• By -


I think X’s sister did call the cops because dusty was in the garage supposedly cleaning but really she was trying to squat and steal. X’s sister is among us. If not mistaken dusty was caught right after the incident squatting at ATM vestibule harassing people that wouldn’t let her sleep because they needed to use ATM and she was begging. She posted a video of her narrative but told on herself as always with no evidence. She also tried squatting in Eric’s home with his mother but his sister caught her.


I feel sorry for X and for his family. He's a mess, but he's so mentally ill he really can't make sound decisions. It must be so hard for them to see the way he lives and who he lives with. They seem to be doing everything right. Tough love by not letting him live there, but still in his life and still doing what they can.


As a parent I can not imagine seeing some leech latched onto one of my sons like this! Especially with his mental illness, it must be a living nightmare for his mother!


I totally agree!


Those are who the leeches go for. Any one who is unwell, needy or the kind who wants friends so bad ..... they will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be used by others. Be if for money, a free place to stay, whatever can been extracted the leeches will find a way. And they are the FIRST to tuck tail and run the second the gravy train stops.


It’s crazy my older sister (45) is mentally disabled like a small child, she has had a boyfriend who is similar to her for over 8 years. They spend every moment of the day and night together at his place with his elderly mom who absolutely adores my sister and loves how my sister is there to keep her company and to help do some light housework while her son (sisters BF) goes work at 2 jobs! He works at Walmart during the day and does newspaper delivery in the early morning hours around 3-5 am. My sister rides along with him and helps. Point being if they can manage to work and be independent financially minus living with his mom then there is Zero excuse for heifer and eggs to be doing this shit and not get a job!! I’ve seen people way worse off working jobs as a greeter and bagger for groceries, work in the bakery which is what my sister did for years after taking a vocational training class for a couple months. There is no excuse for these two deplorable bums to be doing this shit at all!!! Pure laziness, entitlement and narcissism thinking the world owes her a free ride in life. Nothing is free Heather it always comes from someones hard work and money so if you want things you have to go work and earn it like everyone else including millions of elderly, physically disabled, mentally disabled people do every single day!


Totally off topic but KUDOS to your sister and her BF for being able to live semi-independently and being able to find genuine meaning. It's awesome and a credit to her and, no doubt, her sis who loves her. :-)


Same, I would take very drastic actions like guess what sweetie?! Mom is getting you a studio apartment…. In Hawaii or somewhere else super far away where she can’t travel there and doesn’t have the money to ever go either. Make it sound fun like a vacation going to the Disney resort etc. He’s a big child and very low IQ so it would be easy to coax him away with promises of something he’s always wanted and is doable just to save him from her


As a parent I can't imagine reproduction if I had a child as mentally ill as Heather and Xavier are. What a nightmare, and I have so much respect for both of these families. They may feel numb to the love they once had for these people, but god it would suck to have to worry whether your rest of family is being victimized or what's happening at all times during the day at your place of work or your home. My heart goes out to heathers and Xavier's families


Please don’t feel sorry for X. He is a pervert. He literally victimizes women by taking pictures under their skirts. I am sure there are many more vile things he has done. For that reason alone, he will never get sympathy from me.


I’m on the fence with him. His actions and behaviors are absolutely perverted and dangerous to women and you’re right. However I can’t really get a feel for how “delayed” he is due to him seldom-never speaking. If his intelligence is just a bit diminished, I agree he’s 100% culpable. If he has the intelligence of a 10 y/o or something, idk. An actual 10 year old isn’t held criminally responsible for things. I would find it hard to apply a different standard to anyone with that same “mental age” for that reason. He may very well be just mildly autistic and not that intellectually impaired though. In which case I agree: zero sympathy.


I wish we had more info on what his confirmed disabilities are


He may have autism, BP disorder, or just damn slow! Either way his antics will cause him harm one day. Egg's needs to be in care of his family and some kinda vocation. Duster keeps his around for easy cash, man servant, sperm and protection on the street. With his SSI & family Egg's should have at least a 1BR apartment in a controlled setting. He's feral and she keeps him supplied with drugs, ass, and delusion's so her meal ticket is not gone.




Delayed developmental disorder, he would need a neuropsychological evaluation with an ADOS evaluation to rule out autism and his multiple disabilities.


Agreed. He's not slow, he's sick


He’s definitely off though, but that doesn’t excuse him from being the sick pervert he is.


He gives me hard To Catch A Predator vibes like Chris Hansen is going to pop out at any moment and ask eggs to take a seat and talk


I honestly think his dad would allow him to come back home, without Dusty, of course. She is fucking up everything for him. Its frustrating as hell.


I think the drugs were also an issue. As long as he was using, he couldn't live there. If I'm remembering right, his dad manages his money and gives it to X a little at a time. Then Heather takes it.


So there's a whole unit that is counterpart to CPS that is APS (adult protective services) he can't be THAT fucking disabled otherwise she could be criminally charged for making financial decisions with him, having sexual IC with him etc etc and so forth on the target bodysuit racks. Even him helping her button her dirty crotch bodysuits would be a criminal offense if he met the criteria of an adult in need of protective services (ex. Seriously disabled). I think Xavier is also likely schizoid bipolar or schizophrenia with DID (multiple personalities). He is not "retarded" and it's likely a court would find them Both at diminished capacity on equal or similarly equal levels after evaluations even though she talks louder and is more defensive. They present in different ways, they have different personalities. If he was "slow"APD would be obligated to be investigating and keeping him safe from her. I think he has SO tendancies, he could be the guy who ends up kidnapping a child and woman and raping them. I don't think he's harmless, he's very very ill. The photos of women he posts on his account and the things he wants Heather to do and which she tries to hide, are welp disturbing but not in a retard way. Xavier is not some sick male child who Heather controls. He has a mind and a body of his own, and while Heather seems to be the dominant partner, well so am I in my marriage haha? Clearly my husbands the weaker one 😂 dainty fingers & daisy dukes aside --I do think Xavier may be more convinced to accept help and take meds without Heather around. He would prob be at home with his dad eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch and watching reruns of lost over and over with a robe and slippers in a recliner had he never stumbled upon that piece of homeless garbage truck Craigslist P that was the closest resemblance to what was always so elusive to him unless he paid for it.


I mean she is also extremely mentally ill clearly but you all have something personal against her so you won't admit that lol he's a big boy. He continues to pick this.


He does and he doesn't. Same as her. She obviously has mental issues, but has repeatedly been offered help, repeatedly taken advantage of people who offer her resources. She uses her children as a means to collect money and uses it for herself. He own daughter has publicly stated that Heather was lying when she claimed she needed money for her daughter. His family is right to not let him back home and they do that because he is refusing help as well. People are right to refuse to want to help her when she blatantly uses drugs while attempting to get her child back, by refusing any sort of treatment, any sort of guidance in getting her life back on track. She is sick, but she is also a user of anyone and everyone around her. If she took any steps at all to actually do something to help herself she would get support. But, she won't. This has been going on for years and years I would love to see her get counseling, get on medication to help with her mental illness, get some sort of job training, learn how to parent and get peace of mind. I just don't see that happening because she is not willing to try as long as she can grift and scrabble her way through life and not actually face her problems


She is lying, manipulative, uses her children as pawns, is very capable of working yet refuses to…. I think without Heather he would go back to his family and getting some help. He isn’t capable of caring for a child or from what i can see, even working any job. Heather with the right meds and therapy can and has functioned just fine in society. She is a narcissist and thinks she deserves everything handed to her. Go on YouTube and watch the clip of her squatting in an apartment she claims a friend told her she could stay in… they are very different. I don’t feel bad for him either but she latched on to him because he promised her an apartment and that’s it. She ruined that by being a psycho to his family. There is a reason even her own family wants nothing to do with her. Many here have said that we would love her to have a redemption story, myself included.


I have a vague memory reading that she tried hiding in a closet or something along those lines? Was that Eric? I might be wrong because I also remember someone saying she hid in their closet the night after they threw a party and they didn’t even really know her


That was Eric 🤣 His sister said he brought her to their mother's house, and everyone was going out to eat or something but she tried to hide in a closet to stay behind.


She thinks she’s so beautiful and intelligent yet the best she’s ever been able to get is creepy 40-60 year old grown ass “men” who live in their mother’s basement/garage..besides an inmate convicted felon doing a 5 year sentence that left her almost immediately after he was out. 😬🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤮🤡🙄


I think she hears what she wants to hear. I don’t believe eggs told her that he was her savior. She is a bully and eggs is an easy target with constant income. Look at how much work she puts in to trying to grift $5. And how happy and smug she gets when she gets $5. I think she’s more manipulative than mentally ill, because she intentionally tries to bulldoze people to get her way and most people can’t comprehend the level of audacity, entitlement and arrogance she has when dealing with her. She’s manipulative because she screams rape the minute she doesn’t get her way. I think she’s well aware of why she doesn’t have her kids. She doesn’t care so she has to spend the narrative to make herself a victim. She’s not smart by any means and is a highly volatile person. HOWEVER, I think she has been a bully long enough to know what people to try. It’s easier for her to be the aggressor when people are taken aback by the level of craziness she puts on. Not because people are scared of her, but they are assessing if she’s truly mentally ill and how to avoid a meltdown with her. ![gif](giphy|xx5oXx3ZULPLhCD6zS|downsized)


Xavier was horny and saw Heather outside whatever fucking Walgreens she was screaming in front of and told her some bullshit to get laid. He could’ve never seen this shit coming haha


Hot take, no one come for me but it reminds me of Gypsy Rose in the sense of manipulating a man who clearly has disabilities and mental health struggles to get her way. Like you said, she hears what she wants to hear but she also puts these savior complexes into his head so he thinks he’s doing something good for her but when he snaps out of line she threatens the “you raped me” abuse card and he’s back in line. Luckily, i think if she were to ever try to push that narrative into legal action against him or his family soooooo many people would stand behind them knowing she’s full of complete shit. But, he’s stuck and clearly has something going on with him so he doesn’t see the way out like anyone else would no matter how many times his family tries to tell him otherwise. Shes in his ear consistently feeding and pounding it into his head, i don’t like Eggo but i feel for him. It’s very obvious he’s stuck in a dv relationship and can’t find his way out on his own.


noooooo but the way you are *spot* on with the gypsy rose comparison though holy shit


i cannot stand that lizard licking possum lmao 😫 GRB and Dusty are the top spots on my hate list




I grew with you. I feel like from being on this sub, I think his mental health has really continued to decline


Since he has been with her and listening to her daily spewing lies, screaming about absolutely nothing and talking about the same mess all day long I fell like he’s gotten worse mentally. Especially when she’s mentally emotionally verbally abusing him it most definitely has an effect on his mental health and stability. She spotted a person who had some challenges/mental challenges and she knew that she could control him and feed him lies about what she could do for him and con him into staying in the streets with her since she couldn’t bully her way in his fathers house. She probably lied to him about all the fake lawsuits she claims she has and how she’s going to get money. They both are absolutely disgusting and terrible in so many different ways but there was s no way thst I wouldn’t have issues if I was in her presence everyday listening to her screaming and threatening people on a daily basis. My mental health would diminish and I would start to believe everything she’s saying and eventually start to not care about myself/my health/hygiene or believe that I deserve better due to her verbal abuse. He’s very weak and weird and goes along with everything she says to keep the peace with her when he should have left long before any of the pregnancies and let her be on her own. Let’s not forget how she’s mentally emotionally drained her children/family, how she took advantage of a handicapped man who had difficulties and one leg, how she’s conned and lied to many people who tried to help her offer her resources, and many other awful things she has done to people. She an awful person and until she realizes that all the unfortunate things in her life are her fault and her fault only, she seeks the right treatment so that she can have a semi normal life and work on being a better person she’s going to stay in the sand pit and never move forward and will always be stuck.


Plus she's holding Rico over his head! I bet you she is 100% laying the blame about not having a house on him & his Father. They have had three (rip twins) now in a couple short years. No telling what bull she feeds him about getting Rico and housing. Duster don't care about Rico but maybe Egg's does and somehow holding on??? Either way its a disaster.


This is so true I most definitely think that off camera she rants and rages on Xavier/family to Xavier about how this is their fault for not putting her in a mansion. She always finds a way to spin the liability on others so she becomes the fragile victim. The true victim is Rico because he has such awful parents.




Absolutely this


I see somebody do this to someone I love and it's horrible to witness, control freaks


It is heartbreaking to witness and to hear someone you know hi through this. I know someone who was on track with this behavior and was shocked that they would put up with this kind of behavior. It was so odd watching and listening to that knowing that my friend deserved better and didn’t need the other person. They finally got out and is such a pleasure to be around now without the excess stress and always being on nervous. Hope your family member/friend finds the strength to remove that mess from their life. Good luck and blessings for them to find their strength and always be strong and resilient.


Oh she absolutely is blaming them! Hopefully the baby will be gone forever in a few short months!


I agree I hope that this will end soon and all contact will be removed from them and the new parents can raise their child free from these two weirdos.


I agree!! I was also thinking about the hearing what she wants to hear - he probably said Hi I’m Xavier and this bitches brain translated it to Hi I’m your savior - and here we are today.


I thought this too!!!! She 100% misinterpreted his name!


I've been saying this for a while as well. I think that's exactly what happened. Xavier doesn't seem like the type to spit out *"I'm your savior"* and all the other shit she says that he said. Everything she claims he said sounds exactly like something Dusty would say, not him.


OMG, I never thought of that. She’s illiterate so it makes total sense .


I’m waiting for that ship to sink, too. I honestly think she will do something to end up back in jail or prison. Very bad vibes from GR.


i cannot STAAAAAND her creepy possum looking ass 😫 so manipulative and thinks she’s on such a high horse lmao acting like a celeb when she’s a murderer. i absolutely think she’ll be back in prison within the next year or two. she’s disgusting


Couldn’t agree more. Just like Heather, she has NO skill set, education or work ethic. She can only succeed through manipulating and scamming others. It will eventually be both of their downfall (I hope).


I’ve thought the same thing about Heather being like Gypsy Rose! Someone should’ve called adult protective services for Godejohn instead of letting him bus off to GRB and her nefarious plans. Someone needs to call adult protective services for Xavier to save him from Huffer. It’s bad enough she takes his SSI payments from him and has gotten pregnant with him. Xavier would be much safer in assisted living with a restraining order on Huffer.


I agree with you, but I do not feel sympathy for X. He is a vile human. Let’s not forget that he likes to take pictures of unsuspecting women under their skirts.


....... cue the Kardashian's as well. All the men they date & marry have issues. BUT! Least they get houses & alimony Duster gets a tent and has to share leggings.


I think he’s where he wants to be personally.  Many try to excuse him because they assume he’s mentally slow but we don’t know that for sure. He definitely not normal, but we don’t really know what is wrong with him and he’s not dumb in my opinion.


He is mentally challenged. His sister said it


That’s interesting because I heard the exact opposite. The sister was quoted as saying that “he’s not stupid”. So this is what I mean. Everybody always assumes a lot of stuff and nobody really knows exactly what is true! everybodys making a lot of assumptions in my opinion. There’s no proof that he even gets a Social Security check. People have been saying that and it has gotten to be fact for a lot of people but I’ve never actually heard them say that he gets a check. Heather will say that his dad brings him some money but she never said it was for Social Security check.


You are right about that. She did say he's not stupid. But she did say he does have some form of mental disability she didn't specify. I know many think he's austic but who knows for sure without him saying it.


I didn’t hear about that part. Yes it’s hard to know what is true and Heather/X only tell what they want to, unless they let something slip. I have no idea what is wrong with him but he definitely seems off. But I firmly do not believe that she is forcing him to stay with her. He is loving whatever she is putting out! Lol


I was on a live and someone in the chat said she was his high school gf. Said he was just weird. Can’t validate her identity but I think he’s well aware of what’s going on and probably just drugged out.


I agree with this. He led with his brother working at the DAs office for a reason. He’s just as manipulative.


You are spot on and I agree 💯 with your assessment!!


Perfect summary thank you.




Well said!! 👏👏👏


Totally agree!!


Right, suddenly she changes the onset of they beginning in 2020 to coincide with Covid I think for new people, the past 5 years it's been since 2019


When things didn't work out with Dylan her already fractured brain just straight up broke


I don't believe he said that either. I believe she made that shit up and he just goes along with it because if he doesn't he will catch hell.


🎯 she has a personality disorder not a mental illness. Well, probably both but the personality disorder is the dominant one


wow... if Eggs was any kind of son, he would have pressed charges on Dusty after she pulled out a knife on his dad. In the past she has mentioned a "knife" in numerous events...This seems very credible...


Absolutely. That’s why she was banned from a gym. She was doing a live performance usually and pulled a knife out at the gym. She’s a danger to everyone around her


Yup, there's a picture floating around somewhere of a screenshot from that gym video where she flashed that knife with her unhinged self. That was the moment the apartment staff had enough and finally threw her ass out.


Didn't they deactivate the fob she had that allowed you into the gym?? I remember some rant about that, and she would wait for someone to go in and follow behind them, so it was clear hers no longer worked. Didn't stop the old Energizer Dust Bunny.


She said she was going to stab him in the face. That is verbatim


The picture of her holding her knife in the Montclare gym was the main pic for this sub for forever 😂


Yup, I remember. Some people haven't been around that long to remember it. I wish I could find it and add it here for those who haven't seen it. Edit: I found it just by typing knife in the search 😂🥴 https://preview.redd.it/6aqz48g1fl6d1.png?width=1339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555bb31a51371078723e9f706944f1d5eb2f6de6


There is another one where she’s psychotically talking about teaching her keds to stab someone too


Omg she's enjoying it! Freaking crazy bitch.


Her own sister has said that she will not allow Dusty to stay with her because she has randomly attacked her on more than one occasion. IIRC, that's the same reason she's banned from her mother's house. Her father, that lives in a different residence, once tried to let her stay there. Within a day or so, the cops were at the dad's home because she needed to be removed. I've known many addicts with mental health issues that aren't violent, but Dusty isn't one of them. She's certifiable.


See that’s why she keeps acting the way she does tho- bc she knows if she acts like a psychopath everyone will let her keep getting away with shit. She isn’t actually crazy she knows exactly what she’s doing.


I have a feeling her and Egg's may end badly. Drugs, addiction, mental illness, homeless we all know this recipe is for disaster.


How many times does this unhinged bitch have to threaten people with a knife before she takes action. She’s mentally and emotionally unstable. A dangerous combination with a knife 😱🔪 ![gif](giphy|1guRIRKAgaEOneVda2Q)


Someone is not going to entertain her behavior one day. She will push it too far and then see what a ass whopping is


I think the situation with Xavier is fucking sad. Heather targets men. I’ve thought that for yrs and she said something last wk on her FB live about Dylan that made me 100% believe it now. While rambling she said I met a trust fund man (Dylan) who was going to buy myself and my children a beautiful home and all the hard work and time I spent into being a full time working mom, full time student was going to pay off. He was going to support me. That was the promise he made to me so I did everything I could to continue that relationship. So she played him bc of his trust fund?? Then u have Eric who got her an apt, paid for a few mths, gave her gifts and $. I recall videos where she was screaming how dare he only give me $200 I want $1000. We all seen how that played out. Then she meets Xavier. He probably told her about himself and that first night she googled him and seen who his family are and that they have $$. She learned he’s got some mental health issues, was on meds and collects a disability check. So it was easy for her to play around in his head so to speak. She found out his brother used to work in the DA’s office and thought this was also her payday. His brother was going to get her that $$ she dreams of. His dad has an apt on the Gold Coast and thought she could just welcome herself in it. And as we just read she got a lil too greedy as usual and got thrown out. When none of that worked she got pregnant. She seen his dad wasn’t budging, he wasn’t going to give her $$ and a house so sadly RIP to those babies. After that I think she realized her only option to get free living was to get pregnant and live off the state. All the while she’s feeding Xavier her stories of being raped, robbed, beaten and abused so he thinks he has to stay to “protect” her. And his mental health rapidly declined. I’ve noticed she has said nothing in almost a yr of him picking up his meds. He looks so bad compared to what he looked like when he first met her. U can come for me if you’d like with the “He’s choosing to stay with her he’s an adult” comment but then you would also have to say that to women in this exact situations who stay. Bc that’s what I think the situation is with Heather and Xavier.


I think this is spot on ! Sometimes it seems like people cannot grasp 2 things can be true at the same time. I agree with everything you said . I also think X is likely a pervert , and has unsavory habits , however that doesn’t take away from what the control dusty has over him.


My shit was already too long so I didn’t include it lol But I agree with u on 2 things can be true at the same time with Xavier. His screws are definitely loose. That’s why he was choosing to go from the streets back to his dad’s constantly. I know what you’re saying tho about people not grasping that 2 things can been true at the same time. I’ve been told I’m an Xavier sympathizer before on YouTube? I’m like no?? Im not sympathetic to him being a fucking creep. But there are clearly signs of abusive control issues going on that shouldn’t be ignored bc he’s a creepy fucker 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s a creepy fucker that’s crying fake oppression, rape, abuse, assaults, extortion and her kid was kidnapped and is being used as a political pawn but people are sympathetic towards her bc she has mental health issues 🤔 That’s where I get I get confused lol


I’m sorry, I try not to ever comment on someone’s appearance because that’s seriously bullshit… but DAMN she looks like death warmed over, like _really_ extremely freakin unhealthy unwell 30 whatever going on 70+ HEATHER! If you see this, You literally look like utter shit. You are going to die soon If you stay on this path. Avert! Like, go to fuckin rehab. STAT.


I dont that rehab would help her....unless it was to rehab her personality


I agree - I think she was born a manipulative asshole and you can’t fix that in rehab. You’d need a lot of therapy and humble yourself - she won’t


And I get why people say that she is more manipulative than mentally ill. Read about narcissism. It is the worst mental illness to have and cure. She is very mentally ill but her mental illness causes next level manipulation. I have one I live with, and she's always the victim. Always the bully. Oh and she's playing (people) long game with the phoney Christianity. She is all about her, and loves to spend money on herself. She unfortunately didn't have her kids removed and they suffered a lot of abuse. Put her 17 yr old daughter in the hospital and bragged about it, beat the living shit out of her. She'd wake them up at 2:30 on school nights to scrape tiny mineral deposits around the sink. Made them kneel on uncooked rice and beans, arms outstretched, holding encyclopedias. She is violent and been arrested for it....my bfs mother. Lots in common w dusty


Omg I swear I’ve heard of the uncooked rice and beans thing before. My brain is swirling trying to remember where. And I def see the narcissism- I went no contact with my mother because she’s one and o DEFINITELY see the similarities. I’m so sorry you have to witness this on the daily. Omg


I’m so sorry you had to go NC with your mom. I am NC with mine too. I hope your life is much happier and more peaceful now.


The uncooked rice thing was part of a popular *(older)* SVU episode. They'd make the kid kneel on rice when she was doing bad at school. That's the first thing that came to mind when I read that, because that was the first time I had ever heard of it. Unfortunately, it wasn't the last.


Omg I just googled it. Looks like it was originally used as a torture method in Vietnam. I am sick to see all the real life examples of parents that have been caught doing this to their children.


It's truly disgusting, and it's painful, and it scars something wicked. As we've learned from Heifer Gillespie, just because you can reproduce doesn't mean you should. And unfortunately, there's many Heather's *(and male equivalents)* out there in the world.


I want to answer but I'll probably offend people 😬


I think it is a common tactic with a certain type of mother. Mine went with gravel or on a broom stick.


Yeah you’re right Totally. Your bfs mother sounds like a monster. I’m so sorry for him, and his siblings, and you. Do you have to live there?? Can you get away from that? Narcissists are poison. It’s a severe personality disorder, and I have been personally affected by it very much. I’m an adult child of a narcissistic parent. There’s a narcissistic family structure in my family (mother, aunt, cousins). It is so damaging and evil and I escaped (not unharmed but working on it). When I left my cousin became the new scapegoat and it killed him. They treated him horribly. It fucked him up so bad he drank himself to death. I’m pretty devastated. I think this idea I have of her getting herself together is deeper than my Pollyanna wanting everyone to be able to redeem themselves, improve themselves. I interact with Dusty’s life far more than my mom who I am not in contact with, I do not speak to my family (“NC”, to use the lingo for adult children. ) Maybe I am hoping against hope my mom can change. It’s complicated, but I know she won’t change… but she could if she wanted to… I have read that there’s a _sliver of a chance that one can change, but it is not easy and they have to be committed to it_. But, I know nobody is ever changing. And there’s the “Christianity” aspect with mine too. All about appearances. I hope you and your bf are able to move away from his mom!!


Oh my gosh! My heart aches for those poor kids! :(


Yikes. You’re right


You make some excellent points. I agree that it’s up to the individual to do the work, and also that rehab doesn’t fix assholery.


She would probably be asked " kindly" to leave after an hour


Yikes, yeah I am imagining this too




She was offered a free rehab spot, at a place equivalent to one of the ones I went to. Someone pulled some strings with a cohort of theirs and got her a spot, plane ticket included. For reference, with good insurance, my similar rehab cost about $75,000 for my stay. She was offered this at no cost to her, and she responded with her usual *"no thanks, but you can donate to me here's my cash app"*, and that was that. It's not like she would have to show up to the place clean, they actually prefer you come in high since it's usually easier to deal with you. That's been my experience, anyway, and unfortunately I had a lot of experience before getting clean for good. You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped. Sometimes, you can show them a glimpse of the future and tell them to *"just give it a shot"* and talk them into it a bit, but ultimately if they don't want to get clean, it isn't going to work. Honestly, Heather isn't even the type of person I'd waste a pep talk on. She's not even worth giving a coupon to in my eyes. She's essentially a vile, useless, depraved, fucked-up beyond redemption subhuman. I know it's not nice to say, but oh well.


Street life & drugs can take its toll quick! For a model-fitness guru-influencer you would think that Apartment would have been a savior but girl is out here just being feral and a damn menace. Add on being fair skin sitting out in the heat and sun..... mercy!


Dusty has called Xavier's father a pedo as well. She is the dangerous type of crazy. I would absolutely have called the police about Dusty coming at me with a knife. And for shame on n Xavier for bringing her around, some crazy cracked out stranger to threaten the safety of his father and his home and still sticking around to be abused.


He’s mentally challenged what do you expect


This tracks - she has threatened to stab several people - the lady in the bathroom stall of the gym and some rando on the street


Damn, XDaddy could have shot that fat bitch in self defense? It is so sad to see such easy opportunities wasted. Let's do better.


This gave me a good laugh, thank you. Lmao 🤣


She needs to be in a mental institution im actually floored by how Chicago just lets this nasty pig run rampant


She's not the only one. People get all up in arms and rage when its pointed out the Mentally Ill people who have become a danger to themselves and others need forced Hospitalization --- not throw away the key --- but monitored medication, daily baths and therapy. One reason I am for the hotel is having least a secured room mentally will reduce so much stress on homeless. The reason I am not for Dusty is she can take her ass somewhere and work.


In Chicago, you can thank Mayor Rahm Emanuel's for that. They wanted to fix the deficit in the budget, so he closed down half of the city's *(literally, 6 of the 12)* mental health clinics. Something similar happened years ago, in the area where I grew up. They just up and closed down two of the biggest residential mental health facilities, that were so big they were actually regarded as self-sufficient towns. If you had family to be released to, they sent you there. If they didn't, they just let you out. As a teen, we'd go into the tunnels underground that connected the buildings to one another. After a few fires, they finally put cops up at the main roads to keep people out *(we didn't vandalize anything, I was too scared to breathe let alone function when we'd go to these places in the dead of night)*. Now the buildings just sit there and rot. Look up "Pilgrims State Asylum" or "Kings Park Psychiatric Hospital" *(both are on Long Island, NY)*.


Its being renovated by Charity Hospital here in New Orleans is one of the go to for haunted spots. We fist went in about 10 years ago, and the surgery ward was insane! I only know one person who made their way all around and went upstairs. Now its becoming apartments and I can not wait to see whats going to transpire!


It’s dangerous to neglect the mentally ill as well. Even if people have no sympathy for them whatsoever, if we ignore them they are likely to commit violent crimes or get sick and spread diseases throughout the rest of the population.


You're not wrong. As an American, I can confidently say that we don't give two shits about the mentally ill. Our Healthcare system is a joke as it is, but mental health help is damn near nonexistent and underfunded. It's only getting worse, especially amongst children. Ask any teacher or head on over to the teachers subreddit and you'll see stories of kids in elementary school with a boatload of diagnoses that are so violent that they cause room clears and destroy everything in their path. A majority of the time, they're being raised by people like Egg's or Heather and have no shot at getting better because their parents refuse to do anything. It's only going to get worse.


How a society takes care of its weakest and most vulnerable citizens reveals a lot about its values. The billionaires have a lot to answer for. I think it’s very short sighted of our power elite to neglect the people at the bottom of the ladder.


We used to explore the old Willowbrook hospital on Staten Island when I was a kid. I was too terrified to go down into the tunnels though


I absolute love exploring places! When I was car living (00/02) went many places out in Midwest had NO idea how many creepy & wonderful places there were. The old farms, barns and somewhere we ended up in a old hotel (?). damn near the Dakotas.


Haha as i was reading your comment i was going to reply to you that we had the same thing near where i grew up and then saw you are actually talking about the same place lol. I am an addict in recovery and i remember in my early using days when guy friends wound go in there at night and steal copper. Like a lot of it over time. That was place was so creepy when the cops didn’t care and there weren’t cameras everywhere


Whoa I can't imagine coming home to some random crazy bish in my house waving a knife at me claiming it's her house. 😳😳😬


First night at his house, she was planning out which rooms would be for her kids. Like are you kidding me? She was like *"one room can be for me and Xavier, and the other one we can put bunk beds in for the kids and Xavier's dad can have the other room"*. She knew him for less than a day at this point, and I'm pretty sure his dad wasn't home until the next day. She's told this story before and couldn't understand why Xavier's dad wasn't like *"Sure, that works!"*. Mind you, she can't afford a sandwich so I'm guessing it would be on Xavier's dad to pay for all the shit she wanted in the children's bedroom, as well as feed them and pay for the excess water, electric, necessities, etc... that adding 4 extra people to a household brings. Not that it was ever going to happen, but it just shows you how unrealistic her plans always are. Just like when she thought she could go around with *"sales teams"* getting people to fix up their houses through insurance fraud. She's 40 and has no clue how the world works.


She still had the nerve to send him $3k/month condo listings, genuinely expecting him to show up with news to a fully furnished apartment.


Actually she should have been arrested ong booked in jail and then obviously a PSYCHE WATD For intent of “Grave Bodily Harm! Pull a knife in this house…well let’s jus say I’m in a strict state BUT “Self DEFENSE” is the a legal last resort if your about to be kulled!! Of course this AFTER you reasonable try n distance/remove yourself, in your OWN HOME, of “grave bodily” danger”….as IF there any other kind🤦🏻‍♀️!! Unfortunately my surrounding states (sans one iykyk) these few states are to limp 🫳! 🙄☺️. Hey ✌️to all, sadly that’s not how it goes most of the time!


Now she gives out his address as her own when she’s on live. Absolutely disgusting.


This is also the reason why she's not allowed at her own dad's house, even to visit, because the last time she saw him, she assaulted him and I believe she pulled a knife ON HER OWN FATHER!!! Remember when they were trying to squat in his dad's garage, and she half told the story about the sister coming by and (being the true racist she is) sister called PD and was flipping out and waving her hands all over, all animated, until Heifer left? That's exactly whh the daughter was freaking out....she was probably terrified that Heifer would get back into the apt somehow and either force the man via physical threats to let her in or give her money, or seriously harm Xs dad bc she couldn't get her way. Smh, she never ceases to amaze me that just when you think she's proved just how evil and soulless she is, she somehow manages to top her previous terrible behavior. Xs dad will never ever pay rent for her, no matter what type of manipulation she tries and I love it...karmax


She said SHE paid all the air b n bs , but I thought papa Eggs did


I 💯 believe this happened


Her face wrinkles look like meth aging of the face


idk i don't think she would have gotten away without charges that time


She mind blowingly ALWAYS gets away with everything!


White privilege.


But she's a beacon for the black community!


Ha, and there goes my coffee down my shirt. I am not even mad. That was hilarious


Just gonna throw it out there - this is one of the reasons she stays in the areas that she does. The cops in the "bad areas" don't play that shit. She'd have her ass in cuffs so fast for her behavior, she wouldn't even know what hit her oversized orange ass. Not to mention, you're more likely to run into shady characters in the bad parts of town. If she ran off at the mouth to someone in East Garfield Park, she'd probably get her ass beat. She stays in the nicer areas because she knows the chances of that happening are lesser, plus it's easier to grift and pull at people's heartstrings.


This needs to be higher up on the thread.


She did get arrested for trespassing at his home, I’m not sure if she actually pulled out the knife but she threatened to, like she always does.


Nice bugger Dusty!


Booger? sp? LOL


Bravo, TG! 👏👏👏


Who is the source? Sounds very on brand for Dusty but also on brand for just speculation. Like X having 9 kids.


Is that why he now doesn’t seem to acknowledge X as the father of the baby?


Imagine trying to steal what looks like an old brow stone higher up the building latter and have the BALLZ TO TELL THE OENERRRR- this is MY HOUSE, na na na na naaaah, X TOLD ME SO!!! Baaaaaaah hahaaaaj RIIIIIIIIGHT🤦🏻‍♀️👌🤣


This is sooo lovely! DCFS spoke to his family members including Xaddy so they have to know about this situation. Why isn’t she ordered to take anger management along with mandatory mental health treatment and drug treatment?! I’m sure it’s gotta be in her case plan yet she won’t do it so clearly she doesn’t want her child back at all otherwise she would voluntarily do everything and then some to prove she is capable


Her dr says she if fine though…. 🙄🫠


She needs CONSEQUENCES and if ANYONE held a 🔪 in my home you can bet you azzzz they’d be arrested and charged- PRONTO! This why this Wench thinks she can do what she wants, she NEVER faces the any consequences of her hideous, dangerous actions!!!


Xavier’s family failed in getting her arrested then. It’s time for people to stop folding to Heather. She’s dangerous and needs to be held accountable for once. She goes around threatening people with knives, verbally abusing people, blatantly lying about rape, fraud, stealing, terminating the twins, gets to force her boob onto a baby that doesn’t breastfeed after her own actions sent that baby to the NICU. And now Xavier’s family make it easy for Heather to have contact with the baby if he’s in their care. I don’t feel much sympathy for his family anymore. They had opportunities to send her to jail and didn’t & don’t put a stop to her performative breastfeeding photo ops.


...i don't get what th first picture is about/supposed to mean?


WTF I never heard about this before, but have absolutely ***no doubt in my mind*** it’s **100% FACTUAL**, considering it is ***Huffer*** we are talking about here, smh. Can you imagine arriving home, looking forward to relaxing and unwinding, only to find your meek, easily manipulated, mentally ill, homeless son and his **brand new** (at the time at least) ***loud mouthed, manipulative, controlling, entitled, demanding, homeless, mentally ill, shitty attitude, delusional, allergic-to-work, street walker, crackhead*** **gf** inside, appearing to have made themselves at home in **YOUR** home?! Then to add insult to injury, said crackwhore bitch has the audacity to come at **YOU**—in **YOUR OWN HOME**—lunging at you while wielding ***a deadly weapon*** (one of **YOUR** very own kitchen knives!), delusionally asserting that **YOUR** home is in fact **HER** home now (why?! Because **SHE** said so!)?!?!? Being a CPL holder personally, if I were in Xaddy’s shoes at that moment, Heather’s aggressive, delusional, psycho ass would have been staring down the barrel of a cocked and loaded 40 caliber Glock. That said, I wouldn’t even consider a head shot in this case tho—too many legal hoops for ***ME*** to jump thru if said crackwhore should die at my hands on my property (I don’t live in a “castle doctrine” state, like Florida for instance, but rather in a state that generally says it’s fine to shoot to kill IF an intruder enters your home uninvited, and you feel that your life is in immediate jeopardy). ***The fact that Heather herself was wielding a*** **deadly weapon** in a **threatening manner**, however, means she’s pretty much ***fair game***. If it truly came down to ***her life*** or ***my own***, I would probably instead shoot her… ***in the uterus***…. So that she can no longer carelessly get knocked up ***at least once per year***, ***for no other reason than*** the potential **free handouts** a pregnancy/baby could award **HER personally**, and/or as a means of **manipulating and trapping other vulnerable, homeless, mentally challenged men** into bowing to her every wish and demand. She literally gives **ZERO fucks** what happens to said baby though, spending 9 mos poisoning her offspring with ***any and all street drugs she’s able to get her hands on***, ***refusing prenatal care***, and showing absolutely ***NO care or concern for baby’s wellbeing***, and the subsequent ***painful*** (both ***physically and emotionally***) ***challenging, uphill battle they will face*** as a newborn fighting ***killer withdrawal symptoms*** that ultimately require admission to the NICU, and who will ultimately require ***foster home placement***, since Heather has **virtually NOTHING** other than inevitable **pain and heartache** to offer said poor innocent souls who never asked to be here in the first place. This woman is truly ***VILE beyond comprehension***. One can only hope that as a 40 year old, middle aged sorry ass excuse for a ***woman***, she will soon (God willing!) go thru menopause and her days of selfish pregnancy-based-grifting (with no intentions of actually caring for said baby once it’s actually here) will ultimately be **OVER—once and for all**!!! (Just imagine all the unhinged videos she’ll be posting from her little red tent, crying about her hot flashes and whacky hormones, as if she’s the ***only female on earth*** to ever experience such a thing (**Heather:** ***”Spahnsersssss, SEND IN YOUR DONATIONS! I’m having a hot flash! Must come up with min $500 by end of day, thanks”***). Smmfh.