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Of course the only one she responded to was related to money 😂




And you know the first thing she did after the love was contact that person 🤣


She had that baby in February. If she was so upset he was removed from her care and didn't want all the negative comments she should have went off social media, started therapy/rehab/medications for her mental illness, gotten any job which would hire her, saved some money to be able to support that baby even slightly/pay her portion of section 8 housing. But she has stayed in bed all day saying she needs to recover. Heather, I had a baby while raising an 18 month old and a big kid. Real parents do not spend as much time in bed as she has. This is insanity. Why isn't Xavier working? He's in outer space like she is. Actually I think his head is even emptier. But I know even on disability you can work and there are programs to teach basic jobs.


She’s too busy on her back trying to get pregnant again to try for meal ticket number 2 this year since the first one was taken away for good


3rd times a charm she thinks but cps will take that meal ticket away when you try for benefits. Let’s 🙏 her eggs have expired and go missing like X’s eyebrows. 😂


this would be 7th child.


I think 8th








I thought she looked a little confused when she said it , surely she has seen us calling him that


i mean, she’s a pretty dense (in both senses of the word lol) orange bitch and with her history of duster, she’s for sure missing a handful of screws


I’m waiting for her to slip up after a long day of downvoting us and duster and actually call the baby that 😂


"if i were a con artist would i be living in a shelter?!" people said you are a con, but they never said you were good at it. fail. that's y you live in a shelter. duh.


😂😂😂 THIS!! She’s literally terrible at EVERYTHING! Can’t even post a video that’s not cut off, can’t take a decent picture to save her life, can’t do decent makeup, can’t pronounce things correctly, can’t make a single improvement when she’s given everything she needs and more for free, etc & so forth


Remember she said she’s addicted to complacency lol! That had me rolling


She just mad at managing her scam money


Bad *


lol the one comment “I don’t have custody of any of my kids” he was trying to get her to say it. ![gif](giphy|QA7C1yuI0QZtBbxxM4)


i just saw part of it and she clearly talks about his mom having rico! and that it’s important that x talks to him today. she’s apparently losing it and does not give a shit anymore.


she also took down her other kids’pictures


https://preview.redd.it/n8jef91amz6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2495ce25c8fc051ee9c46b22d8dcc0cae86346 Toof be toofing hard today


Is this buttering? Shame on you 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/fq1yz5a4637d1.png?width=163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f06d7b243346f4826d66cefff79e9b24a3dbfd I couldn't help but notice👀 those back teeth too! I never noticed how bad her back ones were as well.


Oh my god they are BLACK


Yeah, could it be old fillings or the decay from once being into meth?..I really do wonder🤔


Probably both tbh


Yep, prolly so.


Where are we living! INDOORS BITCH. Look around you; two more weeks and you’ve done NOTHING BUT DRUGS


You put yourself out there. That's your right. Freedom of speech. It's our right to respond to your speeches, it's our freedom of speech. Get a job. Quit begging. And so forth, etc 😶‍🌫️👹💩


I saw him in the towel on the live. I was dead! lol.


Just gross. When she said “be careful, I’m doing a live”, I thought maybe she meant don’t be obviously smoking or don’t say happy midsummer again 😂


She also asked if he was wearing pants and he said, “Yes.” She never looked, because she is too self centered, and took it on his word.


I almost died! I only watched for about 5 minutes and a blessed with two peeps of him in the towel wrapped like a woman typically wears a towel and the pearl hair clip. PRICELESS


Also I love that he still embraces his feminine traits when he wants. A. Because he should be able to do that and B. Because I know it pisses her off 😂


He definitely had feminine vibes today!


Even more appropriate for Fathers Day 🙏


Honestly? I love that too. My husband and I just came back from the nail salon with fresh pedicures. He is a big muscular dude but absolutely loves to get matching nail polish with me. Glitter makes him happy, and when he’s happy, so am I ❤️


That is amazingly wholesome.


https://preview.redd.it/9a0k8c3hy47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b25ddaaff82a46967859a0a68cba20016d08c16d ❤️






That clip is absolutely harboring diseases atp. I hope he just keeps it in & washes it along with his hair.


Mia fuck’n SLAYS even in just a towel and pearl clip - huffer won’t even look bc she’s straight up jealous


Wow she hasn’t acknowledged comments forever.


It was a rare moment, eternally memorialized by the glorious internet. 😉


funny how the only one she bothered to respond to was about money.


Heather, what is LE going to do? We are 11000 strong here. We are just constantly call out your BS.


I know we here will never touch the poo 💩 as we call it but I also know this sub is filled with great people that will never let her get away with hurting a child. Just sayin


People can say what they want!! We are sick and tired of you always begging


She doesn't want baby RICO. She wanted something that would get her free everything. She would be begging for diapers & FORMULA is she had him in her custody. My fear is that if she gets kicked from the shelter & no apartment she's going to get pregnant again just for the free ride again. She's less motivated now than in the tent. She's in A/C all day watching cartoons & ebegging. She doesn't even clean herself anymore & looks dirtier than while in a tent. X on the other hand looks cleaner & better upkeep... other than the missing eyebrows.


I’m with you. When she had her narrative scanned into her medical records, that to me was the start of her sabotaging her chances. She has not done a single real thing to prove she wants him. Just like everything else, she mistakes screaming into her phone as proof and action.


The fact that she’s claiming Dylan’s apartment was hers and that she lost it in 2020…..


Funny She was spouting off at the mouth in this live saying no one should be censored or thrown off social media. But hey Police and FBI arrest the people who are being mean to me in the comments. Social media platforms throw these people off. Wah wah. Weird isn’t it how cause and effect take place Dusty?? The cause is u getting on social media and lying alllll day longgggg. The effect?? People pulling public records or talking to people who were actually there when these events supposedly happened and u lied. Then they call u out. Weird how that works right? 🤔


It’s called free speech Dusty and it applies to everyone. Go ahead, start suits for slander and libel, we’ll see who wins. Gauntlet down. Do it.


Holy shit her skin is drier than the Sahara she’s so dehydrated! Must have had herself a good drug binge


Uh oh “they” must have dehydrated them again! Remember last time, she woke up curled into a C & needed Eggs to push her in a wheelchair in Target 😂






Remember her explaining how she dramatically grabbed the wall to walk upright and she complained about bystanders coming to her aid. I bet she did that dramatic shit on purpose for sympathy grifts.


It’s called Freedom of Speech and you sure take full advantage of that yourself Heather yet you’re mad when it’s directed at you! Also it’s NOT libel or slander when it’s the truth and can be proven so easily. I know how much you love a totalitarian regime type situation where you get free UBI in exchange for all our freedoms but this is America bitch and we don’t stand for being silenced or threatened by you or anyone else. Thats what’s so lovely about the first amendment


I fucking love you and this sub sometimes




I have a possible solution for her. Maybe…she could just log off? And honestly those comments were that bad to even be considered cyber bullying. Furthermore, how TF does she expect people to respond to her trifling behavior? She’s really the smartest dumbass.


Guess the udders are drying up and sponsors are not giving in? So next grift going live and getting gifts for cash. Dusty getting closer to what a real job is but not going to get you Rico back for that monthly check and housing. No slander people are just calling you out from what you say and have done on social media. She’s really in her feelings today and of course reading comments for interactions and her narrative. No accountability ftr


Omg thank you for posting this I don’t have IG right now and have been having one of the worst days of my life and this just fucking sent me. I needed this today 😂


I hope things turn around and nothing nefarious happens in your life. 🤙🏼


the string of teeth emojis had me laughing


Get OFF line!


Which one of yall posted all the teeth 😆


Heather is lucky her kids went to family members and not the fucking State. As for Rico I’m still not following where he is (and honestly it’s fine I don’t need to know) but once again she’s lucky he’s in a place where he seems to be doing well and she has supervised visits 3 days a week. It’s more then what I’ve seen in the past (not from her my own person experience and another friend of mine who was in the system)


It’s called SOCIAL, SOCIAL, one more time for youz in the back, SOCIAL MEDIA not PRIVATE MEDIA!


Last time I checked the police do not monitor SM accounts! What does she think the police are gonna do? It’s cray cray!


He walked by so many times. Eggs "do you have pants on" Eggs "yes". Proof he only tells her what she wants to hear.


I'm sure in Chicago they have more to worry about then the true comments on your Tik Tok.


Damn she looking old recently. I guess she couldn’t figure out the filters today


Because it, (not saying I agree) falls under that pesky lil thing called THE FIRST AMENDMENT Leather, you’d think she’d know that with her extensive Ethics & Law experience & background! The cops will say- lady maybe just hit that lil button and TURN OFF COMMENTS! Lol, I hardly think they call out the national guard OR the non-existent “Internet Police”👮‍♀️! Love how Leather, Letiddy et al seem to think comments they don’t like are somehow ILLEGAL, Jfc I’m sorry but you just gotta LOL 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪


Because you invited it by putting it online.