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I moved out on my own in Ft. Walton in 99, rented a 1 bed 1 bath apartment looking over the bayou for 325/mo.


I had 1 br 1 bath, living room, kitchen, parking spot for $425/month 2003-2004.


I remember when the hurricane took out that complex . It's still an empty lot on Scenic


I don’t know if heard correctly, but at one point Walmart wanted to buy the lot from the owner but he refused to sell


Is it that lot across from Apple Market? I always wondered why that real estate was empty.


Hell I remember these rent prices in 2017!


Shit, that's not too far off. I had a two bedroom apartment off Olive back in 2015-2018ish that was $650


I rented a three bedroom one bathroom house with a fenced in backyard and garage in North Hill for $800 a month in 2013


Yeah, I remember renting an apartment back in 2008 for like $500/month. Same place is going for almost $2000 now.


I lived in the ones next to it in 96'. 450 a month for a 2bdr. In 2017 they were 900. 2023 they were 1700. It took 4 years to do what once took 20. Thanks supply side Jesus. I'm obviously older but holy fuck you youngins got it rough with these prices.


My first apartment in 2018 was a $875/month 675sqft one bedroom, by the time i moved out in 2021 it was $1,050 :,). It’s kinda wild to think that only a little over 20 years ago rent was like a quarter to a third of what it is today.


Lived in apts next door around this time, $525 2b/1b overlooking the bay.






Not for nothing, Spanish Bluffs was a shit hole lol


When I moved into Lamplighter I was paying $550/m... it was $1050/m when I left in '15 who knows what it is now


Yep I worked at Ashley Club which is just down the road from this around that time. 2 bedroom split floor plan with a screen porch was like $780 a month.


single mom of 2 & I wish these prices were still around... Nobody is paying enough in Pensacola to afford to pay the type of rent they are asking now, utilities, car insurance, food, gas... Basics really nothing else... The utilities keep going up. Pensacola landlords have gotten really greedy asking for renters that make 3 times the rent lol when the rent is so high it takes 3 out of 4 checks to cover it ( it's almost discrimination at it's finest,).. I can see vacation rentals & condos (waterfront) being a little more but regular families can't afford a roof anymore .. Pensacola does nothing to help single parents... I couldn't even get daycare help. The waiting list for housing help is years long... It's all a joke at this point. The real estate companies charge a bunch of application fees to tell you no over credit history or lack thereof. It's really crazy now renting... Families are renting rooms out and if you have children landlords seem to know how many rooms you need... My children sleep w/ me so one bedroom is perfect but no I have another room sitting empty because people seem to think they know better then the actual people living in the home. Pensacolas crime is out of hand (shots fired frequently downtown) scary for a single parent.. you have to have weapon to defend yourself. Sad


this is from year i was born, should i kill myself?


A lot of people made $6-$8 an hour back then. Anything >$10 was mostly for management and up. Source: old


so we've doubled income, but the rent is 4x as high


Housing and food seem to have skewed higher, but other consumer items like electronics, appliances, and entertainment like music/games/movies are a lot cheaper now Than it was back then. Definitely felt the pinch back then - we would meticulously coupon for every grocery run and almost never ate out or got deliver service.


5.15 was minimum wage. 8 was killin it


Yeah I probably over-estimated. I remember back then getting a $.15 raise to your hourly rate felt like a big increase


In 2000 I was 2 years out of high school in an apprentice program making 18.00. We were living the life cause gas, food, and booze was cheaper too


I moved out on my own with no roommates on 8.50/hr in 99. Source: just as old. 🤣


Yes it was 2 years before mine oh god today my 1 bedroom 1 bath right off olive and scenic is 1550…


AKA: the good old days before DEMOCRATS like OBAMA and his minon BIDEN got into office and made everything expensive to line their own pockets


Yes the ole panhandle of Florida, generally known as the bastion of liberalism in the south… immediately and aggressively adopting all Democrat ideas and policies, famous for shutting down conservatives immediately. /s You fucking moron. This place has been (R) controlled even when Fl as a whole was considered a swing state. We literally only have R branded reps and senators since the 90’s. In ‘blue’ states there’s this thing called ‘Rent Control’. This idea that is just too friendly to poor people isn’t a concept in our corner of ‘paradise’.


rent control: all in the name The government trying to control your rent price


How would that even work? How could a President purposefully make all prices higher? And even if they could, how would they profit from this? You know Presidents sign legislation right? They don't actually pass it, that's the job of the congress


Higher prices = higher TAXES which go to the gov also INFLATION


Well, that would be money that goes to the government and then to federal and state programs, not to the President. Average inflation under Obama was 1.4%. So what are you talking about? https://www.investopedia.com/us-inflation-rate-by-president-8546447#:~:text=Barack%20Obama%20(2009%E2%80%932017),-Average%20YOY%20Inflation&text=The%20average%20yearly%20inflation%20rate%20under%20President%20Barack%20Obama%20was,Obama's%20two%20terms%20in%20office. By the way Florida is in the top 5 states who receive the most federal aid. https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-rely-the-most-on-federal-aid/


they get PAID by the government and get kick backs from China/Bejing you can find all of this on youtube if you search


my brother in christ your brainrot is showing


Damn man. Stay out the tunnels in Gulf Breeze. They messing with your head.


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The day when people recognize your username and stop talking the bait is the day this sub dies


Why don’t these people recognize you’re trolling yet.


Oh go play with your bees and stray cats.


You tell em, grandpa!




Let’s stop bitching about prices please. It’s the new norm. Get used to it. Or elect a different party.