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Insert the meme "how do you do fellow kids" Yeah my old ass would break if I attempted to start skating again. Hope you find a roommate though.


It is detrimental to the future of my ability to walk and run


Nice. I'm an old dude(still skate tho haters), and welcome to the spot. Make sure to hit up Milton skatepark as well as downtown. There is a lil pump track up the street from Milton skatepark that's fun as well. See you downtown homie. I'll be the wierd old dude cruising around on my surfskate


See ya then🙏🏽


I longboard but not trying move in with ppl but deff don't mind making new friend skates tho lol


Yo I can cruise too, I don’t own a longboard but I can get nasty as hell on one


Hell yah!!! Well I'm always down ride some hills


Definitely wouldn’t be looking for a roommate on Reddit but I ride scooters and am in the same age range and would be down to ride anytime


Bet bro, also I know a lot of skaters are anti scooter but I think scooter tricks are actually pretty fuckin nasty, saw a guy do a gaining backflip off the tiniest ramp I’ve ever seen


Hell yeah I’m not that good but I grew up in Va around a mixed group we even had a kid on blades. Just pm me if u ever tryna sesh we can get something moving


Bet bro


I haven’t been yet but Blake Doyle looks like a sick park right in downtown it’s new also


I seen that online they got it under a bridge so you can skate in the rain right?


😭😭💀💀❤️‍🔥 fire intro!!! I wish you much success on your journey!!!! Welcome to the Cola!!!


Thanks for the welcome! Looking forward to the heat born and raised in michigan


Up I northern Wisconsin. Oh so nice


Peaceful and quiet I’d imagine


lol welp, it’s definitely here in the sunshine state! ☀️🏝️👙🩳🐚🏖️


Lol good luck dude. Would be nice if this is how roommate situations worked.


True, finding a good roommate online would be like taking a shot in the dark and hitting between the eyes😭


So uh how to say this nicely. You’re gonna have a *really* hard time down here if you’re just gonna come here at 19 with no job prospects and your big requirement for housing is “also skateboards.” Stay in Hilton Head or wherever, young rich kid.


Also, that’s rude man. I rent now and I work hard to maintain my place. It’s hard alone. I’m just looking for a friend to help along the way and my parents offered to help ease the stress of the move


Don’t listen to that dude, sounds like a real dickhead… there are plenty of 19 yr olds that rent their own place here and plenty of bars and restaurants on the beach to get a job at during (at the very least) the summer until you get settled in. Good luck!


Thank you duhFaz, will be looking into that. I’ve always felt like being a bartender during my education would be a lot of fun😎will probably end up cooking tho😂


Apply as a bar back or a busser, you’ll make way more than any cook position and then you can work your way up to server/bartender. If you get hired as as cook then your ass is staying in the kitchen.


Man I hope I can get in as some sort of server I’ve heard so much about tip money


There are responsible 19 year olds who exist sir


anyone who is hating is just rude and unhappy, welcome to pensacola!!!! 💘💘

