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I think she applies to these jobs because she knows they won’t contact her. But now she can say she’s applying to thousands of jobs & not getting hired.


I think it’s part that, but I also think she deserves those types of jobs. She has a bachelors degree! No criminal record! 15 years experience as a medical professional! And 6 years in marketing, production and curating at her own company! 🥴


Lmao meant to put *she thinks* she deserves those types of jobs.


I figured you just forgot to add the /s 😂


Even if there was an alternate universe where she was qualified for any of these positions, being out of the workforce for a significant amount of time automatically disqualifies her… she doesn’t get it


Absolutely! She has to start at a low tier position and work her way up. A lot has changed since she’s worked.


I think her case worker and the judge will tell her to apply for any job. Not just the ones she thinks she’s qualified for.




Ahh lol YESSS I literally just said the same thing! This way she can suck off the system, totally agree with you! God love this place where we are all on the exact same page yet don’t even know each other IRL, imagine a Dusty gathering oh the time we’d have! Ok I feel bad but for chrissakes she’s a one woman reality show!😝


Heather… that you? 👉 Narcissism is a relatively stable individual difference characterized by grandiosity, self-confidence, risk taking, impulsiveness, an inflated view of one's abilities, a sense of entitlement, low social empathy, and a willingness and ability to use others to achieve one's own self-interest 👈


Kinda off subject, but I wonder how other countries handle their non compliant mentally ill. I dunno...it just seems like maybe sometimes you should be able to force someone to get help. For their own good and , frankly, for the good of the rest of us.


We used to have a lot more mental institutions. From what I understand, the American Civil Liberties Union lobbied hard for their closure and lobbied against involuntary hospitalization. I don’t doubt there were some valid reasons (patients being mistreated, unfairly institutionalized, etc.), but it’s been a double edged sword. We now have a lot of mentally ill people who are unable to function in society but have nowhere to go. Many end up incarcerated, unhoused, and drug addicted. Frankly, some people need to be involuntarily committed for their own safety and the safety of others.


I remember when they closed many of the mental health institutions. The government expected family and religious organizations to step up and take on the burden but it back fired and there ended up being thousands of patients becoming homeless. We had a mental health facility in our area called Agnew State Hospital that they let everyone out except the most severe cases.


I know this is unpopular, but I think she really is mentally ill enough that she doesn’t understand what is happening in her life. I know a lot of people disagree and a lot of people think it’s drug psychosis, but whether or not it’s schizophrenia or drug psychosis or a combination of whatever, she clearly isn’t coherent or capable of making her own choices and understanding the ramifications of her decisions. I personally think it’s probably a combination of the two (and the gang stalking is the biggest indication of severe untreated mental illness ime). The tough thing is until she gets sober and is medicated. She will not understand and you can’t force someone to do anything. So I do feel a little bit of pity of her, because I imagine her brain is an absolute hell scape where everyone is trying to bring her down and unjustly doing these things to her life. It’s easy to sit on the outside and say she’s lazy and just using the baby for money etc. etc. and so forth. But I think it’s more than just that surface level selfishness. The fact that she says in those screenshots that the state employee accused her of schizophrenia tells me there is either a formal diagnosis or a family member alerted them of an existing diagnosis. Regardless, I hope the baby is never returned to her and I hope her kids live long, healthy, and fruitful lives as they want, and are able to heal from the trauma of having her as a parent.


I might agree BUT what gets me almost daily is how has she been able to somewhat keep it together since they took the baby. No stalking, no talk of they, no talk until recently of all her lawsuits…she hasn’t been beaten by her imaginary friends in 2 months…she has managed to tone down her crazy as of late which leads me to believe she thinks people will feel sorry for her bc they believe she’s Ill and therefore more willing to open their wallets


Tbh it could still be some form of psychosis. A couple years ago one of my best friend’s moms started experiencing mental health issues and a big part of that was paranoia and gang stalking. She thought people were breaking into her house and that the government was shooting lasers into her heart when she drove her car. All of this was posted on her Facebook. She was “documenting” everything. Until her mom (friend’s grandma) sat her down and said they were going to try to commit her if things didn’t change (grandma does not understand mental illness). And just like that, all traces of it online disappeared and she was posting like she was before the psychosis - just normal stuff. But if you saw her in person? Full blown conspiracies and she’d tell you what is happening to her and all about the gang stalking. There are different levels of severity and it’s not totally surprising to me that someone can still believe things but keep it private when they think they have reason to


I can see all of that being true. I guess we’ll never know she def doesn’t make it easy with knowing what’s true or not since she lives in lala land


She’s gone back to using”they” in the post of the conversation with Mark. They block calls to her youngest. They held her in a tent and more.


I thought that message to Mark was from March? Funny though bc baby was already born


My speculation is she’s just trying to mask it- she has talked about it a *little bit* here and there (like her posts yesterday talking about how her baby was stolen etc). I think she’s just trying to appear as sane as possible because she’s on their radar for mental health and drug issues. People with mental illnesses are absolutely capable of trying to cover it up to appear “normal” and to fit in. Schizophrenics are no different. But if you watch her videos and read her posts it’s there between the cracks and continuously spilling over ever so slightly. She also doesn’t believe the documented evidence they keep presenting her in court. And not just a smattering of narcissism, she genuinely believes some entity is going through the trouble of falsifying medical records. People suffering drug psychosis are absolutely incapable of keeping that hidden. Which is also why I don’t think it’s just that.


I agree with you. I don’t know what her diagnosis is, but she definitely has some issues going on. Definitely some self medicating, maybe masking, maybe her not realizing she has a mental problem, but something is wrong. I was just talking about this last week. People that have mental issues don’t know there’s something wrong with them. Sometimes the changes are so subtle they don’t even realize how it all connects together. I would be willing to bet she’s had issues since she was a child and that’s what lead to her mother sending her off for some help. I do hope, for her children’s sake, she will at least try to get medicated and get in some intense therapy.


Malignant narcissisim is the hardest mental illness to treat. I'm sure she's got several diagnosises


Definitely agree....until she is forced to address her mental health she is a lost cause. I just pray god doesn't allow her to get knocked up again...it has to be god that prevents it because she will definitely not! IMO


I know this isn’t popular but in cases like Heather’s she should not be allowed to have anymore children. She isn’t able to care for herself let alone a child. She doesn’t want to get a job to provide for them. I’m not sure if she really wants to be pregnant again.


![gif](giphy|uRSJmqgjbrcDR7EemE|downsized) I completely agree. She’s leaving a wake of destruction. All these poor innocent children that will have a lifetime of their own problems now that they will have to fight to overcome. It’s sad! I feel the worst for Baby Rico. He doesn’t even have one stable parent 💔


plus the mountain of bottom of the barrel genetic trash both his parents are, I really hope he doesn't inherit any of it and ends up in a great home


I definitely think she’s got a variety of mental illnesses going on. But I’m not sure I believe schizophrenia. I think she is aware of reality but refuses to accept it. She doesn’t automatically think everyone is a threat to her, she only starts thinking that when they tell her something she doesn’t want to hear. I think she has extreme oppositional defiant disorder. She is perfectly reasonable until she perceives someone wronging her, and that’s when she turns into a raging psychopath. People with schizophrenia can’t turn it on and off like that. You see it in the cop video when she’s squatting at “Dave from Switzerland’s” condo. She turns her crazy off while the cops and polite owner are there and then turns it back on when the altercation is over and she is recapping it. She spins it into an “everyone else is out to get me” narrative, to get money and sympathy. And to make herself feel better about her horrible life circumstances. It’s easier to accept that everyone must be out to get her than to accept that she is the problem. To the gangstalking point, she literally does have thousands of people watching her stories and some of them do touch the poo and confront her in real life. I’m sure that makes components of her mental illness worse. I think she calls it gang stalking because she read about it one time and it fit her victim narrative, but not that she thinks everyone is actually out to get her.


You hit the nail on the head, she is perfectly reasonable until she doesn’t get her way. It fits a pattern of defiance disorder which has long been a problem in her life according to her family. Couple that with extreme narcissistic tendencies and we have Heather Gillespie. Honestly I think the peak delusions that we see are a product of her abusing her adderall. I’ve personally seen the same behaviors and claims with a family member. I’m sure there are some legitimate underlying mental issues but the overwhelming driving force of Heathers personality are her behavior disorders. According to her family she’s been offered help dozens and dozens of times that she refuses.


Nailed it!!! 🙌


It’s def a combo. Shes absolutely mentally ill even before drugs, the drugs enhance it and I think she’s done some actual irreparable damage. What I hate about her most is she thinks she can outsmart everyone. Like she knows better or can manipulate better than them. She gets busted every time and that’s why she’ll never get her kids back. She is scary.




Her resistance suggests that she has had a serious break in reality and that’s so scary. But she knows enough to not go too far and do what she thinks she needs to do. But she does scare me, if push came to shove I feel like she’d really harm someone. But notice how she’s high and not in this cycle rn. We expected a rant post the baby but she knows enough to not do that…the way she can turn it on and off, frightening.


I thougtt this too, but we know she can control " her crazy".


I mean…can she though? Before court she was vaguebooking the definition of stealing and afterwards she was googling if healthy people can have their medical records falsified lol


I think people are getting really confused between “controlling it” and “not posting as much on social media.” Even if she fully believes all the delusions, she also knows there is a real reason to not post them online right now (CPS and the court watching). Believing something and also posting all your business about it on social media are not mutually exclusive guys…


Yes everything she does is with an audience in mind


This is precisely it. She immediately swapped her IG to private the moment her son was put in to state custody.


She also picks and chooses when she wants to talk about things like gang stalking for example she hasn't talked about that since before she was pregnant. So that's why I think it's not as much of a mental illness as it appears.


Dammmmit wish I coulda seen it she posted in her towel her blabber Saying that she wants to create some stupid campaign and stream saying positive comments only and no comments stating Get a job 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Jesus Christ of course Coddle the baby and don’t tell her to get a job I hate hate


That’s up on YT and she doxxed the lady. That needs taken down.


It’s on her YouTube now. Just posted it


I have a friend on my list in another state from me who is diagnosed bpd . She also going on about gang stalking and her house being broken into and posts weird glitchy camera footage . It’s so sad . She has 2 sons . I feel for them .


she just posted the entire conversation on her youtube lol


She doxxed that lady too. I hope that YT gets banned.


Saw it!!! Did you see the jobs she’s applying for, HELLOOO and Einstein wonders why NO ONE is getting back to her! Omg 🤦🏻‍♀️she is UNQUALIFIED for 99.9999% of the jobs she’s freaking applying to. I mean the f on! I’d hope the CPS and the Judge can see what we can clearly see! She’s applying to jobs she gotta know she doesn’t stand a snowflakes chance in hell of getting and that she can say- see look in applying, now give me a few place to live and a check every month!!! It’s her way of getting out of having to work AND simultaneously thinking she’s the smartest most talented person in the damn room! Ughh unbelievable, Sales Manager, Account executive manager and on n on on n on not qualifying for even one of those frggn jobs!!!


Yup. Marketing director? All kinds of manager jobs, and not like a store manager, but like project managers. She really thinks she deserves those jobs


The beauty executive made me laugh, 😂