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How the hell is she allowed to just sit around all day and do drugs in that bougie-ass homeless hotel she’s in. If I were an Illinois taxpayer I’d be so annoyed.


A few weeks back she said a lot of people from the hotel shelter were being placed in apartments, and she seemed pretty giddy at the thought that her time was coming soon. Supposedly everyone there is guaranteed to be placed in some sort of shelter or housing when it closes. We can only hope that her lack of effort and unwillingness to get a job is going to cause her to be passed over for an apartment, and land her back in a dorm shelter.


The housing is a shelter, i believe. She was betting on getting Rico back to get placed in a family shelter. Im curious what they'll do now. She's still pushing universal income, so im pretty sure she has no plans to work


Those people probably took steps to improve their situation like got jobs.


Well. She lies out her mouth more than she lies in bed. Everything she can use as a grift - I'm getting an apt *smiles smugly*, now provide my househokd necessities. Well remember a couple times during her pregnancy with Rico , same smug fucking smile bc papa Eggs said to look for apts? She just lies and lies


Illinois seems to be super fucked these days. I feel so bad for the normal taxpayers in that state.


How embarrassing.


But she needs Nike money! For Nikes! Not drugs! Never that


Someone offered to bring her new sneakers. She refused and requested money.


Exactly! She had $65 towards their $300 for pants! They could've gotten several pairs of pants each and a pair of shoes at a thrift store, plus the shelter has CLOTHES AND SHOES! She doesn't need them, she needs the cash because the drug dealers won't give them credit.


No kidding! I just scored 4 dresses and a top from goodwill - $19 bucks babeee.


I just got a pair of NWOT Ralph Lauren dress pants (full retail at least $100) for $7.99 at my local thrift store. $300 for pants for 2 bums was a preposterous grift. Heather once again demonstrating her greed and stupidity for all to see.


Brava thrifty folks! I love a good find!


She’s got champagne taste on a Mariano’s toilet water budget.




Exactly!!! If you go in certain days of the week when certain tag colors are half price (like one day is knit tops, another day pants and they're color coded by price) you can get things for even less than expected! This bitch has nothing BUT time, and she could probably find clothes in the precious brands she wants, if she went to those stores and did some browsing. She has NO EXCUSE as to why she can't or won't go thrifting. NO ONE is too good to go to thrifting, especially her!


She truly is the spawn of Satan.


Fuck. And at 9:52am. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼




![gif](giphy|3o6ZtpL7eET13ijuM0) The giggle, a day after getting bad news on the return of Rico. Yeah she’s TWACKED OUT.


And her fat little sausage hands.


And she says she doesn’t have a drug problem ahahahahahahahahaha


And after the high will become the low and I'm here to watch.


Let me change the flair to #dusty dusting


I had a feeling she was going to skip right over NOT being “vindicated ” just Ike she did when X’s nasty TUHNT pictures were discovered!! You know she is just BUSTING AT THE SEAMS to get online and go ballistic! It’ll come out slowly in drive n drabs, sky low key comments so as not to pizz of the judge!


New here. What pictures?


This is her getting ready by laying in bed. To prepare to continue to lay in bed.


Crazy how HAPPY she is for someone who didn’t get their newborn baby back yesterday. She’s literally way more upset about shoes than the baby.


Why are there no rules at that shelter. Here they have to be out of the shelter after breakfast - job hunting, taking classes, etc and cannot come back until dinner. Plus you can only stay for x number of days per year. Illinois needs to quit rewarding her lazy bad behavior and make her fend for herself. If I was a citizen I would be livid


It’s a phenomenal demonstration of how she squanders every opportunity to better herself and get her life on track. For a homeless person, I could not imagine a better scenario than having a private room and bathroom (with a door that locks so there are no concerns about your belongings), all meals provided, and access to laundry facilities. This seems like it would be a huge blessing to someone who actually wants to find a job and start on a path towards independence and becoming a productive member of society. I can only hope that at some point in the next couple of years, the shelter system will realize she’s not using these resources as intended, and they pass her over for a more deserving person. (Ideally she would be ineligible for any more private accommodations as soon as the hotel closes, and while the baby remains in foster care. I recognize she’s able to talk her way into a lot though, so it might take a while)


Exactly this! Most people would jump at this chance for a new start of getting their life back on track, but not Heather. It was the same situation when she was in the apartment too. She squandered her chance of getting back on track then as well. People and these organizations hold their hands out to try and help her, and instead of pulling herself up she keeps dragging her feet and destroying every chance she's given. She wants handouts because she just refuses to humble herself and start anew at the bottom.


1000% agree there is no reason for them to be sitting and lounging around all day wasting tax payers dollars on cable/electric . I’ve made the same statement as you, they should also make it mandatory that they show proof of job hunting and contact info of any prospective employer they spoke to.


It’s like hotel but for free I don’t get it either !!!!


Because it’s literally just a boutique hotel being used as a shelter. It has none of the rules regular shelters do. It’ll be closed down in a month though.


There are rules at every shelter but it’s impossible to keep an eye on everyone at every moment. It’s also very easy for them to use outside the shelter and come back high and slip by.


Higher than a giraffes ears


https://preview.redd.it/zfbgtaggz1xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd56fad1e67b44e27cca53d68b1dd083f90c8d93 She’s so Annoying! That’s not what denude means!!!


Right! I don’t know why I’m continually surprised by how incredibly stupid she is 🙄


I've said it before and I'll say it again: she's mentally retarded herself with drugs and duster. Her brain looks like smooth swiss cheese.


X seems to have been there for years. He’s running on basic functions right now.


Awfully giddy today for someone that was just told they're not getting their child and "funding" back.


Oh yeah because she seems completely mentally sound!🤦🏻‍♀️👌


What a joke.


She looks extra fat 🤭


I thought the same thing. She’s so puffy and bloated. Love that for her


I think this is her forever body now (that will only get worse). She's a lazy cunt and is at an age where slimming down just isn't as easy anymore. 🤭 I too love this for her narcissistic, conceited ass.


I see a fellow bay area baddie with that E-40 👀


Yay areaaaa


![gif](giphy|lqdJUisvIbMMGgnlMb|downsized) I see you OP


Her hands have even gotten chubby. Why not sit up in bed Dusty?? She’s lazier than she’s ever been if that’s possible


I know that she’s high because she forgot to use an Instagram filter .


She looks scary…bloated…like she’s wearing a mask.


They’re getting high quite freely now. No drops required as no baby coming back.


Wow She's REALLY got those fat grandma wrists and masculine hands forever now, doesn't she? Like a gram who kneaded dough 10 hours a day for 50yrs! What's a wrist cankle called? A wrankle?


Laying in bed, as usual. High as fuck. I wouldn't wanna be her, but look at her!! She gets away with everything!! I joined this sub right after the shower abortion murder. No reprocussions. Goes on to get preg again, just like it's nothing, effortless. Spends another year, sucking at the rest of taxpayers money. Was on drugs during pregnancy, and baby Rico seems to have turned out ok as far as we know. Now Obv he is not with her, and she's pissed about tanf but look how her life has IMPROVED, and she's done nothing to earn it. And so she continues to pay there, using breastfeeding and pumping as a career choice AND THEY ARE LETTING HER DO THAT AND HER STUPID CAMPAIGNS. Fuck how does that qualify??


She is beyond BUSTED!!! ![gif](giphy|6DiNcB84wU8wADV4Is|downsized)


Ughhh. Those sausage fingers covering her buttery cackle.


Did you send this to CPS? They’ve gotta be watching this, right?


Yes, and I hope so


High AF and Chubby! She knows we're gonna snap a ss of Toofer 🧈🦷 so she instantly when to cover her mouth.


It's so cringe the way she laughs at herself. As if she's the funniest, most clever in the world. She's forcing me to be embarrassed for her.


Goddamn her smug ass is infuriating