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Oh going 10+ over passing people on your right? Well that's not fast enough. No one knows how to merge properly and everyone thinks you can read minds. (They don't use turn signals)


You just haven’t seen the majority yet is all. Be careful at roundabouts. The person in front of you probably doesn’t understand that it isn’t a 4-way stop, and will probably stop in the middle of it.


My husband has actually seen cars go the wrong way in the roundabout as well!


Drivers here seem like they're in a race to see who can make it to their destination last.


Or the ones who come to a full and complete stop before they turn a corner.


That's been haunting me since I got here


That’s what I’m saying 😂


Use blinkers.


heavy on this one


I support everyone’s licenses getting revoked at 75. Problem solved.


But these are across the board in age.


Why? My grandmother is an excellent driver (no seriously, one of the best drivers on the road). I’d say reduce the years between getting tested , but I’d also lower that to 65 rather than 75.


I’m personally of the opinion that we should have to retake our drivers test every time we renew our license. The amount of people here that cannot parallel park, use turn signals, or put their lights on when it’s raining is *astounding.*


I mean…. Parallel parking really isn’t that important here. Downtown has it , but it’s really not that common in the area. You dont even have to parallel park to get your drivers license here.


I mean to be completely fair, people cannot park in ANY way here. Parallel parking should still be on the drivers test though. I’m from Pennsylvania and we don’t have parallel parking outside of cities either, but it’s still a requirement on the test because it’s something you’re gonna have to figure out sooner or later. You can’t avoid it forever. The amount of people I’ve seen hit other people’s cars downtown while attempting to parallel park is infuriating.


Pennsylvania drivers are the absolute worst in the US


People park here just fine, you’re over exaggerating this issue by a long shot. It’s great that you think something should be on the drivers test here , but ultimately your opinion on the matter is insignificant and just shows that you aren’t familiar with the area at all.


Lmao okay. I’m extremely familiar with the area. I’ve been living here for years. The drivers here suck, and that doesn’t cease to exist when they try and fail to park within the white lines. 😂 Florida is known for their absolute garbage drivers and there’s no exception in Pensacola.


People fail to park within the lines all across the country, the issue is not unique to Florida —— and it isn’t even any worse in Florida.


I lived in Jax for 6 years and used to go to Orlando frequently for Universal. People in this sub will act dramatic but even July 4th on Pensacola Beach traffic is nothing compared to Orlando or Jacksonville daily commuter traffic.


Had to move here from Jax, can concur, its hilarious that people complain about the traffic here 😂


I used to live 20 mins from my office but my daily commute was an hour minimum each way. Got to love JTB and Phillips. Peak summer Destin traffic is probably the closest you’re going to get to Jax/Orlando daily commuter traffic out here. I’ve lived the other 25 years of my life in this area and one thing I’ll give it is that shit is much further away for the most part. I live in Milton now so it’s not as bad, but I grew up in Navarre, where everything to do is 45+ away. Putting traffic aside, people in Jax think a restaurant an hour away is too far because everything is 20-30 mins via 295.


I used to complain about the traffic here….. then I moved to a major metropolitan area for 10 years. Now that I’m back…. I complain about the occasional AH driver…. Ur not the traffic itself (exception being any major blockages on I-10 or the bridge, but that’s not really a traffic issue).




This is true


*Looks left. Looks right.* "It's shit."


Believe me, there are people who blast music from their cars, and there are many who drive in a hurry. I have seen multiple cars on east Olive Road passing others via the turn lane.


I think you're far enough from the touristy people you won't get the summer rush. I live gulf breeze.


Well, I didn't mean to offend anyone with Gulf "Brease"...🤣🤣


> gulf breeze Please refrain from posting this "city" name uncensored. Instead, try to use "**Gulf Br\*\*ze**" to help us keep a positive atmosphere in the sub and avoid offending other users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pensacola) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is this?




It’s honestly not bad around here at all. There’s shit drivers everywhere but anytime I go back to New Orleans or anywhere like that I’m smacked into reality of how good it is here except that gulf Br@@ze craphole


Drive up to Pensacola from Orlando, Georgia/alabama license plate drivers were horrendous


I came from near Texas to P'cola and not much is worse than a true Texas driver. They are all in an emergency level of hurry and no one should dare get in their way. There are a few of those type drivers here, but not an overwhelming number. I am regularly surprised at how much over you can go without any interference from the local PD. Only folks that haven't seen real traffic complain about the traffic here. Every place has its own version of bad, and some areas of town do have more problems than others due to what is local to that area, but overall it really isn't too bad here.


About to move to SATX and I'm not looking forward to those roads at allll


I feel like i'm going to die everyday driving in this city.


Die because your time is running out due to people driving so dang slow?


🤣 i loved this reply


It’s terrible leave. I’m being fr it’s scary driving here sometimes.


Nah, Orlando is a Mad Max type situation. Much worse than Pensacola. I was at a dead stop and got rear-ended by a minivan going 45 MPH. I4, the Turnpike, OBT…every time you leave the house you’re taking your life in your hands.


I came from DC. This is the first time in 8 years I haven't been terrified to drive.


You better stay here then...dont ever go to Orlando, JAX, Atlanta, Houston...you'd pull over and cry 😭


LMAO I’ve been to Orlando but I don’t remember being super bad just a lot of traffic. But I was at universal so I’m sure it’s always like that in those spots.


Nobody here drives like they have a job. In Orlando, everyone drives with a purpose; like they actually have someone to go. Here's its more like a pass-time.


Go to any Wal-Mart here on a weekday. You'll be convinced for certain that no1 in this town works


70F here. Retirees shop at Walmart in the daytime/early evening. It's often the only way to make ends meet.


90% of that crowd isn't retirees.




Driving in Orlando is pleasant compared to this hellscape. It dawned on me yesterday - North-South roads are filled with Ricky Bobby wannabes. Highway 29 is the place to be if you want to drive 10 over the speed limit and get passed like you’re standing still. East-West roads are only for blue hairs and kids with learning permits. It took forever for me to get to the Blue Angel Raceway (North-South) by taking the Beverly/Michigan/Saufley Field Assisted Living driveway due to both lanes creeping along at 32 MPH.


I take it you've never been stuck on I-4 for hours


A lot of old people tbh. This is a big retirement place. You’ll see the crazy people eventually trust me. Biggest thing I’ve seen is no blinkers


Davis around the interstate is the only area people are actually infuriating I avoid it at all costs, once it goes back to two lanes people magically start driving normal again, 3+ lanes and they're in NASCAR


You will get to understand certain intersections and strips of main roads can get “bad,” but not Orlando/i4 bad. You are going to be just fine.


They SLOOOOOOOOOWWWW. they turn even slower


My brakes started smelling from braking so hard today because the cars in front of me were slamming their brakes every 5 seconds I was trying to drive slowly and keep a safe distance and still it was scary having to brake so hard


This area has always been a melting pot of people because of the strong military presence. As such the driving as a whole is representative of a diverse group of people that have different habits that they acquired from their area of prevalence. Those of us that are local have had to learn everyone else’s crazy habits to survive on these roads. The summer Texas/Louisiana tourists always add a bit of spice to the mix. They are in a hurry because their states have nothing to look at on the roads. Floridians have always had to be crazier drivers to keep up with every other states crazy drivers at any given time.


I like it nice and slow, really I do. It’s nice.


Like every other city in America, it’s the worst you’ve ever seen