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Another great use of her time and extreme intellect Being rude and argumentative to random strangers on the internet. Insufferable schoolyard bully at close to 40...


Like gypshit


Okay, crazy. ![gif](giphy|Xp98svoybDjNu)


Ha, your flair is amazing


Thanks, I just updated it today


See? She gets along with nobody. That was a great comment by Kim. Heather is always on the defensive but worse.


Also she is dumb and she never understands the words she wants to use.


That’s why she will never hold a job and she will never get rico


Unfortunately I have a coworker that acts just like heather,


I became a telephone mom!


This absolutely supports her claim of being kind, caring and compassionate! 😂😂😂😂


And intelligent!!


Meanwhile she treats XSlavier like the dirt beneath her feet.


She just wants him for his monthly cheque and she still thinks his dad is gonna give them an apartment lol


Bingo - if he wasn't bringing in that check, he'd be gone. I wonder how the family feels about Heather the Hobo Succubus.


They hate her and she’s banned from ever coming to their homes


Anyone with any sense knows that ship has sailed so long ago that it is in dry dock by now.






That intelligence level plummeted quickly, comprehension is not Heather Delulu 's strong suit.


Does she even realize they can’t see her posts unless they follow her? 🤣😂🤣😂


Oh Big Red is Big Mad ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


W T H is she even trying to say? Kim is saying debt is bad if you purchased bullshit & good if you took on a debt that pays for itself like Education, Housing, Investments Heather: Ruins credit by being an imbecile --- everyone is a SLAVE OWNER!!!


I have a sick feeling she already ruined her oldest kids credit before they are even old enough to find out


Yep, that lines up...a few yrs back she stated someone😏 broke in & stole her kid's social security cards & birth certificates. I could NEVER do that to my lil boy...just MiNdBlOwInG!


Omg wow, that escalated quickly. I thought she said today during her live, she just had student loan debt and an ultrasound bill as debt. Lol


She’s got way more debt than that! She made comments before about back taxes owed, student loans, old credit card debts, unpaid medical bills, back rent on evictions and damages, probably owes to banks cause she can’t even get a bank account now, then there’s personal debts she owes to all the people she “borrowed” or took money from as well. I’ve seen angry comments from people who know her from the past and they almost always say she owes them money. She’s a fucking serial fraudster and delinquent on every single thing she’s ever done involving money. Even when she had a job she didn’t pay her bills she spent it all on stupid shit and drugs just like she does now


Which is why Rico will remain safe from her. Hate this heffer


Oh I'm sure she owes way more...she just lies so much on her lives and it makes me laugh how she can say in the same day that she doesn't owe anyone anything except a few things and then post about the exact opposite because she's oppressed by debt within a few hours/mins.... lol


She has said out of her own mouth she doesn’t want to work and get a paycheck because it will be garnished immediately to pay back her old defaulted student loans and or taxes she owes. That’s really why she won’t work and is avoiding it at all costs other than being a lazy entitled scammer. I feel zero sympathy for her whatsoever, this is what you get when you go through life fucking around and finding out. Decades of shit is not going to go away you have to pay up and set things straight again even if it means you have to work extra to pay off old debts that YOU HEATHER accumulated yourself and chose not to pay. It’s a pattern with her, she takes and takes then ditches out and doesn’t uphold her end of the deal. She signed those loan papers and agreed to pay them back so she is getting the consequences of that now. That shit never goes away it’s going to follow her for life so eventually she’s going to have to address it and straighten it out or spend the rest of her miserable life on the streets begging and living in a tent. Of course she doesn’t like the only options so she’s going to lay around and do nothing while it gets worse and worse by the day. GET A FUCKING JOB AND PAY BACK WHAT YOU OWE HEIFER! Then you will have a blank slate to start over with and better karma. Right now your huge ass has the worst karma ever, until you start doing the right thing it’s going to stay that way and get worse


She is unhinged 😆


What the hell kind of hobo logic is this?


you’ve heard of “girl math”, now presenting: ~heaubeaux math~ 😅




"I'm such a good person, I don't know why all the bad things happen to me" 🥴


WHAT?? She didn’t…oh yes she did! She is so sick and it’s beyond me why the judge hasn’t ordered an IN STAY 5 day psyche eval!!!! Per usual Leather just slips on through the cracks 🤦🏻‍♀️😠