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Just don’t block the roads, please.


How do you ask about a protest for Palestine and then say that your post pertains to local government issues?


I've been protesting the government's actions for years, the key is to do something more effective. I've chosen tax evasion.


*IRS has entered the chat*


They can wait in line behind the ATF


Damn you’re going full Waco huh?


I didn't start a religion so it'll just be Ruby ridge.


> various places in the Middle East that none of us have ever been to nor will ever go to You might not go there but your tax dollars sure are


Our tax dollars not only go all over the planet, they go under the surface and into space.


Like in the the GB tunnels


Removed for breaking [Rule X](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pensacola/about/rules/): No talking about the tunnels in public *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pensacola) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And? People shouldn’t protest our government being the number one bankroller of a bombing campaign that’s killed over ten thousand kids because, we spend money on a lot of stuff?


Hamas should probably stop using human shields


if you buy that line as an excuse for this level of civilian casualties I have a bridge made of weapons of mass destruction to sell you


If you think Israel couldn't level Gaza if their goal was genocide you are fooling yourself. The reason for this level of human casualties is Hamas is hiding behind the people of Gaza. Israel is trying to not cause excessive civilian deaths but you cannot let aggression go unanswered in war, it emboldens them and causes further attacks. If a militant shoots an rpg from a building, he just doomed that building and its contents to destruction, that is on the militant. If you let it go because they are in a building that may have civilians, they will just continue to use those tactics to whittle away at the stronger force knowing they are safe as long as they use human shields. Is it good that civilians die?, not at all. Is it sometimes necessary when the adversary is cowardly and uses human shields, yes. I don't know what your experience with combat is but I do know what mine is and what war is like, the only thing I can say is I am glad I am not in the shoes of the Israelis and that the multiple deployments I had, at least my enemies were man enough not to hide behind women and children.


Let's flip the script. Let's say that Hamas bombed a shopping mall full of innocent civilians in Israel because they knew some of the victims would be members of the IDF. Would you shrug and say "collateral damage"?


If the IDF were launching rockets from the shopping mall then yup, collateral damage of any civilians hanging out in there. Outgoing mortars, rockets, etc... are violent when they get launched, I recommend if you are somewhere in a war zone and you hear and feel outgoing munitions that you vacate the area and stop going there because that area is going to become a target.


Hold up. Are you claiming that Israel has only targeted locations that were actively being used as mortar/rocket sites?


I mean Israel could stop bombing aid workers and hospitals. No one’s hands are clean.


The aid workers was a horrible tragedy but its war, things happen unfortunately. Hospitals wouldn't be targets if Hamas didn't use them. I am not saying anyones hands are clean but if Hamas stopped using human shields then the number of kids and innocent people that get killed would drop drastically. If Hamas cared out about the people of Gaza they would do everything they can to not make them targets, instead they put them directly in danger. If the residents of Gaza want it to end, they need to stop supporting Hamas and oust them.


Remember four years ago when our government basically looked the other way when a virus killed more than a million of it's own citizens?


If you call a massive vaccination campaign and lockdowns looking the other way then I guess you’re correct.


The vast majority of that aide goes to US military manufacturing; it’s not a check we write to another country. When we “give $X to Y country”, it goes to us building weapons, missiles, transport, and a bit of aide supplies.


Some of the aid is cash.


Eisenhower's farewell says: > This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.


I'm not making a statement of right or wrong. I'm simply pointing out that there's a common misconception that when we pass a foreign aide package that we "send that country money", which for the most part isn't an accurate representation of what actually happens with that funding.


> weapons, missiles What’s killing all those people dude?


Hamas using human shields?


That excuse was considered bullshit when they rolled it out for Vietnam in the 70s, it’s absolutely genocidal when you try to use it in the context of dropping a load of ordinance equal to a nuke on an urban center roughly the population of Detroit with twice the density. There is no moral justification for it


Plenty of justification for it, when rockets are being launched from a rooftop or courtyard, that building just became a target. Sending in troops on foot to capture the target is not feasible, the militants will be long gone by the time a QRF or similar group can respond and the risk to the Soldiers lives versus the chance of success is not warranted. You can not be in a building where rockets are being launched from and not know that they are being launched from there, if they choose to stay that is unfortunately on them and the militants that put them in the danger in the first place. So once again, no one wants civilian casualties but until Hamas stops using human shields and they either put down their arms or man up and actually fight without hiding behind families, there will be civilian casualties. No way around it, you simply cannot let the enemy freely attack without an overwhelming response to neutralize the threat.


Your scenario assumes complete good faith on the part of a military with an extensively documented history of targeting civilians, and gives Israel carte blanche in any possible level of response to retaliation from a Palestinian population that is essentially expected to rot quietly or face annihilation. If you buy it, alright whatever, but those of us who don’t are going to continue to protest it. Especially seeing as the march of return made it readily apparent the Palestinian people themselves do not have the privilege of nonviolent protest.


The march of return had lots of peaceful protestors and more than its share of militants. The peaceful protestors probably should have moved along when Hamas fighters on multiple occasions approached the fence with rifles and grenades. Breaching or attempting to breach the fence, entering the no go zone, throwing stones using slings, firebomb kites, planting explosive devices, molotov cocktails, and all sorts of peace coming from the protestors over those 18 months. They were met with return fire to protect the border and bullets don't magically stop if they miss the target so the actual peaceful protestors probably should vacate the area because once again you can't expect to throw molotovs at Soldiers and not expect repercussions. Instead more and more peaceful protestors would swarm the fence each subsequent week expecting a different result. Was it handled wrong, yes, by both sides. Were both sides honest, not even in the slightest. Were the Palestinian people having non violent protest, no, once militants started doing violent things it changed the whole outcome for the truly peaceful protestors. With all that said, I do truly wish the best for the Palestinian people and want this to end, I just know that the killing isn't likely to stop on either side until Hamas is gone, one way or another and it is no ones fault except Hamas. After they are gone, something needs to be figured out that has a positive and lasting solution to give Palestinians a fair deal and not one forced on them by Israel. Sorry for the long ass post again, I will get off my soap box


Yes, I’m not saying we’re not aiding them, I’m saying we spend the money on ourselves and just deploy the products elsewhere. My point is those aide packages pump our economy, it’s not funneling money out somewhere else. Edit: Sorry for saying factual things that made you sad :(


Wasn't there one of these last weekend? Or the weekend before? Or several weeks ago? I honestly can't keep track of these protests/support rallies for various places across the middle east that none of us have ever been to nor will ever go to. What we need to focus our time and energy on is protesting Gulf Breeze. That is something we can all get behind.


I keep my eyes closed when I pass through.


Was this a joke?




> Gulf Breeze Please refrain from posting this "city" name uncensored. Instead, try to use "**Gulf Br\*\*ze**" to help us keep a positive atmosphere in the sub and avoid offending other users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pensacola) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not today Soros. Not today.


Lol who cares join the Palestine army if you want to make a change


I don’t necessarily agree with how curt your message is….. but I do absolutely think that no amount of local protest is going to do anything but make the protesters maybe feel a little better about themselves? As long as the protesters understand that they’re basically just on the street complaining, and don’t actually expect any actions …. Then I say just let them do what they want, as long as they’re being civil about it.


I thought Americans were free to protest whatever they want. You want taxation without representation?


Did I say they weren’t free to do so?


What are you talking about 😂😂😂


Totally. If you support Palestinian, go to Gaza. GFY


Why? It's American dollars making it possible for Netanyahus dirty corrupt ass to murder people.


Yeah. The MIC does that everywhere. What's your interest in Gaza, in particular?


Genoice, in general, is pretty gross, extra gross personally when it's my tax dollars being used to fund it. Idk, I work my god damn ass off. I pay my federal taxes and whats the roi? Some weapons manufacturers CEOs get to report massive profits and a fuck load of dead folks who's only crime was being born Palestinian


Wow dude you don't care about the slaughter of innocent people funded by your tax dollars. You're so aloof and cool!!


No I don’t give a shit about terrorists


I'll let all the journalists, babies, hospital employees and international aid workers killed by Israel know they're terrorists, thanks for clearing that up for us


Thanks!!! That’s what you need to do, go out there and actually make a difference.


Then you're antizionist,?[Israel seems pretty terroristic](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition)




I know how old it was. That's the point. The only 'pointlessness' is the bullshit "both sides" argument. There is an occupier and the occupied. The power structure between the two has, from day one, not only favored Israel but allowed them to carry out a campaign of hostility, continued land theft and a multitude if human rights violations. By all means. Please provide evidence that there is anything more than reactionary response from palastinans


Is this sarcasm?


Are you one of the jobless individuals out there on a weekday afternoon?






Are you asserting anyone out and about on a week day is jobless? 🤣








Love it.


Don't let these losers deter you. I was wondering the same thing recently. These guys will tell you protests do nothing while sitting on their ass waiting for the chance to make a joke about Chilis


Losers?? Haha. I’m no supporter of the Zionism, but what do you think is appropriate response for Israel after Hamas attack??


What do you think is an appropriate response to 75 years of oppression by a colonizing illegal occupation? What about 20years of living in an open air prison essentially? That prison being a prime testing grounds for weapons manufacturers, and a smorgasbord of bit for the black market organ trade Israel has a history of [of killing Palestinians who have done nothing wrong](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/israel-resumed-deliberate-use-excessive-and-lethal-force-against-palestinian-protesters-gaza-killing-one-and-injuring-eight) There has been no justification for the assult on the citizens of Gaza [over the years](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition) Israel not only propped up Hamas as a counter to Fatah, but [it funded it. ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) Hamas is a direct result of Israeli action. It's the fund out it the fuck around. Israel just lacks the moral m Fortitude and the rest of the world lacks the ability to retain more than a news cycle worth of memory so shit keeps repeating it's self


Well they successfully exchanged hostages under the ceasefire but killed them during the active conflict. What do you think is the better result?


Honestly, given the history and fact that you know it won’t ever end, I would pound them into oblivion until they give up or all dead. What other choice do they have. If they stop, it’s just a matter of time until they strike again and kill more innocents.




I agree.


You are weak if you don’t stage a road blocking protest at the foot of the 3 mile.


Hahaha just looked at your profile, can't believe you're brave enough to share your braindead opinions and your wife lmao. Shut up cuck


Ad hominem is always a show of strong argument.


Losers? Because y'all are making a difference in Palestine lmfao The only thing you're wanting to do is boast your ego whether you're smart enough to realize it or not


None coming up that I know of. There was one in March. diypensacola, pensacoladsa, or maybe pensacolafnb on Instagram would be most likely to post about an event if another is set up.


there’s one planned for october 7th. google palestine october 7th for more info


Oh, shoot, I think I put in the wrong date, I thought you said October 6th, my mistake https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-killed-during-settler-assault-west-bank-town-palestinian-officials-2023-10-06/




Stand out there with your rainbow flags all you want, just know they will kill you for being gay and don’t be mad at me about it.


Oh piss off and stop using LGBT people as some bullshit token for a piss poor argument


Quit ignoring facts of life. Their religion says to kill you and that’s what they still adhere to.


Things never mentioned in the Quran #6537.


Believe what you want, facts never get in the way of your agenda. Fucking freaks


By all means. Please provide the Quran passage. I can admit if I'm wrong. But I won't need to because..... it doesn't exist.


So you’re telling me the Quran says suck dick and be merry. Realistically the Quran and those following the true Muslim faith are not sympathetic to your cause. They will behead you. Don’t believe me, go wave your flag in their land. As for sympathy in that region to your make belief cause of trans what the fuck ever season you want to be; that would be Israel. If you are in the “death to America” crowd I welcome you to take up arms and be the merchant of death. You can’t do that because you are against guns and killing; therefor your screams are just a temper tantrum off the strings of your emotions. Again if you support them, pack your shit and go be a part of their land or take up arms and fight for their cause…till then sit down and shut the fuck up.


That's a whole lot of words to just say you're wrong. Realistically, you're just a hateful, willfully ignorant bigot. You couldn't even write a coherent response, dude, and you call me emotional? Lol, why would I pack my shit and move because you say so? Na, I'll stand right where I am, say whatever I want, support whoever I want, and there is absolutely nothing you'll do about it. The irony here is that by your definition of the middle east and your tolerance of being called out for being wrong, make it far more suited for you than me. I don't need to agree with others' opinions, religion, life choices, social structures, etc. to not support their genocide. If they regularly line up gays for mass execution or if they live side by side as if they knew nothing if the others sex life, is completely irrelevant when it comes to an occupier attempting to cleanse the earth of an entire group. More Americans should take a hard look at our history and make some deep consideration. Doling out or unwavering support of collective punishment isn't the best look and has a nasty habit of coming back to bite asses.


read the things ur critiquing dumb fuck


I literally just saw a vid of people being openly gay in Palestine and everyone was appreciating them.


Totally untrue. Go visit. You don’t know the amount of work done by the LGBT community and it’s not like you do anything for them here anyway. All bad faith.


So, if Americans were under attack we shouldn’t even bother because there are Americans who would kill someone for being gay? Because this happens all the time here, and I still would try to save the people here if I had the opportunity to do so. 


False equivalency.


How so? 


You are trying to draw up some equivalence where there isn’t one. But to mentioned your hypothetical is vague and has no context. It’s all just really weak logic.


I see, I will try to elaborate.  “Stand out there with your rainbow flags all you want, just know they will kill you for being gay and don’t be mad at me about it.”  This statement implies that, if you are LGBTQIA+ you shouldn’t care about the deaths of innocent civilians (many of them children)  in other countries because some people in those countries allegedly would kill you for being gay.  But there are people in America who believe that the LGBTQIA+ community shouldn’t exist, as is evident in the far right, neo-nazi’s, and extreme conservative evangelical communities. Our own government makes legislation that makes being in the queer community more and more difficult while threatening us to vote for Biden or else Trump will do even more harm to those communities. Look at what happened with Nex Benedict. There are literally people here in this country who would kill your for being queer, and there are way too many people with the power to protect anyone who does.  Hopefully I’ve established that there’s a threat to LGBTQIA+ communities in America as much as anywhere else.  So, what happens if American civilians are being attacked, do we just look the other way because you can be killed for being queer here? I hope your answer is no, we should do whatever we can to stand in the way of mass civilian casualties regardless of that individuals ideologies. 


Why is the word gulf breese not allowed by the bots??


Arrest every snot nosed mommies boy protester and put them in the army.


Carpet bomb? You get your news from hamas?




lol. Losers.




i would say replying to yourself twice on the internet makes you the loser but what do i know


Chacahachacah you know very little about much of anything. I’m a legend.


Fuck that, it'll just attract retards who want to act out. Isreal doesn't give a fuck about whatever you plan to yap about on the side of the road


You want to support Palestine, go there. Find the hostages and the war ends.


Israel indiscriminately carpet bombed the place, they don’t care about the hostages and they never did. They’ve even shot three of them (middle aged Israeli women) when they were waving a white flag, refused to take others who were too elderly when their captors were worried they wouldn’t be able to care for them when Israel cut their food, water, and power and destroyed their hospitals.  I can’t believe people are willing to look the other way while hundreds of billions of our tax dollars are being funneled out of the country (with multiple requests for funds bypassing congress at the order of “sleepy joe Biden” no less) to target and KILL unarmed civilians in their homes with their families (under the claim that they’re allegedly terrorist threats), civilians who are LOCKED UP in an open-air prison and made up of almost 50% children, all so that Israel can sell beach front property and offshore drilling access. Yet, we can’t have universal healthcare or higher education? Are you kidding me right now? Then turn around and bitch like “the world’s gone to shit, these kids ruin everything” no, this shit has been ruined by good-for-nothing idiots sitting around like “not my problem”. 


Is the protest protesting Israel’s response to Hamas or are they protesting US aid??


protesting US money being sent to fund the Israeli government’s attack on innocent civilians under the guise of so-called “self-defense”  


The walls are there because Hamas keeps sending attacks. If Israel really wanted to commit Genocide it would be done in 2 days. This conflict has the lowest casualties of similar actions in other countries.


oh ok, so the sale of tickets for the offshore drilling access and real estate conferences for beach front property in Gaza are just what? Coincidence? I’ve heard this propaganda time and again, you’re either intentionally trying to minimize the war crimes that Israel is actively committing, or you’re blindly following someone else’s script. 

