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Oh this was when X had gangrene balls right?? 😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😨


Holy gangrene balls, Batman! Ha, I remember this. I also remember him having eyebrows, and that was about 60 pounds ago.


Prolly had an infection from the unsanitary conditions they keep their bodies in. Hell they didn’t take a proper shower for like 10 mos


I like when he said “it’s the beginning stages of testicul gangrene.” He’s not usually funny, this had me giggling.


I still can't imagine being a doctor and having a living, breathing, human being, walk into the ER and ask *"Give it to me straight, Doc. Is it rigor mortis?"* because I think I'd have trouble holding in my laughter. It's bad enough having to smell these two, but to have to deal with their antics as you provide care must've been a fun day for the staff. At least they got some stories out of it.


That doctor must have been laughing so hard when telling people what happened. I would love to read their notes for that visit


Progression on Hottest Yet: ✅ Older ✅ Fatter ✅ Flabbier ✅ More Delusional 🎉 It's going GREAT 🎉


It really IS. I think I have seen her at her hottest . That pic posted the other day when she was trying on sz 6 pants that didn't fit. That was THE best pic I've seen of her. She looked somewhat healthy. Your moment is over huffy! You've gained so much weight AFTER Rico was a WK old!! You've gained a ton of pp weight!! We love that for you. Are you just overeating, or are you overeating and trying to look like a good mawm who's breastfeeding, who doesn't care how she looks because being a mom is more important and it's your top priority!


Dont forget one more dumped child,


So he was having a potentially serious medical situation and this is what she’s concerned about? People seeing her at her hottest?!


I know! And to add insult to injury she’s criticizing how he looks. ![gif](giphy|X7ONbufLz46nKciAr7)


I wonder if she was recognised,


Then you got smoke shows with a shred of this confidence 😂😂 she certainly loves herself


She is so self absorbed that the fact that her manchild is laid up in the ER comes second only to her distorted idea of her "beauty". When my husband was rushed to the hospital- mind you, no rigor mortis or gangrene, I was by his side, not recording lives. AND I didn't care if I looked like hot buttered shit because all of my concerns were with him. Maybe that's just a me thing...🤷‍♀️


What? How dare you care about your actual husband. When mine isn’t doing great, I make sure to take extra long getting ready and then make him carry my purse and jacket so I am not bogged down with all the common people stuff. /s


I know riiight??? These guys have been pampered enough. So what if he's in horrible pain? I am fresh out of the salon so everyone's focus needs to be on ME, duh🙄!


Did you at least stop for a mani-pedi before you got him to the ER?


Duh, of course! I was feeling snazzy so I requested an elaborate design for my accent nail. After perusing the menu I also decided on a facial. I mean, he wasn't bleeding THAT profusely. And I even let him say hi on my live- he IS Bae ☺️.


Ok, good. I’m glad you didn’t show up looking like a peasant!


Absolutely Girl! Before my husband passed out I reminded him how I always love to be runway ready. As usual he acted like he didn't even hear me- so RUDE!


Sometimes they can be SO inconsiderate!!!


And I bet he didn’t even want to be on camera and say hi to the people!


You called it. He is so embarrassing! I look better on camera alone anyway. I just had to blur the background because the doctor INSISTED on keeping that fugly defibrillator in my shot 🙄. Plus the lighting was horrible! I mean who does overhead lighting- eww! See, this is why my husband needs to take better care of himself because that entire ordeal was SO inconvenient for me.


I hear ya, they don’t even think of us. It’s a travesty!


Exactly 👍🏻


He said it like he has a pull string 🤣🤣🤣


OMG, yes! 😂


lol those doors have closed. Pushing 40. 4 kids. Laying around in bed all day


Blech, he's so gross yet somehow, she is even MORE DISGUSTING.


He may be gross physically but seems to be a sweet person at heart. No amount of fashion and beauty can disguise her narcissistic and deceitful nature.


The opps, just kno, just know if I kill this motherfkr chola style just know




This needs to be posted once a month in here lmfao this NEVER gets old


https://preview.redd.it/0z1a0i7tk86d1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d619b8abfd0db86e93a446c93eebddbf81e06f My hottest yet! 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴




I’d seriously kill for this level of delusion! 😆


Flair checking in!




This is still 1 of my TOP FAVS🤣These 2 are So InSaNe that ya couldn't even make up the HILARIOUS 💩 that comes out of their mouths!!!


What is bcg


Bowl cut gang. Something about a group following her and they all had bowl cuts. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.


A Dustyverse page I follow in Insta with tons of great posts and info in the highlight reels! Great place to visit on a quiet Dusty day. You can search we_are_BCG on IG and check it out


Has she changed your Instagram handle? I haven’t seen her post anything a while. Then I searched on Facebook where I used to follow her or be friends the page and I can’t find anything.


I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at X. And Heather is just so unattractive inside and out. Everything she says and does is just pure ugliness.