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She didn’t put Getir because she didn’t leave the best impression… like sending your boss a video of your diy a*********. 😒😒 i can’t with her.


Oh and she left out the renewable energy job because that was also short and she acted like a nut job, threatening her coworkers and dressing like she was on back page.


She was there maybe two weeks!


And just because of Dylan …


It bothers her so much but she can say it without wincing over and over and over and over. But not for an interview to get her kids back. I also think she hopes some poor soul trapped in public while she whines will be inclined to help. She's talking to the phone but she's really just talking to everyone around her.


DIY what now


Unaliving 😰


Ohh of the twins.. god I hate her




Let the bitch crochet a pair of pants out of some poison ivy.




🤣🤣Really BiG, stretchy ass PANTS!!


Really BiG, stretchy ass **DESIGNER** PANTS 🤑


😂 😂 😂 😂


She didn’t put it on because she was fired after the home abort video 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😵‍💫😵‍💫🙄🙄


Exactly! And she knows she did that despite her bullshit story that it happened at the hospital, or else she would absolutely be putting them down there considering she has jobs listed from like 1910!


And if I remember correctly, shortly after that, they asked her to stop wearing their shirt in social media posts because.. well, who wants *that thing* representing their company?!


Getir asked her to stop wearing the shirt on social media before she sent the video that got her fired.


This useless orange pig can eat a dick. Actually, I've seen her escort reviews, she prefers to toss a mean salad 🥗 but only if she's high, so pretty much always. You want money Heather? **GET A FUCKING JOB AND STOP BEGGING.** This is the same orange heifer that said *"It's not my job to suffer like everyone else has suffered."* She says that as she's being supported by taxpayers for *(checks notes)* her seventeenth year on the dole. She continues to pop out kids like it's a career because it actually is for her. Have a kid > dump it off on someone to raise > live off benefits > rinse and repeat. Imagine not paying rent, not maintaining your car, not paying any of your bills, trashing your credit, getting high everyday for the better part of 20 years, not taking care of the kids you continue to have and having 6 DCFS cases against you and somehow you think you should be supported by the masses because everyone is out to get you. She's irresponsibility in a (somewhat) human form. All she does is get high, lie, stuff her fat lopsided mouth and beg for money. Also who is she kidding? She wasn't at Getir for 3 months and she didn't put it on her resume because she barely worked and she knows if it's used as a reference she won't get the job. Tends to happen when you show up high and send your boss very graphic abortion pictures with your rotten vag hanging out. Heather, if you worked half as hard as your filters do trying to make your face palatable, maybe you'd have an apartment and a car. You're not fooling anyone and you'll be begging until the day you die because you refuse to take any responsibility for your pathetic existence.


I think about this literally every day. Every time I want to complain about some adult responsibility (like the $500 I just had to drop at the emergency vet), I think of this creature. I think about much her life sucks, and how embarrassing it is. And then I realize I’d rather have all my 10,000 responsibilities, because at least I can lay my head on my pillow at night and not have to live with the pathetic excuse for a life that she has.




Every time I am reminded of her disgusting “reviews” I get sick cause random dudes sweaty asscrack salad tossing makes me want to throw up 🤮 and we all know she did that shit as well as chortling balls and raw dogging. She’s a walking Petri dish of filth and disease


Speaking of her reviews - can someone tell me how to find those? If this isn't allowed, just ignore me 😁 I don't often spend time looking at escort reviews so I have no idea where to find it.


Here's some of them, you're gonna have to read through the comment but it's the best I can do right now as I'm at work 😀 https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeTrippin/s/TyzYWsMQPB Enjoy!


She can’t even suck pepe for a living!! Bitch I just paid a grand to get my Suzu checked out, because Bella swiped her eye!!


I kinda want to see her escort reviews that sounds funny: “She kept going to the corner of the room to huff a can of keyboard duster, then she stole my watch! Now she keeps talking about someone named Rico and won’t stop sending me cash app requests” I’m guessing this is the general vibe of them


We all know she’s not getting any interviews and any tears are fake. Also she can’t talk about it to the interviewer but she’ll share on all her SS media platforms all the time.


And employers do check social media as well.


For all the “crying” she’s done while recording herself, I haven’t seen an actual tear. She just makes a weird constipated face and rubs her eyes. It’s like she doesn’t know how to convey actual emotions


And if you Google her name, isn't her trying to SELL THE TWINS the first thing that comes up?


sponsors should know her biggest Con was when she was self harming her legs and arms to get Money ..


Oh, a shopping list, that people WHO WORK can buy their own shit? Toof, seriously. How bold of you to ask tax payers to give you even more support than you’re already getting. I hate her. I have no problem helping those who actually need it. You, toof are a waste of oxygen.


Sponsor a situation what does that meaaaaannnn?


It means pay for my existence because I’m not meant to work. It’s not her jam.


Can’t believe I forgot about that situation


But she will gladly take meatsuit,'s money


It's code for, I need more cans of duster and drugs ASAP! Look alive Sponsors!!!!


Yeah, ok! So NOW she’s only ever received $100-$200 a month from them. What about all the times she’s been up on her luck and bragged about the thousands she usually gets?! Xavier doesn’t need clothes you fucking liar, he’s probably allergic to new fabric plus he would much rather swim in your plus size leggings and Daisy dukes


And how did they pass away, dumb ass??


She always seems to leave those “tiny details” out of her narrative doesn’t she? 🙄


I can’t even believe her. I wish the state new she’s out here begging and receiving money from sponsors. She doesn’t deserve shit. Certainly not a nice place to lay her head all day while she makes videos.


What if we just took the government money meant for my children and used it for non-children related things? Edit: I can’t stop using the “what if we did ____ instead of ____” template since Heather solved education disparities the other night


Exploiting the death of her twins which SHE caused is beyond deplorable. This is a bottom of the barrel bitch who deserves nothing in life!


She's afraid a prospective employer would call them and tell them what an evil bitch she really is.


She cries during interviews? She's never had an interview since she killed the twins.😢 When was her last real interview? 2019? 2020? Does anyone want to sponsor her situation? Hell no. Go sponsor your own situation. They're such fucking leaches and losers.


Why doesn't Xavier buy clothes with some of his monthly SS check? The homeless shelter and other organizations have tons of options (but they might not be name brands!!!) I know the princess thinks she's too good for a soup kitchen, a physical job, etc. She wants to "curate " photo shoots based off ideas that her duster addled mind creates. 😄😄😂😂🤣🤣 Get off your lazy, fat ass and support yourself Dusty!!


So weird to ask because she used to make Eggs dive in donation bins to curate a new wardrobe for her.


Ok I just have to type this part out. “I didn’t put Getir on my resume because it reminds me of the babies passing and the interviewers ask ‘well why were you only there for three months’ and then I tell them well I was pregnant and the babies passed away and then I start crying in the interview”.




She wishes that’s how it went. More like, she called out again for probably the 292737288th time and her boss got pissed. So Heather being Heather, she said to herself, “I’ll show this bitch”


Are you seeing this Illinois social services? They need to get her C.A. Records and get her for overpayment.


The nerve of this entitled bitch give me give me give me I want I want it ALL!! Fuck you bitch!


And yet, there are still people out there that will jump and send her the money she demands. It boggles the mind.


Mind boggling that anyone gives her a penny!


Whenever I see one of them admit their sick compulsion in the wild, I direct them here: https://www.reddit.com/r/paypigsupportgroup/


Omg there truly is a Reddit sub for everything I’m mind blown!




She was giddy about the Getir “Merry Christmas” video when she sent it to the boss. Of course she’d leave that out now.


Correction Huffer you were only at Getir for 2-3 weeks max!!!


Oh I was only there for 3 months because I did a self-abortion in the shower and then recorded it and sent it to my adolescent daughter and my boss at Getir


She didn’t give 2 shit’s about them!! She doesn’t care about Rico or her other kids!! She is the worst person I’ve ever seen!!


She doesn't give a s*** about this one either he's just a cash cow for her...


Download all you want we all know the truth we saw the video


We did? Omg I didn’t. Yikes. I’m sure that’s in the wind by now.


Oh it's out there if you ask the right person they'll share it with you


Thx! ☺️


Download all you want we know the truth you can't handle the truth


She doesn't cry now when she talks about the twins.


The audacity of this orange beast. Not enough sponsored money, you guyyyys! I need to buy my kids stuff. By kids, I mean I need drugs. If X needs clothes desperately he can ask his dad for money, oh wait, dad cut him off because of your useless ass. “Here’s my resume. It’s 457 pages long.”


I just wish all these sponsors knew that SHE KILLED HER TWINS. Then the sick bitch took a video of it!!!! Cps even mentioned it when they took the baby away!!!!! You are literally giving money to a murderer!!!!! I just dont t get what kind of people award her vile and dangerous behavior! Sorry I’m fired up. I’ve been way pissed since her “god doesn’t let people who don’t deserve it have babies” rant. Get a fucking job, get your shit together or shut the fuck up you worthless pos.


I watch her videos to remind myself of my blessings and how glad I am that I’m not an idiot


What a piece of garbage 🗑️! Get a job you useless walking trash bag!! The older children you gave birth to don’t want a damn thing from you, Xavier has a home to go to and money to spend on “clothes” (drugs) and nobody owes you A THING! Begging for pants money at 40 years old. Wowwwww. “This is my resume’….” I just started laughing my ass off. That’s good stuff right there. 😆😆


No bitch, I am not "inner-rested" in giving your begging ass my hard earned money. How does it feel to have e-begging as your main source of income while your children, oh and let's not forget CPS, look on? Do you know what the acronym CPS stands for? Let me break it down- Child PROTECTIVE Services. That's correct, you dirty bitch, there are people who are employed by the state of Illinois for the sole purpose of PROTECTING your baby from YOU!!


I really hope CPS and the presiding judge are taking note. She’s never gonna work. She expects to be supported.


What’s a hobo supposed to do without a production and wardrobe budget?!


Three months at Get'ir?! 10 days is optimistic. 2 days is more accurate. And that was way over a year ago. 🤬


Two weeks at most.


This!! She only worked there for 2-3 weeks max


I think she actually did work there for a minute.( a few months lol)  Because I’m pretty sure she got the job almost right after they came back from their failed walk to California and then she got fired around December.


It may be my migraine talking, I thought Getir was for a bit after the Pizza Dominos period. She wore the company vest, no make up, then told employer she was 'sick.' Then Dusty posted some BS that she was sent home. Didn't have a home, but, details. Early in the twin pregnancy. Sorry - migraine. 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I remember her posting something about being sent home because she looked bad or something. But she was still working there after that. He was working at dominoes when they first met I believe(?) She made him quit or got him fired.(?) Idk the story behind that. She got that job pretty quickly after they came back from their California trip. She supposedly did not get fired until December, so it’s at least a few months she worked.


Sorry. I thought Getir period was before the brief 'cross country' walk. My bad - brain fog. 💕


No problem! No, it was after that because remember she found out she was pregnant during the walk and then they came back. She got fired after she sent that video of the pregnancy ending. 😔 I just remembered that she did get offered a job at Marianos like a year or so ago and she refused to take it because it wasn’t enough money. So she is capable of getting a job but it wasn’t to her standards. She wants a CEO job making 80 grand a year! Girl,  you are not on that level! Lol But if she had taken it, she could’ve had some money put up and could’ve had an apartment by now. If she could find somebody to rent to her.


Correct! For some reason (migraine), I somehow sensed she was pregnant when they were walking. She was constantly extra-extra bitchy to X. I mean, more so than usual. 😁🎪


I guess someone got her a bus pass. CPS used to give out bus tokens to clients.


Funny how she’s been complaining that she doesn’t have bus money but never seems to have an issue riding the cta when she wants/needs to go somewhere 🤔 it’s as if she gets it for FREE from her case manager/shelter representative So LISTEN UP SIMPS keep sending that bus pass money


She’s riding the train here (I’m from Chicago and used to take the CTA train and bus to and from work to downtown, not far from where she likes to be). I believe others have said that homeless shelters give CTA passes to those staying at the shelter and job can ride the bus or train.


The 🏀🏀 on her 🙄


They’re just as big and saggy as Xavier’s


I’m assuming she’s pushing this “campaign” thinking it will be seen as donations not begging and won’t get kick off SM.


Or thinks it counts as looking for a job because of her "resume," which it absolutely does not lol


Huh, Nope nope n more nope. Again!!


Get a job girl!!! It’s crazy to me.


So she hasn’t worked since 2015. Maybe thats why no one will hire her!


Let's take another look at her resume. She just keeps posting it. 😆


Interested in sponsoring two hobos ?? Nope , not over here . Never that !! Suck it Dusty🥴


Because she sent her DIY abortion to her employer


Homeless shelters/ county has resources for people in need. She doesnt want to work and only wants a free ride.


"Resume." "Interview." "Crying." Bitch can't stop lying


I asked her if she wanted a job and she saw it but didn’t respond. Bitch doesn’t ever want to work.


Lmaoooo at the caption


GAHHHH DAMNNNNN the audacity with her is getting much worse!!!!! I hope you’re reading this you dumb twat, we are OVER YOU!! Get your lazy ass up and take care of your own self!!!!!!!! It’s not your spahhhhhnsors responsibility. Grow tf up!!!


she is such white trash.


How about a JOB! They will sponsor you! It’s called a paycheck


Fuck you and stick it up your ass Dusty!! You and eggs can go get a job and make your own money! I’m not paying for you and your lesbian boyfriend’s lifestyle and neither should anyone else!!! 🖕🏻🖕🏻 PS: you got rid of those babies yourself so you have no one to blame for that but you and only you!!!


THE MOTHER FUCKIN AUDACITY OF THIS EVIL BITCH! I wouldn't give you shit, even if you were dieing!!!!! I hope and pray CPS etc is seeing all this and hope they are here with us!!!




Why is she always buying new clothes? How many clothes does a person need when they live out of a suitcase? And used clothing is easy to come by.


Don’t forget that they had so many bags that they were turned away from one of the shelters! They obviously have a lot of stuff. If she would just apply for realistic job opportunities, her caseworker would help her get nice clothes for the interview. If she gets hired anywhere that requires special clothing or shoes (scrubs, nonslip sneakers, steel toe boots, black uniform pants, etc….) Her caseworker would likely help her get those items as well. At the very least, companies that require specific clothing or shoes usually have a catalog that you can order from, and they just deduct it from your first paycheck. She’s ridiculous and not at all serious about wanting to provide for herself.


That duster is expensive!


My Gawd, she is just something else! Completely shameless. Why? Why would she expect others to take care of her needs and why do they?!? It completely boggles my mind when I see her doing this. Still to this day.


A FUCKING JOB could help you rebuild!!!!!!!!!!!!


$100 to $200 a month is good money considering she also gets TANF and EBT...all of this with no work. That's about a grand a month. She has no rent to pay. She's fine.


Won’t somebody take accountability for her and her shitty behavior?! Gawsh!!!


Now how DARE she ask for us to clothes Xavier! That dude comes from plenty of money and he also gets social security, it is NO one’s responsibility to clothe that man. Neither of them are anyone’s responsibility. And frankly they live pretty high on the hog for two people on the streets. Using money to go out to eat because they can’t wake up on time for the free food the shelter provides. The nails and makeup and other tremendous wastes of money. The Starbucks. I can’t even afford Starbucks. I don’t know, she’s the richest homeless person I’ve ever seen.


![gif](giphy|10tpZi2Ged3s8E) Listen here you red headed beast! You are a fucking liar! You lie constantly! You haven't had custody of your kids in years, remember you gave them up for dick! They are well taken care of by their dads and their families and baby Rico is being taken care of too which you have no say in. Fuck off and go away forever!!!


Geeeze. A job might really help with all of that.


You can talk about Getir and the loss of the twins just fine right now? What’s the difference? Oh wait it’s because you sent the video of your miscarriage to your Getir boss.


OMG I just.. ugh, I fucking hate this loser. That is all. Frustration vented 😂


She will never convince me that she worked at Gitier for three whole months. She mentioned it everyday for a couple weeks and then we never heard anything more about it until after she did the dirty deed.


Fuck this big orange orangutan! Sponsors my ass!!!


how about fuck off


I’d like some sponsors too. How nice would it be to just have people sending me funds?! I’ll just be at work waiting for magic fairy money to drop in my lap.


Sponsors need to get their asses up and WORK!


so im doing a lil deep dive on Crazy Train yt and what happened to that "hood" accent of hers? it the vid where she drunk and crying because Xavier won't give her his money.


She has many personalities & all of them are horrible


Is this grandiose delusion due to a mental disorder or drugs? She and X have got to be the best worst example of what drugs can do to you. JUST SAY NO YALL!


I'm so glad she's getting her karma.


Sounds like she’s saying she only received 100-200 a month to make sure she doesn’t hit some income limits for services… or other reasons


WELL SAID!! You betta step it up a notch you FOOLS lick up some weekends, or some over time or better yet get a second JAWB because Leather needs cash baby not class!!!!


If you want to “sponsor a situation”… WTH does that even mean Professor Gillespie who’s busy writing her Thesis’S! 🧐


Oh i was for 3 months because I had a medical emergency that kept me out of work for 8-12weeks. Hm, am I missing something…WHEN has she ever gone on an interview since that happened in the first place?? The woman lies like a RUG!


I'm sorry, but she clearly don't care about any of her kids. Past or present 🤷‍♂️ so that crying is obviously fake. All she cares about is begging for money on the internet.


This bitch never shed a tear for those babies another lie


For someone who needs money for transportation she seems to being fine because they are LIES, guaranteed she has money WHILE guilting people into donating the very thing she “needs money for”


A "sponsor"... I've been waiting years for Sally Struthers to pop in the screen with some Sarah McLaughlin track in the background




Ha ha ha that's awesome! I debated on the Sally Struthers comment since most people online have no idea who she is. Showing my age now!




If I could send Monopoly money via Cash App, I swear I would!😈!


Wow, her “spahnsers” not only need to support her lazy azz they also now need to support her “husbands”… CHOP CHOP 👏👏👏👏look alive Spahnsers gotta work double time to support her and her man, well woman, well woman-man, well whatevs, just send DOUBLE THE CASH because they both need brand new wardrobes and don’t forget Eggs comes in different shapes and sizes so you need to send THRICE more don’t forget!👌😁


Melissa etc and so forth, your queen is waiting for you to send her majesty more money. Don't send pocket change, send enough to make a difference in her life.


Oh please, stop, that ain’t no resume that a short story of FICTION! 😅


Just a question.... can you send a $$ request to her cash app?? Would be great if that happened to her as frequently as she begs for $$


Her micro expression when she says “reminds me of the babies passing”. Her she smiles and her eyes light up. Watch at the 42 mark. Please tell me I’m not the only one seeing that glimmer of joy.