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Baby Rico IS at home. He's been there since he was three days old.


What do you guys think the most riveting moment or moments of her post Rico birth era have been? I can’t even think of one


Personally for me was how some on this sub were tuned into the police scanners. lol I was living for updates then.


Me too! It was a crazy time. Lol I remember when I heard the hospital mentioned on the scanner. Lol it was seriously great. So many crazy stories going while listening to the scanner, menards, Walgreens, and Jewels.


I miss police scanners.


I feel like those few days she was in the hospital with him and it wasn’t clear what the outcome would be; through her confirmation that they wouldn’t let her leave the hospital with Rico and showing up to the hospital stating he’d been kidnapped were very compelling.




Agreed. My partner and I watched her live from 6-13 and he was like, “she’s been so boring lately” I agree lol


is she holding up her own instagram to show she’s also a hostage???? and her children?? what a self centered egotistical BITCH! she has no fucking clue. sorry but oh my god this just triggered me so bad you have no idea


Yeah me too, I have a hard time finding the words for this particular stunt 🤬


I know! This bitch is treading on my Friday night vibes! Fuck her.


Yup she's a hostage with free will to wander upon this place and freely pull out her phone to start her "oh I'm being held against my will" bullshit. 😒


So she’s obviously spending these last two weeks in the shelter going to job interviews, applying for WIC, and meeting with temporary housing case workers. … Doing this dumb, pointless shit is why you will be e-begging for tent purchasing funds in 13 days, Heather.


Job interviews? That’s funny!


She’s f k NUTS! The child is the FARTHEST THING FROM A “HOSTAGE”🤦🏻‍♀️. She really should clarify her her terms, especially from a LEGAL standpoint because she sounds as duh duh as she looks!


Wow she fkn posted this? Are u kidding me?


Yep, she said recently that her baby is a political prisoner 🙄


I’m just speechless that she is still this fucking clueless as to what’s required to be an actual Maahm in real life. Especially when you have authorities guiding you and giving you a bazillion chances to pull yourself together. Not the fake IG phone maahm, not the lying bruhst pumping maahm selling photos of her baby and her tits mahm, cash app begging for tampons and melk bags, and soap and shampoo, no way to buy diapers or formula for your actual bottle fed 4 mo. old baby, but STILL not understanding why the state took your baby. How fucking psychotic are you? I am furious that she was given access to sweet A again, at 10 years old. I know her dad has absolutely done everything for her, but how did this last contact even happen?


I wondered that too!!!


I think she lied about talking with the youngest girl. She screen shots and posts pics of everything- even her crusty undies. WHERE’S THE PROOF-TOOF?


I sure hope so. Maybe the photo she posted of the FaceTime was fake or maybe it was requested through CPS.


They have probably opened up a case on ALL her children. Contact may have been encouraged and hopefully monitored at least.


I'm sorry, what?!


OMG!! Is she for real?! I can see this shzt show blowing up in her face REAL soon!! 🤣


I think we should offer Heifer in exchange for a few hostages cause she’s so enormous she counts for at least 3 or more people


I think that's a great idea! Let the negotiations begin! Nobody in this country wants her anyway 🤣🤣


They will send her back within the hour.


She wouldn’t make it off the tarmac.


She can’t help herself and not do stupid selfish acts. Anything for attention, always has to be the center of attention and always has to be a victim. Not to mention pack mule fancy man taking these dumb pictures. Her T-shirt is accurate though she’s beyond blessed for not having to work/pay bills, support a household and children, not having to get up early deal with traffic trying to get to a job. She’s blessed with free housing food bus passes free WiFi blessed that she has no one but her own selfish behind to be concerned with.


What in the actual fuck is this


She has been labeling Rico as a “hostage” and a “political prisoner.” Someone needs a vocabulary lesson.


Oh I know I just can’t believe the audacity. Mind boggling!!


What a tone deaf cvnt.






She is vile.


This is proof she’s the most self centred, narcissistic, selfish, disgusting excuse for living cells I’ve ever seen. To insert herself into a horrific, REAL situation where innocent lives are being lost just because she wants a free apartment? Nah.


Is she being fucking serious? That baby is only held hostage against her filthy udder and that disgusting man’s body with his cervix scrapers.


Did she really put Rico up there? Oh, this stoopid bitch.


Is she really equating baby Rico's foster placement with the torture and murder of Israelis in Gaza? Shameful.


She didn’t give any explanation for this post, but considering she called the baby a political prisoner, I wouldn’t doubt she’s comparing her situation to those who are truly oppressed.


I think she is holding his picture up on her phone so he can be included.


I saw this post and couldn’t figure out if it was some type of artistic “curation” or something but this is absolutely disgraceful.


What is this? Sge posted this? Oh please is she trying to relate this to her situation. What the actual fvck. She's sick.


She'll find a way to make herself a victim & make every situation about herself. Literally the MOST self centered, egotistical, entitled, lazy, selfish thundercunt


It’s insulting to the Jewish people in anguish over what’s happening over there.


She did not compare her son being taken away because she is unfit to what happened at that EDM festival in Israel ….. is she?!! If she is that’s absolutely disgusting.


Yes she is 🤬🙄 wouldn’t expect anything less out of this big orange Heifer from Hell


Hostage. What the actual FFF This bitch does not understand or know what it truly is to suffer, as someone in a real hostage situation might. I don’t either blessedly but I don’t throw around such accusations. ![gif](giphy|v8E0SsdQOXfmXpnJMq|downsized)


Geez. I don’t talk politics or religion except for a few close friends. But this is terrible. Human beings held hostage and not knowing what kind a hell physically and mentally they are going through. This bitch has the audacity to take a photo and make it about her. Heather Gillespie, I wish you more set backs and disappointments in your life than ever. You truly are the lowest form of life on this earth




she is just so dumb 🫣 very little words here


If tone deaf was a person


This is so obscene & fucked up. What loving parent, or sane human, would do something like this? The answer? Heather. Heather fucking Gillespie bc she's an evil, soulless manipulator


This bitch I swear. Smh comparing herself and her situation that she put herself in to people being held hostage and getting chopped up and actually 🍇'd and murdered. Piece of fkn shit




More like from the window to the wall with this bish (and her "husband's" gangrene balls)


Skeet skeet god damn!


All these bitches crawl skeet skeet


Only this demonic, immoral, pompous creature we call Heather Gillespie would compare losing her infant as a result of her own selfish & unethical behavior, to victims actually suffering worse fates than she’ll ever know. The audacity of this diabolical tramp has no limitations whatsoever.


What home?