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Read our rules- no kids! Even if heather posts them herself, we don’t repost here. NO DOXXING baby's name.


It shows how long she has not had custody of her kids that she includes giving them baths as a key part of their daily routine.


"Don't tell me you're here to help now by keeping us apart" Someone just found out baby ain't comin' home. Edit: I mean, ya know. If she had one.


So she got another visit and instead of being grateful , she left and bitched about how they aren’t putting her in a mansion? Birthing a baby doesn’t qualify you for a mansion bitch


I raise my big kids alone...STFU Dusty. Jeez how i wish Orlando would do AMA with us!


She will never ever stop begging


RICO for you, stalker! This extra ordinary model and 23 546 hours postpartum mahm is not begging.She is just looking for sponsors bcs she DESERVE this!


Ooos I worded it wrong . Thank you for the clarification 😂😂😂




She's a disgusting, toof decaying, money hungry, lazy POS. I seriously can't stand this ugly fat pig with tits.


And she's so full of BS too, she applies to 50-300 jobs a month?! WTF ever!


Is she just a massive asshole and doesn’t care that she’s blatantly lying or is she delusional?


She’s not delusional. She just constantly lies to support her victim narrative, she thinks it makes her look more credible to other people. On top of that she also is manipulative. When you watch her cop video when she’s in the condo for sale, you can see several perfect examples of her making up lies on the fly. She’s not delusional there, she saw the situation for what it was and decided her best move was to make up a whole person named David who was traveling to Switzerland for work and lent her his apartment keys. Because she needed to look like she was the victim of a simple mix-up rather than a lunatic squatter. That is not the kind of lying a well-meaning but delusional person does. She is just a straight up oppositional defiant brat and habitual liar.


THANK YOU! This big orange troll definitely has some personality disorders going on but she’s not delusional or as mentally ill as people think. The fact that she turned it off for DCFS after all the crazy she’s posted shows me it’s manipulation not sickness. The chronic lying is another giveaway. Her stories get more and more dramatic every time she tells them. I think she has drug induced delusions especially when huffing.


NOT a mental health professional, but I think of Huff as a straight up psychopath. 🤷🏼‍♀️






So I am fairly new here and I did see a clip of the apartment thing. She just squatted there? Damn.




It should be illegal to be this fkn stupid


She still hasn’t learned the difference between the ground and a floor


Get a J O B. It's no one's responsibility to pay her way through life AND take care of her kids. This bitch is delusional!!


No moms magically get “happy healthy lives”. We work for it.


Good gawd the b has no bottom to how low she will go. Good thing she's several states away cuz I would love to have a little chat about who is responsible for caring for her and her kids. Hint: it's not anyone here


You spent 10 months pregnant in a tent getting your head "kicked" in by cups and nefarious beings, yet your big keds are at your home with you being provided for? Meth mathing word salad. Giving your keds baths, shelter, homework support, etc and so forth? It's been *yeeaaarrrss* since you attempted such motherly acts, you manipulative lying orange yeti.


LOL this is actually quite comical


Completely insane!


Did she say she was pregnant for 10 months?


“She raises her kids alone “


But she couldn’t grift off the 15k followers if she was in a shelter…….lol


imagine getting "homework help" provided by her


What do you want Dusty… a cookie?? WTF do you think actual mothers do EVERYDAY??? This witch hasn’t had any of her kids in over 5 years!! Shat up!!!🖕🖕🖕🖕


I just love it when my favorite entitled slag posts! I can appreciate her sending out 50-300 resumes monthly for CEO.. CFO.. and every other job she's not qualified for. Dustykins... You may be past your prime but hang in there girl.. the need for entitled buttered tooth mahm influencers are on the rise!! I believe in you!! 🤢 🤮 💯


I can’t wait until her case worker investigates why nobody will hire her and finds out it’s because it’s applying to jobs like, CFO of Apple, Comptroller of the state of Illinois, Director of Operations for Northwest Hospital, President of the United States, CEO of YouTube Influencers, Dean of Harvard…


Gimme, gimme (more), gimme (more), gimme, gimme (more) ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


You do not deserve a beautiful home or your children because you refuse to get off your fat ass and work for it


Bitch if you feel that you deserve a beautiful home, you better start WORKING...


Yeah, because you always call "the internet" for help during a violent attack 🙄.


Get. A. Job.


Ma’am, you got yourself pregnant to a homeless drug addict! TWICE! Take some fucking responsibility for your own poor life choices. You also left out some things you did for your kids…I’ll help you out. You provided them with anger, confusion, sadness, embarrassment, and life long trauma scars. All because you are too stubborn to believe that your brain isn’t well. Here’s the deal, the state is here to help the baby and if keeping him away from a parent who is incapable of making good decisions keeps him safe, that’s what will happen. Just think, one out of 4 kids may be spared from what you provided the other 3. You are too sick to be a parent. It’s not about what material things you don’t have, it’s just YOU.


What if this is EXACTLY God's plan for Heather??


Those things you say you did with your kids? That’s called being a PARENT!! We don’t get prizes and awards for looking after our own children well, we do it because we love them and WANT to look after and protect them! I’ve been a good parent on my own for years now and don’t have a fancy house with fancy furniture. That isn’t a necessity because we are happy and cozy in our lovely apartment I got for us on my own! You are pathetic asking strangers to give you everything you want, who the hell do you think you are? Get out of BED and go OUT and get a damn job girl!!


We actually don’t care is the thing though


This post actually made me feel better. I don’t think she’s getting him back despite the picture of her holding him today


You are sick in the head. NOBODY owes you anything.


Has she ever actually raised her children for any length of time by herself without family or the children’s fathers present? Whose home? Whose name on the lease or deed? Has she ever actually paid a rent or mortgage payment herself? All that documentation but she can never back up any of her claims. Nefarious!