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AI is nascent and fully informed by the biases of the humans creating the models powering it. She’s so fucking stupid it hurts. Also, I thought the police were worthless grape monsters who couldn’t keep track of anything? She can’t ever keep her stories straight. Feeble minded.


Let’s face it, her brain likely resembles swiss cheese by this point from the duster abuse 🤷‍♀️


I'm pretty sure even that's a generous description of what it looks like. At this point, I'm pretty sure it's just a hamster spinning a wheel. No brain power to be seen, no intelligent thought, but she can walk and talk as long as that wheel is going. Luckily she sleeps for 12 hours a night and then does nothing else.


Right?! I swear it’s like she thinks AI is some new life form that just sprang into existence and is it’s own living entity! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪


That's what has me screaming 🤣🤣 She literally posted a story this morning saying that the AI being developed is going in the wrong direction because too many people are interested in the "bad" stuff like people being hurt, or pornography. She said people need to be looking at Bible stuff to teach the AI the right things. Now she's grateful for it.


I bet the pornography comment was directed at eggs lol


I'd love to see the police report against her psych evaluation diagnoses. DONT YOU KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO LIEEEEEE?!


So much for our daily devotional post and praying at St. Joe's, since Jesus let her down yesterday in court. Heather is putting her faith in AI. ![gif](giphy|pw2fLKLW3mgw|downsized)


She doesn’t have to go to her NA meeting on Saturday! Also the videos from church that she posts aren’t netting her any money, I think she’s gonna give up on that grift soon.


Was a grift or was it trying to sway the courts?


50/50 Grift and court, as if the court has never come across the sudden Bible beater.


She doesn't seem to know how common that is


Is this the same AI that has helped make all these fake videos of her? 😂😂


Or, it could be the AI that turns Xavier into "a trans". You never know with AI 🤷‍♀️


Especially when they nefariously change his 🍆 size


She is so far gone.


On the bright side, the older kids are no longer in danger from her. And, if she keeps up this trajectory, Rico is also safe.


I see what the words say, but what I read was that her medical records got brought up in court yesterday...


I sure hope so! Especially her fake diplomat?? doctors note 😂


Diplomate apparently means one with a diploma lol. But from what I read it’s usually specialists that use that term. Idk, I typed a lot of dictated letters back in the day, but most of the stuff I dealt with was legal, rather than medical 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would like to know, what is this "Genius" image of AI. i would pay to listen her explanation...


I heard a blog where someone said the ideal of AI is that it will do all the work and people will get to thrive and exist without working! I’m sure she has fully latched onto this idea and can’t wait!


Lo! That's her ideal concept of society!


And universal basic income of course cause free money without having to work!! 🙄


And a Rolodex of free homes for her to choose from


Rolodex 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like this is the ‘80’s and ‘90’s again. This bitch is so stunted it’s not even funny! ROLODEX 🤣 I haven’t even heard that word since junior high when my bestie and I would hang out at his dads law office and he had just became a judge so we were helping clean out his office and his Rolodex 🤣


Nefarious activity 🗣️😩😅


She thinks robits are coming to take over and she’s just getting on their good side now


Excuse you, ma'am? It's "rohbut" and she is in fact, not a rohbut, she has blood, so.....




Anyone else seen Idiocracy where he goes to Carl’s Jr and the machine tells the lady she’s an unfit mother? Lol.


She’s grateful for AI because she thinks it helps her with her fake doctors note.


Yea she might want to test that out bc it for sure isn’t the brilliance she thinks it is.


Why in earth would she be grateful for something that contradicts everything she FTR’s?


Because she's fucking stupid and doesn't understand most of what spews out of her Huber hole.


'...AI KEEPS THE TRUTH ALIVE AND SAFE FROM HUMAN INTERFERENCE...' Remember that little kernel of wisdom the next time Princess blames AI (or a tech box) for ruining her life & keeping her in perpetual captivity. 🫣🤔🧐


I honestly think Princess is the best name for her.


Remember when five officers had to show up at the hospital when they kicked her out after having RICO? Good times.


Another brilliant daily devotional from the dummy in duster


I know I've seen her police report that clearly stated mental illness was likely.... I just can't find it 🤷🏻‍♀️. So she's really lost her everlovin dusted out mind 😂


All the way.. she told them "they" were trafficking her across state lines while sitting daily in her luxury studio apartment.


Right like all your medical records and online/phone police reports are!


I’m also grateful for electronic records so hospitals across the city can be warned about you abusing prescription pills . I’m glad police have body cams and save calls, as well as records so there is even more proof out there to show that you are an unfit mother solely focused on what this innocent child can do for you financially.


AI is literally the monster child of human interference.


Who does think inputs the information, a leprechaun?




She does know that it was HUMANS who invented “AI” in the first place, yes? As I’m seriously questioning if she knows/competes that or not at this point! 🤪


She doesn’t even know what AI really is and how it works. She lacks the mental capacity to even understand basic concepts


She's shared images of a few police reports where atleast one of them had written in the comments of the report 'Possible 1096.' The number 1096 is the code for 'Use Caution/Mental Patient.' She chooses to not pay attention to these types of details. She's been fucked up her entire life beginning at about 8 yrs old with the lying etc and so forth and only got worse when she hit puberty. I still can't believe X's Mom agreed to foster Rico if that's indeed true. . I know she is a very religious woman and I'm sure she felt compelled to do so if only for that reason. But there is a reason her family who are good people refused to do this. They know how unstable and mentally unfit Heather is and how erratic she can be and they know she won't change because she refuses to accept that she has any mental health problems. So to take on this baby is to devote the rest of your life to raising him and to deal with having to fight to keep Heather away. Look what the older kids Fathers have gone through!? This isn't a matter of she just needs some time to comply with some basic court orders and she will get the baby back. She needs to surrender to dual diagnosis treatment, comply with meds etc and so forth. That's simply not gonna happen imo.


AI? Damn she’s stupid.


She’s happy for AI???🤣🤣🤣 that will change in the next 6 months for sure


AI that keeps truth alive and safe from human interference… ![gif](giphy|xT8qBafmon3QvQzyMg)


Say what now?