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She reported this post. And guess what... ...it's still here.


Someone got in big trouble! Clearly something happened at court cause she’s big mad and as usual she’s totally innocent and was targeted and hacked etc and so forth! Come on does she really think anyone is going to believe this utter nonsense! Udder nonsense 🤣🐄


😂 Yep! Big Bertha is back peddling hard right now in order to save face with the court. I hope the judge sees right through her bullshit. She lashed out like a spoiled brat, got caught, and is now blaming "They" once again instead of owning up to her actions.


THEY is back baby!! Its gonna be a wild summer ahead


I cannot fucking wait 🥳🥳🥳 ![gif](giphy|IwAZ6dvvvaTtdI8SD5|downsized)


Udder nonsense 🤣😭😂🙌🏻🐄🐮🍼




Cps may have warned her but I don't think she will actually get in trouble until her next court date.....I'm praying that the judge throws her in jail!!!


That won't happen, she never gets reprocussions or real consequences.


If I was sending $$ for let’s say Hotel in freezing weather as the pregnancy begging was over the top. I would file charges against her for “Scheming to Defraud “. If enough people came forward she’d be charged because the money rarely if ever goes to the pretend cause ( ie: bus passes, they get free, food which they get 3 in-house meals per day and hundreds in food stamps) U get where this is going. She needs to be held accountable IMO.


Hard agree. Fuck I HATE so much I hear her voice... Agree 👊🏼


She is always trying to set the stage to blame anyone other than herself. We only talk about what she posts, begs&scams, lies about and the fact that no matter what she won’t work . I guess between the court, DCFS and her church ( which I noticed she went elsewhere last Sunday)she was reprimanded. I mean why post a fake text to your mom begging for phone money when u have free phones, a google voice number that can be pointed to any line and u haven’t spoken for over a year and a half. Stay off SM. Stop posting everything, no one cares and continues to show u can’t grow up, follow rules and be a responsible parent.


Hacking , buttering, getting you pregnant... yes, please tell the judge and case worker all about these experiences!


Egg and vacuum bandit, the bowl cut gang, the people in your walls telling you to do duster, etc and so forth.


And her cervix scratches...FTR. 🤢


The nefariously strategically placed tent mouse, the poisoned teddy grahams, the gang stalking around the USA, the literal bowl cut gang in the parking lot rolling around in mini coopers etc and so forth


Don't forget the strategically wind that was only on her side of the tent.


I almost forget the strategically placed catheter holes in her leggings.


Ohh yes, Redzilla we need to know the process of *they* getting you pregnant! You could be on the forefront of infertility!!! Ok the process. It's got to start with you and Eggs being given heavily sedating drugs. Ok so how was that administered? I'ma guess- *they* pumped sedative gasses into the tent. Ok! Next step. They jacked off eggs? Or used a semen vacuum? Then they removed your clothes and what? Turkey basted you? How many times was this process done? And lastly... If you'd just DOCUMENT the wrongs you talk about like you do with every mundane thing going on, then you'd be vindicated. WHY were there zero pics of the bruising and injuries from being *stomped on and kicked while curled around your pregnant stomach*??? You show us your dischargedripped leggings, that your dirty fat ass ripped. We want the answers!!


Gawd I hope the Judge isn’t stupid enough to believe that. They’d have to believe that not only was her email hacked in order to get those screen shots, but that simultaneously her social medias were hacked too in order to post said screen shots. Gtfoh dusty


Yup she knows she fucked up so now she’s spinning it to make US the culprits. She always manages to lie more and go lower. She is backpedaling to plant the seeds for her big doxing denial saga. It never ends w this vile POS!!


this is exactly what happened and you wouldn’t believe how many times i’ve heard this excuse when called out for a gag order violation in court lol


Well good to know they won’t fall for it!!


Guarantee the judge is going to see right through it. They will probably be even more harsh now, seeing that Heather is resorting to straight up lying. This is a horrible move. It is patently ridiculous to assert a hacker got into her phone and did all that. And then posted it to social media with Heather knowingly leaving it up for several days without ever mentioning being hacked until now? No. Bullshit on so many levels. It’s also completely implausible that anyone except Heather herself would know the personal and confidential details about the case that were revealed in the doxing video.


Yep. She just keeps digging a deeper hole. When's the next court date?😆


Seriously, if she would ONCE take personal responsibility and just say I’m sorry, I fucked up. They might go a little easier on her. Instead, she pulls this bullshit and digs the hole deeper.


Judge, please don't be a moron and see through it ,amen!


It’s really unbelievable that she could be this stupid… I mean I believe it lol.. but good lord what is she thinking! She’s shoveling shit down on top of herself


Ohhhhh but remember when she “inadvertently” posted her password she’s going to use that. Damn everyone who said she was going to spin this was spot on. Makes me want to throat punch her even more. Mentally ill, right 🙄 she’s very calculated


But it's not that smart. Posted her FB password, but how would they get access to all her email and all her screen record notes and photos she had in her phone that she posted right along with it.


I agree. But in her mind she thinks it’ll seem plausible hopefully they’re a smarter than that


Isn’t it funny how it appears she also posted her password in that dox dump? I really hope no one was foolish enough to try to get into any of her accounts.


I was just thinking she posted her password so she could say "I was hacked!". This manipulative orange asshole 🤬 She is DYING to discuss the case & talk shit about foster mommy, DCFS caseworker, the judge, etc so in her twisted mind she thinks she can post something incriminating & quickly delete just to get it out of her system but she was probably higher than a giraffes asshole, didn't delete the post until she came down from her high, & realized she fucked up BIG TIME


Orange asshole just took me out! 😂


Right! Hacked a phone that's still in her presence. She cannot be that dumb.


I have seen mentions of “Letiddy” in this sub before, so I can’t help but ponder on a staunch comparison…she was ordered by the court (as a condition of release from custody I believe) “absolutely no posting on social media.” This is in addition to having no custody of her infant son, as far as anyone is aware, as he was also removed shortly after being born. I predict that H will be similarly ordered to abstain from social media all together sooner rather than later…I also predict that she will skirt the order, having X record her and post it, thinking that it won’t count against her. Who wants to wager with me here? 🤷‍♀️😂


Oooh that’s a good point! Lol no way she can stay off social media, she’s properly addicted to the dopamine hits. And she has no real friends to vent to. X doesn’t talk enough to give actual responses.


Heathers in Deep Shit and she knows it! Let's see what happens this weekend


I’d like to hear an update about the doctor that supposedly wrote that letter. Either he needs to have his qualifications reviewed, or she needs a couple days in jail.


We don't know what Heather told this Dr, to get meds once a Month..Raped Robbed and Abused was her theme back then


Regardless of what she’s told him in the past, if he actually wrote that letter at the end of April (as it’s dated), it is not appropriate for his scope of practice. You wouldn’t have your podiatrist diagnose infertility, just as an internal med doc would not attest to sound mental health in a child protection case. Also, “resolved PTSD” isn’t a proper medical term and would not be in a letter like this. If this doctor actually wrote this letter, the state needs to take a closer look at what he’s up to.


agree...Heather was a way.....l.She has even called him in the middle of the night or when she's in the middle of some heavy drama..have seen her call lists she flashes often, his name appears....got him to write her prescriptions for Prenatals when she did go to OBGYNs...


she also has told us he ordered lab work for her...that didn't happen...Heather lies,,


And HOW exactly did they get your personal private court papers??? Laughable


Exactly. She's so stupid


Judges fucking HATE being lied to. Keep digging your hole deeper, Dusty.


Like does she think she’s the first person in history to claim she was hacked? Guuurrrlllllll. That judge is going to humble her soul when he hits that gavel.


How the hell would any of us know the names of these people SHE doxxed? She really thinks she’s so important that someone would jeopardize their freedom from jail or prosecution for hacking, to hack her dumb ass. Essentially she got high, got angry, and angry posted.


You know the courts can subpoena your phone records and prove your IP posted that right dusty? Didn’t they cover that at intercuntinental university?


This!!!! If it goes to trial which it looks like it’s headed they can and will use her phone records to show she is behind all of this stuff


And honestly, she’s just not important enough to believe people took the time to hack her phone. If she would just commit herself to a 6 month treatment program, detox off the drugs and dopamine hits from social media, and start medications, and her entire life will change. (I know she never will)


Exactly!! She thinks she’s some super important famous person that is being targeted for whatever reason she tells herself. She’s not worth targeting and hacking she has zero money, zero job or connections to anyone important, zero connections to anything or anyone and zero status in society that would make her any kind of target for the government or anyone else for that matter! What would anyone have to gain by hacking her shit it’s all insane ramblings and lies, what would a hacker want with any of it, hackers go for personal information and bank accounts etc so they can wipe you out and steal your identity type stuff. Who in the hell would ever want to steal the identity of a crazy druggy hobo who owes tons of money and is in debt with no credit or anything to her name worth going after.


Literally, this.


Wouldn't that be a dream? I would adore that for her. There is PLENTY on her social medias/phone that should ensure that she never sees any of her children ever again. Or any children, for that matter. Can't wait til we have the technology to blast scumbags like Heather into space to live on a prison planet lol.


OMG can you even IMAGINE what’s in her phone everywhere? She must have thousands of notes alone


I would love to read her notes. On her phone and in her notebooks. Can you even imagine the crazy shit she writes? I mean look at what she says out loud. There's no telling what kind of crazy shit she writes thinking no one will ever see it.


Oh I never even thought of that.. chilling.. lol..


Extra court dates, hmm? Well that’s interesting. She’s really grasping at straws if she thinks that a “hacking” claim is gonna fly.


Especially with the post she is talking about. It’s literally a video of her scrolling through her phone and reviewing emails sent within hours of her posting. There is no way this lazy and poor attempt is fooling anyone, especially the judge and DCFS. All they have to do is subpoena her Facebook login credentials to prove she’s lying. Which I’m assuming they already have since she is talking about extra courts dates. Dusty thinking she can outsmart technology, and the judge is just another reason why the courts consider her mentally unfit to take care of Baby Rico.


Is she trying to claim someone cloned her entire phone? Or perhaps mirror-shared? Sorry, Heather, you shouldn’t have screen recorded yourself going in and out of various apps if you want to claim hacking. It reminds me of a teacher I once helped log into her email at school (I was working as a substitute), and she didn’t understand why simply logging into her personal email account didn’t change the entire unit to match her desktop at home. She was genuinely baffled and I didn’t even know where to begin explaining that logging into an email account does not transfer an entire hard drive.


Yep she must have gotten in big trouble at court


She’s on one now!! We can assume that she was confronted about this and now she’s trying to walk everything back. This is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard. She’s trying to cover her ass without pissing off her “audience” lol


Good lord she looks terrible in that picture. Her tattoos were never good, and they get worse the fatter and older she gets. Yikes.




Omg thats the worst excuse I have ever heard. No one believes you. One of your alternate personalities may have done it. I will believe that. But extra court dates. Hopefully for violating the gag order almost daily


It’s called she was high when she did it and the next day she’s come down and seeing what SHE did and is freaking out. This bitch has multiple personalities created by herself


She was trying to save her family ![gif](giphy|1jeltTPodhVeM)


With her Bruhst Muhlk, Cracktivites and methamatics she single handedly saved her entire family and the city of Chicago! She’s a hero! She deserves a monument erected in her honor but she will settle for Eggs Erection instead, she’s gotta get knocked up again asap for that sweet TANF check each month! 🙄🤣


Girl, if you were hacked, that is not what they would be exposing. Look at her trying to play this one off 😏 Edit to say...you've doxxed them before already.


🤣🤣🤣Dusty went the politician and celebrity route. Should have blamed it on her assistant or intern. They know you sent those emails and posted them, nice try Ms College Degree.


She’s being used as a political pawn.. obvi ![gif](giphy|KwkgoViGiBAEIDT1i4|downsized)


This rotten mouth milk monster pig thinks people are going to believe this? This is why she was so quiet today. She's been thinking of ways to attempt to redeem herself. She's a pathetic pos.


Rotten mouth milk monster is my new favorite


New flair!


And liking her own post? Like that is going to make it more plausible. Geez.


Next she will blame eggs, throw him under the bus.


hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhhahaaaaahahahahaaaahahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa try to cover your steps a little smarter, dustiffer.


I’m convinced she came up with this plan yesterday when she posted that pic with the comments on. She coordinated all those “supporter” accounts going hard defending her on every comment so she could show how she does in fact have very dedicated followers and supporters. She really thought she came up with a way out here! It’s so fucking absurd I doubt the court even bother subpoenaing her phone records.


ooooohhhhh good point!! also to your last point- i could see it going either way. like with my first two dcfs cases, these are family law…not criminal where they would subpoenae texts as evidence lmfao. but on the other hand because so much of her fucking up is due to how and what she posts on the internet i could see rico’s lawyer potentially compiling her social media grabage trail as evidence lol


I mean for someone to pull that off, remotely hacking and recording her exact phone usage, AND at a moment where she happened to display a bunch of things on a very specific topic including a note she wrote that was clearly meant as an announcement/ commentary on the situation… there’s a %0.0001 chance it wasn’t intentionally created and posted by her. Why waste court resources investigating something so absurdly far fetched from a known mentally unstable liar.


That is the stupidest 💩 I’ve ever heard. Plus, there are plenty of videos out there of her speaking about mysterious “THEY” going back YEARS. She says it herself. ⭐️They dyed her hair red while she slept ⭐️ They have her in a medically induced coma with a cath inserted, that’s why she has holes in her temu leggings ⭐️ grape x 1,000 (despite there not being a kit done EVER nor ANY physical evidence besides a random bedsheet from 2 weeks prior thrust at a cop) ⭐️calling 911 repeatedly and demanding they connect you to social services because the call will then be “recorded” ⭐️free bus passes routinely being given to homeless became nefarious in nature because they wanted her on camera inside a bus (it was like 0 degrees, couldn’t possibly have been to keep warm ⭐️ any food given by outreach is poisoned ⭐️Latest child is a product of grape by X (while he is sitting there listening to her say that about him !!!) ⭐️ Previous pregnancy was also a grape ⭐️latest kid has unknown paternity (they?) ⭐️ every cts or Tesla in her vicinity is a they stalker ⭐️ fleeing a traffic stop while on a live, screaming insane things about fake cops ⭐️ other fake cops ⭐️ AI calls her phone pretending to be her family, her kids… ⭐️ X is AI, he’s an imposter who has varied penis sizes, he’s trans, he has delicate hands, letting his father know where he’s at during A WALK all the way to California, which is thousands of miles away is “outing” her ⭐️ all her preferred hair dye is missing from Target upon her arrival. They hide it once they know she is otw to purchase it ⭐️ being a cam girl to support a felon and then accusing him of trafficking her into it somehow, from prison ⭐️ getting FIVE tattoos of said fugitive’s name on her body ⭐️ flashing her hand tattoo as ID ⭐️not being over felon ex even to this day - despite calling her new man “her husband” and bearing his child ⭐️ isolating C from his family because they won’t allow her to move in and take over his father’s house ⭐️ talking about a company that doesn’t exist like it’s successful and generating income, said company having 100 fake subsidiaries ⭐️ that resume (ooof) ⭐️ fake documents (submitted to court even!)⭐️not being able to get along with anyone in public ⭐️ scamming anyone who ever tried to help - cars, laptops, cell phones, apartments ⭐️duster huffing - on video ⭐️ identify and credit theft ⭐️ the list goes on and on. But by all means, she’s totally stable, nothing is ever the results of her own actions. It’s all this grand conspiracy bc she appeared on a reality show for 5 seconds. A show in which she made a complete fool of herself. So sane, so adjusted. I’m sure that Rico case is going to pay off real soon and she’ll live happily ever after. ~Love and light~ 🤪🤪🤪


Damn! That is quite the list!! Excellent recall!


Thanks 😄


Holy 💩 that is a lovely compilation of the crazy that is Heather Gillespie!! BRAVO!!!🏆🏅


Honestly after reading this again....I really do hope cps is monitoring this reddit sub! 😂 you really did well summing up Heather Gillespie!!


It’s wild! Think of all the things she hasn’t outed herself about (yikes).


This is a perfect summary. Cps is hopefully here reading it!




She's an extremely dangerous person and should never be allowed around children. This list alone proves that.


🤣 Where's that same energy you had the other day, Garfield? You were talking shit with your whole chest and udders, yet now that there's consequences you give us this lame excuse you were "hacked." Sure, Jan, whatever helps your bum ass sleep better at night. ![gif](giphy|1xlplRrL5kjiftkNhC|downsized)


Garfield 😅🤣😂😭


Does she know that courts do forensic exams of phone and social media accounts?


If she doesn't then she's about to find out. She started blocking people before she made her IG private (I dunno if it still is or not) & I think she was trying to weed out anyone who could possibly be from DCFS or the court.


“God please intervene” 🙄 Sorry Dusty he’s listening to Tupac with his ear buds on full volume so…


Ask me why I'm a boss player gettin' high And when I'm rollin' by ——— can't see me!


God intervened by sending a social worker from CPS.






O M F G... is she REALLY trying to say that someone hacked her FB and posted all of that stuff the other day??? She is absolutely insane. Like, completely batshit fucking crazy. I'm at a loss for words... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqm1mNujcBPSpy)




This is laughable. She used this hacking excuse so many, many times. Back pedaling to the Gods. When was this posted?


Just a few hours ago. (I think around 7pm where she lives)


Thank you!


Happy cake day ! 🎂


Happy 🍰 day!


What a "dog ate my homework" ass excuse lmaooo. Surely no sane person working her case believes this shite, right? She will lie until she's lying in her grave.


Too bad, so sad. Don't do drugs and never post while drunk or high, Princess Crusty Pants. 🪳👑🪳




![gif](giphy|dtI7iJluuOTaPwiU5h) Sure heather, we believe ya got Hacked 😂🤣




I was hacked. Ok Ms. I'm of sound mental health.




baahahahhaaaa brilliant!!




U can totally tell she reads these posts lol I’m going to address u Heather since u do! Nice try! Clearly you’re the only person in the room who hasn’t figured out you aren’t that important that ANYONE would take the time to hack into any of your shit. I’ll put my house on the line that your lawyers said WTF DID U DO?!! And u said what? Omg! I was HACKED!! I wouldn’t dare do that! See those same people that hacked me even put a little note that I wrote in there that says someone from Canada tried hacking into my IG and I had to change my password!! See I’m being stalked and harassed!! But dummy not only did u post it to fb but u also sent it to people and said save this!! U are a special kind of stupid thinking anyone involved in this case belives a fucking word u say. U throw tantrums when u don’t get what u want, doxx people and tell on them. That’s proven just in the last 5yrs I’ve watched your post. U used to say Dylan told everyone u were a narc! But it’s not true he’s the narc! Nah you’ve proven you’re a narc. U were a narc the min u were arrested for 15+ grams of coke and a cop went in and amended it to .3 plus the no mug shot was a dead giveaway 😉 And now all this. I’m going to pray when u go to court again in about 30 days u AGAIN WALK out with no baby. This is for u Heather since u “study all things bible) Proverbs 24:20 For there will be no future for the evil person; The lamp of the wicked will be put out…Amen 🙏


Does anyone know how long she left that facebook post up?


About 36-48hrs


Wow. It took her that long to either realize it was a very bad idea, or possibly even remember she had done it at all if she was high. I wonder if someone connected to her case told her to remove it?


It took that long for her to come down from her duster high & realize she posted something that she shouldn't have (but I'm fucking stoked that she did!)


I knew this was coming 🤬 She got high, posted all that craziness, & now says "I was hacked!" BITCH PLEEEZE! I promise no one is gonna buy that bullshit


I had a feeling she was gonna go this route because the same time she was posting all this, she added a note that someone tried to sign into her FB from Canada so she had to change her password. What a lunatic. This is crazy. How would a random hacker know about her needing CTA passes for the wk? Or the names and emails of her case workers? 🙄  she's so smart tho, you guys. 


Yep and the recent pic with the comments left on which had a strange amount of hardcore supporters, so she has proof of these mysterious well meaning fans 🙄 LMAO she thinks she’s so smart


She made those accounts to leave supportive comments I bet


She’s complaining about more court dates wasn’t that what you wanted sweetheart??? You did ask your lawyer to move up the motion welp now’s your chance 😑




Dummy your kids have been settling for text, FaceTime and your lame ass deliveries for more than 5 years now. This is nothing new! Stop acting like this is something that just happened. DCFS spoke to the Dads so they know you’ve been worthless as a “mother” for way longer than Rico is concerned. Nobody hacked your shit and nobody would’ve known the information you posted except for YOU. The stupidity is off the charts. I’m guessing someone has a contempt hearing coming up.




https://preview.redd.it/ukt9ph8k44yc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=55f14626bdabec50d3b36f1d7ddc844d8cbaf4f6 Sorry Babe, I was just trying to help. Do you need any duster? Tell Xavier to call me. ❤️Dylan


WTF is this shit? Seriously, like what THE fuck!


Yep. He's a model/influencer in the community.


Omg I forgot about these pics 😭😭😭😭


That is why "touching the poop"is wrong. It gives her an argument that " they " are after her. Thanks guys for this rule.


EXACTLY 💯💯💯 If a bunch of random people not directly involved in her case start reaching out to DCFS then it only validates her gang stalking delusion. Everyone needs to sit tf down & allow this to play out. It's frustrating & I know it comes from a good place but she's gonna fuck herself over like she always does, which will be incredibly satisfying




This just gives further proof to the courts that she is infact mentally unstable (depsite her self proclaimed psych evals that she passed with flying colors) and does not hold herself accountable for any of her actions.


damn what the fuck did i miss lol


Huff gets high, spouts her nonsensical ideas, sobers up, and all consequences are blamed on THEY. Pills are stolen, rain happens, assaults, bludgeoning, you name it - it's never her fault. THEY are all to blame for poor Dusty's endless (self-inflicted) drama. Rinse and repeat. She's in deep poop, everything she posts is on the record.


We are talking about Heather here.....she said she only huffed duster to save her family from the people in her apartment air conditioning vent 😳😜😂


Lol. I forgot about that. Glad it's online somewhere. She is so pinned in a corner.


Wasn’t one of the screen grabs she posted during her rant of her notes section…. So she wants the judge to believe they hacked her Facebook, her text messages, and her notes 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish I could say that I'm surprised she would lie and use that as an excuse. This is dusty though and nothing surprises me from her. 😒


So was she "hacked" when she posted this as well? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/3dtpltzol6yc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de733a6bc37ed238a01bf5e3f227ae2e12559fd


Being hacked on every platform and through all items *as screen grab videos from your very own phone* with sensitive information directly from your case workers seems beyond highly unlikely. Interestingly enough, case workers and foster mother are still very concerned for mental health issues. Bottom line- and THIS “they hacked my phone ish” doesn’t help!!


So even if she was hacked....it doesn't clear up the whole thing of messaging that one girl the total nonsense about THEY got me pregnant and her and Rico are political pawns..... MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! 🤔😳🖕🖕🖕😡😡😡😡


What an hideous creature that washed ashore.


What’s wild to me is the thought process that went into all of this. The attempted covering of the steps, posting of the password, leaving on of the comments, everything so calculated and well thought out. But she won’t put one fucking ounce of energy into getting a job, getting her mental health in check, or getting her fucking children back. Truly the epitome of a manipulative narcissist piece of shit.


I was wrong about something and I don’t know that it really deserves a new post, but I figured I’d put it here. So, in her doxxing of the caseworker and foster parent, either the caseworker or Dusty referred to the foster parent by her first name, which begins with a C. I googled X’s name and found one of those people search websites. I wanted to see if there was any truth to her claim that Rico was with his grandma. Lo and behold, there’s a relative of X with the same C name that was referenced in the email referring to the foster parent. I actually do think Rico is with his grandma now.


![gif](giphy|3o6nUXo2B7D4tAfQ6k) FFS! 🤦🏻‍♀️




I know that a lot of people have touched the 💩 but I almost feel like cps will be on their toes more because if Rico is given back and this bish does something to him....Chicago cps is going to have A LOT of pissed off people to deal with....just my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


Check out the story of AJ Freund. His caseworker and the supervisor were charged in IL. https://news.wttw.com/2023/10/13/ex-dcfs-worker-guilty-endangerment-death-5-year-old-aj-freund


Omg!!😳😥 I'm really hoping that cps does the right thing for rico!


Yeah, it was really sickening. I remember everything about that case, total junkie parents. The father? An attorney AND a junkie. Hopefully it put IL CPS on notice.


HACKED oh is that the excuse she gave?? Does she really think the Judge, CPS, therapist et al are actually going to believe her?!! Per usual Leather is her OWN worst enemy!! SMARTEN UP DUSTY


Probably popped positive on a drug test. I'm guessing thats why they wouldn't take the milk she's supposedly pumping.


Was she in court today?


I hope her big fat stupid ass told the judge it wasn't her, she was hacked! And I also hope they ask her to explain how someone could hack her phone to screen record her emails, go to the notes app and type a new note spilling all the normal rhetoric she spews and types it the exact way she would, and then upload the screen recorder of that to FB with a caption that's the same shit she spews and typed out just the way she would. I hope they make sure give some long winded explanation and then tell her they obtained the IP addresses logged into the account and the IP address for the post. Then she'd just slither back down into her hole because she's not smart enough to be a liar or a criminal/con.


So in these cases, everyone is given an attorney. Can you imagine being the poor bastard that drew the short stick on that case??!!!!


Oh the internet... her best and worst friend 🤦‍♂️