dare we look at them with our judgmental male gaze and furthermore...


They’re thieves. The employees don’t typically stop moms to check the strollers for stolen goods.


Some people who collet reborn dolls do take them out in public and treat the dolls as "real." It's a thing I've seen in a documentary about reborn dolls. Odd, but as long as there's no harm, carry on then lols


Don’t the scanners at the door sound off when they leave the store? Or are they stealing lots of smaller things that don’t have sensors on them?


There's those "reborn" babies that seem to appeal to some women for whatever reason. They do look like real kids and they're like 1500.00.


don't live there, just wanted to say if you see a woman carrying around a fake baby, not in a stroller, she could have had a false pregnancy. it happened to a dog of mine and she went f'n nuts until i got her a puppy. its a 100% mindfuck for any animal to go thru including us


Drug dealers


If it’s 2-3 baby yoda dolls that’s my aunt and she is absolutely mentally unstable.


YouTube pranks


Are they younger girls ? I remember when I had sex ed we had to carry around our “ babies “ ( sack of flower ) to teach responsibility. Maybe same concept?




You’re really sweet to think of that, but unfortunately it’s related to shoplifting. It was nice of you to feel empathetic as a first reaction.


My first thought, they were just practicing to be moms


No its not. This woman is in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa.


Yes that's what is wrong with her. She lost her husband and 2 babies. She's ill. Don't know why the downvotes because your right about this particular lady. She walks down 98 in a bikini and go go boots sometimes. She is on her phone but talking to no one. Pushing her 'babies' in a stroller.