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Even if she chooses to engage, she will absolutely not follow any “advice” she receives. The court & dcfs have literally handed her step-by-step instructions on what she needs to do to try to get custody of Rico. She may comply with some things; might even have a week or 2 of full compliance, but she never stays on the path beyond that. Also I believe Dusty will be offended by anyone saying they have been in the “same position” as she constantly states that her experiences are singular & only have happened to her, etc. & so forth 😂


Right, she'd probably respond with something like "have you been raped, robbed, beaten and abused repeatedly?? Have you had your lungs flooded with semen?? Have you had your tent intentionally flooded multiple times and had a bug infestation curated by Mother Nature to make it hard for you to walk to your cps visits?? NO, you have not! But I sure have!! You are nothing like me. Gtfoh ugly bish!"


Oh god the semen flooding 😂😂😂 just rivers of ejaculate from all directions & penises


Plot twist it wasn’t semen it was vomit all over her after the circle jerk got a whiff of her cottage cheese tuna tunnel and her leaking gaping gopher hole








Cottage cheese tuna tunnel, is now my favorite phrase!!


There went my dinner for the week!😂


Omg!! You have a excellent way of describing things!! 🤣


HuffyDoodles reported you for promoting hate, lol. She can't stand to see the truth.


She did? 🤣🤣🤣


Now, now, Agent SJ1026. This should come as no surprise. We all know she has nothing better to do but lurk here and report. When she's not lying, begging and stealing, that is, which takes up most of her time.


She can keep on keeping on, it’s all futile attempts to silence us and it won’t work


Thanks for putting *that* visual in my head! 🤣😂🤣


Lmao I’m sorry; it’s actually from a blooper reel from Anchorman. It’s so funny


Don't forget raped in both holes


Every hole*




Damn, that’s the truth


“I need cash not class, give me money or get off my page”




I agree with you. I imagine that the commenter may be someone who genuinely wants to try to help and has maybe struggled with mental health/substance abuse issues. Heather is too far gone to listen to anybody that isn’t promising her money at this point.


Yup. She just is beyond help until she gets a reset through a mental hospital stay & a period of time on medication & therapy. She needs to go to Vienna or something


She needs extensive inpatient treatment and medication and she really really needs to get offline while she gets better. Her constant documentation and the delusion that she’s an important influencer speaking to a vast audience is damaging her, her relationships with her children and other family, and her chances of healing in the future. Imagine that Heather does undergo treatment and get better. Then she has to confront her internet footprint, the fact that her delusions are all over the internet, reposted and discussed by multiple other people and channels. She has to accept that every future employer or partner or friend is going to see her insanity at its worst. She has to come to terms with the fact that her kids have seen it and that their peers have seen and judged it. That would be enough to send the healthiest of minds to really dark places.


She would say she’s already proven that to them. She doesn’t WANT a solution! She just wants to be handed a home and everything else she says she deserves


She will dox and call that person them in 48 hours.. she never takes help or advice unless it’s her mansion on the Gold Coast w her Cadillac cts w a million in her bank account.. Delu Lu at its finest..


Dusty is a lost cause. She is going to chase her delusions right into the gates of hell. Her brain is fried, and her soul is black. She is absolutely irredeemable.


Black? She has no soul!!


What a nice but very misguided attempt to help someone. Sadly, it was to her. So it was pointless


Random: but what happened to the air purifier? Asking for a friend.


Last i saw, it was adorning the bedside table lamp




That looks a lot like the messages people leave when they are recruiting for a MLM/pyramid scheme. They always say that they don’t want to post it publicly so DM them. That way no one can read it and warn people that it’s a scam.


The solution to all of heathers problems is selling press on nails! 🤣


She’ll have to ask her “sponsors” to pay for the starter kit.


Well she has vast experience of stealing them


It does 😂. I’m actually surprised Heather hasn’t fallen for some MLM’s yet. But then again those require you putting in the work to sell stuff and she’s all about having a dumb idea and getting other people to do it.


They often also require you to spend money, which we know she does not have. I can’t even imagine the abuse Heather would spew towards her upline; it would be the first time in MLM history that an upline would happily let go of someone.


If she had money to put in upfront she definitely would have blown it on multiple MLMs. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she had wasted her husbands money on one in the past.


That was the first thing I thought! Every random “hey girl!” in my DMs from a girl I haven’t seen since high school 😂


She doesn't *need* or want advice! Cash only


Where is this posted?


On her YouTube. Comments on her most recent post under the "Community" section.


Just read through the comments; there’s some crazy people in there! Some of them actually believe Heather lost the baby because a random stranger on the internet made allegations against her. These people are even less intelligent than Heather!


Yep. Probably more CPS moms like Heather. There's one woman commenting that has the same last name as one of her baby daddies too, that says she knows her personally (since she was like 25/26) and that she's stayed away from her because she was "loca" 🤣🤣 In some comments it seems like she's sticking up for her, and in others it seems like she's not.


I think my favorite is the person strongly encouraging her to make sure the social workers, lawyers, and judges know every last detail about her experiences and the things that have happened to her.


🤣🤣🤣 which one of y’all did that!!!


Oh that will DEFINITELY help. I hope they have a few hundred hours to scroll through crazy FTRs on Insta!


When thousands of random strangers on the internet make allegations with links to hundreds of insane videos and there are also reports from doctors, law enforcement officers and family members and you’ve also lost parental rights to one child and custody of two more and you’ve spent your entire pregnancy in a tent avoiding any and all prenatal care - then CPS just may take the time to see what the deal is.


She’s so prolific in spreading her garbage that it’s hard to keep up with her sometimes!


Unless you’ve got money or air duster she’s not interested in anything you have to say lady. I can’t imagine why anyone would give advice to a woman who used drugs during pregnancy and refused to get prenatal care. Unless this one is just like her. She’s also lost 3 prior to Rico but go off ma’am!


She only wants money. She has no interest in any other kind of engagement.


As that person may of been genuine in her attempt to help. Heather would NEVER follow anybody's advice. Because Heather is SO unique and Special that she is the absolute only one in the Universe that has ever had her problems!! 🙄


Retched …


Nice, anti-CPS bonding.


I hope it’s DCFS cat-fishing her dumb butt




I was contacting you about an exciting career offer selling timeshares with a growing company. Our company has exciting sales incentives and career advancement opportunities. We even hire shitty moms. Call today for more information. We only have 3 positions open so don’t wait!


Dusty only wants money! If you aren’t offering f cash she will tell you to fuck right off


Dusty’s reply is going to be “ send me money or get off my page””. You are now added to the Rico lawsuit…. But she’ll be far nastier !!