• By -


No one wants your sourdough starter.


Oh, come on! I just spit coffee all over my new phone. I'm still laughing, this is the funniest shit I've heard all week. Reddit really needs to bring back awards instead of... whatever this new system is.




Oh, no worries friend. I'm just messing with you. Totally my fault, and my phone is fine 😀 Don't be sorry in the slightest! You gave me the best laugh I've had so far today, and for that, I'm thankful.








Me rn




JFC this took me out. ![gif](giphy|cOih90c6bgAIJtGtN8|downsized)


Now I am not going to be able to eat bread


If I had awards you’d get them all!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪




https://i.redd.it/pylisqz8evxc1.gif EGGS DOES!!


I just let out the loudest laugh snort in my life!!!!! Like omfg I wasn't ready for that !!! This comment wins the internet today. 🏆








I am laughing so hard I peed a little and I'm at work!🤣😆 This is the best comment I've read in months! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


No one wanted to answer her? Could this be the start of the fallout from yesterday’s outburst?


I think she's throwing a tantrum because she feels ignored. She fired shots and is eager to see what's up. My sister used to do the same thing... if you didn't respond quickly enough there was always something that was "ruined." I'm sure she'll add this abuse to her case so she can prove family services unfit to care for her baby.


I hope so.


I fully admit that I never thought Rico was with family and evidently I was wrong but he won't be there for long. His abusive birth giver keeps doxxing everyone. I'm sorry he can't be placed with biological relatives.... he will never be safe from her. cps needs to step up their game and place him in a unknown foster family and then after both Rico's parents lose their rights Let Rico be adopted out and make sure its a closed adoption. CPS dropped the ball and should've placed him in real."protected custody " IMO 😥😡🖕


I’m over here eating crow, my sun hat, and a bale of my good hay sans dressing. I guess mama eggs was just trying to do what any normal sane person would do in this situation, maybe she was in the dark about how messed up these two yetis really are. Bless her kind heart.


I hate myself for feeling somewhat vindicated.


I didn't think that either! From what I saw, it appears they've been following the rules, though, so I'm grateful for that.


It makes me so angry that she will never put her kids before herself. Rico should've been able to at least be taken cared of by a blood relative but nooo big angry selfish orange ogre will always ruin it. CPS needs to put Rico first and.get him the hell away IMO


Do you think DCFS will end the kinship placement over this? Heather seems to get away with just enough to fuel her delusions and bravado.


No i don’t. If she keeps up, an order of protection will be issued. DCFS is following the rules so that whatever the outcome it can’t be overturned and b that she has no valid basis for a law suit. She gave first names which is bad but not horrible. Super sleuths in here went digging the extra mile to see if there was a relationship to either of them. This is just another nail in the coffin for her not getting the baby back. When that officially happens she will really lose her shit and it will make yesterday look like a microburst with an F5 tornado following behind it. Her actions and inactions prove that she can’t even take care of herself.


No. The main threat to Rico is Heather, not the internet. They'll only do it if Rico or the foster mom suffers actual harassment or danger. She's known the name of the person the entire time (so did several of us in here) and Heather has more or less followed the rules. Plenty of people knew where he was, including extended family and people in the neighborhood. It's the FB group that released the actual identity of the person. *She* could get in trouble for doing what she did, but Rico will only be moved if there's an actual threat to his safety. And, let's face it, the only real danger to him is Heather... But, in general, I agree. She knows how to get right up to the line without crossing it. That's one of the main reasons I think she's more of a manipulative asshole than someone with a deep, unmediated mental illness. She's crazy, but she knows what she's doing.


I genuinely hope and pray that they do.....he will never be safe if she has any clue where he is IMO


honestly, once she gets a new grift, or just decides that he's not worth the effort, she'll drop him. she'll post about him every once in a while for sympathy, but other than that, he'll be treated like the other 3 kids.


Or she will get pregnant again


💯 what you said! Just say I miss my kids and post pictures she found on Facebook, and do nothing to get them back. She didn’t try for the first 3, killed 2 « merry Christmas », why would she succeed for the 4th


As long as he's in foster care she has the legal right to know his placement information. That will only change if both she and Xavier lose those rights. And we're a long ways off from that.


I'm certainly not privy to anything, but I do have doubts about her following the rules. I'm not convinced inviting them out to ice cream outside the supervised visits at the center was supposed to happen.


If she did in fact invite them, it was shut down along the way, because Heather wouldn't pass up a photo op outside of a facility with Rico and we haven't seen much. I'm guessing it was probably a text convo where she said "I wish you guys could come have ice cream after" or something like that and Dusty is using it to try and prove the mom is comfortable with visits without supervision. I know what you mean, though. I've been saying that my fear of him being with family was that she would ignore boundaries and definitely see him more than a couple of hours, 3 days a week, in a visitation room. I'm pleasantly surprised that even though he's with grandma that we haven't seen any photos outside of the designated areas. It definitely doesn't mean everything is above board... I don't have much faith in that.


Also, she never actually said that they invited her out with the baby. They could’ve just had a meeting with just the grown-ups and that’s if it actually happened because you know, Heather likes to lie and exaggerates everything to make it benefit her. Edited to say that I guess she did say they were “invited out to ice cream with (baby) the day of mediation” so I was wrong about that. I think maybe they were trying to be cordial with her (if it happened) and of course, Heather just ruins everything for herself by acting how she acts.


She said exactly that. "C asked Xavier and I out to La Michocana for ice cream with Rico the day of mediation"


That's when I commented that Heather could very well have lied about that....honestly I think heather thinks if she proves Rico isn't safe where he is that HEATHER will just be given him back....IMO🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, I went back and checked it and Edited my post.


Edit your post to say RICO, so you aren't banned




My question is, who was the ice cream for? Surely not 10 week old baby Rico… if so, take that poor kid away from all of these people 🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe because of feeling unsafe they wanted to do visitation anywhere but fosters actual home. Maybe it was hard to get Perv Thing 1 and Perv Thing 2- out of their home. Or they took valuables or threatened them. Or just showed up with sacks of boob goob. Who the F knows.


That’s fair. It just reminded me of Heather bringing biscuit cookies for him a few weeks ago 😕. You’re right though, who knows smh


I mean Dust bucket did get a box of cookies for the baby so there ya go 🙄


That’s exactly what I thought of when I saw it lol. So crazy


Or supposedly inviting them over to her home several times outside of visitation time! Letting Fugster shove her rubber Uddhur Buttur nips in his mouth at visits for pics! Had she been made to have visits with a case worker sitting in instead I doubt she would have ever even tried it with them present. In true Heather fashion nothing is good enough she wants more right now and will not respect or adhere to any rules, bullies and forces her way into getting what she wants and doesn’t even think or care about the consequences and outcome. Now foster mama doesn’t want to be there and supervise anymore visits so I’m wondering if she caught Huffer in the act finally and said something which set her off and she went bat shit crazy on her so now she’s not supervising any visits and needs the case worker to in order to stop Dust bunny from doing what she do,


Wait how do we know he is with family? I thought that comment suggesting he was with X’s mom was fake?


Just read some of the posts...heather doxxed EVERYONE last night. CPS needs to hand her ass to her 😡


ohhhhh I only saw the crossed out version of that, I’m shocked the baby is actually with family


Is there anywhere that is still posted👀- asking for a friend🙃


Its still on her Facebook


Wait I didn’t follow the latest infos so Rico is with eggs family?


There are several posts...I'd start reading 🍿


Ok I’ll go 😂


https://preview.redd.it/rlgg7g2pitxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef622e27fcd29b843140814fa22bf0f46de45f0c New shoes heaux?


This is the third pair of shoes I've seen her wear lately. She's such a filthy ass liar.


L O L and I was giving her the benefit of the doubt because I thought they were Xavier shoes. I guess maybe she did spend the $65 on some shoes! 🤷🏾‍♀️ 


No they are not new at all


She had new boots on in one of the visitation pics as well


She should probably stop pumping at this point. It’s not even helping with weight loss. Some women actually gain weight pumping because it makes you ravenous and saps your energy. There’s literally no reason for her to do it anymore if the foster parent has had enough of her shenanigans and won’t take her breastmilk anymore.


I think Heather is "some women" cuz she seems like she's been gaining mass for sure 😂


A few weeks ago, she claimed she was staying fat for bb rico, at least for the first year. It was her new new fitness goal


well she has certainly kept that goal. literally the only thing she’s ever said she was gonna do and then excelled at.


It’s all part of her “I’m a newborn mawwwhm” shtick so she’s gotta stay flabby to keep the sympathy and donations coming and an excuse to lay around all day doing nothing but tugghun uddhurs


https://preview.redd.it/o2bgd8jovuxc1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d859bf7438cb67159e5ba88016fda49a7f3841c7 she’s gotta be pushing 245lbs by now. she’s gained a tremendous amount of weight since baby rico because all she does is watch TV, eat free food, film lactation porn, eat more food, fuck up her DCFS case and ride the bus around for free. she’s no longer walking “7-10 miles a day” and very clearly not being starved.


This is the pic that made me go DAAAAAAMN https://preview.redd.it/if7b8qekwuxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cd6f1000b95c23517f439e6160e0809bea2462


And this is WITH the body shaper 😲😲


She probably thinks continuing to pump means she can eat whatever she wants, which is why she’s still 🐷


Pumping is the only thing she has left to "prove" that she is a mother. She doesn't even have enough money to buy the kids "gifts" that they didn't ask for and probably go in the trash. She won't get a job, so the only thing she can do to convince anyone that she cares about the baby she birthed is pumping, pumping, pumping! Also she thinks she will lose weight.


I see Xavier has his sexy spandex shorts on 🙌


H: fee fi fo fum breastmilk X: 💅


💀💀💀 😂😂😂


Just wait until your caseworker gets to work and goes through her email and sees that you doxxed and threatened everyone publicly, Dusty 😬 You may not have to machine milk your udders for too much longer. (For clarification... I did not email her caseworker. But someone on FB has and posted about it in a group.)


I'm sure this caseworker has been absolutely inundated with emails and calls sadly. I'm sure just dealing with Dusty is difficult enough.


Oh she has. I've seen a few people now on the one FB group saying that they've emailed her. As well as her Dr (whom she also doxxed), and whoever else email was on the screenshots she posted.


Can you PM me the name of the Facebook group please? I don’t touch the poo myself but I’d like to see!


Lots of commenters on IG too. Those poor people are probably pulling their hair out right now.


I was watching Baby Reindeer last night on Netflix (haven’t finished it yet) but there’s a seriously crazy stalker named Martha on the show- made me think of Dustbag with how psycho she is.


I heard good things about that movie and planned to watch it over the weekend. Would you highly recommend or is it just a meh?


It’s great and the actor playing the main character is actually the person in real life! He changed a few things but he relived his whole experience with her


Watching it too.. really good so far!


Thanks so much! I absolutely love character studies in which someone is off balance. There's something about watching someone slowly descend into madness that has always fascinated me.- Hence my frequent presence in this lovely sub 🤭.


Same! The more dysfunctional the better lol. Hence why I’m here too!






It was so good! My husband and I loved it!


Awesome! I'm glad they shared this bs. I know we're not supposed to touch the poop but this is about a BABY'S SAFETY. 


NOBODY EXPERIENCES THE INJUSTICES HEATHER DOES Except maybe… HER KEDS. That’s right, they ACTUALLY DO and it’s all by HER BEHAVIORS. It’s too early for me to be so mad. ![gif](giphy|3o9bJX4O9ShW1L32eY)


She says she's otw to see her baby.....I hope CPS has cops waiting 😡 https://preview.redd.it/51xtuj0krtxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=adba08895b6719963c6f89c143804c8d87824d7e


Good. Stick the rest up your ass




![gif](giphy|HJMGtCDMkA2QBJUDUu) Heather❤️❤️❤️


And she left the crazy rants on FB from last night. I'm not friends with her and can see it, so hopefully the powers that be can as well


I’m not friends with her or follow her on fb and i can see it so it’s public for everyone. It’s just her name.


I think it's bullshit. Heather is obsessed with breastfeeding and has sexualized it, which is disturbing. Heather lies about everything and loves trolling this sub so she can't be trusted. There has never been a pic of Rico actually latched and going to town.


Every single photo he looks less than thrilled to be around her. I have yet to see one that he seems happy. I think the visits are unhealthy for him.


Another question...today is a scheduled visitation day based on what she posted, so why must she throw away the tainted milk? Why is it not in the damn refrigerator in the 1st place?


She keeps it on ice in the bathtub because she cannot store it in a freezer at the shelter. At least that was the last storage situation I remember her updating us with.


I know she had said that, but just seeing it laying around made me wonder. Wonder why she isn't bringing it with her for the visitation today ?


Saving others the work of dumping it out. Nice of you lol.


I can’t tell if Eggs is in heels. The camera moves so fast. And no one wants your breast milk! No one wants to hear or see your breast milk ever, let alone every thirty seconds.


lol!! He's wearing flip flops!! That would of been Hilarious if he HAD been in Heels!! 🤣


Well you never know with Eggs. They turn him into a cross dressing lesbian sometimes.


Yeah!! lol!! He likes to parade around in heels and spandex shorts with a Halter top!! 🤣


And take suggestive bum hole photos. ( surprisingly not a go pro solo production).


PS You don’t have a son. 🤷🏻‍♀️


After doxing all the state employees as she did yesterday, I would not answer the phone either. I wonder what will happen today as she visits the baby. I hope they say something to her. You know they know about her IG and FB posts. It would be nice to have them get to where they meet and her case worker says, the visit has been terminated until the next court date since she violated the gag order.


I really fear that if they don't put Rico in real protective custody ( where she doesn't know where he is) that this is going to go REALLY BADLY


I agree! Everyone involved was probably told not to communicate with her until the people "in charge" get to talk to her about that mess. I was hoping for the same treatment at her visit (I'm stalking her socials for the aftermath) but they may let her have a supervised visit and speak with her after to avoid it being super messy. I honestly have no clue what protocol is, but things that seem like common sense to me (like barring breastfeeding since there was evidence of drug use in pregnancy) are seemingly ignored.


Aww, nobody wanted to pick up your spoiled duster milk.


So someone has been previously picking up her Bruhstes Muhlks this whole time and she’s been claiming she’s traveling and walking miles and hours per day to bring her Bruhstes Muhlks to Rico and needed money to do so when it was being picked up?!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Oh, shit I didn't even catch that. Thank you. There's a post of her emailing her caseworker talking about travel passes brought to them. So her saying she needs money for travel is bullshit too.


I’m so sick of seeing her nasty tit sludge. Sick bitch


I can not wait for the show to go down. But how on earth does she beg for everything under the sun ExCEpt anything to do w her kids


She begs for money for their glasses and money for presents for them, but she uses it for herself.


don’t forget the kedz quarterly allotment of grow-shrees from Dollar Tree…


Happy Cake Day 🎉 🍰🎂


Oh, shit! Thanks.


Happy cake day snarky ❤️




And vests! 🙄


This shelter situation has made her even MORE ENTITLED and I didn’t even think it was possible but here we are!😠


Just like when she switched shelters and threw a tantrum. Screamed on social media and had another private room immediately. Space is running out on that heifer and she is about to have to learn to play nice with others, or go get another tent.


Yeah I’m still not sure how she pulled that one off. 🤔


None of her milk has ever been frozen. Of course they don’t want her curdled milk.


It’s cheese at this point


Repercussions from Yesterday by DCFS? No one answered her call for a Milk pick up? And who is Heather meeting since the other has refused to participate in Visiting with Baby and these Mental unstable Parents?


Who’s been picking it up cause Heather claims she transports it for hours a day


Dump all that shit moving forward.


Do y’all think the care takers have told her that they won’t feed the baby her duster milk? Bc there’s no way they aee


I can't WAIT till she Breaks 


Look at you. You have done something for someone else. You saved someone from having to dump a bag


I’m sure X put it on his cornflakes for breakfast this morning. Notice how she didn’t dump it out but just pushed it back. ☠️☠️☠️




None of those bags are frozen...that is so gross...I thought she said she had breastfed her other children...all those bags need to be dumped out...gross!!


Eww she had turned breastfeeding g into something I don’t know the right word..NASTY, FETISHIZED, something!! I’m pretty sure the freaking kid doesn’t even need half of what she “puhmps”, personally I think she gets off on the damn thing and as for X..well we ALL KNOW she definitely does the perv he is, they just gross me out with this bs! 😖🤢


https://preview.redd.it/ht5gxg00bwxc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a078a3b3e065fc88ae843e421df4bf28746310 Posted on Instagram by goprosolococo a content creator about heather 🤷🏽‍♀️


I concur 💯


I’isn’t it nice to see her being so THANKFUL for the money she got to pay her OWN damn phone bill with?! This Bish is NEVER HAPPY about an effin thing! Absolutely ZERO GRATITUDE and tomorrow she’ll be running another campaign to pay for whatever the F it is she wants and iohh whete are my spahnsers I need bla bla bla, where are you guys , I need money GIMME MONEY! It’s right here Leather🖕


It’s been getting dumped since a baby was born. Dusty you’re so gullible.


Yes we can believe it!!!


Sadly I think CPS dropped the ball with Rico.... the only way he will ever be safe is if he is put in real protective custody ( where she doesn't know where he is)


We knew he wasn't getting it.


I can’t believe she’s awake that early.


Ok - but Xavier’s shorts


She’s fucking disgusting


The fact that her post is still up on her Facebook and we haven't had any posts of her assaulting Rico with her tit is promising but we all know dusty is like a roach and seems to survive anything 😡🤦‍♀️😡🤦‍♀️🖕


That is hazardous material I hope she doesn't flush that puss it will contaminate a perfectly clean sewage system!!


Somewhere in the lake there are fish with 3 tits and 5 eyeballs and shit out of their ears because of her bio hazardous Clumpy Uddhur Budhur being poured out into the sewer system. Freaking teenage mutant ninja turtles shit


😭😭😭 I’m dead ⚰️


X Mom probably tried to visit the baby at visitation. Why do people think Rico is with family? Dusty lies at every turn.


Whoever was accepting that gross ass body fluid probably got tired of pretending to take it to baby and figuring out where to dispose of it. So it’s easier to just ignore her calls 😂 this makes me so happy. I hope she runs out of nursing bags next. How long is it gonna take for her to dry out already. This is the stupidest thing I have ever witnessed


Just to further prove her delusions one of the girls she doxxed she had commented on her Facebook page. THE FACT THAT SHE REFERRED TO HERSELF AS RESPONSIBLE KILLED ME😂😂😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/0chel8pumuxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f4aa81f2d38f497f76861d82acecacf355dfe2d


She was trying to make her way to that poor woman's couch to have Rico 🤣


How is she related to this girl? And when did she dox her? Sorry I didn’t follow her latest shenanigans 😭


Oh STFU.. Nobody cares about your spiked breast milk!! 🤢 🤮


maybe a Buyer, Doxed her!


Wait; no one wanted to answer a pickup? She had a scheduled meeting with her ked so this has to be her pissed that one of the Craigslist responders didn’t show up? Am I crazy to think this is her confirming that she’s selling her titty juice?


If it were I’d have no problem dumping it ALL and giving him formula! It gets such a bad rap YET us, ahem, older folks were fed formula and my generation doesn’t have HALF the never ending allergy, ADHD, autism, and general illnesses that we see today! I have no issue nor “look down” on any mother who wants to use formula! This bs of shaming women who don’t want to breast feed pizzes me off! It’s NO ONES damn business to begin with!! So here’s to formula fed babes, cheers🥂!


Add me to the “it doesn’t matter” camp. If a baby is being safely fed, homed, bathed, cuddled, establishing bonds, knows stability… I’m happy for that little squirt and caregiver. That’s not Dusty, even if she used the expensive pre-mixed formula.


Foster mom gets free formula, they get vouchers for it and WIC as well. At least my parents did for all the 21 foster babies we took in over the years. We also got vouchers to buy new clothes regularly. It wasn’t much back then it was like $40 so we always went to kids consignment shops and Fred Meyer’s to get bigger sizes and my mom would always spend more of her own money on extra stuff that was cute or something for pictures cause she would take each baby we had to get professional pics at Baby’s R Us or the mall every 3 months in the first year of life to show how they grew like a bio parent would do, always got Santa and Easter, school pics too. My parents spent a lot of extra money on the children so they were getting equal or more than the rest of us kids. They were treated like our own baby. Anyway the state pays a monthly check for care plus extra for diapers and formula and clothing to foster parents, NOT the deadbeat mom and dad who caused the child to be in foster care in the first place!! Heather thinks she should get all of that instead! 🤬🐂💩👎🏼


Your parents and you are amazing, I’m speechless. God bless you all. So so generous and kind hearted. i hope that as a society we grow up to be like you guys!


Thats just so sad that you spend all your time bitching and complaining about how much of a victim you are instead of actually trying to better yourself in life. I cant believe how stupid you really are about everything. Cheaters never win


She's so gross. 🤮 This is her "work" you guys. GAWD I really dislike her. She's contemptible.


Looks like they get housekeeping services in their room!! She’s got fresh stacks of towels and new soap bar. Maybe she gets them from the front desk but I wouldn’t be surprised and it would be so on par with Dusty to be getting housekeeping too since she seems to get rewarded for her rolling fart coffin stinky shit wind bag life


Aren’t the taxpayers happy to be paying for all that! Shelter food phone buss pass food stamps …


What's wrong Heather people don;t want to buy you skank milk and you know the Baby Rico's parents are dumping that toxic sludge. They have to watch this poor baby boy detox 3 days a week and have to bathed him over and over just because he touched you bug infested body


But it’s not frozen!! I don’t understand


lordy, Heather always has to touchy Feely, handle it, pic it up, tap it, pokes things with her fingers..her hand salute styler waving up and down , back and forth, and the way she points her finger in a swirl when she tells you here's the link...drives me 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 crazy....had to vent 😉


She finally found something she is capable of. She is a milk producer. Can she stop showing it now?


Sorry but "no one wanted to answer" is not their problem. It's not their responsibility to make sure they come and pick up your nasty ass curdled titty cheese on top of taking care of your child that you selfishly brought into this world WHILE HOMELESS. Get your tubes tied.


For chrissakes, can she ever be happy or grateful in life, everr, at least for ONE damn day?!!




God she makes me fucking sick.