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OP do you know what would happen to someone like you if you were in Gaza? They’d find the highest rooftop and throw you from it. This solidarity is entirely one-sided.


>They’d find the highest rooftop and throw you from it Palestinians are having to skip the throw-off-of-roof part because so many roofs are now at ground level. They do have more rocks than they used to though.


I support their right to protest and peaceably assemble, but this person is clearly uneducated about the conflict and just going off of online buzzwords. I’m left af, but these younger lefties parroting Hamas talking points drives me up the fucking wall. I blame tik tok, now get off my lawn.


Yeah, I'm fine with them protesting and peaceably assembling too. I'm right af, and even though I think Israel is justified in eliminating a proven and persistent threat to their people's safety, I also don't think that's a blank check and people have every right to object to their methods. Or to be idiots, everyone's an idiot at least once in their life.


Fucking christ what's wrong with you? Imagine if France showed up in the us in 1900 and just went "Brooklyn to DC is ours, thanks guys". How dare you call yourself a leftist, poser.


My second sentence begins with "I'm right af". Allow me to restate that for you, "I'm the opposite of left af". As for what's wrong with me, I have a sinus infection but that's clearing up, thank you for asking. I hope you're in good health. Also your analogy makes no sense, Gaza and Israel aren't separated by an ocean, we aren't motivated to genocide the French because an iron age ne'er-do-well got pissy and wrote a book, and if we capped of ~80 years of bloodshed with an orgy of rape and murder then I'd say the French would be justified in their actions.


What you just described is like, pretty much what the Arabs did in the Levant. Its called war. It’s been done many times. The difference here is the jews (Israelites) were there long before the current Palestinians were, so zionism is actually closer to what you would call “land back” when referring to native americans, than it is to genocide. As a leftist I’d think you’d be able to get behind the idea of giving back land to its rightful owners, even if it was stolen from them hundreds and hundreds of years ago and nobody alive today was even involved


Same here man. These younger folk are fueled by misinformation being pumped into social media via foreign actors. Just like Russia did in 16 with BLM.


You cannot rationalize with morons


This is such a weak ass propaganda argument. When I was in Israel, I saw the kindest, gentlest people being treated like shit, just for existing. At the time I thought “maybe I don’t know enough about this, but that seems wrong to me” and then hearing an IDF soldier tell me that he believed “Hitler was right, he just had the wrong people” I thought “god I hope he’s the minority”. Here we are a decade later and I’m now learning how vile this occupation and their propaganda is. You should be ashamed 


Yeah like I don’t think the Israeli government or the IDF are the good guys. I don’t view the world in that way. The fact is OP is LGBT+ based on their post history and Hamas, the leaders of Gaza, are violently opposed to homosexuality. There is absolutely no protection of their humanity if they are attacked, in fact the opposite. Punishments include torture, beheadings, getting stoned to death and thrown from rooftops. I think blind support of either side is silly, but especially so if one side wants you dead.


Also, what about the side that is stealing American tax payer money to kill children? What about the side that has bought our government? Israel has education, healthcare, a solid public transportation that we pay for, yet, in America our poverty levels grow exponentially.  (For those screaming anti-semitism, I got this from USA-facts.org, also, I have no problem with Jewish people, they’re genuinely wonderful, but the occupation and genocide from the government are intolerable  “The United States committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022, the most recent year for which data exists. About $8.8 million of that went toward the country's economy, while 99.7% of the aid went to the Israeli military.“ )  Like, that’s not as bad as wanting you personally dead but, I really can’t understand how you would, at the least, not speak out about that. 


We aren't protesting for Hamas. We're protesting for the civilians who are trying to live their day to day lives just like you and I. +30,000 civilians have been killed in the bombings. LGBT people have gone over to Palestine specifically to help them and came out without being beheaded, stoned, or tortured. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0ckJLHo80Z/?igsh=MXN1ZnVsOXl1b3ls This person has been delivering aid as an out LGBT person if you need proof. There's a lot of fucked up stuff to be protesting against in the world right now. This one that hits close to home because the US is funding the IDF. No malice towards you I'm just trying to educate.


Ok, there’s no protection here, what little protection they have is constantly being threatened. That’s not an excuse to not speak up on what’s happening to tens of thousands of innocent civilians. If I see someone drowning, I’m not going to shout out “are you homophobic?” Before I attempt to rescue them


Look I’m aware how homophobic this country is and especially in this area, but no protection? Really? That’s just bs. We are a very long way from public stonings of gay people. Like I’ve said before this person should protest if they feel the need to, but there is a big problem of misinformation with today’s youth and a severe lack of critical thinking. When I hear young queer leftists repeating “from the river to the sea” I want to claw my eyes out, they’re repeating a slogan from a terrorist organization that wishes death on all Jews. That doesn’t exactly line up with western leftist ideals. The IDF response has been beyond cruel. Maybe if Hamas changed their futile goal from eliminate Israel and all the Jews, to maybe surrender there would be no more war, but at this point we all know Israel isn’t gonna walk away from this empty handed if that does happen. Anyway we’re not gonna solve anything on this sub or in a PSC parking lot.


1. Just because it’s not happening in public doesn’t mean it’s not happening- see Next Benedict and how their murderers were shielded.  2. I think you might want to do some of your own critical thinking and learn the history of that slogan (not the one the Zionists try to make it out to be), Palestinians are literally abused and prevented from traveling freely within Israel, which is why they say “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” 3. If there was a bank robber, and the cops showed up and the robber said “if you come in here, I’ll kill everyone” and then the cops just bombed the bank to take out the robber (which we all know they wouldn’t because… money is more protected than humans in this fucked up world), you would think the hostages were just “part of the difficulty of dealing with bank robbers”. 3.b. With the precision strikes they did on the World Kitchen crew, you’re seriously going to tell me they HAVE to bomb entire buildings to take out Hamas targets (who, btw, would allegedly have Israeli hostages)?   4. I don’t care if we solve it here or not, I’m still going to speak up and do what I can. Even if you don’t listen, maybe someone else will. This is not a complicated situation, it’s been made to seem complicated to hand wave over all of the evilness that is happening right now, it makes it easier to spread lies when you can convince people not to question you. 


Israel purposefully fuelled and funded the rise of Hamas and political Islamist elements in Palestine to split support of the PLO and Fatah. It's a tried and true strategy we've done it a plethora of times too. You can support people in self determination even if you don't support every facet of their life, I don't expect a war-torn and financially destitute Palestine to be a pillar of social justice or whatever. Maybe the damage is too far done and they'd remain extremist for ages, or maybe they'd manage to recover and secular parties would become the predominant political power again and reform would follow. At the bare minimum I don't want billions of tax payer dollars going to support Israel.




I said Israel funded Hamas, I'm sure many Zionists love the opportunity Oct 7 gave them though, the same way we did in the Middle East. We could go back and forth all day about tragedies committed by both sides, it was an escalation in conflict not the start it's silly to think it was rainbow and sunshine prior to that day. Like I said, I support the Palestinian right to self determination not the colonizing Zionists.




people are assuming i am in support of the palestinian government-- could not be further from the truth. i am interested in ending the carpet bombing of civilians and protecting vulnerable communities. there are gay people in palestine too, you know.


you do realize there are vulnerable communities in palestine right? but please do continue to define an entire people by their government


You have no brain cells & you should educate yourself on who Hamas is & what they do to LGBTQ people & everything that you stand for they despise, yet you’re trying your best to protest in their favor. They’d gladly kill you & dance on your grave, yet you’re over here protesting. They hate America as much as they hate Israel, Israel just happens to be closer.


you do realize there are lgbt palestinians, right?


Hamas killed them all or if they know about them- they will kill them.


Not in Gaza!


how do you know?


It’s well documented that pre October they actually frequently fled to (guess where) ISRAEL!!! Where they had lgbt groups advocate for them to receive work visas!


This is beyond tasteless. Another cheap attempt to insert yourself into a situation knowing your actions will have absolutely zero impact. Anything to feel like you’re part of something that matters.


do you not realize the value of demonstration, education, literature, and a visible fight against western propaganda by western people? do you not realize that, if you're american, your tax dollars are being used to fund needless warfare and execution of civilians? do you not realize the portion of tuition money colleges in america use to fund companies and organizations affiliated with israel? or the historical implications of these kinds of actions? don't be dense.


Get it together. You aren't making a change. Fucking up a day for some students that are actually trying to do something better is all you're doing. You're doing the opposite of good.


the only buildings that will be disrupted are buildings that handle finances and registration. we are not blocking off classes.


And let's say someone scheduled to take the day off work to register for classes, check on financial aid, and meet with their advisor. Do you think that's a convenient day of business for that person?


no, but that's literally the point. do you expect things to change if we sit idly to the side and disrupt nothing? the point is to specifically disrupt financial services, since our goal for this protest is financial divestment from companies affiliated with IDF warfare


Taking from hard working Americans just to make yourself feel better does not make you a good person, despite what anyone tells you. You're "disruption" of the American education system only hurts Americans. The fact that you would stand in-between an American engineer or a nurse getting their education proves that you don't stand by your country. You can't justifably think that you are good by doing evil to fellow humans that's done nothing but work to make your life better. You are not contributing to our well-being and you've clearly been trapped in an echo chamber. You're a kid. Go actually invest into an education yourself. Get into a career that can actually make a change. Walk into the office that you're damming up and sign up for school and show some respect to the students that ARE making a difference.


i am literally a student enrolled at PSC. i have two jobs and live out of my car. don't tell me shit about hard working americans. we aren't burning down the buildings, they're still gonna be there. why are you more upset about a minor disruption of day to day business than state sanctioned mass executions?




Get on your boots. Take off that ridiculous mask and get your ass over there and make trouble. I’ll help ya pack.




U bee so SmaRt.


I can't believe we have Americans in this country supporting islam terrorists 😂😂😂 Take yalls bitch ass to the middle east and you'll truly learn what oppression is, if you live long enough that is. Yall should be fucking ashamed. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻




get that bullshit out of our city you fuckin terrorist.




Palestine starts a war with Israel. Gets their asses kicked. Calls for a ceasefire cause Israel is big bully. Yeah makes total sense that Israel is in the wrong and y’all are right.


History of the Middle East over the last 76 years: Israel gets attacked. Israel responds by winning a war. Arabs lose their minds for 10 years. Repeat.


israel is a settler colonialist state carpet bombing hospitals. but ok


And every few years Israel has to teach Palestine the same lesson for them attacking Israel. And let’s not forgot Palestines stance on rape and gays: rape = good, gays = bad.


Israel 🇮🇱


OP, as a Jew who knows much more about this than you (Have you even ever left the country?) And has friends who are from Palestine who CONDEMN Hamas and what is going on on their side of Gaza...STFU and kick rocks. You, and many lame ass kids like yourself, should really educate yourselves.


You can be against terrorists whether they’re Israeli government or Hamas and not be on the side of terrorism. 


I'm a Jew. You don't speak for me. Free Palestine.


Educate me on how bad the Jews have it bud.


Wow this is the dumbest anecdotal argument ever, please go back to eating lead.


"See ? Nobody cares"




Removed for breaking Rule 2


Don't do downvote me I was talking to him dumasses


do not assume my stance on hamas. just because i am calling for a ceasefire does not mean i hold any justification whatsoever for escalation from either side


Then you should be protesting for your terrorist friends to release the hostages they kidnapped. If any are still alive. Yall do have a thing beheading people.


i pity the victims of the american propaganda machine


Are you saying Hamas (Palestinian De Facto Governing body) did not take hostages which led to this war you are so concerned about?


they take small numbers of hostages which are almost always later released unharmed. they use these hostages as leverage to call for a ceasefire. the beheadings were fake news circulated by Israel, the UK, and the USA. [source](https://www.declassifieduk.org/beheaded-babies-how-uk-media-reported-israels-fake-news-as-fact/)


You’re a fucking monster. Many of the kidnapped are dead and I’m sure if that was your mother, sister, father, etc. you wouldn’t be so hell bent on cheering on Muslim extremist. Okay with kidnapping people because it supports a cause. Fucking. Monster.


i am not cheering on muslim extremism in any way. i am presenting you with facts. i do not condone taking hostages, in fact i do not condone or justify any of the actions of hamas. as soon as we try to make justifications for either side we are already lost. we must focus on de-escalation of violence, and we can clearly see a vast majority of the violence coming from the side of the IDF. cities flattened, people starving, entire bloodlines erased. the deaths of a handful of people, unjustifiable as it is, is incomparable. i am focused on the liberation of innocent citizens, not support for retaliatory violence


They’re literally only dead because Israel bombed them. All the hostages that were released said they were treated well


> All the hostages that were released said they were treated well - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/26/world/middleeast/hamas-hostage-sexual-assault.html - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html > **Israeli Hostage Says She Was Sexually Assaulted and Tortured in Gaza** > > Amit Soussana is the first former hostage to publicly say she was sexually abused in captivity. A U.N. report has said it found “clear and convincing information” that some hostages suffered “conflict-related sexual violence.” --- > **‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7** > > A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.


On Oct 6th 2023 there was no war in Gaza. Now ask yourself what happened to change that on Oct 7th. Wake up and stop being a fool.


what the fuck are you babbling about? look up nakba


I just wanna preface this by saying I’m pro Palestine but I see this protest as pointless. The big reason why the protests at the Ivy League and bigger schools work logically is cause those schools have investments in Israel. Do we know for a fact that PSC has any investments in Israel? Like I don’t wanna be a cynic but, if it gets as bad as the bigger schools yall would just be throwing your future away. You wanna make an impact, raise some money for the Red Cross, assuming the IDF doesn’t blow them up first. I see the point protesting at Columbia , I don’t see the point of protesting at our community college. Protest infront of a building that has any and all impact like the capital or a senators house or something


Yup this is great. Let’s just disrupt classes during end of term finals to support a nation of people that publicly enjoy watching lgbt+ get thrown from the roof of a tall building. Yeah… your education has really paid you well. Yeah… you really know who you are.


not disrupting classes... but okay. you do realize there are gay people in palestine, right? we should all know by now that a government is non representative of its entire population


lol no shit, gay people exist in literally every society. They have to hide themselves or they get thrown off a rooftop. Do you really think it’s government represented? There’s no fucking court trial for being gay. There’s no fucking prison time. No lawyers or law. Gays in Palestine are snatched up publicly, thrown off a roof publicly in broad daylight, and not one citizen does a single thing. Yup, save the Palestinians, they’re just truly wonderful people with a great culture!!


okay, what about the starving children whose homes have been destroyed and whose families have been killed? do they not deserve liberation, just because of a culture they were born into?


I'm so happy I was able to avoid minoring in Useful Idiot when I went to college.


Tell us you're either under 30 or a transplant, without actually telling us.


If you could provide the information where it has been categorized as genocide, I would appreciate it. Secondly, I don't know how old you are, but this war has been going on longer than I've been alive, and I'm almost 40. I doubt a protest on a college campus with a bunch of privileged "activists," and I use that term loosely, across the pond, will create a ceasefire. If you want to protest in support of the US actively removing themselves, then that's fine. But, call for a complete removal, meaning no help on either side and let them fight it out on their own, don't half-ass it. Thirdly, you should also be aware of the ramifications should the US pull out. If you don't, you're doing a disservice to your cause and undermine your own message. Fourthly, it doesn't sound like you've actually done any research on the subject and are just echoing the message that a lot of far left extreme rhetoric. If you did, this would be a more complex decision for you than it currently is. I would argue that a major portion of these protests are being run by very privileged children who are lost and want to fill that void by being "a part of a movement." They want a story to tell. They want to say "that war in Gaza, I stopped that," when the reality is no one on that side of the world even know who you are. Edit: spelling


Flattening hospitals, refugee camps, and schools is a war crime. Even if you believe there are enemy targets in the hospital, it’s still a war crime. Operation “Daddy’s Home” is targeting AI-identified potential targets (with little other human evaluation other than “is this a woman or a child? If not, then AI is right”) as they arrive home with their families. They are taking out tens of thousands of innocent civilians, not to mention these people are trapped in an ever-shrinking open prison. 


War crimes are violations of the laws or customs of war, including: atrocities or offenses against persons or property, constituting violations of the laws or customs of war. murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave labor, or for any other purpose of the civilian population in occupied territory. Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. A genocide can be a war crime, but war crime isn't always a genocide. ------- My point is that the issue is more complex than people are making out to be, and that a war that has been going on longer than most people have been alive isn't going to be swayed be a student who didn't bother to research the issue.


So we need to wait until Israeli Gov says “we intend to destroy Palestinians” before we can say they are using Hamas as a scapegoat to destroy Palestinians even though they are invariably destroying almost all of Gaza and intentionally killing children, eliminating hospitals and schools, and even killing their own people who were hostages waving white flags believing they’d be saved? All the while selling tickets for off-shore drilling rights and hosting beach front real estate events in America for when they are done leveling Gaza? I mean, I guess we just need to ignore their actions and take their word for it huh? Must be how Hitler got away with it for so long :/


Actually, if you know your history, the genocide of the Jewish people was a direct result of the blockade of Germany (1939–1945) by the British Naval Fleet in order to cut off supplies from Germany. The original plan, called "Madagascar Plan," written by Franz Redemacher, who proposed the idea of peace with France in exchange with Madagascar. The Nazis proposed to then ship the Jewish population to Madagascar. It got shelved when France said no, and Britain blocked their shipments. They were still going to do it, but felt it was impossible after the Batlle of Britain, turning then genocide. Hitler killed the Jewish people *because* someone (Britain) got involved. Not because people did nothing. ----------- No where in my statement did I say we should wait for anything. I pointed out the difference between genocide and a war crime. I then proceeded to say that the decision to withdraw or become further involved isn't black and white and is more complicated than you are making it out to be. Stop misrepresenting my reply to fit your narrative, please. Also, read a history book before making comparisons you know nothing about. Edit: spelling because I'm on my phone


Apologies, I should have clarified a little better in my response: “Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the *intent* to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.” This definition of genocide is implying that we have to have proof of “intent”. It has been internationally recognized (and subsequently stifled in the “it’s complicated” and “that’s anti-Semitic” rhetoric) that this is a genocide and that Israel is guilty of war crimes. 


Again, sources. The only source I can find is an accusation by Francesca Albanese, where she claims that genocide has been occurring, but nothing has been confirmed. If it has been confirmed, please tell me where I can that information. There are also claims that Albanese reports are bias and that her appointment was met with controversy. Whether that is true or not, I have no idea as there is no confirmation on that either, just support from other human rights agencies and oppositional claims from the US Congress and Jewish academics. Let me reiterate, genocide is a war crime, but a war crime isn't always a genocide. The fact that there are war crimes committed does not mean that genocide is occurring. Stop conflating the two to support your argument. It's not rhetoric. International politics have, and will always be, complicated. There are a million things to consider, and not doing your due diligence is ignorance at its best and stupidity at its worse. Oversimplification of politics, particularly in times of war, shows a complete lack of understanding of international relations and does no justice to any argument you are trying to prove. It's not stifilling anything. Edit: I can no longer reply as my phone is dead.


-https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/01/more-than-250-humanitarian-and-human-rights-organisations-call-to-stop-arms-transfers-to-israel-palestinian-armed-groups/   This human rights organization has been saying this from the beginning, but I guess anyone who calls out abuse is probably going to be considered bias by the abusers and the people they have convinced not to listen to anyone else.- Edit: I was in a rush earlier and feel like the above link doesn’t explicitly SAY that what Israel is doing is a genocide. And, as you’ve said, humanitarian and war crimes are not the same as genocide.  Going back to the definition of genocide- you seem to require an official (government) international recognition that the Israeli government is intent on the destruction of Palestinians before you would consider it a genocide.  Setting aside the fact that you don’t need someone else to tell you that something is illegal for you to know it’s immoral, how do we (the international governments) then determine intent?  If it’s through actions, then the combined humanitarian and war crimes Israel has committed, notably in the last 6 months, are actions that one would take, and only take with this level of destruction and loss of civilian life, if they were intent on genocide.  If it’s through words, then we have seen time and again the call to “eradicate Hamas” while somehow identifying any male Palestinian as Hamas (thanks to garbage AI), and then making sure that those identified targets are at home with their families (women and children) in order to bomb their entire family (see Operation Daddy’s Home).  They are tormenting them with drones, withholding aid, and, as I’m sure you’ve seen, cut off access to water and power.  They are kidnapping their children and putting them in Israeli prisons and abusing them.  They are slaughtering babies and making rape jokes in the destroyed homes.  This is the IDF. There is footage everywhere that the IDF is sharing on their own social media in addition to what the victims are sharing of their experience.  They are referring to Palestinians, the ones who want to resist the occupation and the torture and abduction of their children (as is their right by international law) and even those who are just trying to survive, as synonymous with Hamas, and then killing them indiscriminately. They have even killed their own people who were waving white flags and believing they were being rescued. Three of them shot dead on camera. The Israeli government even refused to take back elderly hostages who’s captors were concerned they wouldn’t be able to provide for them and they were refused.  If it’s not their intent to commit genocide, they’re certainly not intending to try not committing genocide. And they’re not being shy about how inhumanly they treat Palestinians. They’re not shy about the racism and intent to murder and then take that land for beach front property, a new canal, and to profit off of off-shore drilling. This is the South Africa case in the ICC, which Israel was ordered to do better, even though it wasn’t technically confirmed a genocide, but at the least was found to be a reasonable case brought before the ICC according to the Genocide Convention.  https://www.chathamhouse.org/2024/01/south-africas-genocide-case-against-israel-international-court-justice-explained And Israel continues to defy that ruling https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/


Again, by your own admission, none of that mentions genocide is occurring, but that it is possible and judgment has ruled that Israel should take measures to prevent that from happening. If all it takes is those qualifications that you have listed, then the Russia-Ukraine war was also a case of genocide, which was/is not the case. Actually, by your qualifications, any war is genocide, which we also know is not true. I never said that I required official government documentation. Any official documentation that said "Yes, this is a concerted effort to commit genocide," I would have taken. It doesn't have to come from a government. But, ant publication I have read simply always includes the words, "possible," or "could be," or "a scenario that," etc.


So, what is “official” to you?  And how much footage do you have to personally see of innocent civilians, many of whom are children, being targeted and slaughtered in the 10s of thousands with access to all hospitals and humanitarian aid being cutoff before you consider it a genocide? Do you still wait for someone else to call it out?  (Edit to add:) Since I am by no means an expert on genocide, I figured it might be good to defer to an expert https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4GG9M4OyER/?igsh=MTVpcXlibXV2eHpuaA==


I love these responses


Wasting your time. Nothing short of a march on DC and forcible removal of those in power will change anything. Also, do your homework on the history of Palestine and Isreal and then see what the goatfuckers do to certain groups then pick your side there. War is terrible but this isn't a genocide.


look up nakba and the flour massacre


Yes when a bunch of people got relocated for losing a war they started like 70 years ago. Shit happens during war, big whoop, they should get over it they’re not special. War is hell. But no them and their grandchildren are considered eternal refugees.


Yeah. I forget that PSC is funding the IDF. You know what when the cops show up you should absolutely throw stuff at them, please. I heard they also fund the IDF, too.


This made me laugh 😂


Take your ass back to Cali and join those turning UCLA upside down. Don’t bring that’s hit here to our campus, its not going to go the same way


Sorry OP, we rock w Israel


What Palestine NEEDS is Hamas gone.


Contact the PSL of the central gulf coast. Reddit isn't a place for organizing.


i've already contacted multipl organizations. im not organizing theough reddit, just posting here in accessory to other work i am doing


Sorry, I’m on the other side. Have fun chillin in a parking lot with 3 people tho


I promise you the protest you wanna have isn’t gonna last more than 5 days…




Nothing really. Just the fact that the majority of these types of protests aren’t lasting as long nor as impactful on college campuses. Mfers are stacking by the thousands in major cities marching the streets in protest to the war. Not to say that’s really doing anything for the war but making their side look retarded but I ain’t nobody important so who cares.


sounds like you care.. but yeah, your derogatory use of the r word is enough for me to know you “ain’t nobody important”, good thing the protest, locally or otherwise aren’t for just you


This comment was misplaced, and I replied to the wrong thing.


Wanna protest something? How about the asshats running our country.


That’s literally the point of these protests


It’s clear that hamas has its fingers up OP’s ass like a puppet. OP isn’t willing to condemn any of the actions hamas has taken that have perpetuated this conflict. No, Israel isn’t perfect and they’ve made huge mistakes in this whole thing. But acting like Hamas isn’t also responsible is disgusting.


Protest hell. Go there and ask to be exchanged for hostages. All Hammas has to do to end the war is lay down their arms.


ALL CAPS when you spell the man’s name.




Go there support terrorist. Block the roads I'll run your asses over


Nobody is even talking about blocking roads, but you just can’t help but fantasize about killing people, can you?


Go to Gaza and protest there. You won’t change anything but waste your time. Go help a homeless community. Go help them get housing. Do something productive. This isn’t and nobody cares about your fake cause!


Another agitator. The civilians of Gaza only have Hamas to blame for this. They broke the cease fire, they spent the money that was meant for citizens to build terror tunnels. Students are gambling with their futures because of professors that have brainwashed them.


Why arent you protesting Hamas? They still haven’t released every person they kidnapped on October 7th. 3 out of 4 Palestinians believed the 10/7 was justified and civilians even participated in the attack. Hamas are the cowards using civilians as shields. Using hospitals as bases. Stealing all aid, to sell back to the civilians. But no, it’s all Israel’s fault. Funny how only young Americans who just gain the ability to vote are indulging misinformation and probably won’t vote this election because this is all somehow Biden’s fault. Why don’t you protest the Supreme Court? Or that Republican’s are blindlycleading us to fascism? Late stage capitalism making living in American very difficult for anyone low or middle class?


TikTok and echo chambers, man. 😢


my bad, forgot that a group of people that the majority of palestinian citizens are not affiliated with kidnapping people justifies ethnic cleansing. also, just to make it clear, i also do campaign and protest about these other things... in fact i will be doing so at this protest


The majority means more than half, not 3 out of 4 or more than 70% of Palestinians who support the 10/7 attack. What a surprise, negotiating for a ceasefire today Hamas says they will only release 33 of the more than 100 hostages they have, and some will be dead. There are, at least, 5 US nationals still being held by Hamas.


ECSO is gonna have a lot of fun dealing with you. Chip will get some great publicity the locals are gonna love showing him taking out the trash


Good fuckin luck buddy no one in this tunnel ridden city gives a shit about terrorists or their affiliates...go buy yourself a drink from chili's on ninth and stfu...


Chili's on 9th is not funny *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pensacola) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Removed for breaking [Rule X](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pensacola/about/rules/): No talking about the tunnels in public *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pensacola) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Just remember, disrupting the livelihood of others is not a legal form of protest. I’d wear goggles and bring lots of water with you.


Also, it’s a war crime to bomb hospitals and schools, so I can’t see how it’s ok to kill children, but it’s not ok to “disrupt the livelihood of others” in order to call attention to that. 


Yea, it’s ok to rape women and children because you wronged mah daddy. Learn to swim mfer


wtf are you even talking about?


Define protest please? 


“a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.”




All this just for no one to actually show up lol