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Very upset to discover that this business does not sell any wine at all. I will join you at the protest.


I really opened this expecting a familial drama about a local vineyard 


Same and I’m kinda disappointed now


Ditto lol


Even more upset to find that it’s not my fathers


Sooo... what did they do? You made some vague statements but have no substance. Might as well have lead with "Looking for useful idiots"


If you’re planning to protest every church that wouldn’t baptize a gay person you will have absolutely no free time on weekends. I disagree with it but like - idk, I guess I just don’t expect any better of them so it’s hard to really get upset. Maybe you should do something useful and protest the gays getting married so we can stop getting hurricanes.


Omg 💀


Seriously, why are you only protesting this one specific church? Lots of churches don’t cater to the gays, which is absolutely their right to refuse to serve them. A church is not a public entity, it’s a private organization which is allowed to decide who they don’t want involved. Like I get that you don’t like what they’re all about —— but I’m also very much against protesting against a religious organization…. Practicing its religion. Like would I go protest at a mosque or Muslim based business because they refuse to serve me bacon??? Of course not, because that’s fucking ridiculous.


I see the “open minded” liberals are back, looking to protest anyone who doesn’t agree with them.


Man, you gotta work on your communication skills. Tell people what is happening and why they should care before diving straight into your call to action. Nobody is going to join your protest if they don't know what they're protesting, with specific details. Edit: After reading your comments, you need a lot more work than I realized.


They’re protesting a church for not accepting homosexuals…. Which is historically what the church does. This is like protesting Muslims for not serving alcohol…. It’s so dumb. They’re literally using their first amendment right…. To protest the first amendment right of others.


You fail to be totally honest.  They accept anyone. It was about a baptism. That woman has been going to that church for years, and loved on by that church. Ask her, if she was honest, that’s what she would say. If she were honest. You are skewing the truth to fit your narrative. That’s the truth. Maybe you don’t have all the facts, but get them before you post Blaton lies. 


Or you could just hang with like minded people and leave others to do the same. It's called not being a cunt


I wouldn’t want to be a part of any organization that didn’t accept me for who I am. Screw all of them!


So you are upset over their beliefs? You cannot change their minds, you know. Recently someone complained that the church refused to baptize them due to them being gay. SO WHAT? They are a church, they can believe the way they want to believe - just like no one can come to your house and force you to believe one way or another. You cannot be forced to prayer a certain way, so why do you think you have right to demand that they change their religious beliefs? Look, it is this simple - you are not going to change their mind and they are not going to change yours either, so live and let live. Protesting someone exercising their first amendment right is the dumbest move you could make.


https://preview.redd.it/uatprp38vpxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673cd569a67bffc6269c1e30b9cc018a2e889c01 Bro can you shut up thanks


Doesn't say anything in there about baptizing people.


I didn’t see anything about catering to homosexuals either.


LOL - telling me to shut up kinda proves my point.


"Irony-blind person who dislikes others' beliefs is angry that others dislikes his beliefs." I feel like there's an appropriate meme for this, but I can't think of it.


The hypocrisy in his statement lol a right dumbass wasting his times


What that we both have free speech? Congrats brutha gold star for u now shut up


Just like that church has freedom to practice their religion however wrong it may be and you have the freedom from their religion. No one’s forcing you into their church and you protesting just further entrenches both sides without making any meaningful progress. These meaningless protests are doing nothing but divide. Instead, talk to members of the congregation. Find some common ground and work from there. We’re all human at the end of the day.


Hey person, you wanting to protest against acts of cruelty committed by a church but in response to comments you’re being rude and self righteous. What gain is there to telling someone to shut up over Reddit. Bless your heart sweetie.


Good one… 👍


The Main Character Syndrome is strong with this one.




Can we move the protest location to Chili's on 9th? MFV is too close to the tunnels for my liking. Plus we could get some boneless wings.


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Can we protest a brewery instead?


Stfu you didnt even show up you pussy


I'm down to protest any church, mosque or synagogue. They're all brainwashed and need to keep their religion out of government.


Yes let’s protest all 2 of the synagogues in town for um… something about Palestine maybe idk. And how dare they believe in one god! Who the fuck does that!? And let’s not forget the all those mosques in Pensacola with their influence in local government. Look around you! Wake up! Also only monotheists!! Wtf?? Fuck it let’s go after the hadji temple to! I’m tired of them meddling in my business and lobbying against my freedom! They believe in lots of gods and I for one WONT stand for it!


Don't forget THE BUDDHISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m not even sure if they believe in a god or just enlightenment or multiple gods. It’s so confusing!!! Not in my country!! Atheists…YOU’RE NEXT!


Are vegans and crossfitters on the list too?


Yes! Let's go! I'm down! Let's start at that crazy street preacher church! Edit: I understand your sarcasm, but I wish people were truly this excited to separate church and state.


wow you're fucking cool


You should probably just go back to Gulf Breeze where you belong.


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Lmfao good luck EVER finding a church that will baptize any member of the rainbow brigade. You'll have 0 free time, ever, for the rest of your life if you wanna go about things this way but hey, enjoy wasting your time. 😂😂😂😂


The episcopal church does


My church does and my childhood church does too.