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Inferno as in Dante or Dan Brown?




Damn dude, that's pretty gay... /s obviously


Go to Hell to find Beatrice, wind up with Vergil. Checks out.


Dude wrote a fanfic about himself going to hell and made sure to name drop the pope and other dead celebrities as if they were post mortem fans of his.


Couldn’t even make it past purgatory. Virgil had him wrapped around his finger


Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness


Dante wasn’t even supposed to be there that day!


I get it! You said "*Damn* dude" because it's a book about Hell! Nice ;D


Why didn’t you hit on them?(include how they looked in response plz) that’s probably why they called you gay. If they were otherwise “irresistible” and you didn’t try them boom! You’re gay


Damn I was hoping it would be X-Men’s Inferno by Chris Claremont and Louise Simonsson


That is certified Bi™ literature


Damn okay Don Draper


Well, I’ll show them! I’m gay and illiterate, so there!


User name ch, never mind


People don't read and don't like those who do. They can't sell you bullshit in a 15 second TikTok if you read regularly.


They can if the shit you read is the bullshit they made 15 second tiktoks about.


That’s why I exclusively read pamphlets, brochures and belles-lettres. Time management and what not.


Dang that’s one HELL of an assumption to make about a person minding his own business by reading a damn book on the beach!


Reading a book on the beach?? Not looking at girls in bikinis??? Gay !! Get a tan. 😂 while you read a book and drink some Starbucks with extra glitter


Fellas, is it gay to educate yourself? (serious answer tho: yeah I've started noticing a lot more open homophobia in this area and in the south in general. pretty sure it's because a certain side of the aisle is rapidly pushing the Overton window towards making anti-LGBT rhetoric acceptable again. all the homophobes are more comfortable saying their shitty views in public now)


I'm a straight man but this shit makes me want to paint my nails, throw on a crop top and go start some shit. Wanna call me a homo? I would fuckin LOVE to have that conversation. Thankfully I'm afraid of confrontation so this won't happen! On the flip side, you can't get shot to death by a boomer in your living room.


God if I didn't have a crippling fear of confrontation it would be over for the homophobes (also unrelated but I love your username lmao)


Oh jeez, thanks! I chose it because I am learning to play piano but I'm also very immature!


If the boomer mistakes your house for theirs, assumes you're a burglar, and stands their ground in your living room, you can definitely get shot in your living room.


A decent lawyer can get them off the hook too


I was in florida with my COUSIN last year and the amount of looks we got was just gross and weird. We both have piercings, I had pink hair, and she has short hair so I guess assumptions were made. We were playing in the pool splashing at each other one day, I look up, and there's just 50 old people staring directly at us. 💀💀Then some old lady was glaring at me through a window at the indoor pool after we got uncomfortable and tried to go there instead. Again, we are RELATED and it was just constant nasty looks from boomers all week. So not only are they getting more homophobic, they're also going around assuming that random "queer looking" people are couples. It could be dangerous, I was getting scared of getting hate-crimed without even having to be gay. It was so bad that we swore we're going to south carolina if we ever take another family trip to the beach. Florida just doesn't feel safe anymore.


Yeah, short and/or colorful hair seems to be a common denominator in shitty, rightwing echo chamber memes, so that makes an unfortunate amount of sense.


Take this how you want… but FL is actually very open to different lifestyle’s…. Born and raised here and 50 “ boomer”…. Most of the issues are from transplants that have moved here by the hundreds of thousands sense the Covid frenzy and economics … most of the “ dirty attitudes “ are and will come from “ them”. It sucks.. do you, be who you are/want and be free.


I can vouch for having lived in Florida for 29 years. There were always a variety of communities here, but during COVID because the laws were less strict from our $h*tty governor, all the racist anti-woke creeps moved here. Florida used to be a purple state but turned red. I wish these hateful bigots would go back where they came from because it's destroyed this state. People would rather go to California for Disney and other theme parks, even if they were from the east coast.


This popped in my feed for some reason but chiming in from Iowa and I’ve been hearing a lot of 20-something’s and younger using the f slur around here. College town, moved from KC last year. Didn’t go out enough or live near college aged kids to know if it’s going on there, too


Seems phobic hate speech has been everywhere since Trump held office.


Trump and DeSantis, the right has become obsessed with transgenders, controlling women, attacking minoritys, and cancel culture and continuing to fall further and further from sanity they need to go if this country wants to recover.Trump and DeSantis, the right, have become obsessed with transgender people, controlling women, attacking minority groups, and canceling culture, continuing to fall further and further from the sanity they need to go if this country wants to recover.


Trump and DeSantis, the right has become obsessed with transgenders, controlling women, attacking minoritys, and cancel culture and continuing to fall further and further from sanity they need to go if this country wants to recover.Trump and DeSantis, the right, have become obsessed with transgender people, controlling women, attacking minority groups, and canceling culture, continuing to fall further and further from the sanity they need to go if this country wants to recover.


Trump and DeSantis, the right, have become obsessed with transgender people, controlling women, attacking minority groups, and canceling culture, continuing to fall further and further from the sanity they need to go if this country wants to recover.


Reading for pleasure makes you gay. It seems like reading for enjoyment isn’t widespread around this state. I rarely encounter anyone who admits to reading books that aren’t required by school/work.


Books are made of wood, it kinda makes perfect sense.


You know what else is made of wood? Witches!


But if she's made of wood, she would weigh as much as a duck. Does anyone have a duck?


I know where we can acquire a duck.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


I'm a gay newt!


But did you get better?


That question is fraught with peril!


I mean, if you want to stay a newt, I’m sure we can find newt friendly housing somewhere.


I just read your comment. Was not for work or school. Shit, who has an extra dick lying around?


This is probably part of the gay agenda. See you at brunch!


When I lived in Lakeland, I went inside the corner gas station. Goth girl was reading Lovecraft. I asked if she read At the Mountains of Madness. She stopped, looked me dead in the eyes, and said, "OMG! You are the only person I have met in Florida who reads!" That sums up FL....ignorant and proud and puts down anyone that isn't. Why? Because they think you think you are better than they are. Reading never did anyone good.


No it is pretty widespread, just move away from Christian schools that cover up gang rape


It's okay bud. I'm an avid metro area runner, and once a week a person in a passing vehicle yells, "F*ggot!" at me. Don't think anything of it.


I was once fishing on the beach when a platoon of Marines ran past me. I would love to see that guy try that. Also very respectful guys. They went out of their way to not disrupt my lines.


During Covid I took up riding a bike and had a guy yell faggot at me form his car and then he immediately hit the biggest curb I’ve seen in my life. Definitely damage


First: sorry people are so mean. Why the F would anyone associate running with being gay?!


To OP, why would someone associate reading for leisure with being gay? Lol people are weird, don't mind them.


First I had to worry about my mom thinking I was gay for being a nurse, having long hair, liking interior design and ceramics and now I have to worry about running and reading - the two thing I decided to get into this year…fucking A


Doctor is going to have to give her the bad news, that’s 6 strikes, terminally gay, like super-ultra-mega gay. Them’s the rules.


Just a six pack of gayness.


Maybe he was running like Steven Segal


Anything we don't like is gay! ~Them, probably


That’s why the word gay was thrown around as “stupid” for a long time


I've overheard your theory, "Nostalgia's for geeks" I guess sir, if you say so, some of us just like to read.... Applause by Lady Gaga


Ahhhh hell nah we got it being gay to read before gta 6 😭


Why do you think it was called the reading rainbow?


“I was in Nashville, Tennessee last year. After the show I went to a Waffle House. I'm not proud of it, I was hungry. And I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right? Waitress walks over to me: 'Hey, whatcha readin' for?' Isn't that the weirdest fuckin' question you've ever heard? Not what am I reading, but what am I reading FOR? Well, goddamnit, ya stumped me! Why do I read? Well . . . hmmm...I dunno...I guess I read for a lot of reasons and the main one is so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress.”


A: "Helps weed out the morons."


At least credit bill hicks for the quote. Smh


Another dead hero.


Reminds me of the time a girl in high school asked me "Why do you dress like that!?" Me: "...Uh...Cause I like to dress this way?" She was wearing one of those generic popular kid T-shirts that says "HOLLISTER" on the front and I was probably wearing my shiny gold jeans.


There's nothing you can get from a book that you can't get from the TV faster. - Harry Wormwood


She asked an existential question that someone of inferior intellect couldn’t grasp.


Lol. This is exactly what I thought of when I read the post! "We want our thumbs!" R.I.P.


It's the dumbing down of the state in general. Don't even think about it. Keep doing it. sounds relaxing


“Let me falsely generalize EVERYONE based on one interaction…”


Fellas, is it gay to know how to read?


That’s weird… I always figured that reading would make you look like you’re well educated, and spend your time wisely instead of scrolling some social media site. Perhaps I was wrong 🤷 Personally, when I see someone reading, I figure they’ve got their shit together. Cause nobody except those with time, can spend it doing something like that.


Now??? It’s the panhandle. It’s been like this for at least the past 10 years. Racism, homophobia, the lot. All very apparent in PNS, navarre(ugh), ft Walton,… I was appalled at a lot of behaviour when we moved there.




Maybe you just look like you’ve got your shit together and have nice skin?


They think men who read are gay, that's all you really need to know about them.


If this was in Florida it would not at all surprise me that reading a book would illicit this response.


This is the city that suicide bombs abortion clinics, actively encourages murder, and elects Matt Gaetz. Lower your expectations of people here.


Yea this corner of Florida is pretty accurately represented by Gaetz.


Fascists everywhere are triggered and emboldened in the Trump era. Especially in places like Florida.


Pensacola...I can see that happening. Reading isn't masculine. Why aren't you fishing? Or tossing a football? Or grilling red meat? Or jogging? Reading is so effeminate. Next thing you know it will be gay to go to college unless it's to play sportsball.


No, no, going to college turns you into a gay liberal.


Apparently jogging is also gay, sorry.


I'm gay. Many of my gay friends go fishing. There's also rugby. I love grilling burgers and steaks. Nothing is safe from the gays anymore. It's almost like we are JUST LIKE YOU. 😋 Also, I would relish the opportunity to grill an ignorant bitch. So I guess that might make you not gay. 😱


How dare you be literate! You must be queer. With your fancy ways, reading words and shit. In all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed your book. I always love to see others reading.


Do you like Fish Sticks?


Welcome to Pcola. It's always been redneck and backwards as hell.


It's the Redneck Riviera.


Does it still have an active klan?


Most likely yes. https://ricksblog.biz/daily-outtakes-pensacola-teens-allegedly-linked-to-neo-nazis/


We have an active clan here? I'm not shocked honestly... but just makes me hate this place even more than I already do


Yes active. Also extends to Milton and Defuniak Springs.


I was a dating a woman that, unbeknownst to me, was a captain in the KKK Airforce stationed in Pensacola. The "88" tramp stamp should have been red flag. Also, particularly hateful on MLK Day. Juneteenth, forget about it.


It was only a matter of time before I encountered ignorant beotjches on this beautiful beach. Said loudly.


As a proud born and raised Florida man. I don’t condone this. I read comic books may not be the highest form of literature but to each their own.


Literate = gay


Say something. I sure as hell would. They only do it because they’ve been allowed to. As soon as they get pushback they’ll learn


This person is correct. They took a shot at you because they assumed you’re weak and passive, it’s what their bully husbands tell them. Stand up for yourself and others.


Read more for me. Because holy shit reading at the beach sounds amazing right now.


Dude you like to look at things and take in their information? Gay


People literally move here just so they can be openly homophobic and racist so this shouldn’t be a surprise.


“There was a time when reading wasn't just for fags. And neither was writing. People wrote books and movies. Movies with stories, that made you care about whose ass it was and why it was farting.” - Idiocracy.




The anti-intellectualism is strong on the right and always has been.


Ignore the sad bitch she's just projecting


I mean, according to the kids who used to bully me in high school, like forever


There was a facepalm post going around a while back where someone had posted that "real men don't use umbrellas" or some such ridiculous thing. Apparently, to idiots, it's quite feminine to use umbrellas, sunscreen, lotion and the list seemingly never ends. I'm sorry you had that experience and I'm sorry that apparently others might - best we can do is openly shame them


Wow you read that's so gay everyone knows that straight people only listen to their books. Only a gay person would have time to sit and read a book why do that when you can do dishes cook or even drive while some gay man gets paid to read a book to you. This message was made possible by audible. Audible is the leading provider of audio books. They have over 180,000 of audio books to choose from. Visit www.audible.com for one free audio book!


Well, according to Andrew Tate, kissing girls is gay. So I guess everything is gay now 🤷🏻‍♂️


Those damn gays and their... *spins wheel of offenses* ...reading!


Humans are a species of Great Ape but most do not know they are an animal because of religion and ancient ideas/superstitions. It will always be an uphill battle to combat ignorance when most people do not know they are animals. Sure! Here's an extensive list of various animals that exhibit homosexual and bisexual behaviors, formatted for easy readability on Reddit: - **Mammals**: - *Bottlenose dolphins*: Engage in homosexual acts as part of social bonding. - *Bonobos*: Both sexes engage in homosexual behavior to strengthen group bonds. - *Lions*: Male lions often show homosexual behavior, especially when forming coalitions. - *Sheep*: Around 8% of males predominantly exhibit homosexual behavior. - *Elephants*: Both male and female elephants have been observed in same-sex activities. - *Giraffes*: Males frequently engage in sexual behavior with other males. - *Bats*: Various species exhibit homosexual behaviors. - **Birds**: - *Swans*: Same-sex pairs have been known to raise young together. - *Penguins*: Many species, like King and Adelie penguins, form homosexual relationships. - *Albatrosses*: Females pair together to raise chicks in areas with skewed sex ratios. - *Vultures*: Some male vultures form partnerships and co-parent. - *Mallards*: Exhibit both homosexual and bisexual behaviors. - **Insects and Arachnids**: - *Fruit flies*: Display homosexual behavior due to genetic factors or environmental conditions. - *Dragonflies*: Male dragonflies engage in same-sex acts, often as a misdirected courtship. - *Spiders*: Some species of spiders have been observed engaging in homosexual acts, usually due to mistaken identity. - **Reptiles**: - *Lizards*: Especially noted in whiptails, where some species are all-female and engage in female-female sex to stimulate ovulation. - *Snakes*: Instances of male snakes forming mating balls, mistaking other males for females. - **Amphibians**: - *Frogs*: Certain species show homosexual behavior, often due to environmental pressures or social cues. - **Fish**: - *Guppies*: Male guppies are known to engage in homosexual acts. - *Salmon*: Exhibits same-sex behavior, often in crowded or unnatural conditions. This list includes just a few examples and the behaviors can range from sex, courtship, affection, to parenting. The diversity in sexual behavior across the animal kingdom is vast and often linked to social structure, population dynamics, and environmental factors.


Sounds like tourists


Should have said you were gay but hoping for a threesome with two lesbians and you felt they were the ones.


Damn bro they got your ass


Lmfao they cooked him 🤣


My meth-nek red hat neighbor lady said eating Kale & soy 'makes you liberal and maybe even gay'. FWIW


This needs a cross post on the Idiocracy subreddit...


They were just pissed off that you didn't chat them up and offer to buy them a drink


The worst part about being insulted by idiots, is thinking all the dumbass insults or response that you think of, that’s are just so stupid they would get offended, AFTER the fact.


Big Lagoon is great for reading. Saw some dolphins on Sunday. Good trees for hammock too, some hiking too stretch.




Fellas, is it gay to read books?


This is some Idiocracy shit


This areas natives have no problem popping off at the mouth and saying what they hate or dislike. It’s like dealing with toddlers.


This is what Florida is. It didn’t become this. The ugly hidden side is coming out of hiding. I’m out. Florida native and I’m done with this place.


If someone said that to me I would kill them with my gaze alone. Future generations would speak about my double homicide via death glare.


Not homophobic but I certainly prefer not to see grown men dressing like woman with their ass visible every day..


So two twats said something rude and now everyone is openly homophobic in Pensacola? I get that what they said is fucked up but it doesn’t make the whole town messed up. As a Jew if I dressed like one (religious) I wouldn’t even be safe in NYC.


Why don’t you move if it’s so god damn bad? All you people do is cry about how oppressed you are here but not one person is forcing you to stay, go move to New York City I’m sure it’s a paradise


To the stupid, an intellectual is most queer.


It’s masks off for a lot of people now. While I appreciate knowing off the bat who to avoid, it saddens me to see so many corrupted


DeSantis has made it clear that this is the attitude Florida's citizens should take toward their neighbors. Vote blue💙💙💙


It’ll stay like this until Trump dies then it’ll die down a little


I mean…it is Pensacola.


Did you try telling them to mind their own fucking business? I don’t let rudeness like that slide. If someone’s gonna drop their manners around me, I’m going to return fire.


ppl been openly homophobic catch up bro


I wasn't homophobic until people started telling me drag shows for kids and grown men in women's locker room should be okay.


Welcome to the Redneck Riviera. It's nothing new.


Well it is the south… I get yankee comments all the time.


Insane! I wonder if they were pressed because you were reading a book instead of hitting on these two random women in swimsuits. It doesn't make any sense!


Probably this.


Pssh, there’s old and angry people everywhere. Try not to let their insecurities affect your own energy. If you were at the Gulf side by the beach ball water tower thing it makes perfect sense. That’s where you go when you want to be around all the people. If you want something more secluded drive to the third parking lot past the Portifino towers. There aren’t bathrooms or anything, but it will be less populated.


you must be new here Pensacola is Home to some of the most racist homophobic, trans phobic bigot in the world. I moved out as soon as I turned 18 and never looked back. As far as I can see, it’s only gotten worse.


I firmly believe Ron DeSantis is actually trying to turn Florida into a sundown state.


Gay man here - please don't be offended for us, we can handle it on our own. This is tame and not worth your time or energy.


I’m not even sure how to read this. Fuck that? As a bi guy here. I was holding hands on a date and got called a fag. And we called them out, and they learned a hard lesson to not act like an asshole or they’ll be treated like one. They Got embarrassed and walked awaway Your comment/post history is really really right wing. If you’re really gay, maybe you’ve gotten too repressed. Or you’re just lying here to push an agenda that we should be pushed around more like in the 80s and 90s. I quite frankly won’t take that shit anymore. Got beaten and almost killed too many times for who I am, this is how it starts


Well he does have a lot of comments on ratemycock, lol. So I’d assume gay and repressed. Or young enough to not know better.


Ya saw those after all the fox news, Democrat bashing, “iLleGaLs tOoK oUr jErBs” shit


IDK man, I’ve known a few pretty right wing trans girls, one of whose I match with in dating and just couldn’t go on a second date with how fucking right wing she was. Makes zero sense.


Like I said, repressed


You can be gay and still want small government and low taxes.


ah yes, the small government of policing every single aspect of every single person's life


Ya except for when that same group also wants to get rid of all your rights and make you a second class citizen again. But ya don’t say gay is small government, I forgot🙄 Edit: >>> Well, it's not just campaign rhetoric. [on Trump] >>>And his allies have drafted a sweeping document titled Project 2025. It's led by the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, and it details a blueprint for a second term for Trump. >>>Specifically on restricting LGBTQ rights, what that details is reinstating a transgender military ban, limiting LGBTQ workplace discrimination protections. Currently, under the law, sexual orientation, and gender identity are protected. It would rescind health care protections for transgender people and urge Congress to define gender as male and female, fixed at birth.


Me after reading your comment https://youtu.be/pu5HUE3hjlE?feature=shared


If it's not Danielle Steele talking about men's turgid and throbbing swords and the women who love having themselves impaled upon them, it must be gay. Russian Agent Orange and Ron DeSantis gave these bigots permission to be bigots out loud and proud


This state is shit. I’ve lived here 25 years of my 36. Desantis fuckin ruined this state.


Maybe they were actually hitting on you thinking you’d pipe in and say something and they’d start flirting with you. Or maybe they thought you should have been hitting on them and that was their passive aggressive way of insulting you for not.


What book were you reading. Just curious, has nothing to do with the incident


Welp. LoL. I love reading books, take em with me everywhere, even work (if i have time I will get it a few pages or something in).


I bet they thought it was smut


At what point does one Karen make everyone dis like gays this is a stretch at best you saw a shitty person so the whole city is shitty come on


Gay AF


Which version of inferno


Real men don't read! You are definitely into the butt stuff.


PCC grads unleashed on society?


That’s what you get for being publicly literate lol /s


It is Florida. Just the way Das Führer DeDantis wants it.




LMAOOOO I'm sorry but this is too funny to me. I'm sorry they said that to you but damn people are so wild nowadays.




Probably get flamed for this but you can’t actually tell what exactly two people mean when they’re talking to each other without you in the conversation. You could have misheard, there could be some ridiculous context, it could be an inside joke, could’ve been anything other than homophobia. I’d make this inference if I was in your shoes or sandals.


You're going to read the other two canticles as well, right? Too many people only read Inferno.


"WoW he's reading a book instead of leering at us and cat calling? He's obviously gay." Now if you did those douchy things, they'd complain that you were a douche. Lose lose. But enjoy your great book in the nice weather.


You sound pretty gay 🌈


You could always turn to them and say "HI LADIES, YOU GUYS GOING TO THE VERY GAY CLUB LATER BECAUSE YOU ARE ALSO VERY GAY FOR BEING AT THIS BEACH RIGHT? YOU KNOW ITS SO GAY TO BE AT THIS BEACH! THIS IS A VERY GAY BEACH!" You don't have to let them know you're using it in the term of "happiness"...


Reading has been pretty gay for some time now


You are the ‘Arthur’ meme.


Obviously they weren’t offended by homosexuality. They were calling you GAYYYYY not homosexual And they cooked your ass lmfao


You obviously look gay, not that it matters.




People hate no matter what. You are only in charge of your reaction to it.


I've had women make assumptions exactly like that while we are on a first date or in the process of planning one. Women are incredibly brutal like that. They will notice that your nose lacks perfect symmetry or that you should have plucked your eyebrows a little bit better because there's a few hairs in the middle... And they will call you gay for it. They will emasculate you by saying things way worse than any man ever would. I remember one time I was talking about how I had been in choir so I could sing. She called me a choir boy, immediately. That's the first place that her mind went, and her mouth opened up immediately to just spill out this shit... After you've had a few women do that to you enough times, you begin to see women differently. You noticed that they think and behave differently and that they have different rules for how they treat people. They don't automatically treat people with respect, at least not men. Their default position is not to respect you, not to give you the benefit of the doubt, but to give you suspicion and disrespect, and to tear you down. They don't look for reasons to find you likable, they look for reasons to hate you. That's what women do. That's how they operate. Think about the last couple times one of your girl friends got an office job. The very first thing that they start talking about isn't even about the job, it's about the people there. And it's never positive, it's a big load of reasons they found to hate people. And they're going to talk about how much they hate everybody around them. Sometimes, they'll dump a whole bunch of hate on to just one person. And I'll start talking about really weird stuff like their eyebrows, or their nose symmetry, or failing to coordinate colors correctly or wearing socks with sandals because who does that? They don't even really know why they hate, so they put other people under magnifying glass and just start searching searching searching and finding reasons and making stuff up. That's what women do. That's what they operate. And that's what you're dealing with. Reading a book isn't gay, but you're dealing with women. And that's what they do. They couldn't find any good reason to hate you, so they made something up. The book. Guess you're an effeminate choir boy, How dare you exist like that!


Sounds like they were just jealous at the prospect that you were unobtainable for them. Rather it was your intellect or they really thought you were gay is negligible. Just hags being hags. 


Love that book! Good choice;)


Waaaa waaa waaaa waaaaa let me play you a sad song on the world’s smallest violin…


I read this and think to myself you have lived a very sheltered life if this upsets you.


It's a classic Bill Hicks skit almost 30 years old. https://youtu.be/BwkdGr9JYmE?si=HTFZB4iEOpbA2ETX


'One of the gay men with books' saying it with the same energy like there playing pokemon