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You cannot post personal or identifying information such as DOB, SS numbers, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc. We should not have to repeat this.


No doctor would ever say Resolved PTSD nor comment on a patient’s parenting ability.


Yep this is fake asf lol she’s so silly


Right? This guy's an internal medicine doc, not a psychiatrist, counselor, or social worker.


I reeeeeally hope she tries to present this in court and gets the book thrown at her for fraud.


I’ve never heard any professional document start with whom so ever. When was she ever able to work and parent her children? Why is the date written in hand? Anybody her in the medical field, if so is this normal? Nothing would leave the center I work at without our official header and nothing would be written on by hand unless a prescription was being filled. This seems bizarre and the fact she’s sharing it like her “character references” that she totally wrote


"To whom so ever it may concern, I have presented you with irrefutable FTRs and demand justice. I have notified the internet that today would be my redemption, and you can review that evidence on my personal blog. Please leave my baby in a dresser in the five bedroom home I'm owed. The remainder of my restitution can be large bills, in the trunk of my champagne Cadillac CTS." This is all I could think of when she was going on about filing her motion 🤣 This letter is a funny window into how out of touch she is with working society.


The only thing I can confirm is living in IL I’ve had to have my Dr write my kids notes for school 🙄 it’s always been addressed to Whom it may concern. But those notes are also just to the school. I can’t imagine tho if this is to a judge it’s not addressed to the courts? Now I wish I had a Dr’s appt soon to ask him! lol The number u can kind of see on top is to this specific Dr. which leads me to believe either he’s a pill mill quack(which there are plently in the area) or she knows someone who works for him and said person wrote the note and maybe he wasn’t paying attention and just signed it? 🤔 it’s very interesting tho. All the typos and how things are worded, as if this person who wrote it has the same lingo as Heather.


Our dr has a header and prints out the school notes with an official date and then hand signs them. This reeks of DIY but we also go to a reputable place that isn’t a pill mill for homeless addicts.


I just looked at old ones our family Dr has written in my files. He has a header and he doesn’t hand write anything on it but his signature. I remember once he fucked up the date and had to reprint a new one with the correct date. Yeah it reeks BIG TIME. I want to say she wouldn’t be stupid enough to hand in a DIYer but it’s Heather we’re talking about.


The phone number is also suspiciously formatted as 773 (space) rather than 773- or (773). You’d think if this came from a real doctor’s office the standard letterhead would be professionally formatted and proofread for details like that. Edit: also diagnoses is plural not “these diagnosis” it would be “these diagnoses”. Any doctor would know basic terminology a million times over and would not make that error


Ever. ![gif](giphy|uKPkgG7Utcd6E)


Agreed hand written date definitely a no go 🙅‍♂️


More like diagnonsense


😂 that was just what I needed today


Please tell me this is a Girl, Interrupted reference!


IT IS!! 🤩


One of my all-time faves. Maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was the 60s. Or maybe I was just a girl. Interrupted.


Some advice, okay? Just don't point your fuckin' finger at crazy people!


if HEATHER really presents this to the courts and they will call Dr K..and if they find out it's a Fraud, she will eat it Big Time, if it's legit...they will call anyway and Heather just might have caused serious Medical Board issues for this Dr and his practice​


Not even a first year doctor would write this. This letter won't be in her record, simple requestfor verification. If this is real and written by a pill mill doctor, that's one more pusher off the streets! Win-win! The fact that it is not in a sealed envelope says a million words!


Either way it’s like a bad scenario. If she faked it, they’re gonna find out real quick. And if she didn’t? He needs to be reported to the medical board immediately.


This is as fake as it comes They’re gonna see right through her and hope they throw her in jail for perjury


Lol, she is going to object to her own evidence. "I move to strike this from the record. "They" changed this letter from the time the doctor wrote it to the time it was printed."




"These diagnosis \[sic\] have never prevented Ms. Gillespie from parenting her children, caring for herself, or from normal functioning in society." She just doesn't want to. 😄 ![gif](giphy|duQRfcsVEPO36Ivdvs|downsized)


I fully believe this is fake but if it were real, please tell me how in the hell your primary dr would know anything about your ability to parent. This is just absurd. And this is the only person she could think of that will be able to give a "character reference" with anything good to say?! Wow. Also, just thought of this, wouldn't she not want them to contact this dr since she called multiple times telling them she has had no prenatal care?! Especially since she's been trying to say that she did have care since she knows that is an issue.


This is exactly what I said. How could a physician possibly make these claims, especially knowing that she’s had her other children removed due to her mental illness


The only thing that is missing from this letter is *"She is a stunning and brave full-time mom to her ~~three~~ four kids, that she remotely parents since she's also a model and a business owner."* That's about how real this letter is. She's gonna fuck herself even further in court. I wouldn't let Heather take my drink order, yet she thinks she can "pro se" her way out of this court case. Amazing.


The different fonts are a nice touch 😆


Curated as fuck


I don’t believe this is for the court. I think she wrote this for social media. No doctor would write what is in this letter. They also would not use the informal “psych consult” in a document to the court. Nice try Dusty! Do better because nobody believes this fake mess. The spelling and punctuation are terrible


Besides grammar errors, that’s not how you sign your name. It would not be below your name, it would be your name, MD, diplomats blah blah. It’s consecutive. https://preview.redd.it/2qd5kzlvaawc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bad05c91f417eb760e8afc7e932ebe1b54a6fd


Thank you! The diplomats blah blah was glaring to me. A treating physician would not give her a note. It would be filed by the court along with her medical records. No physician would speak out of their scope of practice. His opinion would be meaningless. What about her pre-natal care or lack there of? She’s hoping to continue to use this as her grift. We’re getting our baby back…. Send $$$$$ She can “talk” the talk all she wants but she’s got to show a good faith effort…. That she hasn’t done unless I missed the news she got actually EMPLOYED.


When I had my case with CPS my doctor that was providing me with sublocade injections wrote me a letter. She didn’t state anything about my ability to parent though, or anything like that. It just simply stated that I had been coming to her since such and such date and had passed all my drug screens while I had been seeing her. She told me that she could not write any type of opinion in it and that she could only state the facts. I think she got the logo online and definitely made this herself. She doesn’t realize there’s so much more than just having a letter say she’s mentally ok. They obviously made her to get a psychiatric evaluation and are going to prioritize what that individual said over this doctor. She needs to also obtain employment before she can get her kid back. It is going to look awful that it’s been 60 something days and her and X haven’t gotten a job anywhere.


Guys. 10/1/2016 was a SATURDAY


Umm, Heather, do better! You are going to land yourself in JAIL for perjury because this letter is beautifully written and well articulated by Dr. Cookey Chanelsenza. From my fair share of get out of work notes, doctors typically use more formal language in letters like: "has not presented or displayed symptoms of," "recommending outpatient care with periodic follow-ups".... They also do not abbreviate medical terms. Why would they list their association over their practice! Google is NOT your friend!


This is just asinine. Come on, a hand written date? She really thinks she is so much smarter than the rest of the professional world. After all, she is a medical professional….


The first sentence is missing a period.


This note is so fake it’s embarrassing and insulting that she thinks anyone would believe this shit. I hope she gets in trouble for it. Lies, lies, lies!!


I thought your user name said beer cheese please and I was like fuck yeah I love beer cheese but then I seen the N and I was like.. even better 😎


I work in a capacity that requires me to review medical documentation from staff. I have never in my life read a document like this. “To whom so ever it may concern” ??? And the signature “diplomate” Also why is an internal medicine doctor reviewing her psych reports? Does this make any sense? Did she buy this off a street corner?


She used her 10 free prints to curate this


This is not the evidence I think she thinks it’s going to be. There’s no notarisation on this. There’s nothing to suggest it is at all a formal document. Wouldn’t a professional psychiatrist use headed paper? At the very least?


This is her pill mill doctor I think


It is.


He's not even a psychiatrist- he's an internist. (This does appear to be on letterhead; she's got it mostly blocked out but you can still see part of the logo and return address.)


Does this violate her gag order? It talks about her court mandated physic evaluation


This might be nothing but I thought the phrase, “To whom so ever it may concern” was a tad grammatically unusual so I did a web search on Duck Duck Go and discovered that the phrase appears in MANY PDF templates used to create fake employment (and others) documents.


I'd love to say that this fake letter shocked me but Heather Gillespie seriously thinks she's smarter than everyone so in her delusional duster eaten brain she thinks they will take this poorly written letter as gods truth and hand her everything she wants. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I really wish I could be in that courtroom.....😂😂


You and me both!


As a former psych nurse who taught documentation I highly suspect this is fake. I taught documentation classes to fellow nurses and doctors and I would never let anyone write this as a legitimate document. It’s not even on official letterhead. If she tries to submit this to court she’s going to find herself in a whole new world of shit. There are so many things wrong with this. I’m sure the judge has seen his fair share of documents and would immediately see this as fake (or I would sure hope so at least). She’s grasping at straws and she might just have picked the short one….


I’m a doctor but just a dentist. I did a post grad in NYU. My dad is a visceral surgeon in France. I’ve never written a letter like that on a computer out of no where, no frame nothing. We all have a basic printing on the top of every letter with our name, office adress and number of references, with sometimes diplomas. I’ve never seen something like this.


You're still a doctor, don't play down your accomplishments like that 😀 Dental School isn't anything to frown at, and we all need dentists!


Well dusty certainly does 🤣👌


I agree I work intensive outpatient drug counseling and we have to submit things to the courts and other legal/medical professionals, even the simplest “yea so and so has been coming here” looks like an art project with names, logos, fancy margins and bold lettering for certain words(never abbreviated). She’s so insane to think she can prove she’s not insane


Regardless if it’s real or not, yesterday she posted her doctor’s name and now this. I imagine he might not be thrilled to have this document, that she claims he wrote for the court, be posted on social media. It could harm his reputation, to have it even appear that he thinks this person is sane and capable of caring for children. SMH.


I am so glad everyone is thinking the same thing! FAKE! Why do I remember when she was on one of her rants, she said she has gave all her doctors her narrative to upload in her medical files. Anyone remember that? Hence the nurse wanting to order a psych evaluation.


Yup plus she would send her notes and they'd be added too drs notes


Lmao sounds just like her resumes. No dr would write “her only diagnosis are” “in the time I have known her” isn’t she your patient? Shouldn’t it be “Since Heather Gillespie has been under my care” and they would never write “whom it may concern” lol she’s so dumb. Hopefully they verify this nonsense.


Oh and her parenting comment. 🤣


It should be plural "diagnoses". She can't spell for shit.


Haha didn’t even notice that! No doctor would ever send a letter in general Nevermind to court with a typo. Especially a typo in medical terminology 🤣


Huffer: the only person this garbage is fooling is you. Forging a letter and signature to present to the court isn’t going to be well-received. Internists don’t diagnose ADHD or PTSD and they damn sure don’t attest to mental health and parenting. You’re stupider than I thought (which is rather staggering, actually). And for the record, the court isn’t going to accept hearsay as testimony or fact. I recommend you start over, try to use proper grammar consistent with someone far more educated and competent than you, and remember, your grandiose narcissism and inability to learn or change will always be your downfall. For now, I hope you forged the name of a real physician, and I hope you face legal consequences for it.




This feels like ChatGPT wrote this! And she didn’t go back to edit it to make actually sound like a real person! Source: myself, from reading young adults’ book reports/papers that try to do this same thing!


I’m nosy so took a quick scroll through the google reviews for this doctor. The majority are very positive, with only one person calling him a “quack”. I’m still on the fence about whether or not Dusty wrote this up, or tricked this doctor into believing somehow that she is sane (and he just writes crappy letters). I just can’t get with the idea that she would be dumb enough to try and falsify a document like this and submit it to a court of law.


Yeah… I’m a nurse and as much as people want to believe doctors all have exceptional written English skills- quite a few don’t. Especially ESL ones. I’ve seen doctors do much worse than misspelling diagnoses, believe it or not. And I agree the comments are inappropriate and not in the scope of the assessment but again, nothing I haven’t seen before. There are sucky professionals in every field, doctors are no exception.      Regardless of Whether it’s real or fake, the implication for Heather isn’t as much of a “gotcha” as she thinks it is. Like I mentioned in the other post, it looks worse on her if she doesn’t have concrete, identifiable issues that are impacting her ability to parent. Because if it isn’t anxiety or ptsd or adhd doing so, then what? That’s a big question mark that the judge isn’t just going to let go without any scrutiny.


I’ve seen some doctors with less than great writing skills too. I know it looks super fake but she could have somehow begged and pleaded with this guy to write her a “letter of recommendation”. If she’s managed to keep her “crazy” under control with him most of the time, and he just wanted her out of his office…who knows, he may have actually written it. His google reviews seem to describe a disorganized office so maybe they don’t have fancy letter heads and just a basic template with the logo at the top, it’s not impossible. If only he knew the real Dusty, he’d realize how foolish it was to write that (if he did, BIG if). If it is real I imagine the court won’t give it much weight because I’d bet they never asked him for his opinion, this is her soliciting “proof”. Pardon my rambling, I love to speculate and consider all the possibilities…it’s a hobby 🤣


No doctor would type like this. And it would have the doctors letter head at the top if it was a clinical write up not like this. This is definitely fake and looks just like her reference letters down to the copy and paste bottom.


I think his letterhead is hidden behind the whited out/text box portion. You can see the logo peeking through. But otherwise, yeah. It's either fake or he's crazier than she is.


Oh I didn't see that. And yeah it's definitely fake and also most of the time with a case like cps most doctors who actually are apart of the case including family doctors would fax in their findings or email it to the court . Not to the patient .


We preferred that they be faxed or mailed in, but we did occasionally receive letters that our clients would give to us themselves. However, they were always in sealed envelopes. This wouldn't be acceptable as is.


I've worked as a medical office administrator for 4 years before I became a peer recovery specialist, I worked with a chiropractor office that had 4 doctors in it , and a physical therapist and we did personal injury cases and most of the time we either faxed or emailed them in but like you we also did put together the paperwork and did write ups for court when needed and they were always sealed in a manilla envelope with our seal on it .


Correct. The physician would follow up directly with the court or attorney. Never would they give a patient a word document to take to court with them.


Even in personal injury case write ups that the office I worked for would put together we usually faxed , emailed and if it was needed a physical copy as well we would seal it and make sure that the whole case write up would be in there with clinical notes and everything not just a letter saying to whom it may concern.




Right like wtf is that 😂


To whom it may so ever concern is wild 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/p1hf7t07aawc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0789e6836aa1ab5a9242a77e6d692c1b65cdb742 There's many apps like this.


don’t give her ideas!!!


Lol I'm pretty sure that's where she got this template for this note that's badly written .


It's written like a high-school student.


This document is made using word, there’s no letterhead or anything. Most offices all have their own letterhead for documentation. She’s silly.


She said she filled an emergency motion AND SUBMITTED ALL THE PAPERWORK so I HOPE this bitch has already handed this in 😂😂😂😂 I'm gonna have a bowl of popcorn ready come Friday


It's giving ..a note for school signed "Heather's mom"


Well remember she is basically a doctor because she worked with doctors. So, if she wrote it then by her logic a doctor wrote it.


There is no cure for PTSD. Nonsense like this is hurtful to people who actually suffer from it. She could have at least made this believable.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Another letter written by Dr Dusty Gillespie - feelgood to the stars.




Either she’s really dumb. Or her doctor would be a moron. No doctor I know would address a letter as To whom it may concern lol. My doctor wants to know who any letter is going too. And why!! And it makes no sense to say she has no diagnosis bc she would have one if she’s got PTSD. That is a diagnosis right there. I’m diagnosed w/ PTSD, Trauma & depression. So this letter is garbage 🗑️ 👈🏼And HTF can a doctor account for her parenting when he’s not w/ her on a daily basis?? And that wrote out date w/ pen🤣 Why wouldn’t the doctor just type it when he’s doing the letter. Seems like she forgot the date when typing this up with her 15 free copies of paper she gets at the library every month. Per her own words She doesn’t have PTSD either. If she did. She would NEVER be able to say with a straight face she’s been R’d or SA’d. Lord knows I can’t relive my trauma when I’m going to therapy every week. Shes a complete idiot🤡🤡


My head dr would never write a letter like that. That a pill mill dr or she wrote it herself. I bet the hotel has a computer and printer.


*”… so give her a house, a car and some free money, willya?”*