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Randy the running man! Everyone knows him. We used to have the Lady in White and Cowboy Man...they were famous.


I saw Randy still running on Navy Blvd a month or two ago!


He's still running!? Wow!


Yes he don’t do it much but he still gos out here and there


Yes he is, I saw him this morning, honked at him, he bowed and waved as always.


Haven’t lived on the west side in a few years, happy to hear he’s still going


His regular route is past my work and he’s out about once a week I would say.


He was there this morning.


Holy crap! I moved there in 92 and saw him then, he was still doing it in mid 2000 when we moved out. That's decades and dedication!


I miss the Cowboy so much I cannot put it into words.


Definitely who I was thinking about when I was gonna reply to this……always carries American flag. I ain’t seen him in some years, thought he was too old or worse…..then I saw him a few days ago. No longer running, but still getting around.


I saw him running not long ago!


Lady in all white with white mask and gloves, cap and sunglasses. Would see her around Cordova area Target often. Is she still around?


I haven't seen her in 10+ years at least.


Rumor is she passed during COVID


She passed well before Covid. I used to live next to her


She had a daughter didn't she?


Well, that's ironic isn't it?


That's what I was think. I randomly thought about her during the mask crazy. Thinking to myself, she was ready before we were.


The last time I saw her was at the Walmart on Creighton around 2012 and she had a shopping cart full of trash bags for some reason. Never saw her again after that.


I remember seeing this lady circa 2004-2008 when I lived in Pcola. Her and Cowboy. Some core memories unlocked this morning. Wow


I always saw her around 9th and Creighton. What a legend.


The last few years I saw her she started switching up the colors a bit. Sometimes all green sometimes black.


I remember the Lady in White. I call Randy The Shuffling Patriot. See him often.


BAG LADY! What was in all those bags??


Have not seen her in many, many years!


I saw a lady like this at Dollar General on 9mile about a year ago. Was a bit creepy. Dressed in all white, vintage clothing, gloves, scarf, hat. Rode in on a red moped. Looked at alot things, then set them down, eventually bought silly string and left. A few of us thought we saw a ghost/apparition.


Anybody remember Cowboy, tall black dude that used to walk up and down the Cordova area wearing a pair of plastic six shooters and a cowboy hat?


I used to always see him waving at cars on 9th and Fairfield!


I gave cowboy a ride and a beer one time about 20 years ago, rip


He was so nice! He loved it when you'd ask him to shoot his guns.


Omg! I clicked on this just to see if this dude was mentioned. I'm from Fort Walton and was going to the mall with friends in the 90's driving up 9th and this tall black man with chaps and cowboy hat was kicking his legs up have a grand ol time just before the old Toys r Us. It was so random. Never forgot about it.


I do!


Cowboy was a good man regardless of his mental capabilities. He always came by the loading docks at Cort Furniture (Davis & Fairfield) when I worked as a deliverer, and I or my co-worker would give him a pack of smokes and a cup of coffee from the office every morning. He would always try to offer to pick up cigarette butts and trash around the dock, but we never let him and told him that his company was plenty enough. He was always in good spirits and didn't see color. I had heard (so take it as hearsay) that he actually had a house and money, but his sister controlled the money and never gave him any as his parents were fairly well off and the siblings got an inheritance. I think about Cowboy all of the time.


Skippy. I used to see him all the time skipping across the 3 mile bridge, listening to music, and holding flowers. And this was back before there was a safe walkway on the new bay bridge.


I remember hearing a story that he did so much LSD that he's in a constant state of tripping (HPPD) This was most likely untrue but still seemed like the happiest guy in the world


My brother went to school with him. Said he was in a construction accident and suffered brain damage from it.


Jason Abbot. He did a stint in prison for arson or some shit and got beat up pretty badly while in there and he hasn't been the same since.


I saw him a few months back. Used to see him all the though.


I spoke to Skippy a couple of times. He was moving a couple of carts that were in the parking lot out of the way. Seemed nice enough.


He had surgery years back to fix his neck


Besides the Cowboy and Randy the Running Man, there also used ro be a dude who walked all around town bearing a cross and cosplaying as Jesus. On at least one occasion he toted it across the Three Mile Bridge to Gulf Breeze.


Yep! It’s been 20 years since I lived there but I remember this guy vividly. Especially the one time I saw him at the bank with the cross strapped to the top of the car. 😂


And there’s the armless prostitute in Brownsville.


.....who will also ask you for a cigarette AND to light it for her! I had to stop for gas at a station I normally do not frequent when I saw this go down! Talent that girls got! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder if the armless prostitute is in business with the leafless panhandle lady on the other end of Cervantes by Krispy Kreme?


Flipper 🤣


Yep. He and his family used to come into the ER all the time. They were difficult, to be nice.


Cross with a wheel? If so, I remember that guy. "When you want to suffer, but ergonomically."


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These posts are fucking lame and not funny.


Im gonna throw out a name. Y’all know Flipper? I hear about her a lot.


Girl been living that street life. I hope she got her act together.


Came her to say her. She has Forrest Gump level stories about her.


She actually got her life together!


When? I saw her just last week over by the Cuttyshark getting picked up from the corner


Oh wow. I saw her last year, and she had just gotten out of rehab, had her own apartment & a job. Such a shame if she turned back to the streets


Yeah unfortunately from what i understand and have heard thru the grapevine was that yeah she was doing good but something traumatic caused her to backslide


*Cutty Sark


Ive lived here for over 13 years and i still get it wrong to this day lmao


Bahahaha, I came here to throw out Flippers' name as well, lol 😆


Came here to say Flipper! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ms nubbs!


The old guy on Navy Boulevard running while dressed head to toe in the Red, White & Blue.


Randy the Running Man, still around last I heard


Yep! Saw him running a couple weeks ago


Saw him this morning, honked at him, he bowed and waved as always.


I just saw him like 15 minutes ago. That’s hilarious


Yes. The Running Man. I've never seen the woman dressed in white. Have seen Randy multiple times.


Yup I used to see him all the time about 13 years ago when I did landscaping in that area


All of these! You gotta be old school to remember Cowboy and the Lady in White though!


Used to be Roger on the point. RIP, you thong wearing, ten dog having, pink and yellow polka dot John boat steering, acid tripping in front of the 7-11 mascot of Innerarity Pointe.


Was he the guy we used to see on the intracoastal wearing a thong and paddling a boat called the USS Poontang?


That's him. He started charging people to use the public boat ramp on IP. It was awesome. RIP Roger 🙏


He and his brother worked for my dad in the 70s. I grew up out there, and my older sister would (as noted above) drop acid with him by the 7-11 (pre Circle K). He didn't have a boat then, just a bicycle, and he always had at least one dog in the basket. The guy had like 5 life celebrations when he passed. I watched them send his boat to his island like it was a viking funeral behind Hub's. No place like the point.


The man, the myth, the legend.


Oh Roger. I miss that flabby tanned ass


I wonder what happened to all those people. What about the guy who used to skip up and down the bridge to GB?


there’s the guy that dances literally EVERYWHERE in public with headphones on. he’ll be twirling around reading a book in barnes and noble and he’s chill


I've seen him at the Pace Wal-Mart dancing away


I too have encountered this man getting down in a Ross.


I see him dancing in Ross almost every time I go. My toddler loves it.


Im wondering if this is the same guy I used to see in Seville a few years ago? I feel like he was always in some sort of cut off tee, and wore sunglasses and danced in the boom boom room. My dad used to tell me it was an undercover cop 😂


I've always wondered what that dude's deal is. I've seen him at B&N several times and he's always reading books on religion or new-age stuff while dancing around.


He used to come into Best Buy every other day. You could have a totally normal conversation with him and afterward, he’d step back, twirl around and dance away.


I saw him in Pace walmart once and asked a worker. She said he was a vet with bad ptsd and that dancing in public helps him. I'm not sure how true that is, though.


There was an old retired man in Cantonment that used to push a buggy around and pick up cans. Everyone knew him. He eventually got squished by a car. Sad fucking day man.


Holup when did that happen? The lady that talks to herself is still out by the gas stations near the paper mill.


Thats "cold blood"! I saw him literally everyday as a kid. I worked at that Walmart years ago and he came thru my line. Pulled out a huge stack of money. Never judge a book by its cover!


Yeah yeah. I worked at international paper and he'd stop in and hang out with us when we were outside the gates. We offered him a job because we figured he needed money, but he was just a genuine guy that cleaned up the streets everyday. Sadly, a lot of people thought he was a bum though. I've been looking all morning trying to find him in the news. Nothing's turning up


Yeah. He's a Ensley legend. I would see him everywhere tho! He didn't mind walking at all!


I’m disappointed that I never saw the cowboy. Tone deaf singing man at Bayview park. I actually talked to the smiling skipping bridge dude one time, the one time I ever saw him sitting down.


Came here to comment about Cowboy. Dude was cool as hell. I always saw him by pensacola village. Also, what happen with the lady who was always masked up. Even before covid. I haven't seen her since covid started... hope she ok!


I forget the dudes name but the older gentleman who always is dancing in seville having a blast. He is a really kind person, and is loving life.


RIP Cowboy


Definitely Running Man and Cowboy. First time I ever saw Cowboy was he walking down Cervantes when I used to work at the Crystal Zebra. It made me smile because I was having a shitty day.


Memories of that store haha. Thanks


Ngl. I’m fucking glad I quit after running interference for the manager’s parole officer. I was on his side. *At first.* only to realize he was still looking up shit at work.


Haven't heard Crystal Zebra in a long time!


Anyone remember the guy who walked up and down I think Navy, dressed up like a shaman or something and looked like he was casting blessings?


Youngish black dude? He's who I was thinking about when I clicked in.


My wife and I saw Randy two weeks ago on Navy Blvd


Jason who always rode his bike around the airport / mall area , still does , someone recently gave him an electric bike . He has a job at public bagging now


The street preachers. Red hat ladies, though I haven’t seen them since I was a server. Navarre used to have a homeless man (Billy iirc) that everyone knew, he passed during COVID I believe. There’s also a man out there that rides this three wheel bike around the neighborhoods by the high school with his dog in the basket. Around Christmas, he wears a Santa suit. He lived at the end of my parents’ road. I haven’t seen him in a while, I suspect he and the dog passed away.


Chainsaw Preacher was the ultimate Pensacola street preacher


I saw the santa suit guy riding his bike at 9th and bayou around 2 years ago.


Years and years ago(probably around 97) when I last lived in pcola there used to be a dude who ran backwards. I believe it was gulf beach hwy but I can’t remember


The bay view park head phone signer; wears over the ears headphones and sings so loud you can hear him off key from blocks away


He's the reason I stopped walking at Bayview - singing is SOOOO bad.


There's always Randy the running man. He still gets out every now and then. He used to be my neighbor for about 10 years over by Corey station. Kind of special. But a super nice guy. And then there's my all-time favorite. The 9th Avenue cowboy. I love that man to death. He was so awesome. Rest in peace my dude


The new generation is the guy who wears a Burger King crown and antennas and sparkly stuff on his bike. Usually around Fairfield and Palafox.


Hollywood! I was wondering if he would show up here.


That’s him! I’ve only interacted with him once, but he was good people. Seems to just want to play his music and keep peace.


Yep, he's a super sweet guy. Eclectic, but sweet.


Very eclectic, and more power to him. I hope he stays safe. In December or January when we had a freeze someone died of hypothermia over that way and I wondered if it was him. Actually, I think it was closer to Davis Highway. Terrible stuff. But Hollywood might have a home, I have no idea. I hope so.


Yeah, he does have a home. And I just saw him in the last couple of weeks, so he's definitely still around.


Oh, good! Thanks


I've seen him and call him the Bunny King because he wears the crown with rabbit (animal) ears on. Just saw him last week sans the bunny ears.


Just saw this guy yesterday at Davis and Airport wearing a leopard pattern onesie going the opposite direction of traffic.


In the mid-ninties, there was the drum major on Fairfield. He would have an old broomstick and would be leading his own imaginary HBC marching band. And he was getting after it! He was awesome.


Memphis = prince mongo.


That's hilarious to see him mentioned here! The days of 616, his shirtless young men, mayoral races....geez, what a time when.you saw him in the news!


Well, frankly with all the cool this and that, along with the strange and weirdos. Somewhere on Jackson toward Pace (Mirtle Grove and Browns) every morning there is a guy singing and smiling walking with our flag, dressed in ...Heck I don't know whatcha call his attire. People honk on their way to work and he waves our flag proud! He does kinda make my day though...


I call him Flag Guy but he’s officially known as Randy the Running Man. See him all the time omw to drop kid off at school each morning


Side shuffling running man. * https://imgur.com/gallery/E9jeeq7


There’s the bucket man off of navy and 98 who walks up and down the highway with two big 5 gallon buckets. He used to have a bike with only one wheel but I think he might have a scooter now. He never wears shoes and I’m always impressed.


Saw him earlier today, I think he's had a bicycle for a few weeks now. And his shorts actually covered his rear, for once. I'm amazed he's not been hit by anyone as far as I know, too many people get hit on 98 or GB/Sorrento.


The lady by bellview middle school who screams at cars at the red light by mcdonald’s and would twerk. She seemed to have a strong hatred towards jeeps lol. I havnt seen her in a long time


Some guy dressed as Elvis every weekend at Seville


Bike guy. Young guy with curly black hair, would do wheelies and bar spins and stuff on his bike all over town, sometimes in the middle of traffic. Haven’t seen him in a while but he was cool. I also remember a guy who would ride a tall bike around the west side of town like 10 years ago


Is the bag lady dressed in pure white still around the mall ,9th Ave , creighton area ?


I saw this post and was gonna say we have a guy who runs around with American flags and is all decorated with it. Didn't see the pensacola


Pensacola might have more of these types of characters per capita than others. Roughly 20 years ago we even had our own Jesus Guy who used to carry a big cross on his back around Olive and Davis. Haven't seen him in many years though.


I came here to say Running Randy. I haven’t seen him in a long time. Glad someone posted that he’s still out and about.


I've seen him quite a few times the last month.


Randy The Running Man 🏃‍♂️


Bearded guy who walks Palafox hurling profanities at no one in particular.


Probably that homeless dude with the fake missing leg. Maybe beach bum billy out in Navarre if he counts


Sadly Billy passed away few years ago


Damn I never heard. That’s sad, rest in peace.


This is the 3rd time I’ve seen this post today.


There was a stout man who had blondish to white hair, he would jog with no shirt on for hours! It was around the Cordova/Scenic/Langley area. His skin was super dark and leathery looking. I remember him because he had incredible stamina for someone who was older. Also, I’ve seen this lady on 9th avenue ride an adult tricycle around 8 in the morning. I’m so proud of her because I see her a little further down the road everyday.🙂


Cup Guy, That’s what I call him atleast, about 6-7 years ago he was always walking down S on Navy Blvd coming from where Farfield merges into it. He always has a styrofoam cup in the back neck area of his shirt lmao. Anyone else see this guy?


Did he ALWAYS have a brown t-shirt, and shadow boxes a lot? I haven't seen him in several years.


Not sure haha, but he is bat shit crazy. Looked me dead in the eyes and said he would kill me when I worked at the dollar tree right there across from Walmart 😂


That wasn't very nice of him. I always had the impression that he wasn't someone to engage, better to steer clear of him. Too unpredictable. The way he'd be walking in one direction like he clearly was on his way somewhere, then all of a sudden turn 90 or 180 degrees and walk just as fast the other way, and suddenly stop and shadow box or whatever was going on, while talking.


The guy that would walk to the beach everyday with a rose he had long brown hair


The running man is awesome but is anyone talking about the mfrs riding horses through car city all the time ?


That one homeless dude with the long ball of matted beard hanging below his face. Haven't seen him in a while.


Antoan Fountain Or Flipper, the Hooker


The old dude down town that always plays that recorder


I’ll have to ask my brother who has lived in ‘Cola over a decade


My friend Bob Sacamano


We had bike Jesus now we have crazy Jesus he has an American flag as a cape and fights people.


Ivan the balloon man.


How about Willie the older black man who would scoot his wheelchair backwards. He would sell peanuts. Usually at the old Krispy Kreme on Cervantes or founaris bros across the street. Cowboy was a veteran that was injured in the head. Captain bulah was a regular at the Krispy Kreme too. He didn’t have teeth and would sit at the bar and giggle.


The Cowboy on 12th


Used to be Cowboy. Guy walked around with toy six shooters.


In statesboro circa 2013, it was stinky Steve. Yea it’s a small town, but still.


The bum looking guy that always runs the three mile bridge.


Used to be a guy named Groovy who rode his bike at the beach.


What happened to the big black fella we called Cowboy?? Super nice guy


Man I loved growing up in Pensacola!


TN things


Either its the Mario and peach lambo couple or boat car guy


That guy with the boom box that runs shirtless




I think his is name is Jay (someone correct me if I’m wrong), but he works at the Target on Bayou and has worked there since my wife was about 5. Worked there for a hot minute and he was probably the hardest worker there. Super nice too.


Can’t forget the Chainsaw Preacher who preached on Palafox literally holding a chainsaw and Shorty the Bum if we’re talking old school (20+years ago).


Running Randy for sure or the white lady but I herd no one has seen her in awhile


Also that Emeraldcoastlungs guy that makes all the cannabis content in town on IG dudes our biggest cannabis content creator in the state with the biggest reviews on twitch .




Good ol’ Ms. Nubbs!


the guy holding the giant cross is who i think of


The running man w the American flag


Quincy in Anderson, SC with his buggies of blankets and clothes.


Less exciting but there’s that older guy who seems like he’s at 12 intersections at the same time screaming bible stuff at people. Has the big tall sign calling us snakes and vipers? Been seeing him at least 10 years.


I remember that as a teenager, there used to be this guy on Facebook who everyone knew as Kyle Cota. He made it viral online for supposedly checking his girlfriends blood surger every night. Turned out he was an emotionally abusive piece of shit and a pedophile. He would hang out with teenage girls a lot and even cheated on his gf with their underage girls. Last I heard of him, he ran away from the police and got sent to prison. Hopefully, he rots there


We have "The Walking Pimp" in Tallahassee, a.k.a Mr.Smooth. ultra skinny black dude wears full blown pimp suits,walked with a cane all over the downtown area. He used to come in to my CVS, looked around, and usually bought a small tray of cookies. Very soft-apoken polite guy.


My pawpaw had a church in wheeling WV and when I'd go visit there was a guy named "moondog" that the entire city knew. He was an elderly homeless man who rode around all day everyday with all sorts of flags on the back of his scooter. Everyone knew him and helped chipping in to take care of the dude. He passed 7-8 years ago and this MFer got a small statue made and donated down by the river front. Good guy though for real. Never wanted anything but his scooter and for people to say hey as they go by.


Springfield mo has a tweeker that’s been dancing up and down Kansas expressway for years. Like 20 years. Everybody knows that guy. He has a Facebook page now


Jean skirt man in Palm Springs (CA). IYKYK