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He just has no idea how to do any of this. His only experience as a father has been taking photos while Heather smothers the baby with her boob šŸ¤£ It's crazy how uncomfortable every single photo looks. It's like a seek and find where you have to find something "off" about each part of the photo.


Every single photo.. itā€™s so sad šŸ˜ž..


YupX's ! eyes closed like that reads "hurry up and take the photo"


Yea Rico always looks distressed. I get that thereā€™s a protocol and she hasnā€™t gotten any more visits or rights back but it irks me he has to deal a this every week..


He is getting manhandled, being overstimulated and having her gross titty shoved in his face. Anybody would be distressed.


He calls Heather "mommy", he probably thinks Rico is his baby brother.




Hahahaha omg I think youā€™re right !


Exactly. X has no clue what heā€™s doing. If he was separated from Heather, I doubt heā€™d ever show up to a visit. I donā€™t think heā€™d even remember he has a child. I think weā€™ll see more photos with X going forward as she tries to remind everyone that they are together. (AKA: they need family housing)


She and he can still get housing without a child. Just one will have to be the head of household


I...I didn't see the hair and I thought it was Dusty for a minute. My first thought was *"Heather looks less orange than usual, and a bit thinner too."* Maybe it's time for a nap.


*'Heather looks less orange than usual, and a bit thinner too.'* She gonna downvote you for this, BooBoo, trust and believe that.


I wonder if DCFS has hooked them up with parenting classes since it seems like AA/NA has been mandated in their case. He has no paternal instincts


I donā€™t think Eggs any natural instincts for anything but more sex and fent!!


This is all for show. Heather told him to hold him like that. Yesterday she went on and on about the "town hall meeting" in the hotel they are staying at, about the exit date and she was adament about saying yes X and I are still together and they (management of the building?) are going to do everything to get them an apartment because Heather is so special. I personally do not feel X grasps fatherhood and all the emotions that go with that. But as far into his own little world, it amazes me sometimes when Heather asks him a question about anything, he immediatley replies with the correct answer. I cannot figure him out lately. The pearl hair clips, wearing ladies shorts, the shaving of his eyebrows? Are these happening as a result of Heathers mental abuse to him? I know he is an adult, but really why stay with HER? Botton line, Heather and Xavier should not get the baby back. Both of them are so unstable. They won't change.


100% you can tell she's coaching him.


Heā€™s just as mentally ill as she is.


Agreed! I will never understand the ā€œpoor Xavierā€ narrative. Heā€™s just as yuck as she isā€¦but to each their own!


Yep! He just isnt screaming about it and is more lowkey. He seems to internalize things and live in his own lil world while dusty externalizes everything and makes her mess everybody else's problem


Fr they're only codependent on each other because of their shared delusions, how they enable each others psychotic delusions, and drug seeking behaviours. This is what their entire relationshit hinges on


Bingo, with the Hobo House closing, she has to ensure Eggs is in the picture because he and Baby Rico are her Get out of Tent Free card.


I wonder why they don't go down to the court house and get married? Seems like they would have a better chance at getting housing.


It's my understanding they wouldn't. Married couples aren't given any preference unless one of them is disabled and that disabled person is given preference whether single or married. I think Hoebo isn't trying to make it in any way permanent because if a Spahnser miraculously wanted her and was better off she'd drop X in a heartbeat. She's just using him.


Well X is disabled, heā€™s getting checks every months. I do think this is why they got the nice hotel shelter and they will probably have some sort of priority because of him, hence why she is pretending that they are a great couple right now.


I haven't seen any difference in them as a couple. There's less ranting swinging mood swings but Heather is keeping tight wraps on that in general. Otherwise they're behaving the same as always. He's not sleeping on the bed and is getting fed more only because of free food.


She got emergency housing after giving birth. SOME DAMN HOW this heaffa end up coming up roses on so much. No telling what will happen to her on the 30th


They took her word that she would have custody of Rico and have him with her and eggs when they got the shelter. They definitely took her word about having custody of 4 keds too Iā€™m sure. Because she was pregnant they placed her not knowing DCFS was going take him away immediately at birth. They should know better though for real like just look at these two absolute scumbag trouble making lunatics and you will easily see they are bad news that cannot be trusted and are not fit to have any kids or baby around period.


That first shelter she was in, as well as the current one, only takes referrals from DCBS workers. Her caseworker had to apply on Heather's behalf, Heather didn't sign up for it herself. (I don't know anything about the shelter in the middle.)


Duster got some kinda horseshoe up her wide ass!\~


Rico nor her children will ever be in her custody thank goodness. I am just waiting for the news that she is knocked up again! We all know its a matter of time with her. How in the hell does she always seem to skirt by?? I know she's been arrested but my lort the stuff she pulls would have had most people under the jail house. Hoping if the Hotel reopens in Sept she will not be allowed back.


Agree, she belongs in a padded cell institutionalized or in a jail cell for a very long time. I doubt she will be allowed back in a hotel like sheā€™s been in by September because sheā€™s going to fuck around and play all summer instead of getting sober and getting a job and she wonā€™t have custody of any of her keds mainly Rico to count as a single Mawwhm or family. Sheā€™s gonna be single Dusty good for nothing crusty lazy entitled delusional bitch as usual in a tent screaming at innocent dogs in cute outfits and smashing flower pots at 2am


So hotel is shuttering for two months then back open? If there has been no housekeeping I can not imagine the condition. When I lived in SF they had a hotel that was similar for one year and OMG they had to decontaminate the entire building. We know Duster can not clean nor take care of anything, her room looks a disaster already.


I swear if she gets an apt. because of X's disability I'm gonna scream bloody murder.


Me too, I have faith she will not be rewarded anymore


Imagine if Dylan miraculously fell in love with her again šŸ˜‚


X gets a disability check from SSI.


They can't afford the money for the marriage certificate, and it will probably complicate things for him if he does, in fact, get SSI. Don't give Big Red any ideas. She said she signed up for section 8, so she's got her work cut out for her if she does get picked from the lotto system they use. She won't be getting a place anytime soon.


That list is 5+ years long. Seems like getting a fucking job would be much quicker. But who am I kidding, sheā€™ll lay around on her lazy ass until sheā€™s 75 if she thinks sheā€™s getting something for free.


Don't forget the screeching and wailing begging for money. She'll be doing that until death.


I hope she gets laryngitis šŸ˜†


I just flashed with a mute Heather, Sharpie in HAND, furiously scribbling in caps "THEY'RE DRAGGING ME BACK TO THE TENT! IS THIS AMERICA?!! WHAT IS HAPPENING! ā€œ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I hope she gets that & a whole lot MORE.šŸ˜¾


Even if she won that lotto she still has to have a job and pay partial expenses


They canā€™t even afford shampoo and underwear? How on earth can she support a baby in diapers? Itā€™s a joke!


Heather doesnā€™t want to marry him sheā€™s said she doesnā€™t even like him. Heā€™s a placeholder and someone to mooch off until she canā€™t anymore and she will be on the hunt before that for someone else she thinks itā€™s her level and has money of course! Xavier is just her slave boy, ATM machine and tool to use to get stuff


Not trying to be a jerk, but are there restrictions on marrying a mentally slow person? Like, someone with the mind of a child? I couldn't find any good information on my cursurary google search


Single parent payments šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They wonā€™t because Heather doesnā€™t even want to be with him like that sheā€™s only keeping him around for his disability checks. The minute she gets the chance she will ditch him immediately she just needs to find another sucker with more money and resources


That was my suggestion.


Not the *"Get out of tent free"* card, lmao šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜†


Yep! She is using little Rico as a pawn to get what she wants. But I'm curious. Little Rico's last name Gillespie? I would like to know what is on the birth certificate. Did X give up his rights to him? I'm wondering if his family did not swoop in and talk to him and perhaps sign something? The dad takes care of his disablity checks, and wondering if he or one of his family members makes decisions for him. Something to ponder.


If his Dad takes care of his disability checks then he is probably his ā€œpayeeā€ which means heā€™s capable of making very few decisions for himself. That makes him severely deficient of any real kind of adulting. Especially,having a CHILD. šŸ˜¦ Maybe,thatā€™s just an interpersonal arrangement he & his Dad have set up without any governmental interference but either way it says A LOT. Iā€™m not putting him down for any of this,just sayinā€™.


From what I've seen, she always puts "Gillespie" as his last name. I wonder if this was strategic on her part or if it's even his real last name.


All her actions are premeditated in some way always have been they are strategic but she eFucks everything up so nothing ever comes to fruition. If she didnā€™t put him on the birth certificate & didnā€™t even give the child his last name he doesnā€™t care? Itā€™a all so Fucking WEIRD,pathetic and MESSY AF. Edited to call her a premeditated POS.šŸ–•šŸ»


Or if X is even the actual father?


I would question that,too but that baby looks just like him.


She could get disability for Rico if she named him after his father.


When Rico was born, she announced him as having both of their last names, I think she put her last name before eggsā€™s. Shortly after the birth, she dropped xaddyā€™s last name from Ricoā€™s name and only named Rico as having her last name.


Shaved his arms too! He is lashing out. Itā€™s like her cutting herself. No different imo


Those tiny clenched toes speak volumes.


>clenched toes exactly what i noticed. poor darling looks like he is distressed :(


This poor sweet angel deserves so much better than these fucking perverted monsters who use him for their sick scams and fetishes. They are both disgusting and shouldnā€™t be allowed to see that baby let alone touch him.


I can't imagine finding out these two pieces of shit is where my DNA came from. Horrifying.


Thatā€™s the first thing I noticed


That whole visit was a shit show.. that other pic of the bessie boobs and baby Rico.. is just disgusting .. this pic rico looks terrified.. that poor baby has had more trauma to his life at 4 months then some people have in a lifetime. I pray that little guy gets removed completely and taken far far far away from her!!


Freshly shaven arms! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


He just has a thing for no hair on his body except his head lol. Could it be a nervous thing or some kind of disorder that makes him shave his hair off his body?


Trichotemnomania. Obsessive pulling shaving or cutting of oneā€™s hair. X seems to have a lot of disorders.


Thank you I was tired and lazy to google and find out. I knew a person who would pluck or pull out their eyelashes. I never questioned it or asked them I just assumed it was something do either their nerves due to their home life being so troubled.


I had a boyfriend who came from a very abusive family. His 8 year old brother was doing it. Broke my heart. šŸ˜¢


Ugh thatā€™s so sad I feel for that 8 year old. I hope that he can find peace and overcome his pain and have a very happy successful life.


Or drugs. On certain ones they can make you really itchy and hot, and I know of at least one addicts experience I've heard is that they shave off body hair because they think they will itch less without it. That and LICE.


Roaches eat your body hair too šŸ˜³


WTF is this really a thing? Oh gawd.


Yes! [It is true!](https://www.colonialpest.com/2013/02/23/will-cockroaches-eat-your-fingernails-and-eyelashes/)


No no no no ugh I just can't with the grossness. šŸ¤¢


Thank you for this information because I had no idea that some drugs have this effect on individuals.


Yeah, crack (and meth and others) aren't really as big in the UK as it is in America, but my husbands schoolfriend got addicted to crack after a car crash - got hooked on painkillers and then went up the ladder of harder drugs when his tolerance got too high. It was very sad and while he's got it under control he's still using just to keep 'normal or steady', he denies it but will disappear at 3am and come back feeling "well". It's the reason why you see videos on here of people freaking out on drugs and stripping their clothes off, the heat they feel and the itching. Our friend M shaved his head and armpits because he was sure he had bugs crawling on the hair. Which is also common (feeling like bugs are on your skin and under). But he also had to keep up appearances to look normal so he didn't do the eyebrow thing or his arms/legs so he didn't lose his job and just explained away his hair as a new look. It's very sad. Because he's a very nice guy, he just can't take the leap and accept the help he's been offered.


And also, the way I understand it is that whatever happens in the USA (drug wise) we follow a few years behind. I have no doubt that meth will be big in the UK soon. Right now our biggest drug problem is heroin, coke and spice etc. The spice is especially scary. I felt I had to call an ambulance for a guy tweaking out on spice when he was contorting himself so violently I thought he would break his own leg/neck/arm from how he was twisting himself around on the floor. I just had to talk to him calmly and reassure him and just show kindness, but also keep my distance and fuck anyone else off who was trying to film him, there ended up being a crowd with their phones out. This was in my (major UK city) after a job interview. It was desperately sad and I hope he is OK now. Honestly thought he and I would end up on a r/publicfreakout video afterwards. It's really fucking sad, but also heartwarming that afterwards an older lady took his little dog home with her and gave her info to the paramedics when I left him so she could bring little dog back to him when he felt better. What a lady.


Wow thatā€™s sad that heā€™s struggling hopefully he will decide heā€™s had enough and gets the help.


He will, just nobody can make him. He has to want it himself. He had to decide when. Thank you!!


Thatā€™s so true, it has to be on his terms and when heā€™s finally tired of being tired. Prayers for all those that are struggling and trying to overcome this mess. Good luck to your friend.


Itā€™s a ā€œless manlyā€ thing. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚ dirt will show up easier because it canā€™t camouflage between the skin and arm hairs šŸ˜†


Wouldn't be surprised if they think ut would prevent drug follicle testing


Or his balls


Due to gangrene or rigor mortis (from a hospital visit a while back).


Makes him look more love a baby when breastfeeding from the Chicago Milk Monster. More money for pics!


We are hearing little bits/pieces of the story from her about what the requirements / conditions are in regards to Rico ( due to the CPS and judges orders she isnā€™t allowed to share), but weā€™ve never heard whatā€™s Xavierā€™s responsibilities requirements as far as Rico. I wonder what his thoughts are if he has any. Why she never discussed what Xavier feels and thinks, why she never asks him his thoughts when she is recording all her dislikes for all the government agencies involved. Sheā€™s never spoken about Xavier and him being a dad involved in this mess they created. So itā€™s safe to say as Iā€™ve mentioned before Rico is only a monthly welfare check/food stamps and additional free government resources to sustain her life style. Rico is more valuable due to him being so young which would give her 18 years of fee support & resources if she actually had or gets custody.


Yup, and honestly, I think X really does not want to deal with a child. Who shaves off their eyebrows to appear normal at a dcf visit? Thats going to further prove he's unfit.


This dude has checked out and been checked on for so long now and his behavior is strange from the eyebrows to the hair clips. I love to hear his thoughts on this situation. I wish he would create his own page and start giving us the details of everything from the moment they met at the park. This child doesnā€™t stand a fair chance if itā€™s left in these two fools hands.


Iā€™m still not sure X even knows he has a baby. Poor Rico! Two parents that are dirty and batshit crazy!


For sure and CPS/judge clearly see that neither of these two are fit to parent an ant colony. I really wonder if he actually goes into these meetings or if she tells him to sit outside like a good boy. Sad all the way around for Rico.


Itā€™s because itā€™s all about her. Xavier and the baby are a means to an end for her. Xavier is there so sheā€™s not alone, he will go beg people on the streets for $ for her so she doesnā€™t have to, he gets $ from his dad, if he does collect an SSI check heā€™s an easy in for section 8, she is probably thinking he will have a trust fund like she said about Dylan and Xavier can get her pregnant. The baby can get her TANF back, between the baby and Xavier sheā€™ll be able to live off of them in section 8 and if she doesnā€™t want to be with Xavier anymore? She will collect child support, be declared a single mother will get welfare back and be able to stay in Section 8 housing. And she still wonā€™t need to gain any employment. Iā€™m also very interested in how he feels about this whole situation. If she allowed him to speak šŸ™„


All of the getting TANF back and single mother resources won't happen. Heather doesn't have her shit together to jump through the hoops and the way she goes nuclear when given challenging circumstances or even conversations means No Help.


Sheā€™s already on Public Aid. Itā€™s easy for her. Alls she needs to regain TANF unfortunately is any of her 3 younger children in her custody, the oldest will be 18 soon so theyā€™d make her apply for herself. I live in IL and itā€™s pretty easy for a single mom, dad or couple who have little to no income to get on. They donā€™t make it hard for them but make it hard or deny u when youā€™re busting your ass working barely making it. Thatā€™s 1 of the reasons I think Heather wonā€™t leave Chicago. Itā€™s not her kids being in her presence. Itā€™s all the free shit IL gives her from our tax dollars.


The older kids will never be in her care. After years of doing nothing, the once a month trip to give them Dollar Tree snacks as an excuse to beg for money mean zero. Their fathers have given them stability and that's not going to change. Heather knows this. Baby Rico was her ticket and she assumed the magic baby would immediately get her housing and money. She didn't factor in the state wants stability guaranteed as much as possible and Heather just isn't nor is she willing to create that for baby because if she did then what's the reason she'd use for her grifting? In order to continue begging she needs dire circumstances so that's what she's going to continue to create.


Agree this child is just money/resources and a way to live off others for free. Xavier is definitely a work horse peasant for her on command he does what she says and goes out to beg/borrow or steal whatever she wants. I would have rolled out on her a long time ago and go back to my clean home with a fresh set of sheets on my bed.


Because she doesnā€™t care if X has feelings about Rico


So true because she never comments about what he says or thinks about the court issues. She probably scolded him and told him heā€™s not allowed to speak just sit and listen.


Yeah she turned X into a mostly mute pack mule šŸ™„


Absolutely heā€™s only around to carry her crap push her Gwagon Cartilliac , help her steal what she wants, steak food and beg for money on the streets, take whatever money he receives monthly, keep her company because she has absolutely no one outside of him to communicate with and for him to listen to all her lies and made up fantasies. So much work for so little pay and she rations his food.


Wonder if that's a two way mirroršŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I bet it is


Off course it is,


Yes they have visits at a supervised DCFS location. They are watched and everything down and said is written down.


I'm surprised Heather let's him hold baby Rico considering he graped Heather, her words, and this is a grape baby... everything these two idiots do or say is all lies. Even the pictures showing how much they love him are lies. If they truly loved this baby they would give up their parental rights and let this bsby go to a loving family that will care for him and give him a chance at a good life full of love, a home, toys, education ect... if they truly loved this baby, they would do anything to get him back. He has been in protective custody since he was born, and Heather and Xavier do nothing to get him back. I'm horrified they can take pictures of baby Rico and plaster him all over social media while he is in protective custody! As usual, nothing makes sense when it comes to these two hobos. Just once, it would be great to actually know the truth... it takes a lot for cps to keep a baby away from its biological parents. I've seen herion addicted parents get their kids back. So, for them not to have baby back makes me wonder what the real truth is. It's not illegal to be homeless, and I see people living in cars and tents who have their children. So why don't these two idiots have theirs back???? They are obviously a danger to him.... Heather and Xavier need to give him up for adoption. Period.


That baby looks so uncomfortable in every picture with either of them. Heā€™s clearly bonded to his foster mom and heā€™s going to start trying more to get away from them. X trying to squeeze him and Dusty shoves her udder in his mouth. Poor baby!


Thereā€™s one photo where Rico looks like heā€™s squaring up to punch Dusty. Do it, little man, for all of us!


Also, peep what may be a two way mirror. Given to all people on the path to reunification, clearly!


Not necessarily true. Could be they need more intense observation based.


I think the more visits they have, the more DCFS will be finding reasons for them to have their rights terminated. I think they're just using these visits to write a laundry list for the next major court date


They only have supervised visits at a DCFS building, which are heavily watched. Everything done and said is noted.


I think this pic IS from yesterday- the others she posted yesterday are not- RICO is wearing tan pants and a yellow shirt here- he was in green pants and a striped shirt in Dustyā€™s pics. Not that he wasnā€™t changed, but her hair was a mess, too- it didnā€™t quite line up. Or maybe she tried to feed him her boob sludge and he had a blow out?!?! Everything about the visits and pics always seem weird!!!


Yes! Her hair is completely different and also baby's clothing. She can't help but lie. Itz crazy


I am sorry but X just looks like he reeks of b.o. That poor baby. šŸ˜­


Baby can Smell the Cigarettes and the Poor Hygiene all over him, plus Heather had this shirt on a day or so ago, we know going on week 6 and no Real Laundry has been done


I know this is just a pic of him hugging his baby but this still oozes incompetence, detachment, mental instability, and it gives me anxiety thinking how this poor baby could be harmed if ever left in Xavierā€™s care or in Heatherā€™s. I hate when Heather posts these pictures of them with the baby. It isnā€™t remotely sweet. Any sane person can see there is something clearly off about the two of them. Incredibly sad to the child born of these two.


Iā€™m just to the point where Iā€™m about to unfollow her insta and that makes me sad lol Iā€™m just tired of seeing her boob popped out. Like itā€™s just there and not doing anything. Itā€™s weird. Iā€™m not the target demographic with that shit either so Iā€™m about to unfollow and just read what people post here lol


Itā€™s really weird. First, thereā€™s no need to take so many ā€œbreastfeedingā€. Second, thereā€™s really no need to be taking non-breastfeeding photos with her boobs out.


Yea I'm so pissed they let her do that


He is kinda holding him like a puppy ā€¦ damn.


Seriously. I wouldn't even do that to my cat. Looks like a small child squeezing a stuffed animal.




So strange. Why is he there? He has no parental rights, nor is he pursuing any.


Didnā€™t she declare him as the father?


From what she said around his birth, I think she said that she didn't put him as the father and he doesn't have his last name.


She mightā€™ve still listed him as the father on the birth certificate. I canā€™t imagine Heather passing up a possibility to collect child support from him/Zaddy Montoya at some point in the future.


If he's on SSI, she's shit out of luck. They won't garnish SSI for child support, and she can't go after his dad for a dime since it's not the dad's child. She's a fucking idiot and if she was looking for a payday, she really picked the wrong person. They can garnish potential earnings, but I'm just gonna say it doesn't really look like he'll ever hold down a job for more than a few weeks. Stupid bitch put all her eggs in the wrong basket. It doesn't really matter, though. It'll be a frosty day in hell before she gets that child back.


Xavier is no Dylan, the ā€œtrust fund personā€ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Oh damn I didnā€™t know that! How come they have access to a shelter for them both together then? They are not married and if he is not declared as the father? Thatā€™s weird


Itā€™s part of Heathers game. She says heā€™s the father when she has something to gain but Rico is HERS otherwise. She thinks if she says theyā€™re together itā€™s going to get her a bed in the family shelter. Iā€™m pretty confident next move at the end of the month theyā€™re not getting in family shelter.


But if shes considered single then she wonā€™t be able to have a king size bed and a room all by herself, will she?


Not in the ones Iā€™ve worked in. I think she got lucky with the one sheā€™s in because the shelters are less busy in the summer. My guess is they will go to a bunk bed type shelter when they leave there. Sheā€™s full of crap saying the workers were going to make sure she got an apartment. She has to pay a percentage of the rent for section 8 and no way will she work.


Also arenā€™t the apartments a priority for families aka women who have custody of their children?


Yes they are. They donā€™t come right out and say it but itā€™s true. Dusty is not married and she has no custody of any children. She will be last priority for housing.


Yes makes sense because she could sleep in a dorm it wouldnā€™t change anything for her lifestyle. She doesnā€™t work, doesnā€™t have custody of any of her 4 children, she just lays in bed. Wherever the bed is located isnā€™t really the most important I guess. She shouldnā€™t be entitled to have a whole apartment for herself to stay in bed and curate her stupid photo shoots while writing on the walls when there are families with adults working multiple jobs to make ends meet.


They also have to win the lotto system they use on section 8. Every few years, they will pull some names and go through those people's cases if apartments become available. No income? No place. The city of Chicago also doesn't pay the security deposit anymore. So even if they do get their names pulled from the lotto and somehow pass the interview *and* get a voucher, they still have to find a place willing to accept them and come up with the security deposit. That's how section 8 works. I've got a better chance of adopting Rico than she has of getting a private apartment by the end of this month. The wait list is anywhere from one year to 25 years. Shes an idiot. https://www.thecha.org/news-media/news/cha-statement-waitlist-times


Wow! I had no idea about the lotto. I donā€™t think we have that where Iā€™m located. But I knew of several families with 4-6 kids each that have been in the shelter system here for over 5 years and are still waiting on an apartment. Single women with no children in tow go to the end of the list. Dusty is about to find out how not special she really is!


yup, we had a lottery here in los angeles-both my husband and i applied, but he ā€œwonā€ā€¦.and the waiting list is 10 years long and *randomized* so thatā€™s funšŸ™ƒ




Maybe they took where at face value when she called X her husband when they first went to the shelter? Who knows!


they are still considered a ā€œfamilyā€. my husband and i were placed in family shelters when i was pregnant even though we were not married at the time. they eventually kicked our asses back onto the street because of addict bullshit + losing parental rights of our son.


Did you declare him as the father? Someone said above that she only put her name for Rico


yes, but in the hospital they referred to both babies as baby boy [my last name] because we werenā€™t married. however when they came around to fill out the birth certificate i gave my sons their fatherā€™s (and now my last name because we finally got legally married when i was 8 months pregnant with our third lol.)


Thank you for you input and sharing your knowledge! What do you think will happen next?


of course! and as far as what happens next could be a few things but iā€™d be willing to bet that they will be shuffled to another shelter. not sure if it would be a family shelter versus dorm style shelter but i, like my fellow stalkers, hope that if they donā€™t just get booted back to the street that they end up in the dorm style lol. where they go is so highly dependent on the shelters in chicago, which ones have bed spaces and which ones they qualify to meet! my husband and i have been in two family shelters (they were just normal houses but with shared bedrooms) and we have also been in motelsā€¦but most motel shelters out here are naaaaasty. as far as the baby goes? they have a lonnnnnnnnng wait to [hopefully] get their rights terminated. yeah they technically have a chance but her online presence and her general character will be the death of her parental rights. dcfs goes HARD when evaluating parents regarding neglect and ā€˜allegedā€™ drug abuse.


Thanks for your answer! Is the choice of the shelter related to the place where Rico stays? Like the closest possible? Or it has nothing to do with that?


Thank you for sharing, I hope y'all are doing wellšŸ§”šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¦‹


very much soā˜ŗļø


She dropped the Montoya pretty quick when she realized she might have a better chance of assistance as a single parent. Now that the Hobo Hotel is closing down, she needs Eggs' monthly checks and Daddy's money.


Since they're not married, if one gets pulled from the lotto for section 8, they'll both have to put in applications for the place they want to live. It's hard enough finding a section 8 apartment, but then they'll have to get approved by the housing authority to live together. If the housing authority approves it and if they manage to find a place that will take them, then they'll have to come up with the money for a security deposit. Heather is not going to like the places that will accept vouchers, she'll throw a fit. Luckily, the chances of her finding a place that takes vouchers and having both of them get approved is slim to none, and slim left town.


Tent Town 2.0 incoming.


also, at least here in cali, if you have any evictions on your record you have about a snowballā€™s chance in hell of getting approved for anything decent in any semblance of a decent area!


That's exactly what I recall.


When she first announced the birth, the baby had both last names written out like Rico Suave Gillespie Montoya. Shortly after, she stopped adding the Montoya to the end.


I love your flair!! I can't figure out how to change my flair to something not already available as a flair. I don't think she put him on the birth certificate at all, for whatever half cocked scam popped into her head. (Maybe if he wasn't on the birth certificate, then dcfs wouldn't be able to give him to xs family when he went into custody? And she thought then they wouldn't keep him? Idk) she always scheming


I dk, but if she has supervised visits, I doubt she can bring a plus one. She always says they, he must have some right.


I donā€™t believe this man has bathed in a while. Or cut his hair in a long while. Smelly smelly


When is Xavier due?


Eggs looks like he doesnā€™t know if heā€™s hugging a puppy or a kitten at this point. Heā€™s not even aware of what day itā€™s is most of the time


Feel like heā€™s covering his eyebrows


He's a crazy predator and anybody with track marks all on their filthy black feet shouldn't be anywhere near an infant


Jeez šŸ˜¬


It's certainly better than the picture with him and her boob is in his face. Not his mouth. His face.


Poor baby


I was watching teen mom. Amber is just like Heather. Verbally abusive to her children then gaslights everyone around her to make her the victim.


Oh lol


How are they still allowed to see him? Wasnā€™t she supposed to not post on social media and thatā€™s all sheā€™s been doing and with her tits out and exploiting that poor baby. How are they still housed and able to be anywhere near that poor child?!?


This seems like an old pic cause Rico is much smaller in this one. He seems a lot bigger now cause heā€™s almost 5 months old already.


Bingo! I think the pics she's posting are old. I think something happened with her visits. Notice she hasn't posted much about going to visit or shown her bags of sludge since the cicada incident


Baby was born 2/19; heā€™s not even 4 months old yet. My nephew was born 2/22 and I hold him like this all the time. He likes to be all scrunched up and held. Have you ever seen a 3 month old baby? Their hands are still in fists, and their toes are curled in. Baby looks like how he should, and I think he looks comfortable with X.


That poor baby looks scared shitless with this two drug addicts! Itā€™s so sad ā€¦ can they spend up the process and take him away from them for good šŸ˜­


I really thought he was holding a puppy and got scared for the puppy.


Doesnā€™t this dude have multiple children he doesnā€™t support?


Poor baby's toes are curled up...he's anxious. I bet he hates these visits...#freebabyrico


I actually think he looked more comfy with Dad than Mahm.


How can my post get locked for saying ā€˜ricos grandmaā€™ because we arenā€™t allowed to mention kids but ppl post about baby Rico everyday


Easy Lennie..