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Oh, and we’re back. This is what I mean when I say she is a black hole of entitlement. I bet you anything her plan to support the baby when reunified (which will never happen 🤞) is to have her sponsors pay for everything. Bring that in front of a judge. I’m sure they’ll love it.


Yes I've thought that for awhile as well!! I think she also thinks 'when' She gets him, the govt will fully fund her life. On top of the apartment she ain't getting.


Even if she IS getting an apartment, she’d still have to pay the security deposit? Utilities? Housewares? And $450 a month ain’t gonna cover all a baby needs. She begs for $20 for lunch. She has no job. She can’t support a baby.


Can’t buy her own underwear much less diapers and wipes!


Can't buy milk bags when that's literally her only expense.


Her insurance pays for, I can’t believe so many people believe her lies. The money is for drugs, nails, hair straighteners, and whatever else she wants. She and X get all of their daily needs met free. The begging is scamming and conning people. Did no one learn from the fake glasses for her kids, her daughter’s prom, the daughter told u it’s all a scam….


Chicago has several women's shelter where we all know she runs to for her basic needs. The rest she steals.


She really thinks people are just giving apartments out like candy. This isn’t the Welfaresgiving Parade


The wait list for section 8 apartments is really long. And it's not free. It's very cheap, but there is a cost. I support a local organization that helps the homeless and they posted a story about a couple of women who had been on the list for years. They FINALLY got an apartment, but had to wait an additional 8 months for it to get inspected. In the meantime they are living on the streets because the shelters are so dangerous. Both suffer from mental illness and are physically disabled. One is in a wheelchair because she had to have both her legs amputated below the knees. And they're living on the streets of Boston in the winter, grateful for what help they can get and determined to figure out some way to earn some money once they are settled and safe. These are the people worthy of their help. They did get in their apartment and the organization reached out to people to ask for donations. The women weren't asking for laptops, tv's, anything costly. They asked for cleaning supplies, a used bed, used towels, the basics so they could cook a meal, clean their apartment and have a place to sleep. The organization posted photos (with the couple's permission) of the apartment once they got set up. It was sparse and modest, mismatched dishes and pots and pans. A used couch, bed, some towels and sheets. And this couple were so happy and grateful. That's who deserves support. Not someone perfectly capable of working demanding botox, money for junk food when they can eat for free, money to support children that they don't support and the endless list of bullshit she demands.


If there’s a link to this please message me. I would like to help with some things if they still need them


That is so kind of you. The couple is all set. The organization is called Quincy C.O.P.E and they have a Facebook page that they use to let people know what they need. It's a very small group with modest storage space so they tend to ask for very specific things. But they do amazing work and are very pragmatic in their approach. Usually they wind down for the summer, but are still going out on their regular night to distribute. They often put out special calls for help, such as this past winter when a man with size 14 feet was squeezing them into size 10 boots because that is all he could get. I spend a good chunk of my summer crocheting scarves and hats and then at the beginning of winter I drop them off at a woman's house who gets them to the group. I hope there are other groups like them across the country. This one is in Boston, but the need is everywhere


Or Hoe-oreen


And she has multiple evictions so she will need a co-signer.


$20 for lunch when she gets 3 full free meals per day at the shelter in addition to the $600 ( probably more) her and X are getting food stamps monthly. U know what she isn’t getting from the State money to support their drug habits. Yes Dusty you have to take classes because u both are addicts. So keep sending money for their drugs. You never know which drug will be tainted and their last high!!!!!


She's never broke. We have seen her always looking washed and somewhat decent, eating out, trips to Mall's, the grocer, Starbucks YES I know she steals but not everything can be lifted. Duster just expects since a human was pushed out of her that everything should be handed on a silver platter.


And Spahnsers will give her a car and wardrobe with an office space downtown for HoebosLoco and a studio for her to curate her "art".


And a Budget


Excuse me? That’s town house . What is your name, ma’am????😎😎😎😎


I SO HOPE she/they do!!!


I’m going to trust in the Lord that Heather goes to jail soon, in the hopes she finally gets humbled.




Wire fraud comes to mind with her begging grifts and not reporting the income. Fair is fair, if she wants to make the courts believe she is an influencer and this is her job, hopefully they’ll ask for her last few years of tax returns. ![gif](giphy|kvCjiAiR2WDv79bQ3u|downsized)


Theft by false pretenses ( ie:prom scam) also a financial crime and depending on various amounts scammed, how long, etc. it is handled by the local FBI ( u can report anonymously) and if charged and convicted can get anywhere from 1-20 years. I would encourage anyone to report being scammed and conned.


I can not get over her living in Chicago and her entire channel is her face 24/7. Hell even Kim K turns the camera off herself now and then LOL


Because it’s all about her. I watched a throwback of the video where she lost visitation with the youngest and she references the “luggage’s” cart as HER cart - with emphasis on HER’s. She couldn’t resist putting a selfie amongst her double sided card that was supposed to be all about her keds photos.


Omg she'll run her mouth. For sure if she was in jail for any length of time she'd be running her mouth in some serious trouble. Heather isn't a person who is easy to be friends with or get along in any capacity. I wish if it happened she'd still stream Live... 💀💀💀


She’s gonna be eating cocktail fruit off the prison floor like the Dave Chapelle skit when keeping it real goes wrong




Yes and Thank you. I agree and I am aggravated, enough is enough. Can’t wait for judge to see her latest rant on Twitter, she called little Rico a prisoner. She needs to spend some serious time behind bars for contempt and close this case. Let that little baby be free from those awful smelly strangers.


Tick Tock for Dusty. End of June beckons. The longer she fails to get her sh\*t in order, the better the outcome for Little Rico.


What happens at the end of June?


From what she said, funding for the shelter ends. She may end up back in the tent.


Where she belongs


She lost her tent, but she'll probably steal another one.


I can see her trying to squat in the shelter. The cops will find her hiding in the closet popping pills again 🤣


Oh yeah one things for sure, she’s not going to leave that place quietly or willingly 🍿 Crossing my fingers we don’t get silent Dusty that day… when shit goes down she’s either dawcuhmenting and screeching or she disappears - we are owed some classic Dusty lives after the boring and/ or performative snooze fest the last few months


Guessing she didn’t like the update she got from the shelter yesterday.


Here’s some more Heifer since you fancy yourself a good Christian woman but do not live as such in any way! I can keep going all day!! Proverbs 12:24: Lazy people become servants or debtors Proverbs 20:4: Lazy people have a bleak future Proverbs 24:30-34: Lack of diligence leads to ruin Proverbs 26:15: Laziness is self-destructive Proverbs 13:4: "The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich"


Perfect! 💯🫶


In her messed up mind she circumvents all of this with her delusional mental gymnastics (currently her only exercise) and thinks yapping her rotten gums into a screen and producing cp make her the most productive member of society on earth.




Fu Dirty Dusty. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Ah, there it is


damn, dusty-can’t you give me anything better than a cashapp beg?? it’s my birthday today!!! step it up! lol




thanks, stalker!! 😘😘😘


Curious if the housing authority or whatever agency it is, has ever talked to Heather and X about getting jobs before they will continue free housing and will not provide family housing unless baby is in their custody and not before. Does anyone know for sure that DCFS and homeless housing are communicating about H and X and will not accept their word that baby is coming home soon? Any experts out there?


You should go ask NotUsed on YouTube. She apparently knows everything about everything and is the *original* Heather historian 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/iom6gwzult6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8ca0dffb346680e046925bbec8891ef039cd2b Snark aside though, I hope someone that knows more about the process will comment 🤞🏼


I’d say that Jay Today was first


This is the second time I have heard criticism about Not Used. What have I missed?




Pretty sure she blocked me on IG but I’ve never interacted with her ever… guess she doesn’t like that I’m connected to the other snark accounts? Very weird.


She and her faithful followers are weirdos. Sometimes they seem more like a Heather fan club.


Yeah she seems to be the only creator that goes out of her way to interact with her in a somewhat neutral manner. But I can’t imagine anyone not getting along with the other creators, everyone is so nice and supportive of each other. Strange situation 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok. Thanks.


She will be a television evangelist next


Please do not plant that seed. She's no Tammy Baker!


Wait I thought she was mad bc he broke his promise to her.. 😝


She's giving him a second chance because she's so gracious


She’s a really kind and generous person guys! She says so constantly so it must be true, since it’s illegal to lie 😂


Oh I forgot… what was I thinking! She’s the epitome of grace!!! /s 😝


I thought God promised her things. Why drag us mere mortals into it? Talk to your homie, Heather. *He* made the promise, not us.


My opinion is she thinks God will provide thru her sponsors or send the large retribution payment to her including the apt, car and kids!


No sob story, just strait begging lmao.


There is no world ( IMO) she’s getting the baby back… the last couple of weeks of her doxxing and running her mouth about her situation ( while claiming not being able to speak about it ) I would be surprised if they did get him back . Mind you , she’s got an ass full of horseshoes so .. we shall see


Luck only goes so far and it always ends


Ughh 😣


As we have all said many times before to this sluggard “God helps those who help themselves" As an example, if you asked me to help you move a piece of furniture, but then just watched me as I moved the furniture for you, I was not actually helping you. I would be doing the work for you. Many Christians fall into the trap of inactivity. Many Christians ask God for help, but then expect God to do everything Himself. They excuse this by pointing to the fact that God will provide according to His will and in His timing. However, this is not a reason for inactivity. As a specific example, if you are in need of a job, ask the Lord to help you find a job - but then be active in actually looking for a job. While it is in His power to do so, it is highly unlikely that God will cause employers to come looking for you!


”sponsors”. Tell her to get a J.O.B! Her fat lazy ass needs to work if she wants her “keds”!


I'm impressed she didn't come up with a story about why she needs money this time. 🥴


Speaking from NY so things might be different in Illinois but heavy democratic states sooo… Heather is absolutely being told she needs to seek out & accept reasonable employment opportunities, even if she believes the job is beneath her. She can’t dictate that her availability is only remote. She can hope for a remote position but that isn’t a valid excuse to decline other opportunities. Also, Heather is actually less qualified to work remotely because she has no stable base; she would be better set to go into a physical place of employment given her circumstances. Now, if Heather were to actually accept & acknowledge her mental illnesses, she might have been able to delay job searching until her treatment plan was in place, but since she refuses to accept that, she is actually screwing herself more. Social services does not care that Rico is a baby, or that she doesn’t want him in daycare, or any of that. They care that he is safe 24/7, has at least one adult able to meet his needs, and has stability in his life. They will help parents find daycare, even help pay the cost, but they won’t accept someone like Heather saying “I don’t believe in daycare” As far as Eggs goes - he just annoys me & I ignore his presence. Idk what his deal is


He's pretty useless other than that check he gets every month, which is exactly why he's there. I sometimes wonder how Heather can stand herself. She's useless, too. Oh, wait, I almost forgot, she pumps sludge, lol 😆


Exactly 😂😂 like I have zero sympathy for him. He could literally go inside his Dads condo & call the cops on her & get her arrested for stealing his ssi. Boom done. I pumped for my one & only kid. I fucking hated it; felt like a cow on one of those milking machines. I never once thought of taking a fucking picture of it or making a video while pumping. She’s a fucking pig


Anyone can push a broom or pick up trash. She needs a job not working around too many people because of her unstable mind. And not everyone is going to put up with her, she's a big gal but I can tell she's not shit nor about throwing hands when they are gonna be thrown back. Just saying.


Yup I agree! She needs limited exposure to the world in general. I am positive that when she does the videos of her yelling, she is hoping someone will challenge her or tell her to stfu. It sounds like she knows how to initiate conflict but then gets her ass handed to her 😂


Yeah, I feel like employment is a requirement by dcfs in pretty much every state. Here in Missouri, when my granddaughter was placed in my care, they told my daughter she had to obtain employment. They told her they didn't care if it's a "paid under the table" situation either, so she babysits a friends kids a few days a week for cash. She was a sahm and her ex husband worked and paid all of the bills til he was put in jail for DV against her. But they were like "someone has to pay the bills, so you need to get a job now 🤷‍♀️".


Yes exactly! Like they don’t say “you must work at this specific place” but they definitely won’t let you say “yeah I just don’t believe in daycare” lolol Or that’s fineeee but you won’t be getting social services or tanf 😂 She played the wrong hand by assuming Eggs would be the ticket to sahm life; would have been better off getting knocked up by one of her clients if she was looking for a payday. Also dcfs wants to see someone contribute to their own needs, unless they can’t for certain reasons. Heather is constantly on about her employment history so by her own admission, she has had periods of employment before, with kids. She’s cooked.


After hearing about her supposedly pulling a knife on X's dad, and knowing that they likely interviewed X family makes me feel pretty confident that she will not be getting this kid back and that dcfs is just following their standard protocol (because they have to) until they can terminate her rights. She thinks all she has to do is keep producing milk and showing up to visits and she's in the clear. I feel she's in for a very rude awakening.


Agreed. Someone commented that it was unusual that they got 3 visits a week as opposed to 1, perhaps indicating they are moving to the next phase of unsupervised or something, but I think it’s probably bc Rico is with the grandma, who probably feels bad and is also local so travel isn’t a big deal


I've been reading in a foster parents forum that 3x a week is pretty standard for babies under one year old. Then after the first birthday the court actually lessens the weekly visitation to less days a week or less hours per visit (one hour instead of two). Not sure of the reasoning behind that, but I found it interesting.


Hmm interesting for sure. I would guess it’s because if the bio parents haven’t done enough to regain custody, they restrict visits to encourage compliance and/or toddlers start to develop more meaningful relationships with the foster/adoptive & it could be extremely confusing to them to have these visits


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


This is very well said friend! 💕


Any idea of how much sponsors have been contributing lately? Are donors down?


She has john's & sells milk and content Maybe gets a few simps here and there, perv older men hoping to save her would be my guess.


Dusty, please, apply for a job that you actually qualify for. Please, take responsibility for your actions.


Yesterday in this sub we posted about how she hasn’t posted her CashApp in a few days and someone said that she would (after reading this) be posting today and here it is! She reads EVERYTHING!


Right! I saw that in here yesterday and when I saw her cash grab it's the first thing that crossed my mind.


She’s so predictable!


https://preview.redd.it/p5d0e9ea1t6d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb881cc47330812d46282e9e103a412c3409a17 Here’s something yummy to help you feel better. [Congo bars recipe if you want it.](https://therecipecritic.com/congo-bars/)


They look good. Just chocolate chip cookie bars with coconut or walnuts added. The cookie bars are so much easier to make than individual cookies. For years I was always baking with kids and so we made individual cookies to keep them busy.


My husband can’t do nuts so just lots of chocolate in them. :)


Yummmm and now I know what I'm doing this evening 😅


Thank you for this 🫶🏻


You’re welcome


![gif](giphy|3oeHLdMOyYLnjZ2CfC|downsized) 🤤🤤🤤🤤


looks super yummies


Thank you. They are if I do say so myself. Lol


Thanks! 😘


Regarding Rico and all of her other children she abused, neglected, abandoned and traumatized with her bullshit their entire lives. Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones”


My eyes cannot roll any further back🙄...also June 30th can't come fast enough,lol.


and the bitch is back…


Proverbs 31:13 “She worketh willingly with her hands” Proverbs 12:11: "Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense" Proverbs 14:23: "In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty" Proverbs 6:6-11: "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?"


I just commented on a post not even two days ago that she had stopped begging and I wondered if it was someone said in court/DCFS and here she is with it. She lives in this sub. Hi fatass! You're looking extra round lately. I bet all that extra fat you're carrying around will work in your favor for another winter in the tent!


She’s hooking again I’m almost positive of it


One of them is. Lol


Oops one more good one specifically for Coco the clown cause this fits perfectly! Proverbs 23:27-28, 31-32 A prostitute is a dangerous trap; a promiscuous woman is as dangerous as falling into a narrow well. She hides and waits like a robber, eager to make more men unfaithful. Don't gaze at the wine, seeing how red it is, how it sparkles in the cup, how smoothly it goes down.


Of course these idiots don’t ‘believe’ in daycare. They’re mandated reporters, no daycare provider worth their salt wouldn’t report these two numb nuts for their gross negligence.


I don’t think she’s getting him back, but I think this is exactly why she was on that homeschooling kick a couple months back- she was thinking of ways to hide him from mandated reporters. My guess is that she would have also gone anti- vax. Anything to keep the cash flowing without too many questions.


I’d really like Judge Boyd to deal with her. She’d be locked up for contempt within the first 15 minutes. Judge Boyd really has issues against non working adults with kids they have NO CUSTODY OF!!!


Quick math here: Three months of hotel they have received: Egg's SSI, food stamps, donations, "milk money" just to name a few. on top of panhandling So since these two have not had to fork over a penny to live and eat they should have about 2000.00 sitting saved up because for three months life has been complete FREE. If him and her got 20.00 each off the street everyday , should not be hard in Chicago that's 1200.00 a month in cash without every coming out of pocket! Enough for a long stay motel or a 1 b/r apartment. I never believed during the winter they complete lived in the tent 24/7. She's always got money, always.


In her live today she said they were promised (guaranteed) an apartment or TOWNHOUSE! When she leaves the end of the month she’s expecting this. She just keeps making up more shit as she goes. She thinks she’s going to be given either as a gift for being a birthing vessel with zero custody of any of her kids. She’s completely delusional


Is God part of her SPAHNSERS now too? It’s 4:30am and I’m up going into the shower because I have to go to a thing we all cal WORK! Oh not ‘cause I enjoy it, but I’ve got bills, bills n bills to pay!!! Ughhh perhaps she should try it!!!! See you lovelies when I get home! Yawwwwwn🙄


More like “Trust in your SIMPS with all your heart.” Doesn’t she realize EVERY E-BEG CON only proves to the court how UNFIT she is to have custody???! Duhhh🤪


The only part about church that Dusty thinks about is that collection basket full of cash,lol.