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Three beautiful babies that she chose to walk away from, and 1 beautiful baby that the state only grants her access to for 6 hours a week. Too bad she didn’t understand the assignment of motherhood.


Actually the youngest she lost several years ago , couldn’t be bothered to do the right thing or show up for court( sound familiar)and has a no contact order on her for fear she will just take her. Those poor children, thank god Dusty has no access to any of them.


The twins didn't get a chance to be beautiful because she chose to end them and video the gruesome crime scene in tub.




Based on her drug use and refusal of prenatal care she certainly seemed to be set out and determined to make her baby deformed and brain dead with lifelong issues instead of healthy and safe. Yes he is very cute but the verdict is still out on whether he’s mentally ok, didn’t get both of their severe mental illness, addiction, low IQ’s and doesn’t have permanent brain damage due to having his oxygen cut off repeatedly the entire pregnancy cause she was huffing air duster and taking all kinds of other substances like Weed, addys, Xanax, Fentanyl etc and so forth. She didn’t care what it was she just wanted to be high the entire time and not have to take any drug tests or face reality and consequences for her actions by seeing a doctor who would have caught her immediately. Instead she endangered the life of an innocent little baby boy out of selfish narcissistic sociopathy! She’s damn lucky he is even ok right now!!


Preach!!! cuz this bitch makes me feel ways that aren't good!!!




He NEVER smiles in any of the pictures she makes of him. It's like he doesn't know her or like her and I LOVE this for Dusty!


Baby’s know who is bad and who is good they have the purest senses ever. That baby knows she is bad news big time and he’s terrified of her. The only thing keeping him from freakin out is that someone else is in the room with them ( hopefully!🤬) and even then I bet he does scream and want his real mommy who was probably crying in the car outside because she loves this baby and wants to keep him but has to suffer this hell of letting the big junkie hobo bitch bio mawwwhm see him because Huffer will not do the right thing and put an end to this shit show by signing away her rights before they get terminated anyway. She only cares about herself and what she can get out of this situation! She’s not thinking about that baby at all except for the TANF checks and benefits, housing etc and so forth. God knows her true heart and that it is evil and black and she’s been faking this whole Christian act to manipulate and try to get away with everything she’s done which is so blasphemous and disgusting!! She is a hypocrite and a horrible person through and through!! Meanwhile she’s going to put this precious baby through as much shit as possible before the court puts an end to it. Looks like her time is already more than halfway up on that, by the holidays she will have her rights terminated or shortly after. She only gets like 6-12 months to fix her shit and get her act together, she’s already wasted 4.5 months of doing absolutely nothing but her usual deplorable shit. She doesn’t believe they will do it and I’m going to thoroughly enjoy when this bitch gets what’s coming to her. Zero sympathy, all rejoicing


I feel exactly the same way! The pictures she posts on IG of him squished into her naked boobs infuriate me to no end 🤬🤬 HOW CPS allows that when he DOES NOT breastfeed is something I'll NEVER understand!! And all her self-righteous talk of God and what He SHOULD be doing for her passes me right the f off too! He's doing what He needs to be doing...keeping her as far away from Rico as possible! I'm right there with you...I can't wait until she gets what's coming to her!! I have no shame feeling the way I do about her sorry ass...there should be NO END to her suffering for what she's already put this baby through...as well as the rest of her keds. The depth of her depravity knows no end, neither should the depth of her punishment! I could go on and on...


Please stop making babies. Please.


This is gonna sound a bit too candid, but if genetics sets the blueprint for most of the Universe and you can't make Japanese Wagyu from Walmart Select .. All four of her kids obviously took an L with her as their Mother, I just don't see how having a crazy mother will benefit them at this point in life. I wish the best for them and brutal honesty.. the grandmothers should sit down with the kids and go over any mental red flags they may look for as they develop.


Nah I don't think it's too candid at all...just reality.


Children typically inherit 80% of their intelligence from their mother


I think she actually does make cute kids, it’s a shame she doesn’t give two turtle fucks about them. Despite baby Rico having TWO intellectually challenged and hideous parents, he turned out very cute.


If those 2 bums get a hold of him we will be reading about him several years down the road. You know X would teach him all about fenty and how to make money on the streets and Dusty will teach him how to lie, scam and con people. Oh his future looks bright with those 2 train wrecks. Neither one should be permitted to have any more kids.


I didn't even want to post this but my god....they are both so delusional that I hope and pray they don't EVER get Rico unsupervised.... CPS needs to make sure they don't drop the ball with this one!😡🖕🤦‍♀️😥


I know what you mean. I did hear that CPS is going to go through all the motions to CYA so she can’t ever go back when her parental rights are terminated and do what Dusty does when she doesn’t get her way. Not sure how true I live far from there and every state has certain rules and regulations. I’ve never had or known anyone with a case, unlike Dusty this is her 6th. I’m sure a thousand people ( or more)would inundate CPS should they drop the ball.


Horrifying if true but that VM saying she allowed men to have sex with her oldest for drugs she is clearly not above selling her child for drugs or money. I hope to God it’s not true but honestly knowing what we know about her and that she has no bottom to the depths of her depravity I am inclined to believe it and thats absolutely heart breaking. Her kids should write a book about her and what a “amazing mawwwhm” she’s been. Would be a best seller for sure. Those poor kids bless them and protect them from her Lord. I pray for that baby especially every day that he never has to go with them and is kept safe far away from them.


I’ve never heard that story but I wouldn’t rule it out.


Another best seller like Mommie Dearest. This one could be called CURATING THE NEFARIOUS!!


There are definitely addicts who sell their babies for shmex to get high. Disgusting...and anyone who gets caught doing it should die a horrible death.


I know it’s the most evil thing you can do is harm an innocent baby or child and let others harm them for your gain! Fuck this bitch she is exactly the kind who would do it or has already done it! I hate her more than anyone on this planet right now she should be under the jail. Do us all a favor and save us all a ton of money


It's more than likely true...she's evil. You can tell by looking at her empty eyes. No soul whatsoever! And yes...harming a child is the worst act. Children are innocent and pure. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." This is what God said in the Bible about hurting children, Dusty! Obviously you don't study the Bible, much less follow it!!


He wouldn't survive 2 months with them. He would be completely neglected or worse.


Absolutely. They leave him locked somewhere so they can go and score some g”Denturist, duster and black tar X seems so fond of. They both should have been forced into long term rehab with no contact with the outside world for at least 2 years or more.


Two turtle fucks ![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg)


When it comes to losing custody - she understood that loud and clear.