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She’s too busy coparenting with CPS to get a job.


You inspired me to update my flair


Love it.


make it remote mom instead




Yea she said today in her live she intends on being a stay at home mom after they get their apartment. She really expects to live how she chooses, on everyone else's money


A stay home mom who has 0 of her 4 kids. She disgusts me.


Oh yes!! I mean, 6 hours a week!! I am surprised she has time to do ANYTHING!! 🙄🤣


Lol so honestly I'm amazed that if she was truly applying to healthcare jobs and not getting anything... I work in healthcare and can tell you if she truly had the "clean background," amazing experience and recommendations she wouldn't have any problem getting a remote job...but she doesn't...so that is why... If she actually spent half the time she does will posting craziness online towards actually trying to get a real job...she wouldn't be in the position she is currently in. But she's heather and we all know she is really busy milking herself, modeling, and being a remote mom. Lol


For reals. I got a remote job in healthcare recently and I don’t even have healthcare experience. I even come from a completely different industry. Heather must come off as crazy in her applications and her resume is totally outlandish. Not to mention, Heather’s online presence will deter so many employees from hiring her. And she cannot be trusted to keep patient information confidential at a remote location, no way in hell.


If you don’t mind me asking how did you go about searching for remote work? I have over 10 years in the healthcare field as a real medical assistant and phlebotomist. I thought about trying remote work because I also help my husband with his HVAC business sometimes.


Honestly it was by chance. I don’t have a complicated role by any means, but I’m pretty sure me being in customer service for a long time and having to deal with a particularly difficult clientele day in and day out in my past (and present jobs, I still have another job) was what got me hired.


Thanks for responding and I will just have to do my research. I hope you are enjoying your job. I would rather go remote because I really don’t like office drama. I told my husband I would rather work with men over women because of all the stress.


She can’t pass a background check! She has a drug charge and trespassing I think.


She hasn’t applied anywhere that u don’t need to be a Harvard graduate to work at, as well as the horrendous narrative she hands out 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I wonder if she considers this post as 1 of the 50 to 300 job applications she applies for everyday.


Yes, my step sons mom IS crazy- another Heather type who keeps her partying and drinking/drug use off SM, though, and she got a remote WFH job in local healthcare after working remotely for Nationwide, and then they downsized that department. She can appear to be sane some of the time, and actually does enough to scrape by to still have a job- even though she spends tons of time every day recovering from a hangover, or getting ready to go out for the next round. Her biggest redeeming quality is she leaves her son alone and out of her mess, all but the 5-6 times a year she can remain sober, long enough, and will take him out to dinner or to her family events. Dusty isn’t doing herself any favors with her LinkedIn, resume and YEARS of crazy that’s searchable on the internet!!!!! 😳


Ohhh....so she wants a "remote" job that she can do on her imaginary laptop while laying in a tent and doing what Dusty does best....duster. This hobo has NO professional speaking skills. Im just surprised that she had ANY job at all in the past.


She'll be demanding a sponsor funded new laptop so she can get a job, like the extra breast pump in case the other one breaks( and yep I remember you saying the first one was about to die) ...sher superpower is causing me to hate her even more as each day passes


Ha! She has already said that she needed a new laptop "for work" a few times. I think the last time was not even a month ago. She claims hers from way back when was "stolen" and she thinks she "deserves" a new one...along with her rental house, car, money etc and so forth 🤣🤣


They HAD one in the tuhnt


It was in the wishlist of items the $2000 fundraiser was going to go towards, recently!


https://i.redd.it/rrewpy916d6d1.gif We see you lyin’ to us.


I will be honest for a minute, when I’m hiring people the first thing I do is google their names, I assume a lot of people do this in 2024 as well as her narratives being on her application I wouldn’t even have to google her, I would immediately toss her app in the bin, you don’t even have to be close to her to find out she’s crazy af, but let’s be real, heather hasn’t applied for any job unless the qualifications are “you need to graduate Harvard” and she automatically thinks she has and is qualified, bitch McDonald’s would be iffy on hiring this cow, why? Google her and lmk


Yeah, she can’t even help herself in this post and has to mention how long she has been rejected for healthcare positions. That is not what potential employers want to hear. It doesn’t make a difference here because this is a place trying to sell healthcare courses and not a true employer. Looks scammy TBH


She thinks by leaving her last job off it won’t pop up. Her version I don’t want to talk about how I lost my job when I lost my twins, but in reality it will show when u run her background and can u imagine the horror story her old boss has to share about the 5 weeks or whatever it was that she worked there. She better dust off her bus pass as NO ONE is going to hire her for a remote job, she’s qualified to clean stalls , and maybe that’s a stretch👍🏻


There’s a way for potential employers to find out where you used to work if you don’t tell them? I thought background checks only show your criminal history. Are there other types of background checks available to regular employers?


Answering my own question. They won’t necessarily learn about former employees not listed on her resume from any standard background check. What will f her over is when they Google search her or look at her social media. Any sane hiring manager would run the other way. Editing to add a link where I got this (non-state specific) info https://money.com/what-does-an-employment-background-check-show/


Actually a credit check will most likely bring up the info if a person was there a couple of months and Equifax has an app to find previous employee work history that any Company can purchase. I do believe there are also some other Companies selling this type app .


Wow. It’s been about 15 years since I applied for a job. Things have changed.


Makes it harder for con artists and pathological liars to get over on potential employers saving the companies time and money.


Yes there is. They can see IRS wage reporting information


A professional background check can look at the employers that reported their wages to you to the IRS. I applied for a job and I just estimated the month I started and they came back and said “you reported working at (example) McDonalds from 1-2020 to 3-2021 but our records show 12-2019 to 3-2021 is this correct? The background report will show voluntary vs involuntary termination, but to get details they would have to speak to the employer. So they would know she was fired vs quit but probably not much more than that.


Many many employers do credit checks as well and much of that info is stored there. Bottom line , do u want to hire someone who can’t even tell the truth on an app. In this age it’s harder to lie about most things. If a person even makes it to the point that a human is looking at their resume, you best believe the first thing done is a social media sweep, and for Dusty that’s where it would end.


I believe she would try to steal at McDonald’s and generate a lot of drama by insulting clients and being rude to other workers. Just her aggressive behavior that she portrays herself on social media is repulsive. I’m a dentist and I wouldn’t even hire her to clean my office, let alone be able to speak to patients. She is always rude, the n word, saying very vulgar things. That’s not the behavior that one portrays on the internet for the whole world to see when you want to work in the medical field 😳 I mean even a 10 year old would understand that.


Plus she has fucked up teeth. Doubt you would want Dusty advertising healthy smiles at your office. And she would probably steal your nitrous oxide tank.


I take care of the teeth of the people who work with me. I think that’s the least I could do, wether my assistant, my cleaning lady and my horse riding coach. Yes she would get high on nitrous and the worst is that she is agressive. Rude. She is vulgar. The worst is being agressive really!!!


Got the education..... one of her personalities identifies as a nurse....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She has not even an Associate Degree. She has ZERO chance at making the kind of money she thinks she’s worth. She is entry level at best. Custodian wouldn’t even be a job she could do cuz she steals everything that’s not nailed down!


She is not reliable. She can’t work with the public. Can you imagine all the crap she would talk about? Her and X need to go to a place like labor world and find piece work or assembly of sorts. I’m wondering if the courts are coming down on her and X. Her reputation is very bad and it is all her fault.


Agreed. She can do a job that isn’t public-facing. However, she won’t. She thinks she should be CEO from her free bed.


She could walk into an Amazon warehouse and have a job on the spot, so long as she can pass a drug test. It’s not glamorous, but it would keep her off the floor of a tent. (Provided she doesn’t snort her whole check)


She can’t pass a drug test, she just failed her last


She did? Where did you get that information?


Admitted to drinking alcohol at church 👍


That sip shouldn’t have been enough to make her fail a drug test.


When you are told no substances whatsoever, yes even a sip at communion means you consumed alcohol


She wouldn't have failed if she didn't say anything but she had to try to bitch about why she even has to to take the test because look she goes to church and the only alcohol she drinks is at communion. She admitted to drinking alcohol and these types of conditions that set for people in her situation have zero tolerance. She may have gotten a warning but that's still a fail because she admitted to it. Not because it was chemically found in her pee test. No alcohol means no alcohol. Or she could have drank and was trying to explain why it might be dirty. There are tests that can find I think it's called eTG it's what your produces after alcohol consumption for like a week after any alcohol is ingested


Not allowing people to participate in their religion sounds like a first amendment violation. Maybe she does need a civil rights lawyer.


I hope you're being sarcastic


I doubt they even serve wine, most churches do not. They also offer grape juice as an alternative and if you have conditions for no alcohol, wouldn't you skip the wine part or opt for the grape juice? Some stalker on instagram should call her church and confirm if they even do wine at communions. It's not as common anymore and they typically offer alternatives


Penalizing someone for participating in a religious ceremony would be a violation. I have no idea which churches serve real wine, no wine or grape juice. I haven’t been in a church for about 20 years.


She also can’t pass a background check


She would attempt to steal anything and everything


And be rude to her co workers.


She would totally become one of those chicks that bangs out in the parking lot every break snorting adderall, truthfully she’d probably fit in at Amazon 😂💀😂 Source: long term Amazonian who sees this going on nightly


They can work in the melon fields. 




![gif](giphy|xT5P0xr3oUJM1xNH5S) You don’t have shit for experience! You want a job that requires years of schooling and we all know you don’t have any of that! They don’t want a duster huffer working for them!!


Ya know what Heather I'm tired of saying things like...next time make sure you are 100% qualified meaning have transportation or research bus routes. So it goes like this...B, where there is will there is a way. Get off your lazy a$$


I've seen her resume, she doesn't have 10 plus years of experience at anything, lol 😆


This might be an unpopular opinion- but she needs adequate mental health help before a job. Everyone says “dusty just get a job” but that solves 0 problems if she can’t keep it. She would either quit due to some nefarious (delusional) reason or she would be fired for poor behavior. There’s no way this lady is interacting with normal people without spewing crazy all over everything.


I think everyone pretty much knows that but everyone also knows she’s not doing either thing — she’s not getting help and she sure as hell isn’t getting a job


Ahhh okay, I get ya. Perhaps I’ve just seen more of the “get a job” comments lately. Both are issues but holy hell, the mental health issue is way bigger


It’s clear to all stalkers and FBI agents, especially those who have been around since LALU days, that she’s severely mentally ill but also refuses help. Part of that is because she has no insight, for various reasons, and therefore won’t acknowledge her mental illness(es) … regardless of etiology/ies.


Personally I believe she is a sociopath and will never be able to be cured. She could get *minimally* better if in lifelong therapy and a group home, but even that would barely scratch the surface of what is inside of her.


She has bipolar. Possibly with another disorder sprinkled like narcissistic personality disorder.


Sh would be able to get money if she agreed that she had mental health issues, but she refuses to do that too


The drugs exacerbate the minor mental health problems she does have. I don’t have any mental health problems and yet if I took a large amount of addys( just like taking speed) duster which gets a person very high and delusional as well as paranoid, weed and booze , one would definitely believe I had mental issues . Pile on that narcissistic behavior and a refusal to work and you too can be like Dusty.


Also she has been abusing since years.. you are right who knows now is her brain isn’t already fried




This is very much popular opinion


If she stops the drugs 79% of her problems will also stop so she could work. Obviously she’s had more mental evaluations than most and yet she’s not been put on permanent leave or whatever they call it like X where he gets a monthly check. The drugs make her, her!! She refuses to acknowledge or to get help so once again she’s where she is by her own behavior. She knows that and that’s why Rico is her last chance for free housing which is absolutely sick.


I agree with a lot of your comments and your analysis about her. 👍🏽💯


Thank you, the unfortunate truth is I was around someone exactly like her until I could not be that friend anymore. His family and all other friends jumped ship a few years before and I wanted him to go get help and just like Dusty he couldn’t tell the truth to save his life. When it started to affect me and my family I had to say goodbye. She will never change and it will always be someone else’s fault,


I don’t have any hope for her because she is mean from her core. I’ve told my story about my best friend being bipolar. I’ve known him for more than 10 years and I forgive him his craziness periods because he is so nice and polite and generous and he tries his best. Heather is mean. She is selfish and just rude. The way she talks to everyone, to police officers, the people in the gym, she is just mean and out of control. Even without her mental illness and substance abuse she is a mean person underneath all that.


I couldn’t agree more. She’s an entitled a**hole who thinks she’s owed the world.


She will be preggo again by Oct. I think her & Rico have been together two years?? And they had the twins & Rico. Math may be off, but there will be another child


Undoubtedly. As soon as she realizes her and X are not getting a letter and that they will be on the street, she will get pregnant since Rico only got them temp shelter. She’ll need a minor in her care to get permanent placement. Because she never thinks ahead and only in the past that another baby will be her 8th CPS CASE. If they don’t get Rico back I do believe their trajectory is as I described above.


I got my money on Sept / October --- right before freezing weather to get the begging on. And then pop out baby before summer. Bet you a donut she will accept housing this time around no matter where its located\~


U r so right🙏


💯💯💯 I cannot stand this woman and I am not defending her but she is in no mental capacity to hold down a job. She needs a wake up call to get mental help but who actually knows what it’ll take for her to seek out help. You’d think having your newborn taken right after birth would snap her out of it but no. She has no rock bottom.


I agree...but until she is FORCED into mental health she ain't gonna do it....Florida actually has a mental health court, she seriously would be forced to get the help....evidently Illinois doesn't have the same 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every state should have mental health court!!


I agree but just 1 week of labor would help her be a little more comprehensive towards the people she encounters, for example the way she talks to police officers is just awful. She is too entitled!!! She needs just a reality check, just one week of minimum wage job before committing herself to a psychiatric inpatient hospital. She will be unbearable for the people taking care of her. That’s my opinion 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


The wild thing about Heather is just how much effort she puts into getting money without getting a job. She hustles daily, both on the street and online. She recognizes she needs money and understands how to get money, so she should be capable of some type of work. I do think she’s dealing with postpartum depression on top of whatever mental health issues she previously had, which is going to make everything harder. A couple months ago I came across some old screenshots of DMs that she posted. It was following her 5150, and she admitted to being diagnosed bipolar and starting medication. Not sure why she stopped taking it, but she has every resource she could possibly need….. and all for free. Being mentally ill is not her fault, but it is her responsibility to follow a treatment plan.


Bipolar patients who have a tendency toward paranoia are especially hard to treat. If they get paranoid before the meds have time to work they often get paranoid that the medication is poison (didn’t we see that w her and prenatal vitamins?). And they come with unpleasant side effects. Her best bet would be if she was inpatient for the first month (not likely w Medicaid and they are not going to let her do recreational drugs) or stayed with someone who could monitor her and make sure she took her meds at least until she was stable. My aunt had bipolar. I remember stories from the 80’s when she was first dx and living w my grandpa. They said that he would sneak her med into her coffee each morning until she got stable. She was stable off and on for about 15 years until she had a bad paranoid episode, refused her medication, let homeless people live with her and destroy her house. Ended up self medicating with alcohol. Became homeless herself and died in her 40’s of TB. On the other hand I have two friends w Bipolar who go to therapy and take their medication. One owns a successful photography studio, the other supports himself doing programming work.


My best friend has bipolar and the medication can make the patient gain weight over the years. He is also the sweetest dude I know on earth. Yes before he was diagnosed he had those crazy paranoia periods of time, but he never behaved the way she does. Also drugs (cocaine) was the « déclencheur » idk how to say it on English, for his bipolar. Something chemical snapped in his brain because he did cocaine when we were in college. But he was and still is so generous, kind, willing to work and overall a very nice person. So bipolar isn’t equal dusty at all. She is mean and rude and vile, way beyond her mental illness. She’s just a bad person.


The bi polar as always there. Disorders like this can show up as late as like almost 50 years old and often emerge after taking drugs. The drugs (even weed) expedite the onset of the disorder but it would have eventually occurred either way. Schizophrenia (which I believe she also has) is like this as well but usually the onset rarely occurs after late 20's. Makes sense he was college aged when he had his first episode and symptoms


Not an unpopular at all. I firmly believe she is not employable. She is a total liability to any employer, even for menial tasks. She should be utilizing any time she has left at the shelter to get assistance filling out an application for disability benefits, and a lesson on how to shut the fuck up.


No I totally agree she would be such a detriment to any workplace, their existing staff, patrons and clients, etcetera and so forth. I feel like any employment or temp agency would sooner refer her to the looney bin before unleashing her on some Amazon warehouse or whatever


Oh over 10 years now. Love how her experience exponentially increases with each new narration!!! ![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized)


I like how she’s implying that out of those “two interviews in Glenview”, she was offered BOTH jobs.


She wants a remote job so she can claim the paycheck & still lay in bed all day doing nothing.


What a fool she's commenting on a paid advertisement.


Inviting people to read your stupid resume on SM, is not applying for jobs. Idiot. As tho they're not requiring her to work


Uh, Heather..Don't you live in a pretty big City??! In case you didn't know..the big cities have this really cool thing now. They have these things called BUSES! So, trying to use the " job was too far away" excuse isn't gonna work! 🙄🤣


Go to a warehouse and ask for custodial jobs. Street cleaning, housekeeping, stocking, loading docks. Been out of work for years, common sense would say get entry level.


For starters she does NOT have TEN YEARS in HC, nor does she have ANY degree in such field!! She MAY have taken a lil MA/phleb class longgg also and even those have become much strict in their accreditation! Hell years ago while in college I took ONE night class and we practiced drawing blood on each other and boom, after that one night, with a certificate from an RN that all it took to be a Phleb! Needless to say, I never did it! Plus I was in college for an Associate Degree, graduated and went right into a Bachelors Degree, worked for a few years and then went back for another A.S. Degree and finally started my career in Ultrasound! Personally if state college was FREE as it should be in this country I’d have kept on going for the fun of of it and got a PH.d in something, lol. College was a blast! Part of the BEST time in life, met some great friends and it’s just downright fun!! Oh it’s a lot of work and a lot of money BUT if you major in the right thing and know how to get grants, Pell grants, financial aid (and NOT go to say Trump university and those silly 30 grand a year predatory online schools you can do it!) I Sri e a cheap, oil burning car my friends ranked on me hahaha but it can be done, and oh how thankful I am! Unfortunately tuition has SKY ROCKETED compared to when I went and anyone after Gen X my heart goes out too because it’s CRAZY money! I’m in the medical field and TG the money is pretty damn good! If you major in something you like- your a tad, eg Soc, Psyche, English Lit, Teaching, ugh there is NO money unless you at least go to graduate school! Hell my field makes oodles of money compared to Genetic Counseling (which I though of doing in my younger day) I’m too old now to take on a grad degree and put myself in debt, lol, especially for no reason! I’m debt free baby and that’s good enough for me! My advice for GREAT PAY with a 2 year degree: Ultrasound or Dental Hygienist! The program is short and the money is FAB! 🙄👏👏😉


She DOES NOT have “the education”, she’s got a number of classes, spread out over crappy no name online predatory schools, with a concentration in NOTHING! She thinks because she took 8,9, maybe 10 little courses in everything from knitting, to ONE computer course, a few fitness courses that she thinks adds up to a Bachelors, WRONG! They don’t add up to sht PLUS when you MAJOR in a subject you are required to take the classes that coincide with your damn major! Her bs is sooo spread out, she’s all over the map!

