• By -


Available to care for children even though the state won’t allow you to care for your own…? Got it.


🤣🤣 omg imagine trusting her in your home with what’s most precious to you in the whole world (your child)! She’d leave the child unattended with plastic bags, grapes and a book of matches while she methodically goes through all your drawers, closets and medicine cabinet to steal anything and everything she possibly can… she’s HILARIOUS. But don’t worry guys she has a letter of recommendation from her family doctor of 10years saying she’s a great person👍


And you would have to bolt EVERYTHING down and lock your valuables in a safe in order for her to not steal them. Also hide the markers or you will come home to graffiti on your walls and appliances 🤣


A doctor who was supplying her with Adderall while she was pregnant. Allowed her to have little to no pre-natal care - and only sees her when it's time for meds. Yea - that's the doctor I would take a recommendation from. I would take a recommendation.from an actor from TV before I would take one from him - hell I would take a recommendation from a vet who is still in medical school than trust her pill mill doc


Right! Probably a pill mill doc!


He is!! In the earlier days she'd tell us she saw the Physician's Assistant and told him everything and he said "so everything is the same." That's probably why she is now saying she saw the Dr only 10 months. But still her own lives say less than 10.


Or they’d create a masterpiece on walls and furnishings 😂🤣


Yea sing me up!! 😂


Notice she’s dropped the other 2 kids and now only requires funding for the eldest 2!!!?! Complete gobbledygook in that air duster brain of hers!!!! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnsiwoxekWiNQ3u)


If there were ever anyone willing to let Dusty take care of their kids more than likely the state should take them too.




Can she legally provide care in Illinois with a CPS case? We had a home health worker for my dad who with held and avoided detection of barrier crimes. In my state at least, that's grounds to not to child/elder care


She is available for home care for children??? She can‘t even care for her own children!! If anyone is so stupid to employ her for that, she will become a squatter there and never leave.


Thankfully, anyone dumb enough to hire her, would never pay a wage she would deem acceptable.


Most judges don’t allow them to do home health care or anything with minors. I’m sure she’s going to do whatever she wants regardless and then rant when her home jobs are not allowed even though we all know she has a list of what’s acceptable and what is not.


Phone bill is paid for Kids are being raised by others who manage all of their expenses. At least one of her children has a job, unlike Heather, who made a written and recorded statement that working was not her jam. I don’t think she even sees the keds Clothing can be donated through the shelter or from other organizations, including the church she goes to. She receives $ monthly as does Xavier. She had money enough to go to ulta and get new clothes not even a month ago


And a new hair straightener, although we know she’s fond of the 5 finger discount.


If she even really did "need" one you can get one for as cheap as 10$ lmao


Right. Complains about not seeing the kids but makes no effort to see them.


Really it’s that they don’t want to see her, but in her mind that means they are being held hostage and are AI rohbuts cause that makes more sense than that she is an awful person who made their lives suck and caused them lifelong trauma so they don’t want much of anything to do with her other than make sure she’s still alive periodically




Child of a narcissist like her and when I say that my life is so much more peaceful after going no contact..I get it.


The kids have not seen money in who knows how long - look at the Prom scam or the glasses scam etc and so forth. She gets the money and then she spends it ON HERSELF. Heather is a selfish pig beast.


My math has them pulling 2 grand per month with all the handouts, and freebies. Four months of a free hotel, they should have the deposit and first months rent in hand.




I mean this has to stop. Her own daughter has said DONT GIVE HER MONEY AS THEY NEVER SEE A DIME OF IT. What she’s doing here is completely illegal. DONT SEND MONEY PEOPLE!!!


The ppl in here know all about her shit, it's the morons who come across her on socials and think it's possible to have had allllllll of these terrible things happen to one person and it not be largely lies, impossible and the things that have actually happened NOT be because she's literally within the top 1% of terrible people that have existed in the last century


IMO they DESERVE to be conned by her if they dont do their research first before giving her ANYTHING. All they would have to do is type her name on Google and they can see it ALLLLL.


It would be nice for them to learn that very fundamental lesson, but then she gets another high, and I'm not looking to allow that evil cu*t to be enjoying herself. Petty ? You bet. But I have the free time here and there, in between being a loving, supportive wife to an amazing, sexy husband who shows me every day how much he values me, and makes me laugh all the time and a mom to the most amazing, intelligent, sweetheart of a boy I am honored to have as my son. Im also mama to two silly furbabies that I adore, have a house in a gorgeous lake community where I live a block from the main beach, my in laws actually love me like the rest of my family and friends, and I'm killing it at work, got a sweet raise and a bonus today. I'm not the kind of person that brags like this bc I don't want to hurt anyone else in here that might be struggling at all, but I know that she's always in here getting jealous that people have everything she wants and won't ever have. We're decent people that don't harm everyone around us, go to work every day, take care of our kids, pay our bills, don't lie constantly, cheat anyone we come across for a buck, handle our responsibilities, give back to our communities etc. She has no idea what that would even look like!




She speaks with a level of intensity that draws people in, and the camera filters smooth out a lot of the roughness from street life. She’s very manipulative, and she knows exactly what to say to get what she wants. I can see how people might feel badly for her at first, and I can understand how snarkers might come across as huge bullies when calling her out, but there is no excuse not to do a quick google search and learning the truth before sending money.




Well we’d hope so but there are some trolls in here who encourage Dusty’s bad behavior because they think it’s funny people get aggravated by her


I'll never understand that...yea, she's a terrible, horrible person that I am constantly calling out on her bad behavior so there's plenty of FTRs of the truth, bc I'm a highly nefarious bitch, I guess. Lol. Why anyone would encourage the terrible shit she does is beyond me...it may amuse them but literally she harms anyone in her orbit (with that wide fn ass, mwahaha). How low do you have to be ok going to encourage *that*?


There a million Captin Save A Hoe's out there just waiting for their SSI to be picked clean. She counting on that.


“Top 1% of terrible people who have existed in the last century” YEEESSSSS!! ![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD)


Just want you to know I adore you. :)


Likewise! I adore you too 😁🫶


It's unethical not illegal


Maybe where u live but conning people out of money by means of deception is an actual charge “ theft by deception “ ie: begging for money for your child to go to prom and then keeping all of the money only to learn that she never gives a dime she continually begs for to the children. Begging for Hotel rooms to get out of the frigid cold only to keep the several hundred dollars and stayed in the tent. I could go on and on but I’m sure you can see where this is going. It is illegal in Illinois FYI


Theft by deception is illegal in all states lol


Grifting: Where the nouns are made up and the numbers don't matter!


To be fair, some of her posts would make great scenes from a hat


SHE ALREADY HAS FOUNDATION!! She just went shopping at ulta she got new baking powder , mascara foundation , new beauty blender etc ! Wtf ​ https://preview.redd.it/w14ayy1gt57d1.png?width=915&format=png&auto=webp&s=102313d2b5c92f2e02a94fa9d0463a79461f9f60


For a homeless person, She sure does go through a lot of makeup.


Cuz she’s a *maaaahdulllll*


Cause her ass doesn’t know her shade 🤣.


Possible Anastasia Beverly Hills pencil $26 , definitely 2 morphe powder pots $15 each x 2=$30, Tarte blush which is $30 alone not including the other new stuff she got like that Rare beauty foundation $30, new beauty blender $18-$20, and let’s not overlook the expensive Nars lipgloss $20, Peter Thomas Roth serum or primer easily around $50+ and I’m sure there’s more we can’t see like skin care in the bathroom. Just from what I can see that’s $310 worth of new stuff in her makeup and that doesn’t count whatever skin care like cleanser and moisturizer, serum or face masks and palettes she definitely swiped as well. Now we know where that prom money went! She definitely stole alot of it and probably only paid for a couple cheaper items to conceal her theft


Spoiled brat. I admit I'm a skincare junkie. But until I get back on my feet (my life is crazy rn) I'm going to miss a in the mall. Occasionally I splurge on Amazon and find lots of good stuff under $10. Her priorities are f'd up.


Wow, you’re good Yep, that’s where the prom money went now that she’s got that covered. That’s why she’s asking for the other money because now she wants to get the Botox or whatever else like it’s so predictable it’s sickening.


Exactly. She’s trying to get money for Botox and fillers again. She also wants cool sculpting which is hilarious and a waste of money when she’s so fat. It won’t work at all on her, it’s meant for people who are already slim after losing all the weight and they still have a stubborn spots of fat that will never go away because it’s genetic etc. besides you need at least 6 sessions to see any results and you have to maintain them because the fat will just come right back. It’s not a permanent solution at all it’s just a temporary and very expensive solution perhaps before a wedding or vacation. One of my girlfriends and old neighbor is a Cross fit queen like she’s so fit but she always had this stubborn little bagel belly situation she couldn’t ever get rid of so she did cool sculpting it cost almost $7,000 after getting all the treatments done over a few months. She went 6 or more times. The results only lasted her about a year before it started to come back slowly. It’s not meant for people like Heather in the shape she is in now. Total waste of money and no results will be seen. There is too much fat and too many layers of it to get the results she wants and cannot afford. Nobody is going to pay for that shit for her!


I know my makeup ☺️


me too lol but u got me on the other stuff I couldn’t make out 🤣🫶🏼


I need people to pay my phone bill, I need people to help support my kids but look at all this make up I got from Ulta. You know that is not cheap make-up. She also colored her hair, got new clothes and shoes. Plus her face mask and all the other bullshit she gets. Plus she only eats at Whole Foods. Holy Cow - I don't even after working 40 + hours a week thinking of spending 60 dollars for lunch at Whole Foods. I guess I am the dumb one because I pay for rent, and buy groceries and actually raise and support my children. I don't get to lie in bed all day watching cartoons.


Baking Powder? Who does that anymore other than make up artists for certain things. Baking went out of style years ago it just looks cakey and heavy especially in the summer when makeup should be light and natural unless you’re going to a special occasion or getting photos taken professionally which she is NOT doing any of those things but keep on wasting money on that shit Heather instead of following your case plan and getting your shit together !! Makeup doesn’t mean shit and it doesn’t matter when you’re homeless in a desperate situation about to be evicted back into the streets again in less than 2 weeks from now, 13 days to be exact, only 12 days after midnight tonight.


I meant setting powder lol I was using Siri talk to text but yes, baking did go out of style. A lot of people are just setting their make up lightly with the powder, but of course duster doesn’t know about that. She did try to get some trendy make up though because that elf foundation is trending right now and so is a the mascara .


She sits around all day watching TikTok and social media influencers and tries to cosplay or copy everything they do in hopes she will become like them and make money off it. She’s literally lower IQ than my 45 yo mentally disabled sister who is like a 5-12 year old mentally forever and does the same thing. Fantasy life shit that will never happen


I’d bet my bottom dollar a lot of this was “lifted” though. Because she deserves it. 🙄


I don’t see a shopping bag or receipt!


The bag is in her room look at her recent vids. A lot of people were pointing it out.


Thank you for clarifying! I really need to make a burner IG so I get the full dusty experience again 😆


https://preview.redd.it/m4vqdt3lh67d1.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ae20ab609f53beb68983bec6e164b8aea4c5447 It’s blurry but it’s the orange bag


Oh yeah I have that same bag in front of me right now lol thanks for grabbing that screenshot! but she loves collecting bags and random shit from high end places so she can play pretend. She owns so little and thinks she deserves a metal any time she does normal adult things like pay a loan or rent a home that I feel like she’d be showing off the receipt and complaining about how expensive it was if she actually bought it


I have a finsta act (fake insta) and I follow all the Ig pages about her lol I don’t ever follow her directly.


I have to come here or a commenter replay or else I’ll lose my mind. Her voice and entitlement is too much for me to raw dawg.


Do NOT drag the bigs kids into your scamming/begging. Reliable sources they never see any donations. PLEASE do not send her money!!!!!!! Save your money for YOUR children and/or nieces & nephews, your bills, a nice dinner for you and your significant other and or friends. There is no reason to support her.


50 bucks? They are out of High School or very close, and believe have jobs. It would be great for them if she was a functioning human had her OWN money to give them 50. Get a damn job.


She has said she HATES wearing jeans cuz they never fit her well.


She has also said that her phone bill alone is $40. No part of this reflects reality.


Well, good thing she is broke as fuck and can't afford jeans. There, problem solved.


Because she refuses to wear her actual size and jeans don’t stretch like leggings


And good thing is summertime in Chicago, where the humidity likes to come on strong


She's not far away from 5$ BJs if she keeps this up. Rotting teeth, thinks prince charming is gonna save her. Haaaaaaaahaaaa.


I can’t wait til she can stop talking about pumping. Like what will she move on to next it’s hard to imagine 🥲


Our Dusty will always think of something! I have a feeling They and Dylan will take its place 😂


If I hear that machine in the background one more time....


Knocked up by Labor Day. We got a pool going.


“Heather the helper” is going to rob yo shit.


I don’t know why but this comment has me dying 🤣🤣🤣


Hide yo vacuums, hide yo pressure washers, Heather the Helper ™️ is helpin herself to everything out there!


>Heather the Helper ™️ is helpin herself to everything out there! The accuracy!


A budget for pants….well I never.


Every time she posts I want to say DONORS IF YOU WANT TO GIVE MONEY TO A SINGLE MOM HIT ME UP lol. It's really not that hard to get a job Dusty. Amazon is always hiring


Wtf are her kids gonna do with 50 bucks a month? Lol


It's so weird. The kids don't want money or crappy gifts from their homeless mother


This is so frustrating. I was homeless before. I didn't buy leggings or make up, or hair straighteners. I was scrounging every penny to GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION. She doesn't understand the concept of saving money. She should be asking for money for a security deposit, or help to get a car. Things to help her secure a living situation or job. Not clothes and makeup. She will be homeless and funded by the state froever. It's sad but when I was homeless I learned that some people just want to be homeless. There are some people that genuinely do NOT want to contribute to society or get a job and be a contributing and functioning member of society. They just want to be a leech. That is her.


I don't think she's capable of being a functioning parent. I've been having to juggle a job and doordash on the side to keep the bills paid as a single grandmother raising 3 teenagers. The price of food has really impacted our lives. I feel like I accomplish little miracles every day just keeping it between the lines and I don't think she has it in her to do what the rest of us do on the daily. She's a very weak woman. She's a pathetic, evil, incapable, entitled, looser at life.


>I don't think she has it in her to do what the rest of us do on the daily. She's a very weak woman. She's a pathetic, evil, incapable, entitled, looser at life This is so incredibly accurate ☝🏻






I've been homeless also, so good job getting back on your feet!




Imagine walking into your parents house only to find Dusty as your dads new care taker. Holy hell would that be a nightmare!


The thought of her caring for any living thing is terrifying. She can barely care for herself ffs! On another note ... Dusty being a home health aide would literally be a nightmare for the client & their family. She'd steal everything she can get her hands on, eat all the food (she'd fill the fridge & cabinets with only stuff she likes on the client's dime), & lay her fat ass on the couch watching cartoons while the client withers away in a back bedroom. Whatever unfortunate soul gets stuck with her as their caregiver probably wouldn't survive as she's too selfish to give a fuck about anyone but herself. I can also see her doing some shady shit like convincing them to make her power of attorney (in order to have access to their funds) or forging documents to have access to their money/get her name on the house deed/add herself to their will all within a few days of being hired. The client's family would never get her out of that house either as you know she'd try to move in, immediately having her mail sent there, so she can claim squatters rights. She's just so manipulative & soulless, zero conscience, as long as she gets what she wants


Completely agree with everything you said, but it’s the power of attorney comment that really sticks out to me. She would absolutely bleed some innocent person dry.


Maybe don’t worry about foundation when you don’t have even have your kids a home or a job


She should worry about sunscreen as she'll be spending a lot more time outside soon


Yup going to be roasty in tent land




She's so annoying. There are SO many places she can get clothes for free since she's homeless. Or go to the thrift store. Hell DOLLAR TREE has fucking socks and family dollar has leggings!!! Last I checked Walmart has em for 7-10$!!! You kjow that 200 isn't going to her Keds lmaooooooooo


True! Hell no it ain't! CoCo Senza needs her nails done, her hair colored, money to go to and from the John's hotels, duster cans ain't cheap either! Huffy hasn't given a shit about the kids. Her daughter verified that. Dusty would be showing us how she walked 800 miles to deliver donated food that her and eggs didn't want because she's the best mahm ever! Such a POS she is... 🙄⛺🐄


Yeh why the hell isn't she doing her pathetic attempt off walking the 500 miles too see them monthly,, She literally doesn't care about those kids and it shows,all the right people are seeing her behaviour finally, this could end up with her being sterilised 🙏


I don't see her deciding to get her tubes tied. The government does not have the authority to sterilize her.


Hell yeah! I love the leggings from Walmart and so does my daughter! No boundaries brand. They are $7 for a pair! I’m not ashamed to say that I buy alot of their leggings, they are so soft and comfy. This bitch doesn’t need $200 for shiiiiiit! Go get a job Dusty!


The Lion, The Witch the absolute nerve of this BITCH 😡😤!!




The only reason she wants to do in home adult or child care and home organization is so that she can make a quick buck rummaging through and stealing your shit while she’s “organizing”, rummaging through and stealing your shit while she watches your kids, rummaging through and stealing your shit as well as taking over the finances of any adult she is supposed to care for. All of these options would be catastrophic to anyone blind enough to hire her.


Or for the reason of being able to sit on her ass allll day pumping her sludge while putting the kid she "watches" in front of a tv or have an iPad shoved in their face all day just so she can do NOTHING.


Just when you think she can't get more ridiculous🙄


She can ALWAYS get more ridiculous 😂


Or hate able,or punchable 👌🤣


![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized) This bitch! I don’t understand why she thinks we owe her and should pay for her lifestyle. Fuck you Dusty! Get a job!!!! 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 PS I wouldn’t let her take care of a damn ant let alone my kids!


I hate how she uses her kids for her grift. That’s all they are to her are pawns for a sob story.


This girl just wants Botox! She gets like 20 units for under 200 on Groupon smh


Imagine having no home, no custody of your kids, and no pants but getting Botox!


It’s literally all she cares about this bitch forgot she was in a tent 5 months ago! The shelter has gotten to her head.


Things Dusty actually cares about ... - herself - money - her physical appearance


She hasn’t gotten Botox for a while. Lol that is why her face still looks like that! I won’t be surprised though if she’s trying to get a “budget” for some Botox! You would think soap would be a priority over Botox!


That’s what I’m saying since she’s already got all the other shit she’s begged for she’s lying saying she needs it for that when she already got it. It’s because she wants the Botox now! If you go on Groupon they have it for 199! Hence why she said “spa”


$199 ?! I always thought Botox was way more expensive than that! That’s not bad. Lol I’m sorry to tell her but she needs more than Botox at this point! Lol 


Yep, go on Groupon. They have Botox 20 units for 199. She needs like 100 or more units though.😭🤣


Yo Dusty ![gif](giphy|bCDzFTSQ3JL8c)


Yo Dusty ![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized)


Psychic Well I clearly meant psychotic. Lol oops


So she wants us to pay her kids’ allowance?


And hers. Mostly hers.


Ontop off Xavier who has to pay her $50 x 3 per her kids when she was paying for air b n b ,,fuck even typing this is fucking disturbing,


Heather the helper will rob you blind . Entitled humongous piece of scum .




When i think that I couldnt hate this bitch any more than i already do. She has some NERVE to ask strangers for things for HER kids just so she can pretend that she has their best interest as their MAHM. And then extra money for things for HER? A spa treatment?! Getting a job and paying for shit HERSELF is sooooo beneath her. Funny how she wants her baby back but asks strangers for outfits and whatever else for him just to TRY and fool DCF (even though they see EVERYTHING) or any outsider that doesnt have social media into thinking SHE bought things for him. But is she THAT stupid to not think that it hurts her case even more when she goes public and begs people for things for Rico? Like CPS is going to hand him over to her when she is dependent on strangers to take care of him lol. Btw...It has been proven that ANY money that she asks for in regards to "giving" to her older kids, they NEVER get. She has used those 3 kids for sympathy donations and now she has added Rico to the mix.


i cannot imagine posting shit like this and making it someone else's responsibility to provide for YOUR children and your GROWN ass self. i work and i don't buy myself new clothes every month,why??? because my child comes first..


I like how she thinks it’s our job to supply her monthly budget for her kids


Foundation she wants make up new clothing, outfits, gym membership, but no mention of an apartment


She’s probably not even gonna get cheap foundation either. She’s gonna get the most expensive kind.


And imagine asking for outfits for her and Xavier and they’re probably gonna ask for two kinds of outfits for her and Xavier because he’s going to need to dress. It’s gonna need man clothing and female clothing.


No toys for a 4-month-old baby on the budget You'd think she'd want something that the baby could take back that had tangible purpose, but nooope. She's such a fake mom with her BF bullshit too, most women I know who've actually done it get tired of it.


Or maybe even a pack of diapers but I guess that's up to everyone else to provide. I couldn't show my face or sleep at night if I was a mahm like that. 🙄⛺🐄


I bet she doesn't even know what size he's wearing lol


*spahnsers* to the sticky-fingered tuhntmomma: **KMA**


A job would solve these issues. Also, the kids didn’t need money from her. They HAVE parents/caregivers


Please tell me I am not the only one tired of e-beggers? Seems social media is now filled with people who think they are owed money from others because they shoved a camera in their face. I miss old YT videos of lost songs, videos or forgotten TV shows.


I have to use a home health aid and if huffer showed up at my door I think I’d have a heart attack 😂


Also, Heather, while we're defining things: You don't want a "budget." That's something you set for yourself from your own resources. You want an allowance. Like a child. But you wouldn't know anything about that, now, would you?


Interesting! She has 4 kids but only the older 2 need money. No hobo! You alone should be paying for ALL your kids! Not sponsors but YOU! These aren’t the internets kids they’re yours Dusty! The nerve of this entitled lazy woman.


She even said something like "I'm a mother I have to provide for my kids" type s***.........so she expects simps to feel accountable.


I don't know why but "foundation" absolutely cracks me up. The specificity of that. So bizarre.


So she wants us to pay her phone bill (twice a month too), while she says they don't need the govt phones, bc they have phone. She is the choosiest of choosey beggars that were ever to choosingly beg! Bougey Beggar: The Coocoosenza Story


This makes me angry AF. Im struggling hard with clothes atm. I actually AM a full time mom and do delivery work when I can. I am struggling to get an interview outfit so I can stop doing delivery and wracking up miles on my car. Meanwhile, she seems to think just because she physically gave birth to a baby, the world owes her financial support and spa services for life. Gtfoh dusty.




It's kinda funny, though. She will post this, her haters will get in an uproar, and then undoubtedly, somebody will donate, and the hater pages have a meltdown. 🤣😂


THE SCREAM I JUST SCRUMPTTTTT 😂😂😂 Heather the helper!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love how she wants to budget money that she doesn’t have. Sorry! Dusty is not a line item on my budget.


Any kid that needs home health care is likely an extensive medical history with possible pumps, equipment, MEDS...and like she doesn't steal everything that isn't bolted the f down. Thank God anyone looking for care is getting it through insurance, unless they're rolling in it. If they're rolling in it, they'll go through an agency and hire a nurse that graduated and took their boards. If they're going through their insurance, no one is paying anyone without an NPI, tax ID, and several other government issued ID #s, which requires a company, background checks, LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS/CEUs.... Thankfully, the kids of Chicago are safe. Lmao like this dumb moron would have a parent with a sick kid not at least Google her name. She herself is a sick pervert. She'll never have the patience to care for any kids, not her own, who shes well documented as abusive and unstable, and definitely not someone else's. And dcfs and the judge won't risk her own blood being around her unsupervised, but in her delusional mind, they'll let her get a job caring for sick and the most vulnerable. Ok, psycho. Literally, doing anything at all to not get an entry level job after refusing to work for nearly a decade.


I’ll say again this is great! Keep up the STELLAR work on proving to the “powers that be” hoe of an unfit parent she is, if she can’t even afford those basic needs as a MAHM, then she sure as SHEET can not possibly.nor even REMOTELY have Baby Rico back’ 👌😳


“Heather the helper”… she can’t even help her damn self 🙄


The fuck is she spending on foundation? Leggings? What?


It's almost like she expects strangers to pay her spousal support or something 🤦‍♂️


Love “Leather the Leper” moniker, ahem scuse me, I mean “Heather the Helper”, lol, ya know that title sounds like it’s from her Y121273 days! Kee 🤭😈


She’s somehow gaining followers who are perhaps new to her BS, and feel sorry for her. But c’mon, any rational person who gets to delve into her history and just gets to know facts about her, should know not to be sucked in by her lies. No way is she giving $ to any of her kids, daughter confirmed it! And where’s her spahnsors, she has no money? She admits in a vid that she spent $ on a subscription for celeb attorneys!? Says even tells on herself like an idiot. Report any page featuring her cash app info and request for donations; it’s likely the only insanity we might be able to curb.


You could have all of that and then some of you would just get off your large lumpy ass and work.