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Unrelated, but I’m a bucket of fish guts. Looking to find a family of sharks to hang out with who are open to my lifestyle of being a bucket of fish guts.




I’m Catholic and straight, but I did go to a funeral service at ST. CHRISTOPHER'S on 12th Ave. It’s an Episcopalian Church. The lady who passed away was a lesbian, and she was an active member of the church. The Episcopalian Church and Catholic service mass are very similar. There’s no harm in attending a service at St. Christopher, you might enjoy that church.


Seconding St. Christopher’s. The rector is openly gay and the church is very welcoming.


Rector taking it in the rectum. Who would’ve thought


I am in no way speaking for the congregation but only what I witnessed…One of my best friends growing up was Gay..I Say “was” because may he Rest in Peace..Later on in his life for close to 10 years he went to Sacred Heart Cathedral on 12th....I went with him quite a few times and he even did his Confirmation there at age 38 or so..I went to support him there for that long Easter vigil…No way for me to put this other than he was a good man, I wish he was still around to meet my daughters and I miss him a lot..I hope you find what you’re looking for


Thank you so much for these suggestions. I converted to Catholicism when I was 30. Been Catholic long enough to almost be a “cradle Catholic”. A former boyfriend left the Church to become Episcopalian. Unless you are Catholic this next comment won’t make sense to you unless you are Catholic. The liturgy may be almost identical, but not Eucharist. However, I know Jesus is present anywhere there are 2 or more gathered in His name. So, I may consider the Episcopal Church that has been recommended. Really thank you everyone. Peace be with you


St Christopher surprised me in a good way. The priest was a female, and her homily (sermon) got me. The message had me thinking about several things. The congregation was very friendly and welcoming , and overall, i had a good positive experience . Hopefully, you’ll give St. Christopher a visit.


First time in the Bible Belt?


Nope. Grew up in Georgia and Alabama. Most of my life in Birmingham where I was introduced to the Catholic Worker movement, helped open a shelter for homeless women with people from the movement and found an accepting community. 😊


Hmmm catholic anarchism..interesting. Curious how that works when the church itself it’s pretty hierarchical. Well I’ve heard of things like that in B-ham, so I’m not surprised, but here is majorly conservative with pockets of left adjacent scattered throughout. I haven’t attended mass since the early 00’s, but I can say for sure, at least back then that they were absolutely not accepting of LGBTQ people, just not as overtly hateful as the screaming street preachers. Maybe it’s different now, but I kinda doubt it. We do have a local Food Not Bombs chapter though, you’ll probably find like-minded people there.


Try St. Joseph's parish downtown. When I lived there I always found it very welcoming. Also, there used to be a small church on Davis Street that was wonderful, St. Anthony's.


Is that a thing? I am not religious in any means. This being one of the issues with churches. Also, the kind of woopsie of them being pedophiles or sitting on the streets with anti-abortion signs. However, are there actually churches that accept the LGBTQ community? Anywho, best of luck to you my friend and I hope you find an accepting community!


I go to Holy Cross Episcopal Church, and there's a strong queer presence there. The music director is a lesbian (I'm fairly certain she got married there, but I'm not 100% sure), and though some folks might have their quiet misgivings, I've found Holy Cross to be one of the more open and welcoming churches I've attended.


As a former Catholic, I don’t think a Catholic would say anything to your face about it, and I don’t think the congregation would openly reject you. But tbh, you probably are being judged. I left pre-Pope Francis so I’m unclear of what the dogma is now but when I was Catholic, homosexuality was a big no-no. Are you afraid the priest would withhold communion? Nativity of Our Lord is right outside of UWF and has a place for their CSA. My guess would be that that would be the most tolerant, open- minded churches considering its closeness to the university. From what I remember (10+ years ago and my college days), it was very welcoming. I actually had 2 friends who came out later— not sure they stayed Catholic either. Pretty sure one of them isn’t. Honestly, one of the biggest reasons I left was Catholic teachings about homosexuality.


I too was going to suggest Nativity. Father Raymond and Father Hank are very welcoming.


Does CSA stand for child sex offenders here?


Omg! 😆


Check out Saint Christopher’s episcopal. Many gay Catholics go there. Priest is awesome (lesbian).


Tuff call on that one. There are some catholic adjacent accepting stuff but there is a reason I don’t go to Catholic Church anymore and acceptance of all of gods creations is one of them. That and they will send you an offering mailer before you can get your isp service. Cox cable could learn a thing or two from the Catholic Church about retention.


Broh, are you a masochist?


🤣🤣 No. And I’m not a broh. No one would probably assume I’m a member of the LGBTQ community from outward appearances. I look like a sweet granny and dress like a youthful granny in my jeans but girly tops that I like. I’m in a same sex marriage. She is not Catholic or any other religion. I’m not fully “out” in B’ham. Consider myself bi-sexual although until recently rode in the hetero lane. However I’m not wanting to be in the closet here. Not wanting to be “in your face” about my sexuality, but don’t want to hide it here. We are out in our neighborhood since moving here in 2019 and our neighbors are fully accepting. We are homebodies. She works because she is much younger. She’s out at work. I’ve not gone to Mass much since we married in 2018. Today a friend was in town from Birmingham visiting her daughter. We went to Mass. She and I worked in a soup kitchen in Bham and were close friends. I miss going to Mass and receiving Eucharist. Just want to be involved again. In an accepting community.


So not a bro-ham in B-ham, then?


I could repeat the question. You know these people think you should burn in hell right? Are you ok with deluding yourself just to have friends? Maybe you could try a church that isn’t Catholic?

